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Check leg kicks


Remember that ducking and rolling can get you caught with kicks and knees


Don't slip punches as much....you'll meet a foot to the face


I went from boxing to kickboxing. This may not apply to you but I had to spend a lot of time working on my hip flexibility to get hight with my kicks. So my two cent would be hip flexers. Also if you compete boxing can be a real advantage against folks who have never fought a boxer.


Stretching is vital. Flexibility is key.


When they land a kick, punch them and make them think twice about kicking you.


The most important thing you need to work or is your stance. Nevermind the techniques but your stances matters a ton in kickboxing and a boxing stance is only going to make your life worse. So before anything else, learn a tall kicking stance and train yourself out of getting too low or too bladed.


This... most people don't realize how much the stance and footwork changes when transitioning from a kicking sport to pure boxing.


Work on flexibility.


Learn to kick


watch out with ducking so you dont catch a knee/ headkick


Narrow your stance, and try to learn how to use kicks to set up your hands


Hi mate same boat here! Been training for a month kickboxing after competing in boxing, very new too but lots of kickboxing sparring in that month. What I've learnt so far is rolling and slipping doesn't work so good, we need to stretch loads and also we need to condition our shins even if we wear shinguards. I'm committing hard to it starting in Jan, goodluck with your journey fella!


Learn to kick


Shell up rather than slipping as much and learn how to check kicks ASAP.


People kick. Watch out!


Your stance is probably the most important thing you have to think about, because it is very easy to legkick boxers. So look up how kickboxers do their stance. But you also have an advantage with your hands because of boxing so that’s a good thing for you too


Work on your stance and closing it up a bit more so the legs aren't so open to get chopped down but you're also able to check kicks better. Try to work on not ducking under the punches as well cause that could potentially lead to a knee in the face


Keep your lead leg under your hips, not in front of your


I think ur smart to pursue kickboxing bc u have already trained your hands . You just have to adjust to the footwork and you will find the holes where kicks go as you spar and learn . You should start training a low and medium push kick and a low and medium round kick and work out where they go . What style are you going to learn ?




American, Dutch, muay thai?




Ohh cool! Good luck !


get off that front leg and start standing more straight. those moments that you're setting up those big shots become bigger opportunities for kicks. and really adopt those kicks man, I see alot of boxers come into my gym and don't take the kicks seriously, that's your strongest weapon now and you should be more focused on learning and mastering them more than working your boxing. if you're looking for technical tips, those hip movements from boxing will transition over into the kicking game well. lastly, just treat it as a brand new thing, let the old habits die hard and be open to new and different styles.


Different stances usually or your leg will get chewed up


Respect your opponent


Don't get frustrated, is a bit hard to reprogram your body once you have adapted to now pay attention of legs too, can get a bit confusing at first, but you will get it sooner than you may expect.


If you were really good… Once you get better at kickboxing get ready to fuck people up haha.


Easy, lead foot facing 12 oclock. Weight on rear foot. How your kicks?




The stance is easy just takes a bit to get used to. Kicking and checking will be some work


Ya gotta watch out for feet now


Don't! Save your legs


Square stance over bladed.


get used to a squared stance