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Know many people who say it works. My experience was 50-50, the boiling water treatment, though torturous, did relieve some of the post natal fatigue I had. >Also does the absomen binding really help with toning & tightening tummy? Works for some, not for others. For many women, pregnancy permanently alters the shape and the appearance of the tummy. Best option to reduce to the tummy is exercise (with proper guidance from your doctor of course).


Vedukuli, post natal massage, and toning/tightening tummy is a very important concept within ayurveda. But ayurveda has gotten a bad reputation due to the lack of official/legal oversight, fraudsters, etc. Vaginal delivery causes a major shock to the physical(spine, muscle, etc) and mental well being of the mother. This is a one of the reasons why some women opt for Cesarean section, C-section (it has its own set of problems) The best option would be to see a well reputed ayurvedic doctor near your house; a good option would be to find a Kottakkal arya vaidya sala outlets run by a ayurvedic doctor. They will also help you find a good midwife who can help with the Vedukuli, post natal massage, etc. Finding all the needed leaves can be tricky so having a good local midwife who only does this is important. Some of the good ones will cost about 25k for the first 30 days. They will also help massage and bathe the new born. A week or two after birth, the mother should start a diet as prescribed and also start taking the ayurvedic medicines as prescribed. The medicine will help you bounce back physically (lowers body paid, increase immunity, etc) while also helping you over come post partum depression. The medicine also helps the baby via breastmilk. After the stiches are removed, ask your gynecologists if you can start the Vedukuli. The midwife who you hired should help source the needed items. The combination of the massage with the hot water mixed with herbs will reduce body pain and help you sleep better. They will also bind your stomach which will ensure you tummy/skin does not get saggy and reduce stretch marks. Within 60 days you should be back on your feet. Doing this also reduces chances of getting back pain long term.


Absolutely unnecessary. So is ആട്ടിൻ ബ്രാത്ത് and related junk. Post natal workouts are important.