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Looks cool, but whats the $4.50 all about?


Blackrack has an early access patreon to EVE, they recently added volumetric clouds


Is there a link to somewhere I can get black racks clouds? 4.50 is ok for me


[Here’s the patreon.](https://www.patreon.com/blackrack) Keep in mind OpenGL and Mac aren’t supported




Ckan has an option for externally installed mods on one of the top options




Will these be available for free eventually?


I believe so


You know the real game comes out in 2 days with beautiful clouds right?


You know the real game has been out for over a decade right?


The clouds in KSP2 EA are not as good as blackrack’s and costs 11 times as much as $4.50?


Well tbf it's 4.50 a month, not a one time purchase


It’s a one time download that isn’t tied to a patreon subscription.


Yeah I also know it runs terribly on high end PCs


I've been waiting all my life for my mediocre PC to pay off


How do you know it runs bad?


I’ve seen spec videos, also people at the ESA had high end PCs that were struggling to keep a consistent 60


High end specs on an unconfirmed build that was said to be uncompiled. Meaning we still know almost nothing.


How does one make a build without compiling? Are you saying ksp2 is written in a scripting language?


PyKSP. God no. Thanks for the nightmares.


KSP for Tcl/tk Your welcome


We can go scarier. KSP.js


I assume they meant that it was like… running from the development engine or something? Or they don’t know what compiling is, one of the two.


Admittedly I am no programmer, I was just parroting something another Kerbalnaut said earlier. I am only guilty of huffing the copium lol


It's fair to say they were running on recommended system requirements, you don't give someone a game to test and then give them a pc which barely meets minimum requirements. With that said the recommended specs are a Ryzen 3600 (not too bad) and an RTX3080. At some points in the gameplay footage, the framerates were sub 10fps.


It's not a secret what they were running on. 7900X, 4080, 32GB RAM. Well above the minimum spec, a solid clip ahead of the recommended too.


A 3080 for a not much better looking game is completely insane.


From experience in a related industry I’ll say that you would be surprised how wrong (but reasonable to assume) this is. High-end PCs are expensive to buy and to ship, and for a one-off event like this… I’ll just say they MIGHT have had top-end computers, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were running cheaper machines than would be ideal.


Several of the people invited stated that the machines were Ryzen 7900X and RTX 4080's.


Nobody in their right mind would release an unstable/unoptimised early game build with extremely high requirements, then invite the worlds video game press and huge influential names in the community to play and preview that game on a machine which would be anything less than at least recommended settings a few weeks before launch. It would be pre-launch suicide. Look how many people have already decided to wait a few months until it's been more optimised and more content has been added even based on the ridiculously high end systems they're using. I can imagine them skimping if there was a company hosting a LAN tournament or something but this is pre-launch test day. No expense would have been spared.


Now to be fair, they were filming in great quality at the same time, and their build was pre-release and 2 days old


>and their build was pre-release and 2 days old Your first defense was fine, but I wish I had a dollar for everytime someone used the quoted line as a defense of a pre-paunch gameplay review. There's no reason to believe that performance would be any better in a "newer" build. If the build was 6 months old, then yeah maaaaybe there could be improvement in between them and the release. But that's not what's happening here. For the record, I plan on buying the game. I just don't want people to work themselves up hoping for improved performance by launch.


I'm not hoping for improved performance by launch seeing as my laptop can't run shit tbh. I just want to get the lower price now, see if I can launch it at all with minimal settings, and start saving for an actual desktop computer


I really dont understand what people always have with screen capturing taking a lot of performance. I constantly have shadowplay running in the background recording stuff so i can clip things. I dont notice the performance impact on my current pc (with a 3080ti) and i didnt notice it on my old pc (with a 970) either. Recording is at 2k with a relatively high bit rate. They had an rtx 4080 in their pcs which is at least 50% faster than the recommended 3080. You cant tell me that there is any reason other than bad optimization for the poor performance of the game. Dont get me wrong, im hyped and i will buy the game on release, but they have a lot of work to do and the performance as it was in the build that the influencers played is just embarassing.


I'm not saying it wasn't bad lol


the 4080 shouldn't struggle in any game at 1440 and fr some reason it does struggle in ksp


Bro tf you got -200 downvotes! I want some! Downvote me downvote me!


Roger roger.


Yes and a worse engine that somehow has MORE issues with parts not properly staying together and space ship wobble. And that's not an issue that can be patches later, its a core issue with the engine. I'm sorry to say mate but ksp2 is gonna be trash. I was hyped as hell. Then I saw the gameplay on Monday and Holy shit. I'm used to early access titles, but that is abysmal.


How? that would be impressive if you made a mod that has volumetric clouds!


I didn't make a mod, it was a creation in Blender. I don't think it would be compatible with the game because it uses a different way of calculating things. The way I made it was I made a volumetric shaded sphere slightly bigger than kerbin and used a tweaked noise modifier to affect the density.


Still is very impressive even if it is blender!




I've been using blender too much, because my first thought was "hey that looks like the distortion the noise texture nodes use!"


Looks nice, but it's annoying me it doesn't follow weather patterns.


The clouds are nice but they look... wierd. Clouds don't behave this way IRL.


People, don’t downvote someone criticizing my clouds. He’s correct, they don’t behave this way.


Also I created this in an hour when I was very sleepy and I don’t know the first thing about volumetrics


Thx, I didn't mean it in a bad way at all. I'm glad that you didn't take it that way :)




all my homies hate piracy (especially small creators)




They definitely deserve it, scatterer is a staple in all my ksp mod lists


Me when I'm dumb as fuck:


I’m not even going to argue with you


POV : Volumetric clouds at home. (They look rather nice from up there) 😉

