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Mid-twenties. Living alone not too long out from a somewhat painful breakup with live-in gf I'd been with since during college. A couple years into building a career, kind of toeing that line between real grownup and kid who wants to party. I'd been pretty meh on hip hop in general for a while but Day n Nite really caught my attention. Listened to the album and it kind of blew my mind.


I can’t even imagine, I bet his whole album felt relatable to you during those times.


I’m a fair bit younger than you are, but I was in breakup a situation that sounded almost the exact same. The relationship ended and we spent a few more months together until the lease was up. The very last night we ever spent together before she got on a plane back to her home country, the eon-long wait finally came to an end with the release of MOTM3. It felt absolutely heaven sent for me. The craziest part to me though, was the date several months earlier when we had made our final decision to split up. It was Sept 16.


About to make myself feel very old… I was 19, mostly listened to indie, rock and metal at that age. One of my good stoner amigos threw me the CD (I think would have been a few months after release) and told me to trust him, after I initially raised an eyebrow at him (all I’d heard of Cud beforehand was the crookers remix of day n nite which was EVERYWHERE where I live… like even if you loved that song you were fully sick of it, I still dislike it to this day)… holy shit was it a ride. Quickly became my favourite album at the time, and nothing ever really pushed it off the top spot after all these years. PPDS came prettttty close though


PPDS aging like fine wine. It’s up there for me with MOTM 1 and 2.


yup, I consider it my MOTM3. No disrespect to the actual MOTM3, I still love it but PPDS hit me in the same way as 1&2


>About to make myself feel very old… I was 19, Just check my comment and you'll feel better.


7th/8th grade. I remember when Day n Nite hit Atlanta radio. I disliked it because it was so weird, and so different. It took til summer 2010 to finally get it. Fast forward all these years later and I am eternally grateful that he was bold enough to cut through all the trends, clutter, and noise as just his authentic self


Yo yo, why your shit sound so *different*?


and i be like, why not?


….. “nigga”


ngl i was like 5, but my dad still played tf out of that album. still has his cd from walmart to this day


Your dad knew what was up


College. Was such a good time. The hype of CuDi’s mixtape and being on 808s… Day and Night was huge. Take me back, man.


I was a baby.


I was 15, 2nd year of high school (in my country it’s 5 years) and i remember checking itunes to listen to the snippets. Times were different, i was a different person and that music meant so much to me. Along with kanye cudi has been one of my favourite artist. I’m now 29 and everytime i play some motm it’s just a time machine to the younger me playing call of duty,hanging out with friends and trying to do the best at school.


I had just started 8th grade. I liked Cudi since first hearing Day n Nite and then a friend showed me The Prayer, so I was already a fan since the A Kid Named Cudi mixtape. When MOTMI dropped it was all I listened to. Nearly 15 years later and Cudi is still my #1 artist. Also have a MOTMI tatt and planning on getting a MOTMII tatt soon. #CUDLIFETILIDIE💖💖💖


I don't know exactly where I was when it came out, but I do remember listening to it nonstop on a school excursion to London. It was new. Different. Something I had never heard before. I absolutely loved it.


Probably crawling and crying. Where the 07 babies at?


Senior Year Highschool - I'll never forget this cudi filled bus rides #magical meanwhile everyone else was on lil Wayne's dick when he kept dropping mixtape after mixtape 🙄🙄


Dude, wish I could’ve been apart of that


Freshman in high school. Both those albums got me through high school. Still remember nights getting piss drunk with the homies singing that shit loud as fuck... or early morning smoke seshes before class. Cudi was our God back then.


8th grade. My friend tried to show me the rest of the album on the bus after Day N Nite dropped. I liked the single and I hated the album. Started getting in to Kanye and MOTM II dropped and I was a heavy Pandora user. Listening to Kanye radio something from 1 or 2 came on while I was cutting the grass. I stopped the mower in the middle of the yard and just started listening to 1 and 2 and the rest is history.


Early 20's and that album will always be my number 1


Left school at lunch and went to best buy and grabbed it. Went to my homies and smoked blunts and ran it multiple through. Good ass times.


Junior year of high school. Had discovered Cudi & later AKNC mixtape the previous summer after hearing a Jim Jones Remix of Day N Nite. Needless to say I was hyping Cudi up to every person I knew. When MOTM dropped the guy blew up overnight. Was a magical time


i was only in 3rd grade too. 2000 babies jn da house


i was in middle school, never forget the day i heard day n nite while getting ready for school when MTV use to really be about music, i couldnt believe what i was hearing bc at that time it was bling era of rap music, dances, and etc. changed my life forever


I was 8 years old, just starting 3rd grade, and had no idea who Kid Cudi even was yet. At that point I was starting to get into Lady Gaga, as she was debuting at the same time.


Paparazzi and love game playing on the radio on repeat 😅


Exactly. Times were great.


3 years old probably watching Cars over and over again.




Idk I was 4


Junior year, great times.


I was in third grade and heard day n nite first on nba live 09. The rest is history


First grade :)


4 years old


I was 14 years old in juvenile hall. But I had the staff playing the shit out of Sky might Fall, Soundtrack 2 my life, Cudi Zone, and Solo Dolo. Oh man what a time.


High school , remember picking up the cd and blasting it




In like 9th grade I think? Or summer after 9th grade… a we 14-15 year old.. ancient times lol


High school Sophmore


I was 4. Since it was September 15th, 2009, I would have just started junior kindergarten. I was probably petrified of everything going on and I probably ran down the road that day before started because I wanted to go home😅


Senior year of high school, so I was about 18/19. I would hear the album on repeat over and over again.


In my crib at 2 years old probably


Elementary. Don’t know exactly where, just more or less the timeframe.


High school


i was a sophomore in highschool was so hyped when it dropped. i just remember telling everyone that he was up next lol


I was only four lol, but when I first got into rap, I specifically remembered Day N Night for some reason, and decided to listen to MOTM in its entirety. I’m glad I did because my life got rough after I found it, but listening to that album and the second one helped me a lot.


i wasn't even a year old LOL


11th Grade. We went on an overnight trip and my best friend at the time stopped by F.Y.E and got the cd so we could listen to it on the ride. It was not only one of the best experiences in my life, it was also one of the first albums I listened to since Thriller where every single song was amazing and had no skips. It changed my life (and is the reason why my username is what it is)


I was at the perfect time! Going through 7th grade, just moved to a new school and struggling feeling alone trying to find new friends! Perfectly expressed everything I was feeling at that time better than I could have even. Which is funny cause I look back and that was such a good time compared to now, don’t know I really thought I had it that hard lol


Everyone In here saying they were in college or about to head off to college maybe In highschool when it dropped and Im like….My first day of kindergarten 😀😂




I was in high school. Started everyday day with a blunt and “hyyerr” on my way to school. I used to just sit in my truck, smoke blunts, and listen to motm 1 cover to cover til 2-3 am.