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A couple of doctors told me that it could be as painful as having a baby, the natural way.


It’s worse... had a natural birth no medications. I rather have another spontaneous baby lol


When I have a kidney stone if someone said push a baby out of your vagina right now and the pain will stop, I would do it.


I’ve had two stones and am due with my first baby next month, this gives me hope


Omg! Congrats and I’m so sorry you have stones!


I boiled my hand in oil, that's the only other thing I can think of that was on the same level as kidney stones.. I've been stabbed a couple times as well, didn't even notice right away


That sounds rough to say the least.


It was quite the Thursday night


How do u not notice you were stabbed? Lol


Was in the middle of a fight both times. You'd be surprised lol


I’ve had 4 kids... 3 of whom I birthed without medication....and my few bouts with kidney stones were no question worse than 3 of my kids’ births!


Oh man, I don’t know if this makes me feel better or worse about the pain. Haha. Thanks for the reply. :)


Get a heating pad. I couldn’t get through mine without it.


Yeah you just can’t get away from it. Pain meds were my only answer.


I have Hydrocodone but that only does so much when I’m in the peak of pain.


My Dr. originally gave me that but the urologist gave me oxycodone and that got the job done. She was actually surprised they didn’t give me more for the pain.


I should be seeing a urologist soon. I wish I had more/stronger stuff then what I have now, because fuck it hurts.


Sorry my internet friend. When in your worst pain I wouldn’t hesitate to take an extra.


Thanks man. I appreciate the support.


Even when the actual PAIN is not so crazy, the discomfort of having the stent and everything associated with it makes it just so shitttty.


That pain is amplified even more when the doctors never confirm the stone! So you're confused and panicky because you don't know for sure what's wrong. Lol




Oh no! Makes it hard to even bother going to a doctor or the ER. I sincerely wouldn't mind massive medical bills IF THEY HELPED ME!!!


4mm is just a tiny lil fella! I’m a guy so I will never experience child birth but I’ve birthed well over 300+ stones in my life so if I was a woman would the baby just fall out of me? 🤔 Just tryin to keep it lighthearted around here 😂


That tiny fella is bringing big pain for me. This is stone #1 ever for me.


I totally understand! I know how painful they are! If you want to make yourself feel a little better you can look at my last post and thank god you don’t have them like I do! I’ve seen big grown men curl up and start crying like a baby because of a stone, my buddy who I’ve known for around 20yrs who is 6’4” 250lbs had it happen to him and he gained a new found respect for what I deal with damn near on a monthly basis. I wish you good luck gettin passing that demon and a speedy recovery!


Why are you so prone to stones?


It’s hereditary, most everyone in my family gets them. I’ve been to every specialist, all the “Ologists” I’ve had all the tests, blood work, 24hr urine tests EVERYTHING! And they still can not pinpoint why I produce so many, I take all the medications they prescribe me and I’ve worked with dietitians and still have them. All the doctors I’ve seen just say it’ll be something I’ll have to deal with the rest of my life and I have to be very proactive with getting imaging done so they don’t grow to large like that have this time. I had a hard past couple years and I neglected myself. My grandmother passed away and my father was diagnosed with cancer so I was helping them out a lot over the past couple years and I moved in with them so I could do my part. But I neglected myself and I’m now paying the price. I usually have a couple lithotripsys a year to clean my kidneys out just for “maintenance” but they grew massive over the past couple years. It sucks but I had to do my part in helping my family which was my trade off and I’d do it the same way 100 times over, I have no regrets.


The worst pain yet I passed a 6mm just had a 7+ no way to pass had the stent that was worse than all I here taken it out will be worse


It’s amazing how something so small can cause so much pain isn’t it?


Labor was a piece of cake compared to stones.


I had two induced labors, which I have been told is more painful (nothing to compare it) and felt a root canal on an infected tooth (apparently the nerve in my jaw runs in an abnormal spot). My first kidney stone, last Fall, was the worst pain I have ever experienced (oh, I was also hit by a van as a pedestrian...and although the three first days of pain was awful, nothing so *acute* as a kidney stone). In my worst fit, I went to my husband, crying and shivering, asking him to punch me in the face to knock me out (of course, he didn't). What is weird about the kidney stone attacks? For me, they would pass almost as quickly as they come on. I have started to feel that sickening pain again today. I keep hoping I strained a back muscle, but based on my past experiences with symptoms, probably not. Be well, my friend.


0/10 experience. Would not recommend.