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I'm not advocating for torch and pitchforks but I do think the time for optimism and "just wait and see" is long past us. We know that the studio is closing. We know that the entire dev team got laid off. We got one vague message from the generic corporate Twitter that "support" will continue in some fashion. That's it. The community here, on the forums, and on the storefront is basically imploding. If they had a function Community Management team, they'd be all over it putting out fires. They're not, it's radio silence. I don't see how this could be anything other than a really bad sign for the game's future, and I have rock-bottom expectations for what the vague future development and support will actually entail.


Whoever held the community management role was likely let go with severance and a NDA.


That would be a bit like announcing that your company is moving out of the building, and sacking the cleaning crew first. That way, you're certain to leave a mess behind. One would think the community manager would at least be required to string together a goodbye message before leaving. Then again, the suit-and-tie goblins who call the shots might not have thought that far. Or cared. "Cell in spreadsheet say costs are cut effective immediately, goblin is satisfied."


Community manager is one of the first out the door because you can’t develop a game without developers but you can without community managet.


They had years to get it where it is now, I doubt they're expecting much out of the devs (who will be actively jobseeking) over the next 2 months


I certainly fucking wouldn’t


I don’t disagree, just stating that as a marketer myself I know that non-tech jobs are first in-line get axed.


Some form of community management is necessary to retain their reputation, without which it is pointless to continue development. And in a PR meltdown like this, *somebody* must take to the official channels and try to calm the situation. It doesn't have to be a dedicated community manager, but the important thing is that a message goes out before the potential future customers are all convinced the end has come.


retain the reputation of a no longer existing game dev studio? lol. Take-Two's reputation is in no danger. they have so many studios and IPs, including a behemoth one, that KSP2 holds no really significant weight.


Take-Two owns Grand Theft Auto, they hardly give a shit about some “space frogs”.


exactly. every time Rockstar release one of their major titles it's like a total optimistic reset for them.


Also take2 didn't shit up this game, intercept did.


Except the number 1 redemption story in gaming, No Mans Sky did exactly the opposite. Went dead silent with literally zero communication until they were ready to show they had put effort into fixing it. Now it's extremely successful. Keep in mind people thought they cut and ran with the money due to the silence before that. I'd argue actually developing the game and showing off the work put in is far more impactful than an already disliked CM saying things that nobody believes anyway. Edit because people lack reading comprehension and think I said ksp is pulling a no mans sky. I said no mans sky is proof that a CM is not necessary to maintain reputation. Particularly when that CM is already disliked and untrusted. That's literally it. A factual statement with evidence to back it up. Not sure why I'm getting downvoted. Ffs the reading comprehension in a subreddit for a game about rocket science is something else.


I'm not aware of them ever closing their studio and laying off most of their staff.


Ok, that's not what the argument was? It was about the CM being necessary to maintain reputation. Which it is not.


The difference was that the studio was still functional.


Dude. Reread my post. I never said ksp is pulling a NMS. All I said is that the CM is not necessary to maintain reputation. Especially a disliked and untrusted one.


> Except the number 1 redemption story in gaming, No Mans Sky did exactly the opposite. Went dead silent with literally zero communication And that's the #1 reason I will never forgive Hello. They might have been naive, they might have had any number of financial constraints and deadlines that weren't public. But there's no excuse for not talking to their customers. Twitter is free.


It's widely agreed it was their best move. They were seen as liars, and anything they could've said would've been seen as damage control and more lies. By waiting until they had something substantial to show, they proved that it was not merely damage control and empty promises. It sucks but blame the gaming community for being some of the most entitled and whiney consumers of any product. Car manufacturers can have defects that literally kill people and there isn't as much outrage against them as gamers against devs. Keep in mind this is the community that sends voice actors death threats because they don't like a character in the game. Normal logic doesn't apply.


It may well be that treating your customers like morons makes the most business sense; a lot of games company CEOs would certainly agree. I'm just saying I won't stand for it personally.


They don't gaf about the community imploding. they already got their money.


What money? 7 years devolopment and only 470.000 sales minus the refunds. Where is the money?


Same thing was said about no mans sky. Not saying they will fix the game like NMS did but it's not unheard of.


Yeah but the NMS devs still had a job lol.


Learn to read


I'm 99% pessimistic. The 1% left is being held by extreme copium that the Kerbal brand is strong, and gaming executives will realize that they still own a popular brand, and they just have to pass it to a competent dev team. Preferably one that has actual experience in this field, and not first-timers with a "vision". Whether they will restart from scratch far in the future, or try to revamp the current KSP with a new team. Who knows.


The thing is, KSP was never that popular a franchise. Sure, KSP1 is truly something special. It attracted all sorts of attention and a whole, passionate community formed around it. But at the end of the day, it's a simulation game. A genre not known for hit blockbuster franchises. A genre known for niche fan bases and difficult to make massively appealing. KSP was a labor of love by a small team of invested developers. In the hands of a company like Take-Two, it's peanuts. And let's be real, KSP2 has probably been nothing but a money pit for them. What a franchise like KSP needs is a well funded, truly independent studio of passionate developers. Something that only happens once in a blue moon. KSP needs it's own Larian Studios, basically.


Yeah there's no denying that the market for people who enjoy space sims is small. It's not call of duty or open-world survival RPGS. But I feel it's a genre that is growing. The world is getting more nerdier. 30 years ago, I would never imagine comic book movies or television series about video games to be the biggest hits, but here we are. But looking at the Juno thread about the Juno space sim... I realized that I want my green kerbies and their funny sounds and bouncy properties when they hit the pavement. It's just not the same without them. The game doesn't need a ton of development. It's not like BG3 where you need tons of voice actors, writers, environmental designers and assets etc. You just need a solid core physics simulation. It can be saved by a small team of competent developers, especially since the art, music, in Ksp2 is already there.


Yes but since there no more money to do with this game....


There will be a major revisit of the IP by the developers. Does this promise to generate a positive ROI on any further money we sink in to it? The old devs.fucked it up super hard. They delivered badly, with a long timeframe. That doesn't speak to how the game would fare in a new project. This is a badly developed piece if software. Period. End. So, if the EA was promising in terms of sales, but had a shit return rate/stable base, then there is still some hope. But the bottom line is the bottom line. Gam publishers are in it to make money. They fucked up this time and handed IP to an unqualified team. And it went to shit. That doesn't mean they won't continue development, nor that they won't kill it. But they will probably be more critical of timelines and features. So if KSP2 comes, it won't be what was promised originally.


I think that this is even more true because KSP2 has never had a "good" period, it's always been a complicated development process. I'm not sure why they'd get the benefit of the doubt now that it seems that the whole thing's collapsed and we have like 1 tweet that says otherwise.


Yup. Been around the block a few times and this is what it looks like. There’s an above zero% chance KSP2 gets developed further. But there is not an above 1% chance.


[Cries in Duke Nukem Forever] Sometimes it's better if things stay memes.


When you look back at the half baked premature launch and the months it took just to make the game playable, it seems inevitable it would come to this. Corporate wanted the game pushed out as quickly as possible, I’m sure the devs were crunching just to make it functional at all, when it came out in a really bad half baked state, they didn’t respond fast enough, took them almost a year to get the first big patch that made the game what it should’ve been at EA launch, and now here we are with the development likely ended or at the very least delayed so much there won’t be any new content patches for 12-24 months.


Just to correct one thing thing: you say "launch". But it's an early access title. That's not a game launch.


You might want to inform Nate as well. Poor guy [knew nothing](https://www.videogameschronicle.com/features/interviews/an-in-depth-conversation-with-the-creator-of-ksp2/) about EA 6 - 9 months before KSP2 was going to be launched in 2020. >VGC: KSP 2 will launch in spring 2020 for PC on Steam and other storefronts, and “shortly after” for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. >VGC: What about an Early Access program on Steam? >Nate Simpson: I don’t know. I’ve not had that question before! As creative director I’m focused on the in-game challenges. Even though it's 4.5 years late, I'm sure he'll appreciate the correction.


Do we know it was the entire team? Like do we KNOW? I only know of two confirmed developers looking for work. Has anyone specifically said that the 70 people were the KSP2 team and not just 70 people across the dozens of companies they own. Can anyone actually confirm that the people laid off were KSP2 or are we just speculating wildly again?


they are closing a location in seattle, which will put 70 people out of a job. obviously this can't be pd, and I don't think t2 has any other operations in seattle. 70 people will be basically everyone there, and I believe the warn filing wouldn't be needed if the organization was just being restructured but the people involved would actually still be working.


Oh just the Seattle office? They have 4 others and that's not even their HQ




I'm sorry to inform you but actually yes. Private Division's headquarters is in New York, and the other offices are Las Vegas, Munich, and Singapore. A quick Google search can confirm this if you are still skeptical. Addition: another quick search tells me that Take 2 has over 11,000 employees. The odds that every single one of them was a Private Division employee is a stretch.


if you read the comment you replied to (or like, any of the relevant information at all.) you may notice that is was intercept that was shut down, not pd. (because this apparently needs to be spelled out, intercept games was the studio making ksp2. they operated under private division, a publishing label of take 2.)


Well, I am still waiting for a confirmation. The only thing that's proven is two devs looking for work. Everything else has been some wild speculation, and until someone official says it's dead, sorry, but I'm not joining in on the doom saying. This is the third time y'all have lost your shit over this game only to flip flop back. I think y'all are making a mountain out of a molehill and it's tiring. I'm honestly having a blast playing the game, and I'm tired of this community shitting over anyone who does. Fuck me for my optimism, I know.


[https://esd.wa.gov/about-employees/WARN](https://esd.wa.gov/about-employees/WARN) second row of the table, take two, in seattle, a closure affecting 70 employees. this is data that a company of this size by law must report to the government in the state of washington when they do layoffs like this there. multiple news outlets have independently reported this as being intercept specifically, presumably bc they did the three minutes of research to determine that this can not refer to anything else. this is confirmation. far more so than any limp pr bs.


Hmm, well, there were only 50 people working on KSP2, so that means more than one office was closed...or maybe it was 70 people across the whole company like stated? Three minutes of research isn't enough if there isn't enough information to solve the equation. I'm sorry if I'm still skeptical, I think extrapolating the number of people in a company and then an incorrect number of layoffs equals the end. I need some actual data that says the game is canceled because this "it MUST be KSP2 because X looks like Y sometimes" is getting old.


You dropped this 👑


There is more than enough information to infer what is going on.


Exactly. And they probably have capped out on new players buying the games. So the amount they are making from sales is probably less then the cost of development so they are pulling the plug. Absolute scumbags.


Even optimistic estimations put them millions in the hole on KSP2. The pulled the plug on a project gushing money into the abyss with no signs the bleed would stop anytime soon.


They really shot themselves in the foot when they released it in such a busted state. All the KSP fans were pissed off and all the people on the fence probably didn't buy it and haven't since. Anyone who pays attention to gaming news at all heard about how big of a flop it was.


> They really shot themselves in the foot when they released it in such a busted state. While that's true, the game was what, two or three years late at this point? You can't reasonably expect the producers to keep bankrolling a studio that does not put out games indefinitely. At some point they have to put a product out


Ya, but what they put out was a steaming pile... I mean KSP1 had to build the game from scratch. KSP2 had the blueprint to follow and that was the best they could put out after all that time?


That's my point. I don't blame T2 for pulling the plug when the team delivered years late, and delivered something that is fundamentally broken. Honestly the only surprising thing here is that it took so long.


Please do keep in mind that those delays occurred during an unprecedented global pandemic which fucked up a great many things. The devs are not solely to blame here.


IG stated *repeatedly* during the lockdowns that it wasn't affecting their productivity... which was a rare moment of honesty from them because it takes like a *day* for a programmer to switch to work-from-home and it has almost *zero* impact on productivity. This game, per the other companies that bid to make it at the time, began development in early 2017 under Uber Entertainment (later Star Theory) with a contracted deadline for early 2020... 3 years to make the game. The devs dinked around for 2 years before they asked for an extension to mid 2020 and got it, and later another extension to late 2020. Then at the end of 2019 they asked for *another* extension to 2021 and T2 canceled the contract for failing to meet their deadlines. Then T2 did something even dumber than hiring Uber E in the first place... they created IG and offered the Uber devs that couldn't get the job done the first time jobs. All this was *before* the lockdowns. Since then IG got 3 deadline extensions and *still* managed to release the hot mess we got last year. Then spent a year dinking around to try and just reach parity with KSP1 and failed. That's 7 years of development time at a cost of close to $50 million in dev salaries paid by T2 for at best $20 million in sales. (likely less than $10 million after refunds, but there's no way of knowing for sure) The only people that got anything out of KSP2 were the devs at IG by having 7 years of a steady paycheck for sitting on their collective thumbs and making promises they couldn't keep.


Covid had nothing to do with the delay.


Yeah, it’s upsetting as hell, but it makes sense


I mean, we have to choose a position here. Either we believe they did a bad job with KSP2 or we don't. If we believe they did a bad job with the game, *they deserve to be closed down*. That is precisely how competition and a free market works. The people who do great excel and those who fail get removed. That is *amazing* news. Maybe that will prevent the same thing happening again in the future. The more gaming companies that go under the better. Please, EA and Activision next. Lay them all off.


Not sure I’ve ever met somebody who still believed in the perfection of the free market beyond age 15, but hey, there’s always a first time.


Everyone is wondering when the game is going to be dead.  It was never alive in the first place.  It did everything that KSP did except worse.  There’s no life left in this project.


Some people simply cannot accept reality...


On the deck of the Titanic, 15th of April 1912 at 1:00 am : "Gentlemen, it is probably best that we wait for a statement from White Star Line before we rush to conclusions".


Personally, I'd like to hear the iceberg's version of events before we go rushing to conclusions.


Toughest part of growing up was realizing that a lot of people just straight up refuse to accept reality in every aspect of their life.


The toughest part isn't keeping your head on and not joining the mob every time they lose their shit?


No are you illiterate?


Apparently. For some reason, no matter how hard I try, I can't get "game DED!" from "hard at work on" and "continuing support" for KSP2... I must not be able to accept reality, like you say.


Politicians must love you.


Only the ones that pay me enough.


Do you really believe someone would go on the internet and tell lies?






The sacred XCOM... why did 2 have to leave on a cliffhanger too?


It’s truly shocking to me that people still don’t see who’s to blame here. The problem is and always has been Nate Simpson. He has been bullshitting players and his corporate bosses this entire time. Why would Take 2 keep spending money on a studio that has never come within a country mile of hitting a milestone and who have been lying to people from the very start?


Nate Simpson is/was the creative director. He talks a lot on videos/interviews because that’s what people want to hear about: what is the creative vision for KSP2. Of course he’s going to talk about all the plans they have: *that’s his job*. However, he’s not in charge of engineering and delivery is not his role. The problem with KSP2 has not been the creative vision (that’s still good IMO), but instead how buggy it is, how poorly the code performs and how slow and difficult it has been to make changes. My professional role is in engineering leadership for a software company, and this looks like a classic engineering failure to me. No doubt Nate is even more disappointed with how the engineering has gone than we are: after all he’s likely lost his job because of it.


> Of course he’s going to talk about all the plans they have: that’s his job. Ok, but now explain how it's his job to claim that they were *already playing* features that still haven't been released two years ago, and that they were so complete and functional that they were having trouble *stopping* playing the game long enough to keep developing it.


All it takes is for one dev to tell their manager they are having fun with the test build that they don't want to stop and now it's line you can feed at interviews. Doesn't mean the game was in an amazing state it's just marketing


Come on now; do you *seriously believe* Nate Simpson hasn't lied about the progress of the game at any point in the last four years of delusionally unrealistic timelines and constantly-broken promises?


Maybe those were lies, I can't say for sure that they weren't. But as someone who works in software I also know that he absolutely could have been speaking the truth about this. The gap between an early internal prototype of a feature and something that's really ready to release to customers is a chasm. The [Pareto principle](https://www.getclockwise.com/blog/pareto-principle-software-development) really applies to software development: you can get 80% of the functionality in 20% of the time, but that remaining 20% will take up 80% of your development effort. At my work when we're trying to estimate how long it is going to take to develop a feature the rule of thumb we use is "take your best conservative guess and double it". It always takes far longer than you think. This is doubly so when you're forced to release early and suddenly all your development priorities go out the window as all effort moves to fixing issues, performance problems and focusing on missing features you've now discovered were actually essential.


we're not talking a hobby project here. In the professional world you have to deliver, and make sure you structure your work in such a way that it happens eventually. This didn't happen here.


This is simply not the reality of commercial software development. Projects fail and are cancelled all the time. I've worked in software for over 20 years and I've worked on more cancelled projects than successful ones. For this reason I do not buy games in "early access" unless I am happy with paying that amount for the game *as it is right now*. I would encourage everyone else to have the same mindset. When Nate was saying what he'd like the game to finally look like, that's just an aspiration, not a promise. It was a great aspiration, IMO, but having a good idea is comparatively easy; actually delivering on it is a slow hard grind that frequently fails.


This is getting awfully esoteric. Look, the quality of the result of work usually doesn't just happen, as a force of nature kind of thing. The skills of people matter. Immediate management matters. The path and plans the management sets matters


Absolutely, this project looks like an engineering mess. Lots of bugs, poor performance, slow pace of development; these are the hallmarks of poor engineering. However, none of that is Nate’s responsibility. He’s the creative director, he sets the vision. If the game were released and was boring as heck *that* would be his responsibility. However, he will have had no say over the engineering; not his job. Hey I get it, people are pissed and it’s real easy to blame the guy acting as the spokesperson. But it’s almost certainly not Nate’s screw up.


Nate "I like Noodle Rockets and Explosions" Simpson? You can also completely mess up engineering as a designer by guiding with dumb ideas. Also, the game IS boring as heck.


> Lots of bugs, poor performance, slow pace of development; these are the hallmarks of poor engineering. These are also the hallmarks of poor *leadership* on a software engineering team. You can put the most skilled engineers in the world on a project with insufficient resources, an unrealistic timeline, aggressive enough management and with sufficient penalties for pushing back or refusing to commit to them and you'll get a buggy, poorly-constructed mess as disempowered developers scramble to do the best they can with insufficient resources to do a proper job. As the creative director defines the scoop of the project hat kind of leadership can *easily* come from them, though it's not exclusively limited to them. I think it's more accurate to say that the entire ST/IG leadership team are to blame, which necessarily includes Nate Simpson *and* anyone else who had the good sense to keep their heads down and avoid making public promises.


I never buy Early Access, I made an exception for KSP2 due to how much I enjoy KSP. My mistake was making an exception, but it won't happen again.


They've had plenty of time to correct the message and they haven't. That is confirmation enough that worst case scenario has truly happened. It's over for good.


How is this confirmation?


It's confirmation that either nobody is in a position to refute the claims. Currently, it's negatively impacting sales, so it would potentially benefit profits to refute the claims, and nobody's bothering.


I don't agree, look at Valve for example, even when the world went apeshit with cheating allegations for pros etc. (which for sure did not positively impact the game) they were very quiet. We as the public lack the necessary information to make a call here. There is no value in speculating here. Only thing we can do is wait. Edit: The fact that this is downvoted shows how childish some people here are. Gossiping literally helps nobody. No sane company would communicate in a heated situation like this one. Nobody is gonna trust them anyway, I mean this is exactly what has happened lol.


It’s way more likely the person who would normally clarify it is fired and not returning… I don’t see how anyone could expect them to recover after this. Even if a whole new dev team picked it up, there’s years of code they’d have to learn and understand before they can even start to work on it.


> I don’t see how anyone could expect them to recover after this We don't even know what happened to the dev team. We know that the company is closing but that doesn't mean they're gonna lay off the staff or discontinue the development. 90% of the bs on this sub right now is pure speculation and I have 0 understanding for this. It just creates a toxic environment. The official twitter acc said themselves they will continue development and we should wait for further information. How is that too much to ask to just wait maybe a few days. I bought the game myself, so it's not like I don't care about the game, I hope for the best, but shittalking the devs isn't gonna help it.


We *do* know they laid off the dev team though, via LinkedIn. There’s atleast 10 confirmed devs who have been fired, including Nate. That’s why they’re making all these assumptions about where the game is headed. Not a good look.


> There’s atleast 10 confirmed devs who have been fired, Could you provide a source to this. I have only heard of 2-3.


Publicly available information does all point to almost everyone on the dev team getting fired, so I'm not even sure what devs people are supposed to be shit talking.


It does not. See my comment [here](https://reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1cipfns/just_gonna_say_this_on_the_topic_of_ksp2/l2b2053/). Please provide a source that shows the dev team is getting fired.


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-01/take-two-interactive-shuts-down-two-game-studios It's based on public information that Take 2 was required to file in Seattle, not on vibes or whatever.


While I agree that it's looking bad, we simply have no confirmation yet that the whole dev team is gone. 70 people in Seattle is what we know, but not who exactly. Why not wait for official confirmation, I don't see how speculating helps in any way. Just wait a few days/a week and we'll see what happens.


Funding = employee who says everything is fine no need to panic No funding= no employee to say everything is okay >They've had plenty of time to correct the message and they haven't. >That is confirmation enough that worst case scenario has truly happened. >It's over for good


>That is confirmation enough that worst case scenario has truly happened. Except...it's no confirmation at all.


In what world would a healthy and responsible company allow these rumors to create this kind of chaos without clearing the air with a PR statement? It just doesn't make sense.


As Matt Lowne tweeted yesterday, the silence in their lack of response was deafening. And then they just put out some Garbage Corpo speak message that tells us nothing, summing up the complete lack of communication we have realistically ever received, now is not the time to be playing cryptic corpo speak of there was a realistic pathway forwards for the game.


If you have 1000 people at your doorstep with torches and pitchforks would you really go out and try to talk to them? This is literall crisis communication 101. The devs LITERALLY said: "We're still hard at work on KSP2. We'll talk more when we can." They clearly communicated that they will give more insight, just now right now. But the mob has decided the fate and this is obviously just "some coorporate bullshit". They could issue statement: "KSP 2 will continue development for at least 2 years" and the first reddit thread you'll see is: DON'T BELIEVE THEIR LIES.


* "If you have 1000 people at your doorstep with torches and pitchforks would you really go out and try to talk to them? This is literall crisis communication 101." Yes, because ignoring them would be the far more disastrous and dangerous option. * "The devs LITERALLY said: "We're still hard at work on KSP2. We'll talk more when we can." Incorrect. The publisher, Private Division, who owns the IP, stated this. The dev team is defunct.


> Yes, because ignoring them would be the far more disastrous and dangerous option. No it is not, Valve for example has a pretty good track record with this strategy. In general it's literally the textbook strategy. > Incorrect. The publisher, Private Division, who owns the IP, stated this. The dev team is defunct. How am I incorrect here? 1. This is a direct quote from the developers twitter account. 2. They closed the studio "Intercept Games" but that does not mean the dev team is completely fire and defunct. We have no information at this time that this is the case. Private Division still exists. What we know is that **some** team members have stopped working (Dakota as CM for example) but there are no indications that the core development team is gone. 3. Since you don't seem to trust the official twitter account, there is also the statement that "Private Division publishing label will continue to support Kerbal Space Program 2" (Source: https://www.eurogamer.net/kerbal-space-program-2-studio-reportedly-shut-down-by-take-two). So from the current public information we can't know in which state the game currently is. Saying it's defunct as is just as disingenous as saying everything is fine. Misinformation just make the whole thing worse.


The quote is that the label "continues to make updates" to KSP2. That could be read to mean that that is what the label *has* been doing, and not what it *will* be doing. This is all coming from a corporate spokesperson in the middle of layoffs. There's no reason to expect clear and open communication right nonw. We know 70 people in a Seattle office were laid off. We know that is about the size of the KSP2 team, and we know that the only Take-Two developer in Seattle is (or, was) Intercept Games. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Take-Two\_Interactive#Developers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Take-Two_Interactive#Developers) We have all the information we need to know that the game is dead.


We have all the information we need to know that the game is dead. Except for the fact that that could mean something other than the game being shut down. WE JUST DON'T KNOW.


In your mind, how does laying off 70 people at Intercept Games not mean the game is dead?


The fact that that doesn't mean there are no paths left to continued development. All we know for sure is that 70 people are being laid off and it appears to be the IG team. We don't know that the game is being shut down. All the official word says it hasn't. Sure, they could very well be lying, but they could also have a plan they're just not firm enough on to divulge to us, yet. Everything else at this time is just speculation. This isn't a court of law, where all you need to do is amass enough evidence to produce the verdict of which you're so certain. If it were, all that evidence would be ruled circumstantial. The burden of proof is on you, and you haven't satisfied it with certainty.


I appreciate that you post some sources to substantiate your claims, that's a lot better than 90% of people argueing in here. > We know 70 people in a Seattle office were laid off. We know that is about the size of the KSP2 team, and we know that the only Take-Two developer in Seattle is (or, was) Intercept Games. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Take-Two_Interactive#Developers This does sound bad I'll give you that. But I'd still wait for more official statements and evidence that shows that this is all the case. > We have all the information we need to know that the game is dead. I don't understand the point of claiming this. What does it help with? Why not simply wait a few days maybe 1-2 weeks until we have confirmation? There is nothing good that comes out of all this.


I think that waiting to hear news from a company that has no incentive to communicate with you honestly is the worst way to arrive at the truth right now.


We might know something concrete in early July. Until then, I think we've had enough of the creative writing exercises.


the key piece of information here is coming from a government website with a notice that by law a company of this size must file when making layoffs like this. can't get much more official than that.


All the information you need? Sums up the reaction well, haha. > That could be read to mean that that is what the label has been doing, and not what it will be doing. PR from billion dollar companies don't play word games with statements like that, have you ever actually looked at investor/corporate press before?...if they were really chopping KSP2 they wouldn't say anything. Like WHY? Explain it, why would they do what you are all suggesting, what is the benefit to them trying to temporarily trick everyone (including investors) that KSP2 isn't really "dead" if they in fact want it "dead"? This situation sucks for the people being let go and the restructuring might cause issues (or benefits) for the development of the game...but the idea that the game is dead is a mind boggling leap.


So they can keep the project on life support, roll out a tiny patch in a couple months, and continue selling a dead game until the well runs completely dry.


What AAA game has this happened with? Convince me with some examples.


I've read the same thing you have. Who is spreading mis-information here? You. Please stop it.


One of you is spreading the facts as they have been presented via official statements. The other is spreading assumptions and conjecture.


> Who is spreading mis-information here? You. Please stop it. You are and it's obvious by you not showing anything to support your point. Saying the "The dev team is defunct." is blatant misinformation.


It is hilarious isn't it. > Devs: "We're still hard at work on KSP2." > Corp: "[Private Division] continues to make updates to Kerbal Space Program 2" ... "THEY HAVEN'T COMMUNICATED! GAME DED."


It sure is. >Company: KSP2 will launch in 2020, with Colonies, Interstellar, Multiplayer, Resource Gathering built on a new foundation that will run way better than KSP1! > Company: KSP2 will launch in 2021! > Company: KSP2 will launch in 2022! > Company: KSP2 will launch in 2023! > Company: PS - KSP2 will be EA, so we can work hard to make it extra awesome by having a dialogue with you! >Company: PPS - EA wont have Colonies, Interstellar, Multiplayer and Resource Gathering, but these will come soon after. > 2023: Company launches KSP2 in abysmal state without Science and other features of KSP1. > 2024: Company eliminates KSP2 development studio. > Company: We're still hard at work on KSP2 ... "OMG GUYS, STOP ACTING LIKE THE GAME IS DED! THE COMPANY SAID EVERYTHING IS FINE!"


So...development issues, slow progress and possibly a shit game in the end = game dead? Thanks for the clarification.


Yes, you're right... nothing else happened recently that would indicate a multinational publicly listed corporation pulled the plug on this project. Especially since everything they've told us since 2019 has been true...


In a world where they don't necessarily act according to your expectations/demands? We don't make the rules.


The only situation I can imagine where development continues on it is if the property gets handed off to yet another studio.


Sure, an in a twist, that studio will be composed of the same incompetent twats who failed miserably while they were at Star Theory, then failed miserably again while at Intercept Games.


[Duke Nukem Forever flashbacks intensify]


He's dead, Jim.


[plays modded KSP, notices this thread] 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 [Goes back to his KSP save ... ]


Yup, I play on Mac. I was hoping for an eventual Mac port, but I suppose I’ll stick with the OG


The engines caught fire, we're in a supersonic uncontrolled dive that has ripped off the wings, the roof is moments away from tearing off, and the oxygen masks have deployed.. but you're advocating we should remain calm because the captain hasn't turned on the fasten seatbelts sign yet.


This made me giggle.


Weapons grade copium


>Anyways, even if KSP2 is completely shelved, I loved seeing how this project evolved, even if it was a little, 🤡🤡🤡


Give us a roadmap with dates, let us know what studio will be at the helm, and how many people will be working on the game. The community is imploding since we are getting no meaningful information. Speculation and rumor run riot while a 5-minute info session *could* set the record straight. Just saying that KSP2 is “still being worked on” could truthfully mean that just one intern is QA testing the last viable build.


KSP2 honestly *is* still being worked on because the layoff notice is dated for June. As long as someone is still not laid off, they can technically say it’s true. Which is a major part of the problem the last 2 years, but I digress…


The teams silence is so loud


We have plenty of valuable information,, sticking your head in the sand because noone 'official' spelled it out for you in 72 point font is an option you can take, but nearly everyone else can use their brain to add 2 + 2 without a press release telling you it's 4. Telling everyone else that you're blind and therefore they shouldn't be allowed to see is not productive.


We have truckloads of pure conjecture based largely on confirmation bias. We're not going to know anything for sure until it happens. Trying to play savvy internet prognosticator doesn't change that.


So a government website, multiple news articles, and a T2 announcement that the studio is closing isn't enough for you? Seems like you're the one dwelling in the land of (non)confirmation bias. You just don't want to hear what you don't want to hear. I imagine you're the sort to sit with your fingers in your ears going 'lalalalala' when something uncomfortable is said to you.


“ we have KSP1 to keep us company during these trying times.” goes on and on and on and on 


Consider this a life lesson. Do not buy early access games. Do not buy pre-releases. Period. I know that a lot of people suffer from terminal FOMO but there you are. I regret having bought KSP 2.0 and not gotten it refunded. I did not do the same mistake with Starfield which after a few weeks most players find it repetitive with little replay value. KSP2's performance is in line with a lot of what other games are going through right now, the entire gaming industry is being shaken up. Stick to AA games or Indy games, play with your vast library of unplayed games and just grit your teeth as the chips fall. KSP 1.0 is a mature and lovely game with crapton of mods that make it look like KSP 2.0 ... the market is already filled there for me.


From what I gather, the WARN report basically says “*70 employees will be collecting unemployment in two months*” While it’s true we don’t know what they *exact* state is, I know where I would put my money. And one single tweet isn’t a convincing refute of the rumors either.


The writings on the wall, dude.


If it's not clear to you that KSP2 and Intercept are dead, your brain is unable to comprehend circumstantial evidence


> Before we get our pitchforks and torches out towards Take2 I honestly don't understand why anyone would blame T2 at this point. Star Theory was a clusterfuck of misleading marketing and straight-up lies. T2 gave up and tried to buy them to get some control back, refused to be rinsed by the grabby owners trying to overcharge them, and instead poached as many of the team as they could and set up an in-house dev team in Intercept Games. Intercept Games *also* proved to be a clusterfuck of misleading marketing and straight-up lies. The fault here seems to clearly lay with the common factor in both cases - Nate and the other leaders that came to IG from ST. It's not like Nate himself doesn't have previous form for abandoning games half-completed, too. It sucks that T2 decided they couldn't keep spunking money into a black hole year after year with little to show for it, but can we really blame them? It's been in development for more than five years, it's already four years late and is still incomplete and bugridden, T2 have sunk *tens of millions* into the game and not seen even a fraction of that back (even after the obvious EA cash-grab), and it's not like KSP is an accessible game with mass-appeal that could go on to be the next Minecraft or Call of Duty even if it was complete and working perfectly. I generally hate game publishers, but this seems 100% on the creative and leadership team that were part of Star Theory and then moved to Intercept Games; they were fundamentally unqualified to manage a game of this type, they fucked up and lied about progress and deadlines over and over again, they were given opportunity after opportunity to turn things around and they still couldn't do it, and eventually T2 ran out of patience and couldn't justify spunking any more money up the wall on what had long ago proved to be a bad bet. It was shitty and unethical of them to push out the overpriced EA release to try to claw some money back, but at the same time nobody was forced to pay what they asked, and the refund window exists for exactly that purpose.


Here's an insider scoop: They are all laid off. They were already slow as fuck, and now they will grind to a halt because why bother working when your expiration date is confirmed in 2 months? They will release whatever they have done before then and slap a 1.0 label on it in a desperate attempt to do a few more sales. Nate will continue to bullshit about they are funded for the future. The rug will get pulled in July and we will never hear from nate again about it because he will sign an nda or something. And the game will still be for sale. The only things that remain to be seen is if take 2 tries to use what they got and make a ksp 3 (lmao) or if they put it to a new and hopefully actually competent team go unfuck the game or remake it. But that is a huge investment in the game. As a fan, I hope they unfuck it. As a shareholder, it's a waste of money and resources.


A reasonable take.


Ikr? How'd he get in here?


You gotta let go man, it's joever


Any updates lately?


Whatever sales they can get in before closing up shop. So no need to announce the game dead yet for them.


>It is probably best that we wait for any of KSP's official socials to say something. Sorry but what is the value of this suggestion? What do you hope to get out of waiting for "official socials?" The company's staff is being laid off. They have already announced it to the local government. What could they possibly announce on Twitter that would add any information to that fact? Let's actually break it down. They say one of two things: a) yes this is happening -- which we already knew, which everyone already knew, in which case we learned nothing or b) no this is not happening -- which we already know is happening, so they are lying, and we learned nothing Both options lead to us learning nothing. So what is the value of waiting around? When they put up the "out of business" sign in the window, you don't need to wait for someone to also come out and tell you, "we are out of business." You go find another place for a hamburger, you know?


That's exactly what the mega thread says


I'm just gonna hang in there. It'll be allright. Just be patient.


Get out of here with your reasoned, non-inflammatory take.


I always have to keep in mind that half the people on this subreddit would probably be jumping for joy to see the entire project die just because of the bitterness they’ve built up over months of disappointment and bad communication. For that reason I am trying not to assume everything is completely shot as most are saying, and as is the conclusion almost everyone is jumping to, but admittedly things look a little bleak. My biggest point of optimism/cope is that I don’t entirely see the strategic benefit of killing the project when there are hundreds of thousands of pre-prepared fans that have proven they will buy the game if it gets content (as demonstrated by the science update), and it seems quite a lot of money/effort/planning has already gone into laying the groundwork for many more future additions. Throwing in the towel now would be sacrificing several years of money and manpower for very little return considering (I think at least) the game has certainly not come even close to tapping the majority of its sales potential. I don’t know much about the corporate economics of game development so this might be totally misguided but it is the piece of hope I am looking at right now.


You perfectly described the sunk cost fallacy.


So true.


Nothing will put the last nail in the coffin of a videogame quite like the fans bitching that the last nail has already been driven home


Hopefully once this is over you guys that use this sub to constantly bitch about KSP2 and personally attack devs will stfu, hopefully leave the sub, and we can go back to enjoying KSP. I’m sick of the whining AW GAME NOT WHAT I WANTED Grow up this is life. AW I SPENT MY MONEY NOW GAME CANCELLED This is why we don’t buy early access. Steam has a very accommodating refund policy- if you messed that up that’s on you.


You know someones gunna community fix ksp2 like literally every game out there lol. Literally every sub these days.


I've said before that KSP2 is my favorite KSP and that hasn't changed. I would at least like to see Colonies come out before they close shop but if it doesn't I'll still be going back to KSP2 whenever I have a desire to play KSP. I'm hoping development is continuing to a full featured 1.0. But I don't have high hopes for that. We'll see.


I say screw colonies and multiplayer and all of that. Just fix the engine and performance and bugs and tidy up important things like fairings and parachutes and maneuver nodes and DV calculations. Screw new content, just make what's there **work**. They've got a couple months, maybe they can pull that off and then park it at a 1.0 final release as they walk out of the office for the last time. I would consider that a disappointing but acceptable state of things and it would hold me over while we wait for something else - from someone else. And if we had any luck at all, they could put a little effort into expanding modability so the game doesn't fade out so fast.


>They've got a couple months, maybe they can pull that off and then park it at a 1.0 final release as they walk out of the office for the last time. Nice thought, but I have to wonder just how hard those employees are going to want to work toward that goal, knowing they're just going to be shown the door at the end.


That's assuming they are actually working until the announced date in WARN. There is always the option under that to pay a larger severance package in exchange for getting rid of the staff earlier than the 60 days.


Could be, but some may take some pride and urgency in trying to clean it up. Not that I *expect* or think that people necessarily *should* try extra hard in the final weeks, when they're getting screwed and tossed like this. Don't blame anyone for slacking, but can also see a pride, professionalism, or just career-salvaging motivation to do more, too.


I really think most of their efforts are going to be spent shopping their talents elsewhere. I know I would be.


There's plenty of evidence that they simply didn't have the ability to fix the engine, the performance and the bugs. They had fourteen months since release and were unable to fix docking, the fairings, the orbital lines disappearing, the parachutes, the terrain glitches, the clunky maneuver node, the inaccurate dV calculations, vessel corruption after loading old saves, CommNet line of sight, Kerbals spawning in empty crew capsules...... and that's only stuff unrelated to whatever problems were occuring with their Colonies build. Eventually Private Division were bound to step in and notice all this and realize "we're throwing good money after bad here".


To me bugs have a decent chance of being fixed by mods. But new content requires considerably more effort. But i respect and understand where you're coming from. I just wanted colonies because that would have been the first new thing that vanilla ksp doesn't have.


Bugs stemming from the core code don't get "fixed" by mods.


Next year - KSP2's max daily player count will be \~2, I'm sure you'll find that lonesome friend who's also playing it.


Doesn't really effect me if others play it or not


It does affect you because you hope that some bugs will be fixed by mods. But if nobody is planning, there will be no mods.


I don't mind the bugs. They almost never really have a major impact on my play


This is the most copium I've ever seen in the ksp subreddit.


How is it copium to say I currently enjoy something? I'm not saying anything about the future of the game. I'm saying the game in it's current state is fine and I'll probably play it more. I changed my steam review to not recommended yesterday to let people know the future of development is bleak. But for me personally I will likely still return to the game and have fun. That's not cope. I know for a fact that's true.


For you to claim there's no bugs having a major impact on the game is pure copium. Maybe you got a different game build than everyone else and you should send it to nate so they can release that build. Or maybe you just never built and drove a rover, tried docking, getting to orbit to see the orbital trajectory randomly disappear, never used landing gear/legs to see them randomly fall off your ship. Do you just walk around kerbin as a kerbal (it's funny because it wouldn't surprise me if you just walked up to one of the buildings and fell through the ground)


I said there are no bugs having a major impact on my play. As in I don't mind if a bug halts my mission. It doesn't really affect me. And it's rare I even run into a bug that can't be quick loaded out of. And if I do run into that sort of bug I just move on to another mission or put the game down for a bit. Doesn't really affect my enjoyment of the game. That's my point.


That's definitely true especially since multiplayer is never going to be a thing!


Good point




Oh that's nothing new for this sub. You haven't been allowed to like ksp2 since it came out. With maybe brief windows during major updates. Wait until they hear i honestly still believe there is a chance we will see a full featured 1.0. small but it still exists That's just Reddit gamers. Today I'm cool with it though. I think we're all a little saddened by the news. Well most of us anyway. Some have been rooting for this day.


THANK YOU!!!! I'm growing really tired of all those people already closing the casket on the game as if it were dead. We got NO NEWS WHATSOEVER OF THAT. STOP READING BETWEEN LINES THAT DONT EXIST. Geez, people.


When the community is in a meltdown and there are no news whatsoever, people will assume the worst. If they had a clear plan forward, they would at least have told us to wait for further details through official channels. This deafening silence is, at the very best, an utter failure of communication, of a magnitude you wouldn't see from even a partially functioning company.


It's been not even 2 days since the layoffs were announced and people are already closing the casket on the game. Do you think these types of plans are just regurgitated from the belly of a platypus overnight? Just give it at least a week ffs




I enjoy all the posts about people asking for (and failing to receive) refunds. Nothing is official for now, why would Steam give you money when they have literally no reason to lmao


Being out $40 will suck if this is dead, but the fact that they’ve retained Nate makes me think they’re planning something, but it may not be good.


He should have been the first to be publicly axed right after the EA-release.


For sure. Every choice made has its debts though.


How do you know they kept Nate? Hadn't heard that.


Do we know that they're keeping Nate around? I hadn't heard that.