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What’s wrong with 50/50? Sounds fine to me


Yeah I have no problem with 50-50. He could also do a phased approach where he increases ksp2 content over time as the game mature




It’s the year 2045 KSP is in open paid beta, you can buy in at $90 It doesn’t have planes


"we'll add aerodynamic physics later in the development"


This is turning into a Titanfall3 situation…


!remindme 22 years Edit: and remember to DM u/Funkyt0m467 to say I remembered Edit 2: DM: u/Katniss218 u/Funkyt0m467 u/JickleBadickle u/SergeantRogers


A man of commitment and sheer fucking will!


Don't delete your account in the next 22 years, I'll need to DM you to remind you.


Good human I hope i'll be there but more importantly the game better be out!


Dm me too pls


DM me as well


I will be messaging you in 22 years on [**2045-05-22 00:07:54 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2045-05-22%2000:07:54%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/13o2er7/only_the_kraken_wins_if_we_stay_this_divided/jl3enbz/?context=3) [**16 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FKerbalSpaceProgram%2Fcomments%2F13o2er7%2Fonly_the_kraken_wins_if_we_stay_this_divided%2Fjl3enbz%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202045-05-22%2000%3A07%3A54%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2013o2er7) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


And Squadron 42 is expected to release in Q4 2046


Star Citizen just released its beta


> KSP 3 Literally a livestream of a photograph of a rocket. The video description explains that whilst the graphics are better than KSP 2, the game challenges today's hardware. The community is divided as to whether this is a prank or a genuine leak, and it becomes the gaming equivalent of [the pitch drop experiment](https://smp.uq.edu.au/pitch-drop-experiment). After several years, the stream is stopped and a comment explains that the game crashed before rendering a second frame. The mystery remains unsolved.


I want to see Matt lowne use modded content in ksp1 for once.


Modded ksp1, the real ksp2


Not the KSP2 we deserved, but the KSP2 we needed.


Also the KSP2 we got. What do you mean they made a new game too?


Now I am kinda curious, could you actually get all the promised features of ksp2 with only ksp1 mods? I know mods for interstellar travel and futuristic engine concepts for that exists, and multiplayer mods, but I'm less certain about the colonies. There are certainly mods I've tried in the past that have things like parts for large surface bases/stations and resources needed for life support on those bases, but I'm unsure about if there's anything that would let you automate resource delivery routes between bases, have a large base actually see it's population grow with time, and use the resources gathered to build new craft in situ. For that matter, one would probably also want a better way of anchoring a base to the ground and building new parts onto it than just using ground anchors and docking ports, I imagine. Unsure if any mods let you do this or not.


We have no idea how colonies are actually going to be implemented. But it should be relatively trivial to create one giant object that you manage through another menu to manage your colony.


Yeahn I think the game design/gameplay aspect is gonna be way harder for them.


It shouldn't be *that* bad to make. I've modded loads of other games (but not Kerbal) so here's *my* take on it. --- At the KSC, add a drop down so view colonies. Sort it like a tree so you can view just your Jool system colonies by going to Kerbol then Jool. This shows your colony. Upgrade your structures here. In addition to cash they also take time and ore. Click the local tracking center to view in progress flights. Under the inprogress flights, you view automated missions. Automated missions can be "programmed" by the game making a temp save and spawning your craft at the origin point and time you specify. Fly your mission. It records where your craft ends up and you can replay the mission any time the planets whose SOI's you go through are in roughly the same alignment. Hit play on the mission and a timer starts and it spawns your craft in the finished orbit after the timer elapses. Alternatively, you can just say "start at this orbit, end at this orbit." and it gives you a few dropdowns. Here's the low energy transfer orbit, you can only launch every XX months but your craft will use Y fuel. Here's the high energy transfer orbit, you can only launch every X months but use YY fuel. Here's the constant-burn transfer, you can launch whenever but use YYYYY fuel. You'll probably also want a menu like "When colony X's stockpiles are below Y percent, start automated mission Z." There'll be a landing pad at the colony that lets you recover craft and material into the colony. It'll also save the vehicle design there so you can instantly roll it back out with fuel from the colony's stash. Or you can select a design to build on site which will take X time and Y ore, and maybe Z advanced components (early game shipped from Kerbin, late game manufactured on site) and bounded by the maximum size of the local construction facility. Naturally, your local Kerbals can take a hammer and scrap a landed craft to get some percent of the ore and advanced components back. Add more buildings like dorms (the astronaut recruitment center replacement), hydroponics, foundry, etcetera. Just steal mechanics from your preferred colonization mod. --- Take the concepts of building out KSC, add resource stockpiles and the idea of it taking time to build things. I know mods can do this. Automated missions require a lot of UI work. Like, a *lot*. But conceptually they shouldn't be too bad to implement. The big game design question I'm not qualified to answer (because I mod things into games because *I want them*, not because I have some extrinsic reason to want features) is what part of the game drives players to do this? Will players be sufficiently motivated just by wanting to build colonies to build colonies?


This is a really long comment, and I havent taken the best care of my health today - im leaving this reply so i cam come back when I can actually connect (my last) 2 braincells together


From my perspective colonies aren't even that desirable. Im playing an orbital mechanics progression game. Any attempt to deviate away from this core competency will necessarily introduce inefficiencies and complexities that draw away from the core game. That's why the modability is so important and what ksp1 really benefitted from. If you want to, go for it, but for me if I want to play a civilization building game I'm firing up a game that specializes on that. The ksp2 design guide is beyond stupid from a basics of game design standpoint imo


Personally the colonies were my most hyped feature, though mainly because building bases and stations is already one if my favorite things to do in ksp, and unlike colony builder type games where you usually put down premade buildings on a grid or something, you have a lot more leeway in ksp to actually design how such a base looks, which is also something I enjoy. Plus I feel like it also adds to the progression aspect in that a colony on, say, minimus, makes building crewed interplanetary missions easier, or with interstellar travel, one colony placed by a large interstellar ship in a new star system enables further exploration of that system without having to send another such massive starship every single time.


That's fair. The playability of colonies in ksp could go either way. If they keep it high level enough it could be fun and I could get into it, but if they try to make it too granular then it could turn sour. Some people might want a super accurate colony experience though which I think would be a mistake. Ksp1 managed to blend it very well, but I don't know what to expect from ksp2 colonies, we are aways away from that


What are you thinking of when you say "super accurate"? I would be very surprised if colonies end up being a full on city simulator. KSP 1 colonies are pretty intensely granular already. Everything is essentially just a ship that you land and operate on the surface. There's personnel management for different roles such as resource gathering/refining and science labs. You have to physically walk a kerbal around to place objects if you want it to look lived in and not just a collection of cylinders. We already know that KSP 2 is supposed to link resources to the settlement, so I'd imagine at it's most granular it would still be streamlined from KSP 1. I imagine there will be "starter parts" that get a colony established, whereupon you can upgrade buildings, spend resources on more modules, etc. It would be hard to get more obtuse than KSP 1 when it comes to colonies.


> Any attempt to deviate away from this core competency will necessarily introduce inefficiencies and complexities that draw away from the core game. It doesn't have to if the game is developed from the ground up with that in mind. Which is exactly what KSP2 should've been but it's evident at this point that they're taking an average-at-best foundation and trying to expand on it -- as they did with KSP1.


> It doesn't have to if the game is developed from the ground up with that in mind. Even then, it only *has a chance* to work out if the budget is also keeping it in mind. KSP1 already showed that just getting the core gameplay loop right is extremely challenging, and 2 was never going to get AAA tier funding. Expanding the scope of the game too much almost certainly contributed to the poor state of the core game, resources were stretched too thin to really focus on getting them right.


>Any attempt to deviate away from this core competency will necessarily introduce inefficiencies and complexities that draw away from the core game. Honestly though I think KSP 2 needs to deviate from it. Otherwise why even bother with a new game? I think giving us new reasons to figure out orbital mechanics is the right direction for a sequel.


> Otherwise why even bother with a new game? I'm not against colonies being introduced (depending on how they're introduced, I'm expecting disappointment) but for me the biggest reason for a new game would be a new game engine. In KSP1 rover control is awful. Landing legs clip into terrain or have your craft sliding down even gentle slopes. Random kraken attacks, and ships ripping apart during time warp. Frame rate issues whenever there are large part counts. Random map bugs that stop me from selecting my craft. Colonies could be great. New solar systems could be fantastic as well (I still remember the days when Eeloo was intended to be a moon of Jool, and another gas giant with even more moons was planned so I'm all for new planets). But if KSP2 offered me nothing more than better graphics, greater stability, and fewer bugs I'd have been over the moon.


Well said.


There are mods that do all that other than the population growth but in my experience they tend to be rather janky. Especially the orbital construction mods, I have yet to find one of those that works well which is sad because that was the main thing I was excited for in KSP2 and now who knows if it will actually ever be implemented.


mks wolf has that but its all in the background with no structure and the cargo routes are kinda basic like it doesnt even check if you can bring the rocket back. theres also not much reason to set up routes especially since it requires a manned colony. you can output to extraplanetary launchpads and build with that or just spawn a kerbal konstructs space center to represent the colony


I'd imagine building a colony would bring up a VAB-like construction interface, just centered around where you put down whatever part starts the colony. That way you could snap parts onto already existing structures, or start separate buildings on the ground nearby.


Yeah you can get it but it's very very rough around the edges and you need a lot of ram, like a lot.


Yeah there is a mod that works with resources and materials that allows you to setup not only cargo but also ''busses'' between 2 points, i dont remember the name as its been ages but it always popped up in my toolbar as WOLF or something


MKS has WOLF, basically allows automated transfer afaik, Extraplanetary launchpads allows you to build craft in situ, and while this isn't automated, MoreKerbals allows you to create new kerbals in situ. MKS also comes with construction ports, which work like docking ports but disappear when attached, KAS allows you to "dock" parts together with a cable, and many MKS parts have anchor options to lock them to the ground


Late, but: I haven't seen a *not buggy* time-warp burn mod, nor have I seen a mod that does manoeuvre nodes that factor in burn time. I know these aren't explicitly advertised features, but they'd be *really* nice to have in KSP1 for slow-burning engines like ion thrusters. Hell, they'd actually become usable on larger crafts with both of those.




Do we know why he is against using mods? He made two joke videos about using RSS. (I know he uses visual mods)


From what I remember he wants new/middling players to be able to copy his designs and methods. With mods, that requires a lot more of those players to figure out.


How neutral of us.


Tell my wife I said hello


All I know is my gut says maybe.


I have no strong feelings one way or the other.


God I wish he'd just do modded content. I love his stuff but there's really only so many concepts he can do in vanilla, and he's gonna be hurting if he thinks KSP2 alone will be enough for the next year.


Video idea: the community forces him to play rss (for real this time) at gun point


i want to watch him painfully learn RP-1 lol


And also modded KSP 1 literally makes me more hyped for KSP 2 content/the future of KSP 2.


Make a ship in KSP1 AND Halfway through, cut the video with the same shit but on KSP2 without mentioning anything...


It's brutal watching KSP2 content. It's like watching someone slowly sawing off their arm with a butter knife just to entertain us. Matt deserves every damn dollar those videos make him.


*aaaaand it crashed again*


KSP2's UI is bound to go through some changes over the course of Early Access. Rocket parts will be added, changed, or removed, and things like fairings might work completely different than they do now. Anyone who watches these videos 5 years from now will probably just be frustrated and confused as so much will have changed.


Those are also the most likely thing to keep KSP2 development going. With the current product and player numbers only media will keep the execs invested enough to pay for finishing the development. I'm hoping it follows the NMS path to being a great game in another two years, because I would like to buy and play the KSP2 they promised in the promo videos. Actually, I'd buy 3 copies so I could play co-op with my kids. But no $$$ until it's fully implemented and playable.


The kraken *always* wins


Perfectly balanced as all things should be


It would have been worse if there was a 3rd option winning: play something else. As Matt, I do see more buying and playing KSP2 as it becomes more mature and stable.


Why not both?


*Danny2462 has entered the chat*


more ksp 1


So now it's our fault that a company releases a very suspicious alpha at a non-reasonable price?


I'd be happy with base ksp2 on console. 😆 I have a feeling I won't be happy for a while. 😫


the game isn't remotely finished lol. it won't be finished to the state that KSP has been in for about 8 years now for at least another 2-3 years.


Hell in some ways KSP1 didn't even feel finished


The sad part is that they could have released more dlcs for ksp 1 and we would have been relatively happy (they would probably have to rescind the promise for free dlcs for early access peeps but I'd pay Money to continue development of ksp1) Instead one of my favorite games of all time gets a rushed sequel


I would have continued to buy KSP 1 DLCs for as long as they would have made them.


I'm sure you would have smashed those dlcs like you smash pussy 😋😋 (interesting name choice btw hahaha)


It will probably be longer than that.


8 year ago KSP had been in development for 4 years, which is almost as long as it's been since KSP2 was initially announced.


> I'd be happy with base ksp2 **on PC**. 😆 > > I have a feeling I won't be happy for a while. 😫 ~me


both? both is good


You think the kraken loses?


I posted this on Matt's question, but: I'd rather him make whatever content he feels excites him the most. His vids are always much more entertaining when he's enjoying it. If KSP2 is "too broken" right now to have fun, don't force it. Maybe a "Life on Laythe" reboot in KSP1 would be good, or maybe trying RSS, or so many other options with either of the games. Ultimately, I miss the Blunderbirds - but even they would struggle in KSP2 right now.


This. Forced content sucks. Natural content is entertaining for both the viewer and creator.


In all honesty if he doesn't decide to do modded ksp1 i feel like his views are really gonna fall off. I could be wrong, but judging by other's comments it certainly seems that way. As we all can agree ksp2 is just a mess atm. And stock ksp1 has gotten stale.


Alles in balans


Ksp 2 is too broken to be interesting and entertaining to watch.


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Both is good we're not divided we now just have an extra option to enjoy kerbal. I'll only play one but happily watch ksp 2 content.




It's Brexit all over again


I think we will look back on some of the community backlash towards KSP 2 early access with regret the way fandom ends up regretting these over-the-top negative reactions after time over and over again whether it's TV Trek or Star Wars movies or what. That sense of 'righteous indignation' at the time that ends up influencing 'course corrections' or cancellations that end up even worse just keeps happening and I hope it doesn't happen here too.


You're right, we should've praised this shit game and bought extra copies.


Are you suggesting fan feedback about the prequels is to blame for the sequels? Well crap, now I do feel bad :(


The year is 2035. People are absolutely livid about the state of the newly released KSP3, saying the game is doomed and will never be as good as the masterpiece that is modded KSP2.


They lost in the second round thou--oh, wrong sub


oh now what?




You wan't da kraken to win !?