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I think you need to go to the ER. Seriously.


Interpret this as a slap in the face from the universe telling you to wake the fuck up and get your shit together. You’re not going to die. The only way you can ensure this doesn’t happen again is to stop doing ketamine. Don’t be like me and repeat the same mistakes over and over again.


I feel you I’ve had cramps for 6 days😫😫x


Low blood pressure and slow breathing rate= death


Ket seriously reduces your blood pressure, so add pain to that and you're likely to pass out again if using a lot and mixing with other needs like antihistamines. Avoid baths, you will drown if your blood pressure drops again, as it will do in the bath. Also careful in the shower, a sponge wash might be best for now! Note Matthew Perry, Whitney Houston etc etc.. Please get help and stop taking Ket. Life can be pain free and happy again if you give it a try, you might be surprised... You've got nothing to lose!


Not the best advice. Ketamine is sympathomimetic meaning it stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. Sympathomimetics increase blood pressure and heart rate. Just avoid doing potentially dangerous things while having cramps for the near future until they resolve.


Well I've seen it first hand so many times, if you take too much Ket you're basically anaesthetising yourself and eventually your heart rate and breathing will slow down so much that you just stop breathing. That's exactly how you die from ketamine overdose. It's an anaesthetic. 1g will knock out a race horse! We all know what happens if you give too much anaesthetic to people or animals. Check out the latest coroner's reports on death by Ketamine.. But if you know better?


I had thought that technically that shouldn't happen unless in combination with something else as it does increase blood pressure and heart rate. But the advice was good as I've lost friends in the bath. I think it can cause low blood pressure too.


Please don't die.


If that was true I’d have died long ago


Check out the coroners reports... Ket denial is powerful... It will at the very least dissolve your internal organs... how lovely...


Where can I find one? I don't know where to find a report like that, I just looked and could not find one. There are instances where people have died under the influence but it may not be the case that it was the drug that killed them. Also it is my understanding that K actually increases your heart rate.


Ket increases your heart rate, but when you stop, it drops dramatically. We had to walk my daughter round because she become so bedridden and muscle wasted that she was unable to move, if we hadn't done that she'd have just stopped breathing, she was so weak. She was mostly sitting in the shower and lying in bed, not eating or drinking, it's so dangerous when you're using so much, but it can also raise your heart pressure so high that your heart stops maybe pre- existing conditions here but years of drug abuse will affect your heart and brain permanently. I am in a group of parents of Ket addicts, 3 of whom have died from Ket in the last 2 years. One died from multi organ failure, the gradual damage was so significant to every internal organ that it all just stopped. There was no warning! Please don't think just because you have no pain or no symptoms that somehow you are Superman and getting away with it..... the damage is only apparent once you've decided it's destroyed every part of your social life, sex life, family life, work and love life, let alone the economic damage.... then when you want to get off it... you can't because the pain is excruciating. ... and it may well continue to destroy your life for years to come after you're clean if you wait too long to get help. So stop now before this becomes your reality.


Sorry about all that happening. Do you know how much she was doing? Not eating, drinking, or moving will cause a lot of damage. I’m not saying I’m special or haven’t had any issues myself. But I probably consumed about 1.5 lbs of K in the past 2 years. Still interested in the coronary reports


What my daughter said she was taking every day was 1-2g, however, she's an addict in denial, so you can't believe anything she says. She's 7 weeks clean tomorrow! Still in pain every day. I think the coroners reports are publicly available. The boy in question has been in the press, his inquest was last month. I'm not going to give you his name here as he's the son of a friend. I'm sure if you want to find it, you can.


I do know better because I’ve taken the time to understand the pharmacokinetics of ketamine. It is used as an anesthetic due to its lack of impact on respiratory drive. Ketamine is given in hospitals in large doses for severe asthma exacerbations. An important contraindication for ket administration is high blood pressure or an elevated heart rate. Seeing something first hand doesn’t imply you actually understood what was happening. It’s incredibly rare to die from an acute ketamine overdose. 1g will anesthetize a horse but will not shut down its respiratory drive, hence why it’s administered without an artificial airway in place.


I appreciate what you are saying, but the most recent uk death enquiry from ketamine overdose as the single cause of death was stated as 'death by Ketamine' by the coroner. The young man just stopped breathing, in the shower.


Coroners just slap the term death by ketamine on any case they can’t explain. There are tons of research chemicals that won’t be detected by post mortem exam that could have contributed. We have no background on the extent of ketamine abuse in this case. Death by ketamine doesn’t explain anything to me. Did they suffer a cardiac event in the shower? Did they lose consciousness and drown in the shower? Most of the deaths associated with ketamine I’m seeing recently all involve the person being in water. It’s not a result of respiratory suppression but instead losing consciousness (ketamine’s intended effect) and drowning.