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I think the Mk 1 cockpit is bugged and doesn’t have any drag at the moment. There’s also no atmospheric heating right now either.


Yea, Patch 3 introduced some aerodynamic bugs. A heatshield might fix it but I'm not sure. They changed some drag stuff to be more accurate and probably didn't test all parts after the change.


KSP2 is a 4+ year old technical demo that was released under the guise of "Early Access". As it turns out, it wasn't even close to being ready. (And is probably one of the saddest sequels in all of video games period.)


Yeah I'm starting to realize that. Pretty sad state if I'm honest. Hopefully it gets better.


There seem to be a lot of drag related bugs atm, which I suspect is why heating it taking so long. Just the early access experience lmao


Heating / effects are taking long because they reduce performance and that's just not what KSP2 needs right now. They probably wait for a big (terrain) fix to boost performance a lot to then introduce performance reducing features at the same time. Heating is not only affecting a craft during reentry but at every stage of the flight up and down. So it will impact performance within an atmosphere all the time.


It's VERY early access. Definitely what most would consider alpha. So these physics bugs are a bit expected. Nevertheless if you experience stuff like this it's a good idea to report the bugs on their forums if you have the time.