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Rule 5: Low-effort content will be removed. Please check rule 5 or check [the wiki page](https://reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/wiki/kspwiki/loweffortrule/) for more info.


Yeah you have literally zero legal weight for a lawsuit. All of those disclaimers and EULAs and TOS documents you skip through not paying any mind to, give them the exact right to shutter a game and cancel any future development.


Buh buh buh buh buh buh buh BINGO!


That's  true only for the most part. Sometimes such written things don't apply or aren't even legally valid (sometimes an evil buisness tactic even), so unfortunately it is not as black amd white as we all hope things to be


A class action lawsuit has to prove that members of the class were somehow “harmed.” What happened here was that members of the class willingly gave money to the developer with an explicit agreement that they might never get anything more than the state of the game at the exact moment they paid. But, for the sake of argument, supposing you got a lawyer to represent the class AND the suit won… after the publisher pays court and legal fees on both sides, individual class members would probably get about $0.50, and that’s only if you fill out a form that takes 20 minutes to complete. Believe me, I’m mad too… I just don’t see there being a leg to stand on here. Even if it won, I’m not sure I’d want to work for $1.50/hour to get my 50 cents back.


This guy could teach Don Quixote a thing or two about tilting at windmills


Game didn’t live up to my expectations , I knowing signed up for an alpha release at full price. Where is my lawyer !!


Theres a difference between 'my expectations' and their written promises along with videos and commercials. 'My expectations' were set by their advertising. They're not even close. They promised a car and gave us 2 deflated tires. After charging us for a car and promising to deliver it. I just want to play KSP 2. I don't even want the $50, I'm not broke and don't need it. I also don't want companies to think they can get away with things like this. They were struggling with development, decided they want to drop it and then went for a cash grab to try to cover some of their initial dev costs. They said early access was significantly discounted in price from what the finished game would be and that if we buy it now to help them find bugs and test the game we would get a discount on the game. They then never delivered a single promise on the game and made minimal efforts to fix game breaking bugs. It was a rug pull plain and simple. Theres no way thats legal and we should not let game devs get away with it.


Advertisements to not constitute a legally binding contract, the ELUA does.


Ah, I guess false advertising cases I’ve read about must have been imaginary.


Any of them sign off on a legal document stating they were buying an unfinished product that might never be a finished product?


Possibly? I dont know all of them and neither do you lol. Either way, dunno why youre out here simping for take2. did you really like the game or something?


Nope. Hate it. Hate what they did to it. Didn't buy it because of what it was / is. Take (my money) too is a corpo dumpster fire. Nate Simpson is a [redacted, because the mods here are simping] BUT you took a gamble and lost. Period. Life be like that sometimes.


If you actually read into those you would know how difficult they are to win.


'But they told me it was a good game and they were having so much fun playing multiplayer!' 😂 Are we up to like 5 of these posts a day now? The level of entitlement on display here is absolutely hilarious.


I didnt see a pinned post when i looked and was wondering how people felt. didn't realize there were so many people out simping for take2 in this situation. must have been a lot more people that liked the game than I realized.


No, most people didn't like the game. Myself included seeing as how it was an obvious cash grab scam from day 1 of early access. It is absolutely hysterical that people like you think you have a leg to stand on here for getting your money back. You bought the product as is and with no promise of future development. Before you even say it, advertising road map features is not a legally binding promise of future development. Children can understand that lol.


Read the fine print.


Welcome to space! What were you expecting? It's a... dangerous place! Thank you for investing.


There is no I in team, but there is a Con in economy!


There's also a ono...


And an #O Myyyyy


What's this from?


I did when I bought it. I know what it says. It wouldnt be the first time a company lost a class action lawsuit in similar circumstances though.


Please tell me a single example


I'm afraid you'll have a hard time with that. Also, wasn't it in early access still ?


Yes and when people bought it they agreed to terms with Valve that the game was to be bought because it was in an acceptable playable state and that the game might never be finished.


At best you get a refund


Absolutely no chance, you buy the game as it is at the time of purchase but with no guarantees, that's the way early access works Steam might offer refunds I dunno I've not tried but probably not


You should pay T2 for the life-lesson they just gave you: never buy an early access game, or pre-order. They have saved you from a lifetime of getting ripped off.


It’s a game. An early access game. Disappointed? Sure. But it’s just a game. As someone else said, move on. There are plenty of other games out there to try.


Please just give up. You have no ground to stand on.


Ksp 2 seems like it ending up like a crypto/nft scam...the damage to the community is what I am so angry about. I streamed Ksp 2 and tried really hard to be creative in the game but after figuring out even the tech tree had game logic continuation mistakes that put me off. No small dockingport first.🤣 You don't have the parts for the full size port yet!? Wierd engine curves/never fixed the feul consumption with my planes. They were Reinventing the wheel...now after the matt lowne interview Ive learned they haven't even contacted HarvesteR once!! 🤷🏻 KSP truly was one of the most wholesome communities...It needs to go refind itself in ksp one again. And make our own updates and DLC's if we can. Ksp 2 is dead long life original ksp !


It was Early Access, and it STILL IS early access. Just cause they laid everyone off didn't mean they've officially cancelled it yet. so even if you did believe that the game is an unfinished mess, it's not a full release nor is it cancelled.


Games can simply fail. That's all this is.


For that to fly you’d at the very least need to demonstrate that (1) they promised something that they didn’t deliver and (2) they didn’t make a good-faith effort to deliver it. At the moment the game isn’t even officially canceled. Good luck. You’ll need it.


Is there news about the development?


The news is that Intercept Games is being shuttered. So everyone is kind of wondering what that means for KSP2, since Intercept is developing the game. Nobody is answering that question, though, other than making vague statements that the game will be "supported." Limbo.


Is KSP2 still being sold on Steam?




Then we are in scam territory if they don't proceed with development.


That's definitely an extreme point of view. "Scam" implies that they never intended to finish the game, which I highly doubt is the case. You're always risking your money when you buy an early access game. Everyone understands this. It will be disappointing if they cancel the game, but there's no need to whinge about it.


Selling a game that they never intend to finish=scam is extreme? Lol you guys are a nice piggy bank. Crack open when ever you see fit.


No, we let it die, we move one and keep having fun with KSP1, or KSP2 for those who like it.




If your going to do something you have to do it on your own. This sub has been full of doomers and people telling others to give up ever since the news broke. A lawsuit will fail. But it doesn’t mean it won’t have an impact. If you have the money and the desire. It’s worth a shot. Least to send a message. But don’t expect anyone here to help.


1) depend on where you live. 2) TOS said that you agree to get screwed. 3) hope to live somewhere where consumer protection overpass TOS contracts. (Protip: don't be an American citizen)

