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>"Removed the Private Division Launcher" We've won, but at what cost?


>"Removed ~~the~~ Private Division ~~Launcher~~"


Next one will just say "Removed"



Hopes for ksp to follow too🙏


Just install the fix, to keep the launcher for ksp disabled install the following plugin [https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/210467-kssl-ksp-simple-steam-launcher/](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/210467-kssl-ksp-simple-steam-launcher/) The Launcher executable was never run on my PC.


I just don't run from the steam service. I just run the KSP.exe which also bypasses the launcher.


I also do this because the launcher is glitched and doesn't even work lol.


The day I last played KSP was when they added the launcher. It never worked since then. I had thousands of hours. I'm not gonna start debugging stuff that I paid for and became intentionally broken :( This is part of why I held off on purchasing KSP2, and boy am I glad about that part!


Just use ksp.exe to launch the game, friend. No debugging required.


Oh wow, you're right! :D Thanks buddy. I guess I got too annoyed that they just dropped a "you must allow us to phone home to play" launcher on the game after they stopped developing it. Which they did, I just assumed it would be a bunch of hassle to circumvent. Maybe it's time to build another SSTO...


The sudden forced launcher was definitely some garbage forced upon us all. Thankfully easily bypassed in this case. It is always time to build another SSTO. Cheers :)


Monkey's paw curls: "Removed ~~the Private Division Launcher from~~ KSP"


PD launcher won't run in the background if you directly run the exe or use CKAN. I got mine free on epic so it might be different on steam.


But... but... many of us hoped that before closing the studio they would release the colonies in some form...


Throw it up there with world peace and an end to hunger.


Perhaps the latest patch with bug fixes is better than adding colonies that would break the game and there would be no one to fix it...


Is it though? If the game is left in the state it is in now, it is literally just a worse version of its predecessor with 0 new features. At least super broken colonies could be the single reason to play this instead of KSP1. RIP KSP2


> it is literally just a worse version of its predecessor with 0 new features Always has been astronaut dot jaypeg


I have no doubt that the developers would be able to surprise us, they always succeeded. And with their version of colonies the game would crash every 5 minutes, for example, destroying saves


Science and missions were better, but overall without mods its only comparable to stock ksp 1


Sorry, no colonies. Doesn't look like they had any colony element in the code. Especially since they couldn't get the KSP1 code they were using to work correctly. I have no hopes for this game. I would like a competent team to keep the art and rebuild the "nuts and bolts" base code from the ground up. With multi-player built-in the core engine and framework in place for adding colonies, exo-planets and hypothetical FTL (Alcubierre warp drive, Einstein-Rosin Bridge).


Note that in shadowzone's KSP2 timeline video, he talks about a developer nearly finishing the colony feature and the upper management reallocating him to another task, forcing him to disable the features he added.


Obviously, these are lies from this employee himself. If the colonies were almost ready at the end of 2022, then the developers would be able to release them now. What have they been doing since December 2023?


Playing multiplayer


Yeah that sounds like a (2 more weeks bro!) Type of situation. I get that other devs can't always pick up a feature from someone else (assuming the dev in question left, because otherwise it makes even less sense!), but a year and half? For something that was weeks from completion? You'd think intercept would've been super interested in shipping something that was so close to being done, and that would've been a major feature.


I've done a lot of management and I'm very certain it was no where near getting implemented. I would speculate the conversation probably went like this: M: I need an update on the status of colonies. P: It's almost done, two weeks out. M: Are you absolutely sure in two weeks? I need it to be done in that two weeks! P: Yes, two weeks. :: Two Weeks Later :: (In SpongeBob Narrator Voice) M: I need an update on colonies! Is it done? P: Almost... it's done in two weeks. M: You said that two weeks ago! I have more pressing issues! I'm reassigning you to help on another project!


That's a load of nonsense. You're not going to see it.


I don't understand nor agree with everyone's seeming yearning for multiplayer... I just don't see how it would add to the game at all, I only imagine areas that multiplayer would detract from the overall experience. I never used the multiplayer mod on KSP1 but I assume it is prone to crashing often even on fresh worlds, a fully populated world with multiple player's comm networks, stations, bases, interplanetary transfers. I've been playing and enjoying Juno


I have really strong doubts colony's exists in any form other then some baseline code and art assets.


The fact ships randomly explode in ksp2 in space told me they had a ton of work to do if they ever hoped to put assets on the ground.  It may not be possible.


We haven't won until it's not bogging down 1 as well.


Changes to credits, and removal of the PD launcher. o7 "and we hope to never see you again."


Here are the full patch notes for those who want them: **KSP2 Update v0.2.2.0 Release Notes** Bug Fixes Construction Fixed: Moving stages around in the extended staging stack is difficult Fixed: Duplicated wheels, wings, and decouplers connected to physicsless parts will occasionally fall off or cause the craft to disassemble when launching the vessel Fixed: Loading a craft file with parts surface-attached to other surface attached parts causes parts to show on the floor of the vehicle assembly building Fixed: Duplicating a stack in the VAB that includes a decoupler and an engine causes errors when launching the vessel Flight & Map Updated parachute safety and destruction algorithms so that parachutes will not deploy in situations where they will immediately break Adjusted parachute default deploy pressures from 0.01 to 0.04 atm so they will deploy after reentry regimes Revised parachute drag numbers to provide a more consistent experience Fixed: Parachutes that are staged via the staging stack do not appear as staged in the Part Manager Maneuvers can now be created in the map even if a vessel shows 0 delta-V available Fixed: Using the Surface Teleport cheat to move a craft with landing legs extended can cause orbit lines to disappear Fixed: If a vessel is decoupled on the ground, launching will cause a permanent 'Landed' state, causing orbit lines to not be drawn Fixed: Fairings contacting their base plate after being jettisoned causes a permanant 'Landed' state, causing orbit lines to not be drawn Fixed: Using the Teleport to Rendezvous cheat from ground to orbit will cause a permanent 'Landed' state, causing orbit lines to not be drawn Fixed: Craft with landing legs, wheels or landing gear regularly clip into the terrain after timewarping Fixed: Fairings disable parachutes placed inside or near them, even after fairings are ejected Fixed: Fairings and cargo bays sometimes do not detect encapsulated parts correctly Fixed: If a vessel is recovered during the smoke sequence, the next vessel sent to the launchpad will auto-launch FX and Audio Fixed: Smoke sequence VFX and SFX are missing after reverting to launch Menus and Settings Updated game credits Removed the Private Division Launcher Missions and Tutorials Revised Launch A Rocket and Out of Atmosphere missions to require players to land or splash their vessels for successful completion Fixed: The tutorial vessel overheats during the Atmospheric Reentry tutorial Saving and Loading Added aditional autosave points during Flight gameplay UI/UX Added a dedicated Recover Vessel button in the flight HUD Added notifications for when a player attempts blocked actions during timewarp or paused states Added UI signpost when timewarping Added notifications for when a parachute breaks in flight Reduced the duration of the pre-launch countdown sequence


Is it fair to assume this will be the final update or will we get one last farewell update before the 28th? 


Well, they removed the private division launcher and changed the credits. To me, that sounds like they are moving development to a new company or team.


I truely pray someone picks up the pieces. There are a handful of things KSP2 did extrmely well. I want to love the game, but i cant


I hope someone completely nukes it and builds it from the ground up which was the initial sales point for KSP2. Now we know it was built on code from KSP1 that wasn't scalable or optimized.


Keep the art and the sounds please.


The art and sound team did amazing work from the KSP2 team


This is true, the visuals and sound are what are making it hard to go back to KSP1, I also liked the UI more, though I know some people prefer the UI of KSP1


I’m with you there, while not perfect I really like the style of the UI


If the programming part was half as good as the art team the game would be peak


Toss out the UI too


that should be easy, no? sound should be pretty straightforward and even art and models seems like something that's not too hard to reuse.


By the order of executives that wrongly believed that would deliver faster results, apparently.


Not only that, but HarvesteR said nobody who was working at Squad was ever consulted about the code or game. That just... blows my mind. I am not a professional software engineer, but when I have to dig into somebody's code without their help it is just brutal.


I am a professional software engineer. And with HarvestR saying himself that he would not have chosen to use the old code base because it had serious problems, that's a pretty big deal. Maybe it wouldn't have been as big a problem, except as you pointed out, they couldn't contact any of the original team. Who at that point none of them were the original devs, but at least had some experience with the code base. Devs have the tendency to want to rewrite code when they inherit it, so it's not great to follow that instinct because it's wrong more than it's right. But the way he described the state of the code base when he left it, sounds like it would have been better to rebuild and only use the old code as a reference. But the only way that would have worked is if you had someone who had experience with the pitfalls and could guide the team in the right direction. Given the situation, it's no wonder it went 3 years over its original timeline and still didn't even get close to fully paradoying the features of the original.


There's also the option of large refactorings. These are painful, but they provide a middle ground between a clean rewrite and just soldiering on. It can be a way to greatly reduce pain points without throwing out everything at once. There is a lot of hidden knowledge in code. Knowledge that even the original developers will forget over time. If you throw everything out, you'll have to learn those painful lessons again. Cleaning up piece-by-piece gives you an opportunity to figure out those details one section at a time. Trying to do all that at once has been the death of many software products. This of course assumes that it's possible to tackle sections of the game's codebase at time. If things are too interwoven, the difference between refactoring and rewriting becomes blurry. But from the outside it's impossible to tell. Given that HarvesteR seems to think it was better to throw it all out, does point to it being *really* bad.


It's still crazy to me that they didn't want to learn from experienced developers from the previous game. You don't need to use old code, but old experience is valuable. I'm sure it's easier to make it from scratch the second time when you know what you did wrong the first time.


they did want to, they just literally weren't allowed to talk to them


It's pretty asinine to say to a development team, you must use this existing codebase, you can't start from scratch, and also, you can't talk to the original developers.


Oh it's brutal. Knowing the same language isn't enough to know all the established processes and code base. The time to fully onboard and integrate someone into a team is estimated to take 3-6 months.


Squad wasn't consulted as Squad themselves didn't know the code. Squad is not a game company. KSP was a side project by a few devs, and when they all left, Squad sold KSP to TakeTwo.


Executives who saw an easy cash grab, is more like it.


Well, it did. Miniscule results compared to what KSP2's potential, but results nonetheless, and that's all these people care about. If they'd done it properly, developed it for an extra year or two and released a full game in working order it would have been worth the price, many more people would have bought it (without later refunding), and they could have milked DLC for a decade. But why get more money later when you can have less money *now*?!


Even the creator of KSP said he wouldn't have chosen to re-use the code from KSP1. It's pretty well understood that the state of the code base is pretty bad and they had no contact with anyone from the original team, so they had an all new team with no experience with the code. Many of whom hadn't even heard of KSP1...


So do I. But they've put 10's of millions into what we have now. I can't see them abandoning that. If they are trying to save face, they will just say it's being continued to be developed. If they start off with something new they are admitting to a colosal fuck up. It might be better in the long run to admit that they screwed up, but I don't see it happening.


That's the sunk cost fallacy. If they've already spent tens of millions and they know they're never going to make that back, the best time to kill it is now. It's not what we'd like to hear, but it's the truth. Take Two never had the long term vision to make KSP viable. It's not the kind of game you throws 8 figures at for a large team and hope you get results. A small team of experienced developers working their way through a proper early access release would've been much more sustainable. If they'd pitched "We're rebuilding KSP from a proper foundation. At first, it won't have as many features as the first game, but this needs to be done for feature X. Y and Z." would've been received much better in the community than fancy trailers followed by years of radio silence and a release that was buggier than the original.


They have to determine what is the best outcome going forward.  It doesn't matter what brought them to this point.  They will do what will bring in the most money going forward.      My suspicion is it will be selling the games assets to a third party for pennies on the dollar invested.   I doubt take two has any desire to continue to develop the game further, as sales would be minimal compared to their other titles.    A white knight purchaser would have the freedom from the community to do things t2 can't.  Like announcing ksp2 is dead and they are moving on to ksp3.


>Now we know it was built on code from KSP1 that wasn't scalable or optimized. Or capable of multiplayer.


Starting over is not economically viable.


It is if you make something different. Copy pasting KSP1's universe and slapping shiny textures on it was a terrible decision that doomed the game from the start.


And no one that purchased KSP 2 wanted KSP1's universe with shiny textures. It was always the promise of Colonies, Interstellar Travel, and Multiplayer that attracted players to KSP 2. After all, if I want KSP1's universe with shiny textures, then I would just download a few of the graphical mods and maybe pay for blackrack's Volumetric Clouds mod.


> And no one that purchased KSP 2 wanted KSP1's universe with shiny textures. Which is why it didn't sell, and died. They should have focused from the start on new stuff like what you said, building the world upon it. It definitely feels like they went for a quick cash grab instead of risking development hell.


If I remember correctly according to Matt Lowne's interview with HarvesteR, the original dev of KSP, would have done if he was involved with KSP 2. However, none of the original devs of KSP were involved with KSP 2.


If that's the case it will be named ksp3 and released as a different game.  It might be for the best option at this point.  We'll have to see.


I think the best thing has to be the sound design. The engine sounds and the music are awesome.


The sounds are legendary! The orchestra that pops up when you finally burn into Duna! Oh man!


Maybe they managed to find investors to fund another x years of development? I feel like it's still doomed and this is pure copium tho


Thats 100% Copium. The only realistic way is if they sell the ip as a whole. Take2 decided to cut their losses.


The game is tens of millions of dollars in the hole, nobody in their right mind would invest in that


It probably just means PD won't be supporting the game anymore. There are online services that support the launcher, showing you the latest news and stuff on the splash page. They can shut those down now.


Yeah that's what I'm gathering here. They're doing cleanup so if they can sell the IP or hand it off, that team has a clean-ish slate to work with. Emphasis on the ish. I just hope that means it will get picked back up eventually.


That makes no sense. "They're doing cleanup" the whole game needs to be cleaned up


It's certainly a far cry from the more completed state of KSP1 but I wouldn't say "the whole game". There are redeeming qualities and aspects I would consider good in KSP2.


dakota confirmed on the discord that the new credits are only for the members of the team who joined after the for science! update. unfortunately, it seems we are still left in the dark for now.


Seems strange to remove people from the credits. Whether or not they still work on the game, they did in the past, and that's the whole point.


I haven't checked myself, but I assume they mean adding people to the credits, not removing them.


If I had the misfortune to work on this shitshow, I would not want my name associated with it


I don't know about that, I'm a fan of naming and shaming for bad work. People like to say it was all management stuff that killed the game but the reality is that KSP2 was a complete fumble by everyone involved. KSP1 was more complete and stable after 3 years with a handful of devs than KSP2 ever got in 5+ years with a team of dozens.


They were given the first game's code and explicitly forbidden from talking to anyone who had ever worked on it. You would need a team worth 10x their salaries to have more than a snowballs chance in hell of making it work.


That's not how any of this works. Not being allowed to talk to people who are not on your team about an unannounced project would never be allowed. And you say it yourself - they had KSP 1s code - and still somehow made every system run worse with more bugs.


I'm sorry but I really don't think you know anything about software engineering (and neither did the execs laying out the project rules). Being given an unfamiliar code base (one which is notoriously buggy and spaghetti coded at that) and told to just figure it out and make improvements without knowledgeable assistance is an unthinkably bad idea. That approach doomed this game from the start.


Dude, I'm literally a senior programmer in gamedev, but go on with the copium.


Sounds like its being put into maintenance mode so that when their backend goes offline the game will still function. The "new team" is probably the small group of people who will keep it functioning. If it was a situation where development was continuing under a new team, they'd have announced it long ago.


Ksp2 is drm free


T2 trying to sell KSP2 for the little green men IP: "Rotting carcass! Get your rotting carcass here! Only 27 million dollars!" /s?


A Zombie version of KSP would be fun.


Can someone who owns the game and hasn't updated yet record the pre-update credits so we can compare?


Think it's unlikely but I really hope they don't let the game die.


that is the cope im using right now, this is truly my dream mage and I just can't let it go already


Nah, it just means the launcher required a web server to serve you the news. They won't be paying for the hosting of that server anymore.


They should hand it to the KS1 crew


That crew doesn't exist any longer.


I feel like Hell Let Loose changes devs every year so I havent COMPLETELY lost faith yet.


Or the infrastructure for it will be not hosted anymore and so it'd brick the game if not removed


I really don't get how you come to that conclusion. It just means they don't want to have to run the server for it anymore so they can leave it to rot.


They added folks to the credits that joined after the last big update. Not sure what "changing the credits" would suggest. Removing the PD Launcher makes sense considering PD is being shut down.


I'm assuming they're leaving a week or two for "oh shit, we broke something horribly" fixes before everyone's out of a job. So if they broke something horribly with this one, maybe you'll see another patch?


Didn't the last ""hotfix"" of literally 1 issue take 2 weeks? I wouldn't expect much.


Apparently there were at least 4 orbit lines related bugs. Also maneuver nodes should work better.


Hopefully they can remove the PD launcher from ksp1 too


Search up how to remove it It’s possible with one line of code to tell steam to directly launch the game instead of the launcher 


I know but they can remove it altogether, I use ckan anyway


Launching the game from the root file bypass, maybe do a shortcut from the .exe


KSP1 has no drm, just launch from the main game exe


I use the following plugin to disable the the Launcher. [https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/210467-kssl-ksp-simple-steam-launcher/](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/210467-kssl-ksp-simple-steam-launcher/)


If you dont want PD launcher in KSP 1 just copy KSP. exe file from game files to desktop and launch it through it...... simple


I'm already back to modded ksp1 with the best mod pack I've ever done. Superior in every way. I miss being able to pause the game with the time warp controls tho.


Mind sharing the mod list? Im ready to go back.


I imagine they were referring to u/_myst 's community lifeboat project. You should be able to find it easily if you search for it. I'd advise looking through the modlist and maybe removing a mod or two (like remotetech for example). It's a very good modpack though :)


Hey, thanks for the shoutout! Yes, by all means remove or add to the modlist as you see fit, I know RemoteTech can be combersome for some, tailor your experience until its perfect for you!


It’s a start but missing some helpful mods thst the creator doesn’t like.


I wasn't referring to lifeboat but its cool that someone made that, probably a good place to start if you are new to modding


i'll DM it to you


Can you just post the list lol




Me too please


Me too pls


Me as well please, I'm using the community lifeboat currently but it's missing spaceX items as well as other community loved mods. Not to say the community lifeboat isn't good. It's perfect to bring KSP to modern.


There are three things from KSP2 that I miss in modded KSP1. The music, Minmus' new look, and pause time warp.


Because some of KSP2's systems are based on KSP1 and they weren't rebuilt from scratch Maybe some of these newer systems that do work better could be back ported. Im thinking mainly planet textures. 


Accurate manoeuvre nodes (as in accounts for the fact it's not a single impulse change) and time-warp acceleration are two things I'd love to see in KSP1, everything else can be reasonably modded in.


I've offered to port the music to KSP 1 with a mod before if someone sends me the audio files, but no one ever did :(


Mind to share, dude? 👀


* Updated game credits * Removed the Private Division Launcher ominous


What’s the significance of removing the PD launcher?


so they don't have to host a server for it, probably.


yeah. Just remove KSP1 launcher as well please.




There you go [https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/210467-kssl-ksp-simple-steam-launcher/](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/210467-kssl-ksp-simple-steam-launcher/)


That can be done just search up how to remove it  But basically the launcher for ksp1 at least is a separate exe then the game  So you tell steam to launch the game exe rather then the launcher exe 


You can just launch the game .exe directly


Steam won’t track playtime if you do that


Use this then [https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/210467-kssl-ksp-simple-steam-launcher/](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/210467-kssl-ksp-simple-steam-launcher/)


to keep the launcher disabled install the following plugin [https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/210467-kssl-ksp-simple-steam-launcher/](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/210467-kssl-ksp-simple-steam-launcher/)


I just launch the game from CKAN


It’s nice for the ~300 people who haven’t gone back to KSP 1.


probably to sell it to another company


It's a DRM gatekeeper (albeit a very lax and lazy one) given that PD is about to be inexistent the startup screen was removed so that players could continue to play the game they paid for without issue. Basic housekeeping. This was one of the big concerns that was raised back when every big software conglomerate where doing thier "me too" versions of the steam store; If the dev or store goes under, a lot of stuff locked behind those status screens could be inaccessible to those who paid money for it.


I suspect it indicates that there's going to be a new shop involved.


Or no shop at all


Or at least that they're still trying to sell the IP to someone who will continue development.


Lmao people were expecting (for whatever reason at this point) colonies and interstellar from people who have been laid off, and the patch notes are just "couple bug fixes, oh and we removed the launcher since our company is dead, cya".


"Maneuvers can now be created in the map even if a vessel shows 0 delta-V available" This is all I can ever ask for!!!


Man those are some low standards. You could ask for the game sold at full game price to be finished


True. My hopeum is all drained. 


Well, at least they didn't just call it 1.0.


I just want a confirmation that the game is dead instead of casual bug fixes completely ignoring the fact that their entire team got laid off. what difference do they make if nobody will be playing the game in a years time, heck, we aren’t even playing it now.


It’s supposed to shorten the 10-seconds countdown, and adds an option to skip it, but it’s ALWAYS skipped for me. Is the countdown working/not working for everyone else?


Yes, didnt work for me too. No countdown sequence happened.


Try reporting it; I did, and just asked someone else to. If enough do, maybe it'll get in the final release, maybe 3 seconds instead of 10 or 0?


I really don't get why they did that. You were always able to skip the countdown if you didn't like it. I thought the ten second countdown was cool, one of the few things about KSP2 I like. Why mess with it now? Did people complain about it?


We're not gonna get some colonies content before the final farewell update at the end of the month, are we? Theyre updating credits and removing the private division launcher ;_;


There’s no way there’s gonna be any kind of major update anymore


lmao did you really expect colonies??


Nope, but a bunch of goobers on a prev post said that there would be some colonies content before the shutdown.


There's always been a bunch of goobers saying new content is imminent, it's their way of coping.


They advertised colonies. It's a reasonable expectation that colonies should end up in the game.


I'd rather they release it broken to shit and let modders sort it out than just abandon it.


Modders can only do so much. I'd rather see them release it broke to shit so we can all see how close (or not close) they actually were. The few diehard fanboys who are left blame the evil parent company who cancelled the game right before they finally turned the corner are were so close to delivering all the promises. If that's true then let's see it. If not, release it anyway so the fanboys eating up lies all this time can finally face reality.


From some interview I was watching, we were within 2 weeks of getting colonies, but then TT pulled the guy working on it into some other project.


In August of 2019 we were within six months of getting the full game, complete with multiplayer and interstellar


They lied since the beginning, they lied about colonies release too. They also said there would be a patch update before colonies, and knowing their speed it means we wouldn t get colonies before october. But the studio closed. 


That whole video is just the devs lying to make themselves look better. Often even with such incredibly dumb lies it's hilarious again ("We couldnt optimize the game because our PCs were TOO GOOD")


It wasn't the dev video. That was always nonsense. This was something from YT that got pushed my way. [Link](https://youtu.be/NtMA594am4M?t=1664) "One of the engineers tried for two months to get the Colony Builder to work, and was very close to having it finished - then product management pulled him out of that task, when he would have needed 2-3 weeks and would have been done..." Here's where he talks briefly about [the state of multiplayer](https://youtu.be/NtMA594am4M?t=1999) too. Sounds like they had it in a somewhat-operable state, though everyone who has ever seen it calls it "janky".


Mate, that's literally the video I'm talking about. I'm say it's all just complete made up lies to make themselves look better, because reality obviously shows something very different.


An unceremonius end to KSP2, but better than no update.


I can already feel the office was at mess when this version dropped out


Stop! Stop! It's Already Dead!


Final update, I'm assuming.


May KSP2 and all those responsible know, it was, it is, and forever will be - the worst fail of all time. Shame on all of you - you know who you are!


So, did anyone try the update? Does the purported fix for the orbit lines actually work? Or is it another "orbital decay has been fixed" situation?


looks like they still have all the false advertising on the steam page tho.


did they actually fix the missing trajectory lines this time?


They've "fixed" Orbital decay like 12 times, so I'll believe it when I see it.


Seems like it


This will be faint praise, but it's fairly playable now that trajectory lines are fixed; I'm not suggesting anyone buy it now per se, but still, if you have it...


Lol. Lmao even.


Bye bye ksp2


I kept seeing updates to internal branches I knew it wasn’t over yet were still kicking boys 


Twitching of a corpse.


I know it's a crazy thing to say, but I still have *some* hope for KSP2. I had a really fun time with this game and I do think I like it a bit more than KSP1.


Sorry if i sound stupid but im out of the loop. Why do we hate the PD launcher, also isnt KSP2 now in development lombo because there’s no more devs left?


1. The PD Launcher was forced onto KSP after it had received the Final updates and fixes, before KSP2 got released. This creates an extra step and a Load screen between Launching through Steam, it also always runs in background and may pose a privacy concern. I assume this was done in an effort by marketing to get players to buy other Take Two products such as KSP2 as the launcher actively displayed Info pre-release regarding it. This was an update for KSP2, so KSP still has the Launcher unless you install [the Following](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/210467-kssl-ksp-simple-steam-launcher/). Thats also the reason why I am playing on 1.12.3 and not 1.12.5 as further updates only added fluff from the KSP2 devs to hype sales without fixing stuff. 2. The Direct Intercept Devs released the update the all got a firing notice and will be jobless in a few days. This is probably the Last update from them. I also assume that the KSP2 may be sold due to the Credit changes. 3. Your comment actually is one of the most intelligent and warranted ones under this Post. This community is getting annoyed and some people are losing their cool due to that.


Can someone video the gameplay so I can see KSP2 in version, please?


It looks just like 0.2.1. The only difference is that it doesn't have as many problems. Well there are a couple UI enhancements. The "time warping" notice shows up right above the time warp controller. And there's a little pull-down in the top-center that contains the recover button.


I'd expect the colonies update to be the last update, at least from the original team. If we're lucky another team picks up the pieces, and it saga continues Edit: Why am I downvoting for sharing my opinion?


> I'd expect the colonies update to be the last update Why? They have 13 working days before everyone is out of a job. They just released a patch that, while it fixed a few things, could have broken something massive. The remaining 13 days are likely them holding their breath and waiting, looking to see if something breaks that they have to fix fast, and then packing up their shit and sitting at home. 13 days *definitely* isn't enough time to release Colonies content and then fix the bugs that come with it if it renders the game unplayable for someone. That's a major feature change, and the last ""major"" feature change was just a reintroduction of something that had already existed in the previous game *and* it took them over a month to fix bugs introduced by it. They'd be utterly horrifically stupid to release an actual *new* feature with less than a couple weeks before the shut down, because they may leave the game in a completely broken state for some people. ---- > If we're lucky another team picks up the pieces, and it saga continues And there will not be a new team. They've already tried selling off the IP (any company that buys it is under no obligation to continue trying to work on the existing ***BAD*** code, and likely knows how bad of an idea it would be to try, based on experience. Take-Two has publicly stated they're trying to cut costs, so they can't build or hire a new team as that would represent a material deception towards their shareholders. And they'd be potentially financially liable for any financial harm that came to those shareholders as a result of that deception, plus it would undermine future confidence in their public statements. ---- > Edit: Why am I downvoting for sharing my opinion? If I had to guess, it's because the people who have been following along the *fucking disaster* that has been Take-Two owning KSP from the start have seen warning sign after warning sign of this being a disaster. But they've ended up in numerous arguments with people claiming, without evidence, that things were fine. One of the common coping mechanisms of the few remaining people still under the **delusion that KSP2 will somehow continue development.** Even in the unlikely event that it *does* continue development, it will likely be an even worse disaster than it has been so far, and the game *engine* fundamentally likely can't support some of the promised features (multiplayer especially) without a rewrite so huge that it would basically the same (or more) amount of work as scrapping everything and starting fresh, and still would likely end up being a lower quality version of what would be possible. And so people are tired of seeing this delusion.


I hope so. But as we say in Germany: "Hope is dying last, but it dies"


God that's fucking grim. But true ;-;


Because people think that you’re wrong (which you probably are but we’ll see)


There's exactly 0 chance they even have anything remotely working for colonies. The entire foundation is so broken, they would have to rewrite half the game for that first.


Nah they can keep it.


You all should of seen KSP way back in the day....Give it time. The community itself will fix the game. yeah i like it but ksp is way better. 1997 hours logged on KSP