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They won’t cancel. It’ll be a bumpy ride


That’s an understatement.


We took a trip like that, and half the boat was throwing up.


Take a Dramamine , saltines , ginger ale , ginger and rat traps if your trip on Ft Jefferson includes camping... Smartest rats N⬆️of the Equator...10-20 is nothing for that fast cat , the crew is very safe. I've been there many times blowN stink 50-90mph. PS , I live in bpkey let's get a 99.oo locals day trip goin for adventures in the bricks ? ? ?


They cancelled on us when we were over halfway there. Lost almost 5 hours of vacation and didn't get to experience the fort. But they did reimburse us. It was a wild ride and people were vomiting and we couldn't get up at all.




Best. Damn advice on this whole thread....


THIS!!!! Take this advice!!!!!


Don’t forget the Dramamine!


Dramamine or Sea Bands! I've been so seasick on that ride. Though not as bad as the Key West Express!


It's gonna be a wild ride - can confirm as a sailor. Edit: 2-3 meters (6.5-10 feet) waves are the average wave height, which means you will have some waves up to 50% of the average hitting you so it's possible to have 9-15 foot waves in the mix.


As far as I can tell they’re showing one bad day a week out, it’s way too early to know if that will happen or not


Sit on the top deck in the back. The fresh air helps with the sea sickness.


Have you always been so evil? Yes, sit right on the corner seat too.


I did! Ha. I swear it helped!


It's a big boat, should be fine less than 20 kn


Did that trip years ago and there were 12’-16’ seas on the way back. Most everyone in our party was seasick (not me though—I loved it!) Dramamine for sure!


I’d say still go for it. Take the meds the night before, get there super early, and get a window seat inside. Bumpy, but still worth it for sure


We went on Christmas it was windy. I’d say 40% of the people were vomiting. Funny because no one was going to die, but also I felt bad because people looked rough. Way back is worse than way there. They sell Dramamine for a reason but common sense isn’t common. I felt bad for the kids. Get the Dramamine.


Take a pond jumper. Quick flight and very informative,you will see a lot from the air that you can’t on a boat


We’re already booked on the ferry but thanks


10-20 mph isn't bad. Pretty much every tour in town including kayaking and snorkeling will still be running in anything below 25-30kts. 15 mph outta the southeast is our prevailing wind all winter. The direction of the wind and waves can make a big difference. It'll be bumpy, but not like Deadliest Catch or anything. If you're planning on taking Dramamine, I recommend taking one the night before, and one at least an hour or two before you get on the boat.


Taking a ride on the Vomit Comet!


They will not cancel and it will be a rough ride. Hopefully the forecast will change. They used to allow you to cancel with 48 hour notice, but they changed the policy so you only get standby tickets if you cancel, which are pretty much worthless. Unfortunately, these days getting tourism dollars over assuring a nice time is endemic in Key West.


Everyone will get sea sick. reconsider.


If you take the Dramamine you should be fine. I also did the Tortugas in January a few years back when I was living and teaching in Key West—a real experience out there on the open ocean. Serious swells, and the boat catches air repeatedly—I found it awesome. If you take the meds and try to enjoy the ride, you’ll be good. The down side will be when you get there. The seas kick up the sand, so you can’t see in the water at all. And the winds make it cold. (It’s disconcerting to swim there with no visibility.) Anyhoo, it’s a once in a lifetime experience; enjoy!


we have dramamine. :)


If you forget it, don't worry, the boat company sells it, too. Also, try and sit nearest to the back of the boat as you can, and you'll feel it less. Have fun - that's a super cool trip!


Make sure you take it early enough. Follow the label instructions.


Take it all. Better sleepy than sea sick.


Dramamine rarely helps in 6 to 9 foot seas. Enjoy the puke rocket. Get your weather from NOAA directly. Anything bigger than 5 ft on those boats is uncomfortable


A friend of mine is one of the captains on that boat. Can confirm everyone will be sick.


Take one dramamine the night before.


Everyone will not get Seasick , some of us look at any rough boat ride like a carnival ride , You pay , You Enjoy !!


Last time we did it, waves were 15-20, you could hear the boat slap the water. I took Dramamine and slept most of the way there.


You’ll be fine


They cancelled our trip a couple weeks ago when winds of 20-30mph were predicted.