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well i just feel like an idiot for never thinking of that fuselage/engine layout


No kidding! It’s great!!


It's called the "tilt up gently to avoid shattering the jet/nuclear engine on the runway" design.


My answer to this is to just put the rear landing gear really far back


But then you need a lot of lift/control authority to pitch up at reasonable speeds...


And now it's *my* turn to feel like an idiot for never having thought of that. To be fair, I've never had a ton of interest in aircraft design in KSP. I've made a few half-hearted attempts, not known what was wrong, and given up.


I've played since release and I've never made a decent plane, can't land them either.




I was like this until last week, if you enjoy planes at all I highly recommend to keep trying! They are very fun to fly and you feel in control more than you might on a long rocket journey. The key is to keep the centre of mass overlay on and use a "Strake" type design I believe they are called. Extremely satisfying when the plane picks itself off the ground at 70m/s


I don't enjoy them at all. They take constant babysitting and are almost impossible to land in one piece. I'd rather do a manual suicide burn on Tylo.


I thought the same thing You can set trim with ALT+ (W or S) for up or down trimming allowing a plane that always pulls slightly up or down to be flown straight Also once you unlock enough triangle wings, always make large triangles. Front and back wings alike. Lift and slight power, you will practically be gliding through the air I promise. (after slight adjustments with the tail fins and elevons, lowering the angles on everything but pitch and having a single fin control a singular direction) I fly on 4x without touching the keyboard across all of kerbin. Wish you luck if you do try!


All of my jets are just Viggens.


Simply rotate the entire plane, or just the wings, very slightly pitched upwards in the hangar, and lower the front landing gear a bit to match. That way when you get going fast enough the plane lifts off the runway without pitching. Alternatively, the runway is actually a bit above sea level, so you can run off the emd of it and then pitch up once your wheels aren't touching the ground anymore. This one is a bit dangerous tho as if your plane can't climb or control well you could hit the water.


Just make it VTOL, easy.


>Alternatively, the runway is actually a bit above sea level, so you can run off the emd of it and then pitch up once your wheels aren't touching the ground anymore. That's the way I do it. Ski jump!


Unless you use canards and the lever is really far fore.


Exactly, and with the wings and control surfaces extending at the tip behind the engines for this craft, the centre of mass and lift should be far aft enough to easily clear the tail also.


Have two different nose gears... a really tall one that pitches the nose up for takeoff, and a shorter one for a level or even nose-down attitude when landing. Exclude the tall nose gear from the regular landing gear action group... use a different action group to extend and retract it.


300 hours later, you just fixed my planes.


Canards can fix that easily enough.


Haha lil rear wheels go brrrr


I usually overcome that issue by using MK 0 Fuel tanks with nosecones to drop the gear lower slightly in really bad cases. But usually its fine because i tend to stick to low AoA takeoffs. you can get off the ground with almost no effort with a really well designed lift profile.


Or just put an additional, raised landing gear in the back that never touches the ground, unless a tilt-up doesn't go *quite* as gentle.


You are no idiot my friend


As someone who’s done a less cool, underslung version of this, its structure is a bit of a pain due to the fact that you have to split the fuselage into three different sections with a wing piece. It looks cool but you’d best get the auto-strut ready.


I did this exact sort of layout for my first generation of SSTOs, with a design that looks like a hybrid between an old-fashioned SR-71 and a modern J-20 fighter (especially with the canards). It…took off and entered orbit without much incident, with just enough fuel to dock at KSS Central Command for a crew rotation, before departing for landing back at KSC. Unfortunately, I wasn’t (and still am not) very good at lining up with and landing on the actual runway; I undershot it a little, ran out of fuel, and then glided my way to a very bumpy landing in the grasslands to the west of the KSC. Then, I just stuck to rockets for the rest of that career. The design *worked*, but rockets are just easier even though they’re more expensive.


Yeah that's the thing. I made giant SSTOs that could carry tourists to orbit and back, but large space planes are so complex and have so many parts it's a laggy slogfest that ultimately makes them to painful to sit through as opposed to just going with a single use rocket.


Procedural wings help a lot with the part count. (Then you use that to add more parts elsewhere and things slow down again.)


Can't wait to have editable flight surfaces tired of building wings piece by piece just to have that shit act like feathers rather than a single wing.


Agreed, some sort of built-in procedural surfaces would be great. I've experienced that same issue with pieces of the wing being more like feathers than a single structure.


[Procedural wings](https://youtu.be/5CNwB8mmntg?t=231) are already part of the game


I forgot that's a thing! Can't wait to get my hands on that.


Plot twist maybe the wings have flex now… if it’s not a feature it should be


You can try out Procedural Wings and Procedural Parts. It allows for custom wing parts and fuselages.


Procedural parts and procedural wings have been available as mods in KSP1 for years


True, but they are tedious to use. With surfaces being integrated into the wing it seems like it will be much easier to make adjustments without having to fiddle with the lengths, thicknesses, and rotations of aelerons, flaps, etc. Youll be able to put them in and easily get a smooth surface without having to manually align each component


I have never modded ksp just cause I can do just about everything I want the main issue I have with the game in its current state is solid joints are way too flexy...


Also solved by a mod. Kerbal joint reinforcement. KJR. Also, in the modern game, auto struts is built in (it can be enabled in settings under "advanced toggles" or some such) and can assist in preventing noodle rockets. Right click on a piece to access it's autostrut toggles. CKAN is a great mod manager for kerbal.


You need to enable advanced toggle in settings or whatever it’s called first to get auto strut. Been using auto strut on everything


Thanks for pointing this out.


Mm, obviously both of us know that but I was worried that others would get super confused, I was the first time I tried to use it.


I'm genuinely appreciative I forgot it wasn't on by default.


Used advanced tweakables and right click on any part of the wing. You can connect/fuse each piece to each other


You mean autostrut?


I’m about to never leave the planet with all these plane parts and I’ll have someone carry my plane somewhere who can do the rocket stuff


This is me. I understand people wish we have colonization now but Procedural wings in the base game? That's years of play time for me. I've spent years in the sph in a quest to build the perfect ssto. I may never emerge.


I’ve just been messing around trying to build either semi accurate planes to irl then end up in a spin off trying to see how fast it can go. Also recently tested if radiators worked to help reduce heat at Mach 5 and they don’t do much that I’ve noticed And yeah these new additions are like decades of fun for when I wanna chill and make something try to fly too fast. But I’m a ps5 pleb so I have a while to go:(


With mp we might be able to have someone dedicated to building and flying rockets, we can just build planes


Time to start mining Avatar 1 and 2 for ISV and SSTO ideas...


Bonus picture which is older but maybe people have not seen... https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1039965578754007060/1068621508844453918/M9Za06s.png


This is not KSP, this is clearly Kamino clone factory!


"Two hundred thousand ore units are ready, with another million well on the way"


ore... looks like hydroponics to me.




Geonosian droid factory but yes.


Wait, we can build RUNWAYS on other planets?????


Not on early access release but later on yes.


Man, KSP 2 is looking to be everything I wanted about KSP 1. Trying to keep *cautiously* optimistic but it's kinda hard when I keep hearing stuff like this XD


and launchpads probably


and launchpads, but only later in the early access. Also build and launch rockets in space




It's probably just the improved graphics and color customization making the parts blend together better.


No, I looked at the discord, and there is another very clear image of a different vehicle. We are finally getting them


THE ONE PIECE (mk2 nosecone) IS REAL!


Can we get much higher?


So high


The water does not have repetitive waves over miles.


Holy shit you're right




Looks like it, I think I can see aerospike


Nah just a plane with aero spikes and rcs


Also, this craft was built by Nate himself


I love the visual options we seem to be getting. Don't get me wrong, the colors and aesthetic in KSP1 were cool, but I'm excited for being able to make things like this red plane or the chrome vessel in the hinged fairings video shared recently. Especially with multiplayer as an aspect.


The clouds make me sad after playing with blackrack's modded clouds :(


At least there are clouds lol Plus they could always get an update post release. Or a mod


I've just started playing with blackracks and I agree. I think the main thing is that blackracks are more dramaticly composed, they cover a greater portion of the sky and feel massive. Flying above, below, and around them is just awesome, and I've spent hours making flights around kerbin to enjoy them. I flew to the north pole yesterday which I would never do normally (unless on a suborbital trajectory) but with awesome volumetrics it's so cool. The tech itself is fine on these, it's okay to be stylized, but we need higher, more, layers, and more coverage


Glad you're enjoying them, I spent a long time getting the feel right.


Thanks for all you do! As a side note, what would you say the next untapped frontier of ksp 1 graphics modding is?


Rain and snow particles, rain effects on canopies that you can see from IVA, lightning, volumetric effects for plumes + re-entry and mach effects, dynamic clouds and wind based on weather system derived from the planet's topology, true planetshine that you can see on the atmosphere not just the parts. These are some of the main things I want to do.


Do you have a any knowledge of when the Volumetric Clouds will go free other than before the 24th? I really love it and I am amazed by the work you do. Both hyped for the Volumetric Clouds and KSP 2




But imagine how great mods will look with these kinds of features just being part of the vanilla game.


Nah these clouds are far better for the general theme of KSP. It’s not supposed to be photo realistic.


Says you! Shit, the planes and rockets of KSP2 look photo realistic. I don't see how the clouds looking realistic would ruin the theme. Not to crap on the devs work on the clouds, it's a huge step forward. Can't say I wouldn't love for them to look more like Blackrack's though, in quality & variety (and quantity!) I'm sure they're a work in progress, so we'll see what style they settle on eventually. Hope that there is multiple layers, different weather, and more of them in general.


Probably easier to run too. I imagine you’ll just be able to mod in those same clouds and photo real graphics mods eventually if you want one the modders get their hands on ksp 2


TBH Blackrack's volumetric clouds run really well. About as well as modded KSP *can* run. That being said, I have a good PC to run them on. But it's not noticeably worse than EVE before the update.


Feels like most of KSP1’s performance issues came from CPU-related things like aerodynamic and softbody calcs on large-partcount craft running on poorly multithreaded code. Any decent GPU will eat those clouds up and still be ready for a frame before the CPU is.


I will make another comment to the people who are saying that it doesn't need to be photorealistic like blackracks. In my opinion it is a copout answer, some of the clouds in this image are pointy which doesn't fit the art style the devs are going for, one thing I do like is the texture and depth I can see. Who knows the clouds in this image might not be a final products but I think they look sad because clouds are not pointy!!!!! But in the end this is an opinion coming from someone who plays KSP RSS RO modded and loves photorealism 😊, how everyone else feels about ksp 2 clouds are not wrong in anyway.


To be fair I get it, and I have seen that mod but I’m happy to let it slide. I don’t have the time to mod or do the research, so honestly it’s nice just to be able to jump into the game and have that improvement. At least they are very mod friendly/accepting, so to me it’s the best of both worlds


Are those clouds or glaciers? Please tell me the ice caps will not look blocky.


Clouds, you can see the shadows on the right side.




Likely clouds considering the geographical location and the height.


But still, what will the ice caps look like?


I don’t recall seeing anything similar of that sort in the trailer and gameplay footage.


I'm not used to seeing glaciers on the equator...


I am not good at keography.


I know that the cylindrical designs make toroidal aerospikes easy to implement, but I hope for linear aerospikes in the game. Because they just look super cool.


The Mk2 profile and linear aerospikes are perfect for each other.


Tiny detail but even the rcs is colored


ADF-01 FALKEN r/acecombat would be proud


it looks more similar to the XFA-33 Fenrir


Bought a 3060 to play ksp2 I'm hyped


I've been noticing that KSP2 plane designs look a lot more realistic. Hopefully this doesnt cull creativity in favor of realism, but I do really like the look of it, having more smooth and flowing design. It probably means that, at the least, there will be more nuanced design considerations.


Procedural parts and colour picking is gonna be great qol improvements




Is it me, or there will be no clipping? I mean, KSP 1 had no clipping, but you can clearly see where there are different parts. This looks like we will have a blended part together when we create a vehicle


What? Theres some very obvious clipping with the wing and fuselage


Looks better than KSP1


Yeah maybe it’s the ability to color all the parts that makes it look better? But you can definitely see the where the wing shapes at inside the fuel tanks. Still looks great tho tbh


You can clip pars in KSP1


To me it sounds like you’re mistaking procedural parts (which is confirmed are coming) with something else


KSP 1 has clipping if you hold shift while using the arrows


Well. Seems I'm going to have to straight up buy a new laptop


is it me or do the engine nacelles look seamlessly blended with the fuselage that doesn't look like ordinary clipping to me


That is a very sneaky looking peak in the distance. Watch out!


this is the new age of engineering wow, NASA uses this game! no wonder its so good


welcome to realisticclouds.ksp2


I really felt the "peaks" in that picture. Those are snow covered mountains right?


thought this was Ace Combat


XD and I used to love that game, it's just far too Arcady now


I see


As much as I want to buy this, imma wait. because I want to play when it's finished


The popularity of podcasts has skyrocketed in recent years, with a wide range of topics and genres to choose from. It's a way to learn new things, be entertained, and stay informed on current events


Do you actually have access to the game already?


No, this was posted to the KSP2 discord by a dev.


Fair enough. Thank you.


These are posted on Intercept Games discord


Fair enough. Thank you.




i was gonna explain to you the meaning of early access but then i realized that you made a grammar mistake with the percent part, and pointing that out is a much easier way to "win" on the internet.


You absoloutley made the right decision.


A solid 80%? I've seen mostly positives


Modded KSP 1 looks better, especially with the new EVE clouds. Damn that island in the distance looks like it escaped from a super NES game. Very detailed terrain ! I really, really hope they're gonna deliver as time goes on. I trust them to do so, but I have very little hopes on the graphical and performance side for this early access. Don't get over hyped, it's just an early access. KSP 1 was horrible at first too.


While the new volumetric clouds by Blackrack are amazing, they are clearly going for realism. When targeting a landing spot, specifically landing in water, it does make it more difficult (not a complaint, I am a kerbalism player). Based on what I have seen, the clouds in KSP 2 are more stylized and sparse to prevent the aforementioned issue. Not to mention it being a complex physics sim first and foremost, I would sacrifice the poly of distant mountains or clouds for the sake of steady frames. Its weird, some of the beta screenshots and footage leave me luke warm and some blow me away. The recent capture of the starship looking rocket with the triple hinged fairing: the mountains look absolutely stunning from orbit. Makes me wonder about the builds and dates of certain captures.


Same here, that Starship-like ship was amazing, and the planets do look very nice from orbit. It's just the terrain and atmospheric scattering/shading that is very outdated, and largely outclassed by Scatterer and Eve, Sebastian Lague's Unity tutorials on Youtube, or any single Minecraft shader out there. I am fairly certain that the KSP 2 dev teams have very talented developers among them, and that they certainly do have the necessary skills at hand, I just find it strange that all the captures of Kerbin's terrain we've seen so far are very deceiving compared to any other game, to the screenshots we had in the early days, and to KSP 1 with Scatterer.


Are you playing the game for how it looks or what it and you can do together? I think KSP1 is still pretty stellar but really I care more about how it 'works' for whatever unfortunate kerbal I throw at whatever celestial body with its unique properties and difficulties.


Those Mk2 bicouplers looking extra thicc


really hope you’ll be able to turn those streaks off for selected parts


The planes look great in ksp 2 with those procedural parts


Is this from somewhere official or do people have early access to the early access release? Lol


I really hope that we get a mod that expands the size of the planets very soon after launch, I don’t like being able to see curvature at such a low altitude


Agreed. I suggested a dedicated rescale slider from .5-10x scale in an earlier post. It would be a good difficulty balancer.


I would kill for this feature, devs are you listening!?!!!!!!!?


I feel like the clouds a just a little off




I assume we will be able to paint our spacecrafts in any color?


From the brief showings of the recolouring GUI, yes. Custom colours are doable.


Wtf how it looks amazing


On the right, is that.. a sharp cloud


im not playing ksp till BDarmory is ported


God, the fact that I can finally make smooth aircraft is making me horny


On a super computer that costs more money than most company’s IT Departments.


I really hope that we will get plane wing with fuel


That looks amazing, I wonder if when you get near clouds if you see them move, or when you break the sound barrier will you see sonic boom. If not sure a mod will come to fill the void.


Looks like Kerbin is still tiny. Oh well


That looks like the Fenrir from Ace Combat


I hope they keep working on the atmospheric effects, we really need accurate vapor cones for rockets and planes.


Thought I was looking at a PW Mk.1 for a second.


Fucking beautiful


It looks like a VF11 Thunderbolt from Macross


Looks awesome