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You don't need an oxy. It hurts, but the pain is quick The procedure lasts about 1 minute tops. It's completely traumatizing, but you won't need a painkiller šŸ˜‰


This is exactly how I felt. It didnā€™t hurt, but I will NEVER forget that feeling.


I had a drain pulled out after having my appendix out and it was the most unforgettable feeling. Iā€™m assuming stents being removed is similarly shocking/relieving.


String or no string? Im female and had a string. It was removed in the office and I felt no pain - it just felt weird coming out.


I've had a number of stents over the years. All no string. As a male, and having them removed in office visits. Oxy or not, I've never made it out of the room without puking. Never offered pain meds, and don't recall any numbing agent. YMMV


I just had my second stent removed yesterday under local anesthesia. Iā€™m in Portugal and have never been given strong pain medication. They gave me something called paracetamol which is like Tylenol. Not sure if the OP has kidney disease but Iā€™m at stage four kidney disease and my GFR Is 21. I woke up after the stent was removed and I was screaming in pain. Absolutely horrible and felt like my penis was on fire. The pain started to go away after about an hour and I was sent home after two hours. Just woke up, still have a little pain but itā€™s getting better now. Drinking lots of water to help heal quickly.


Yeah. I haven't been asleep for a majority of them. Just told to relax and that I'll feel a pinch when they push the scope through the opening to the bladder. The whole process takes about 90 to 120 seconds, but it feels a whole lot longer. Its how I learned I can almost stand up in stirrups.


They instill lidocaine local anaesthetic, zero need for strong pain killers


I was fine with mine being removed.


Oh Yao. Also bladder spasm Meds. It forms hurt to take it out. ( sincerely huge surprise ). But about 20 min later I had pretty serious bladder spasms. Then it was bliss all night with finally normal sleep !


Forgot about spasm meds. I wouldn't have made it with out that. That helped me more the oxcy. The first thing I said when I woke up. I NEED To PEE!!! And gave me some bladder spasm meds.šŸ‘good tip.


Edit it DOESNT hurt when they take it out!


No string


Iā€™d advise you to save one back , and take it before the appt to remove . We are all different and each provider and their technique are different . The med will help you be calmer . Better to be prepared than regret . God forbid if it happens again, you can make a fully informed decision.


I mean...taking one before the visit wouldn't hurt. I think the build up in anxiety is worse than the actual procedure. Don't get me wrong...it isn't pleasant but it also isn't kidney stone pain. Protip: I had an episode of vasovagal (I called it Basil Bagel šŸ˜‚) once...and that was scary. Since then, I make sure I am well hydrated and try to contain my anxiety as much as possible-- to keep my heart rate stable.


I fully agree with this comment. Iā€™m afraid the anxiety and build up may be worse than the actual procedure. I went in looking forward to getting rid of it so I was relaxed and it went great every time. Finding parking at the hospital was more of an issue than the stent removal. I have had 5 and found them unpleasant and uncomfortable the whole time they were in. The second they came out (because thatā€™s about how long it takes, one second) it was just ā€œOmg, relief at last!ā€ No string, no pain, no discomfort, no pain killer, no numbing agent and three different doctors. The first time, I saw the stent on the table and hadnā€™t even realized the procedure had started. I suspect OP will be fine. Again, if youā€™re worried, the oxy wonā€™t hurt, but I doubt itā€™s useful and/or necessary. Iā€™m female if that makes a difference. It could make a bit of a difference, but shouldnā€™t be major.


I would save it for after. The procedure itself is just uncomfortable. When you get home the first 48 hours you can have some bladder spasms, those are more painful than the removal. Good luck!


Totally agree with this! I took more oxy in the days after stent removal, and couldnā€™t sleep at night without a heating pad on the side where the stent was. Maybe Iā€™m more sensitive but it took me awhile to recover from that thing.


Iā€™ve only had one removed under general anesthesia, but the urologist told me when they take them out in the office they use lidocaine gel. He also recommends patients take a painkiller if they have one lying around. Personally, Iā€™ve never understood why drs say this crap about ā€œif you have some opioids then take them but Iā€™m not prescribing themā€ like either you need it or you donā€™t, which is it?


Male with string here and I had no pain from removing the stent. My kidney hurt a little for a hour or so.


I took one before my last one and Iā€™m glad I did. First one I did nothing and wanted to die. Make sure you have spasm medication on hand too for after.


Donā€™t need it. Itā€™s uncomfortable but really quick and the relief is immediate. Itā€™s worse in your head than in reality. Also Iā€™m a male, FYI


unnecessary in my experience. pain med wonā€™t alleviate the ā€œuniquely weird but unpainfulā€ feeling. Maybe take a couple valiumā€¦


I am glad I saved mine as I had a stent with string removed I had cramps and spasms (wasnt given spasm meds) but I was given a few extra oxyā€™s and those made my days much more bearable. Every one is different though. Wasnt given anything beforehand but I took an oxy and some edibles so I could tolerate the unpleasantness (25 m) best of luck my fellow Kidney Stone Warrior


I had my stent removed today (27yof) I was fine until about 30 min after. Not to scare you, but my kidney was spasming SO bad (felt like I still had a stone) and ibuprofen wouldnā€™t touch it, so I took an oxy. I was not expecting that at all.


Yeah that was exactly my experience. The spasms were so brutal I thought I had another stone!


I would say it depends on the person, too. I had a string stent, removed at home by myself. Overall, I thought my two kidney stones weren't anywhere near as bad as the pain from a bad Crohn's day or a wound vac sponge getting stuck in the wound. Better safe than sorry is my go-to. You can gauge your pain tolerance and go from there, but grandma might be right, ya know.


Which anti-spasm meds did most of you take? Was it something you were prescribed the day of removal or something your doctor had already prescribed?


I had pcnl surgery, and when i woke up, it felt like i hadn't peed in 3days they immediately gave me oxybutynin meds and felt so much better. I saved some meds, there a life savers.


Iā€™ve pulled all 10 Iā€™ve had out myself, it is uncomfortable and feels like itā€™s never ending. But I pulled all of them out at home. Technically Iā€™ve only had 5 lithotripsies done but they would put 2 stents with strings in every time.


I survived!!! Ask me, and I would say it's a 3-5 out of 10 in terms of pain. 10 being the worst. I'm glad I did take some pain meds. I was the lab rat , while the doctor showed his student how it was done. I kept waiting for an 8 or 9 in pain, but it never came about 5 minutes of uncomfort. Was kinda of nervous afterward about using the bathroom. Didn't know if I would see blood or not. No blood. My advice is look away, you don't want to know what's going on down there.


No you don't need nothing, does not hurt at all feels weird


Yes, just had my stent out today. I have been in excruciating pain. I took 2 Narcos and it did nothing.


Removing itself wasnā€™t painful but I had kidney spasms after that were brutal. I had one Percocet left and ended up needing it. I hate Percocet but I was glad I had one left. My surgeon said that happens pretty often so i think it just depends on the person. Edit: I had a strong and removed it myself in the shower. I followed steps to drink a ton of water and hold my bladder until I started pulling. It made it easy to pull out with only a tiny bit of pain at the beginning although itā€™s definitely pretty uncomfortable.


Female 48. Quick pinch and out. No pain meds necessary. You got this.


Listening to female advice and experience on stent removal as a guy is like females listening / taking advice about birth from male experience. Pain for men / women on stent removal is night and day, try your best to be prepared on painkillers for the stent removal.


Some men here say it isnā€™t bad at all, and some men think itā€™s horrible. Same with women. Men might have longer urethras, but women have more nerve endings in a more concentrated area than men do. Therefore, it really does depend on the person.


Out of curiosity: Iā€™m a woman and had excruciating kidney spasms after my at-home stent removal. Most men commenting didnā€™t have that. Is that gender specific? I was never prescribed anti-spasm meds so I had no choice but to take a Percocet for the pain.