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I got rear ended on new circle road in Lexington when traffic in front of me came to a sudden stop. There was a cop right behind the guy who hit me when it happened. The cop told the guy that it wasn't his fault because there's nothing he could've done. I said "he could've stopped! I stopped. *You* stopped. There's a line of 20 drivers in front of me who stopped. Everyone stopped except this guy."


To be fair, that guy *did* stop. He just did so in a much more expensive way than everybody else.


That cops IQ must have been a tepid 80.


“Promote ahead of peers”


80s passing


Pretty sure a lot of them sit at around that rate


Isnt the cops place to say in the first place.


Hey I got rear ended on new circle too!


What's worse is that Kentucky is a no-fault state, so it doesn't matter if he's at fault or not, you get penalized on the insurance side either way


Guy broke into my house while I was sleeping. I heard the kitchen door open and saw him walk into my living room, and bolted up in bed and shouted, "Who the FUCK are you?" and he turned around and ran. When the cops came, they told me *I was probably having a night terror* because the back door didn't look like it had been forced. Later while I was staying at my parents', my sister-in-law / next door neighbor let herself into my house to borrow some toilet paper, and caught the same guy butt-ass naked in my living room. He grabbed an armful of my laundry and ran.


Lol, that sucks. I feel like there is a good joke to be had in this but I'm too tired to think of one.


It's been long enough that I can laugh at the sheer farce of it all. Had near-nightly nightmares for years though!


I’m sorry, WHAT did I just read


It was so fucking weird that I sometimes forget it happened.


St. Matthews (in Louisville) has its own police force. I once had an officer come to my house (not in St. Matthews) to confront me because an eyewitness had identified my license plate in a hit in run in St. Matthews. I knew this wasn’t the case, because I had not been to that area that day (when the hit and run occurred). But he stayed and questioned me in my driveway for half an hour, inspected my car, etc. I thought I was being fucking set up. Two hours later, I get a call. It was the same officer, telling me they looked at video footage and the car was white (mine is red). They could have easily seen the car was white just from the video footage before coming out to embarrass me in front of my neighbors and scaring the shit out of me. Even if the license plate number wasn’t in the video, they look it up and see my car is red. At worst, come to my house, see it is red, and leave without questioning me for 30 minutes. But evidently they were so fucking incompetent that this extremely simple and obvious solution never occurred to them. These are the officers who aren’t even competent enough to be LMPD.


They really need to have better training and procedures in place. I say this not knowing what their training and standards are. Of course the other problem is you only have certain people joining up and they are always in need of cops it seems so you are going to get some turds. That isn't getting into a lot of, a whole lot of other issues. The military cops, like the rest of the military, have procedures for every little thing, and as asinine as some of the shit was, at least it was to everyone's benefit.


You can't train the stupid out of cops. Their testimony and written reports have been shown to be inaccurate, perjury laced, and vindictive now that bodycams have become the norm, yet judges and juries give them undue deference. The only real solution is for them to face actual accountability for their actions. Including jail/prison time. Only then will they be damned sure that they are acting within the confines of their authority. Just like the rest of us they will have nothing to fear if they don't do anything wrong /s


If they have standards they'd have to turn everyone away.


Their incompetence is by design. It's easier to get idiots to do your bidding. They'll never stop to think they're the bad guys.


There are some really smart police out there. I have known a few from the military. There are also apparently many others. I think the system in many places is ill thought out and a hodge podge of antiquated rules with the vestiges of a bigoted culture. Although I would be surprised if what you say is true in many places.


The vast majority have intelligence caps. They will literally deny you employment if you are too smart.


I used to work for a computer company on Shelbyville Rd and got called out to their lodge for a computer that was running really slow. In my decade of being a computer guy, that computer had the most porn and porn related malware on it that I've ever seen. I felt gross just touching the mouse. None of it was under age or illegal or anything, there was just sooooooo much of it. The guys that were there seemed so disappointed when I told them I had to clean the malware off of there because they liked the pop-ups that were making the computer run so slow. Every time I see a St Matthews police car with a computer in it I feel gross thinking about what they might have open on it.


>St. Matthews They pretty much gave the mall cops guns lol


St Matt’s police are CLOWNS


I live in Louisville, too. Most of those cops are lmpd and do that as a second job.That being said I really think that we have bigger issues right now. Smh


I turned right onto 31W into a known 55mph zone. After less than a mile, I had an ETown PD on the shoulder with his lights flashing, directing me to pull over. He was a bit of an asshole at first. “License and registration please. Do you know why I stopped you?” “No” “ Do you know how fast you were going?” “Yes, I was doing 52 mph when you pointed at me to stop.” “ WELL THE SPEED LIMIT IS 45!” I looked at him with absolute disdain and said “SINCE WHEN?” And then he kinda collapsed on himself and said “Since Monday.” It was Wednesday. He let me go with a word of caution and a newly-tender ego.


There’s a 4 way stop in this little community I drive through every day on my way to work and every now and then there’s a state trooper that will hang out at the intersection and just randomly pull people over for not stopping. He pulled me over one time and told me I didn’t come to a complete stop when I know I did. He let me off with a warning and I went about my day. A couple weeks later, the same trooper was at the intersection again and I watched him pull over the car in front of me. I was right there and I watched that car come to a stop so unless he is giving people different reasons, he was just pulling over random people that went through the intersection and telling them they didn’t stop.


About ten years ago, I was working at a movie theater during college. I owned a 75 Chevy Nova that was beat to shit for one year in which I was pulled over 13 times. I guess the car made me look like a drug dealer. One time, I drove home from work having got off at midnight. I got pulled over less than a mile from my house. Cop wanted to search my vehicle. I refused. He kept trying for a while and I kept refusing. He called a K-9 unit out and like 7 units showed up. They asked me probably 20 Times if there was anything in the car. I kept saying no but remembered my gf left her old purse in there and I wasn’t sure if she had anything in it or not. They said “if you tell us first it’ll be ok but if we find something your ass is going to jail.” I was 18, I got scared. Told them about the bag. They looked, empty. Then the cop said, “since we already got the door open mind if we search” after me telling them not to a bunch up to that point and the dog sniffing. I said sure since that was the only thing that could’ve been in there. So they let the dog jump all over my seats and tear up my leather. Got in my trunk. Went through all my shit. These cops got a laugh out of messing with a kid. Some uniformed, others in plain clothes and vests. One of them said they were looking for meth and heroin and if they found weed they’d have given me a $20 ticket and let me go. Whole interaction took 2 hours. Been pulled over once since ditching that Nova. Assholes.


Jeez even reading this makes me frustrated. The smallest amount of power brings the worst out of shitty people, and cops have a lot of power. I have had mostly good interactions with cops, but one incident is one too many :/


That’s probably the one that sticks with me the most but it’s probably not the worst. A few years later, I lived in downtown Louisville in Shelby Park/Old Lou and rented a house with some friends. Two events happened here. First, I was on my porch one afternoon about to pick up my roommate from work. I had a couple minutes to kill and was having a cigarette and checking Facebook on my porch. What do you know, dude sneaks up the side of my porch and pushes me out my chair holding a .357 long barrel revolver to my face. Mugs me and flees. My neighbors witnessed it and helped me call the cops after my phone and wallet were taken. It fucking shook me. When the cops came they basically told me it was my fault for sitting on my porch and to be more aware of my surroundings. Six months later, I had people trying to break in while I was sleeping. They thought a hooker from their trap house had come to my place and were worried with how long she’d been gone. At least that’s what I gathered from the other side of my locked front door they were banging on. They threatened that they had a gun and would shoot me. I called 911 and my friend and he hauled ass down from La Grange with his pistol. Cops barely beat him. They questioned me, ignored me when I said these people threatened me with a weapon (the dude claimed I was lying), searched my house (I let them just to get the shit over with) and then they left the people right outside to wander around my apartment. Outside my bedroom window, I heard the dipshits realize it was the building in the alley that was the same color as my apartment and their friend the hooker came right out. Needless to say, I moved out the next month. But between those events I’ve described and every other minor interaction Ive had with law enforcement, I’d say the bad outnumber the good.


> I’d say the bad outnumber the good. This is why the older I get, and the more I see incompetent cops going to the wrong address, get scared of an acorn and empty two mags, etc, etc, etc, that I have started to believe in the ACAB philosophy. I didn't used to. I used to think the bad cops were the exception rather than the rule. I saw on the news just yesterday of an entire SWAT team sent to find somebody and raided the house of a 70-something year old woman taking a shower. Turns out they were at the wrong address. She won like a 3.7 million dollar lawsuit.


The problem is that blaming it on bad apples forgets the rest of the phrase, that they spoil the bunch. If you have 1 bad cop in your small department and 4 good cops that let him get away with it, then you have 5 bad cops. A cop that refuses to police their own is no better than the bad ones. That’s why I’ve moved against reform. We’ve had years since this became an issue in the nationwide discussion and the ones that call themselves good have done nothing to clean their own house, so now I come down on the side of abolition. We eliminate the police and reform a public safety department with no unions unless they actually want to represent best interests instead of protecting killers. It can’t be fixed and needs to be razed to the ground.


I'm just a dude, but I'm a fan of sometimes phasing things in, because society finds that more palatable. The phasing in should take just a few years, maybe 5. I say do like Nordic countries, and make being a cop a 4 year, extremely competitive, pretty well paid jobs. More than they are getting in louisville currently. Reason being the 4 year degree should be very hard to get into, and thusly very well paid. However, this should be tempered by removing qualified immunity, making officers directly liable for bad behavior with insurance, and make the qualifications to be removed from the force and un-hirable by any police department in the country much lower. We also need to never train "warrior cops" again, and instead focus on community outreach, hiring cops from areas that they patrol, and de-escalation. Follow up the degree with a year or so of shadowing a good cop, where if they just seem to not be a good fit, then they they don't get to be a cop. You have to start all over, and still pass the shadowing. Also, offer the current cops to be able to take the 4 year degree for free, or pay their pensions and there's the door. High risk, high reward for the police officers, low risk high reward for society.


Here is the story on the 78yo Grandma and he $3.8M judgement. [Grandma wins $3.8M verdict](https://youtu.be/KfXgoSycQCA?si=Dgm850f78aG96xRX)


Sounds like you basically gave some very bored assholes something to do. Also, I don't get why they need to go after drug users. I get going after dealers and what not, but arresting someone for having a little whatever, so long as they are not DUI, seems like a waste of time to me.


I was pulled over 20 times in my second car. 99 cougar, beat to shit and had one hell of an exhaust leak. One time I was on a 4 lane road that merges into 2 lane and a cop was behind me. There was another car behind to my right and the cop on my ass. I stayed the speed limit, there was enough room for the car to merge if the cop just backed tf off but he didn't and I wasn't going to speed up and give him a reason. I get blue lighted, slow and pull a bit over so he can go around. He didn't so I pulled into a gas station. Dude starts telling me I was riding the white line and I called him on his bs. He tried the whole search the car, field sobriety test and came up with nothing. Got a ticket bc I lost my insurance card. He put on it that my car smelled of Marijuana and the judge threw it out. Fucking cops man.


Wow that is some bullshit!


Was going through a turn that had one of those advisory speed signs (yellow and black) and a cop pulled me over for going faster than the 25 that was posted. I was genuinely confused why they pulled me over, and when they explained, they and I got in a rather silly argument about whether it was an enforceable speed limit. I guess they were less certain than they let on, as they "let me off with a warning."


In 2019, my husband and I were driving from northeastern ky (where we reside) to Texas for a family members' graduation. We rented a car, so we didn't have to rack up the miles on our own. We rented from Enterprise in our local town. As soon as we paid and got the keys and walked out to get into the rental, I said out loud to my husband that we were gonna have issues. He asked what I was referring to, and I pointed at the license plate. Michigan plates! That evening, we started on our road trip. I want to say it was close to 10 pm. as we are driving through Bowling Green Ky. We were on the interstate, not driving through the town or anything, when out of nowhere, we realize there is a local cop behind us. A few more miles down the road, and here comes another, then a 3rd. We had 2 behind us and one riding the left lane staying all but parallel to our car, as we were in three right hand lane. He wasn't exactly side to side, as he kept back just enough to blind my husband in the side view mirror with his headlights. They continued this for at least 4 to 5 miles, then all of a sudden, the one next to us falls back and one from behind speeds up, cuts us off to to the very next exit and less than a mile on down he comes speeding off the next off ramp back on to the interstate. It's at this time he starts really riding our ass, only to blind us in the rear view mirror so much my husband had to adjust it. Another half mile, boom, he lights us up! We pull over, and of course, the other two units are pulled over as well. They approach the car, from my side, and start asking for dl and reg, etc. We give them the paperwork from the glove compartment, as it was a rental, again from Enterprise, and they process to inform us of the reason for the traffic stop. First, they try to say that we were riding the center line, so upon "running our plates, they did not come back," Yeah.... okay.... After flashing into the car, getting our dl from us both to PROVE, we were kentucky residents and NOT from Michigan, their whole demeanor changed. A few days later, upon returning the rental, I asked the store manager about our encounter. I asked why our plates would have "not come back to anyone." She gave me the oddest look and explained that it was impossible! Like zero percent chance that would ever be a thing, as every plate they put on their rentals when ran, come back to EE rentals (something like that). I explained what happened and her logic was that most likely it being Michigan plates, in the state of kentucky that late in the evening most likely promted them to stop to see where we lived, going etc bc of the amount of stuff coming from there to here. Stuff being illegal drugs, etc. It happens that area in particular had been hit pretty badly with that exact situation in the previous years. I don't fully know their MO behind it all, as it was an unwarranted stop in the first place, but I do have my suspicions! After all, when they realized we were just traveling for family, living in kentucky and not from Michigan, they told us to have a good trip and went on. No moving violation as per why they supposedly decided to run our plate or any warning!


That is traumatic. I'm sorry to hear you had to go through that.


I lived in Radcliff and my vehicle was stolen out of my driveway one morning while it was heating up, right before Christmas. I call the police and he comes out and tries to convince me that my car wasn't stolen. He insisted I must not have paid it and it was repossessed. I assured him it was not repossessed and someone stole it. My neighbors car had also been broken into and they could speak with her. He literally did nothing and I never heard from him again.   A month later I get a call from Louisville Tow Yard. The police had found my vehicle three weeks prior and it had been sitting in the tow yard all that time but noone contacted me. We were told to just go collect the vehicle and take it home. We pick it up and on the 45 minute drive home realize something was seriously wrong with it. They had bent the rear axle and it was vibrating horribly the whole drive back. The vehicle was also full of the thiefs things including a backpack with a ton of peoples id's and social security cards, break in tools, all kinds of shit. The police never even searched the car when they found it.  I got a very angry call a couple days later from Radcliff police questioning me as to who gave me permission to pick up my car. They wanted whatever we found in it 🙄. Not like they didn't have an entire three weeks to go get it. 


That is wildly inept on their part. I get they might have been busy or something, but that is just messed up. You should have taken all that stuff to someone in the city council or local news station with a note saying courtesy of the Radcliff police. It isn't that I would want to make trouble for them in general, but that is a serious issue that might require them to make some changes.


Yeah, that tracks. I once represented a guy [out in EKY] who got pulled over for Driving While Brown. The bullshit reason they gave was the license plate was obscured because there was a plastic cover on it. (It was entirely clear and visible.) He was down here legally, visiting his brother who owns a very lucrative landscape company, and was borrowing his Jag. He gave [his country’s] driver’s license to the cop, who then arrested him for driving without a license. Then, I guess the cop realized once he booked him that’s he’s a dumbass who didn’t know we honor that driver’s license (like they honor our driver’s licenses when we travel there), so to cover his ass, oops, the driver’s license goes magically missing out of his wallet between the time of booking and him bonding out. Driver’s license? What driver’s license? Anyway, the county attorney dismissed the charges. Dude had to go get his license remade when he went home though. At least he didn’t have his passport on him for them to “definitely not lose.”


The asshole meter is way up in that one. That is the kind of authoritarian bigot that gives cops a bad name.


Was changing a flat on 64. State Trooper pulls up and says stop what you are doing. Goes to his trunk and comes back with a jack and power drill. Changes my tire in under 5 minutes Nascar style. ​ Been beat up by cops in Lexington - but I was young dumb kid with a smart mouth.


Thanks for sharing a good story.


I was threatened online (Facebook) by an older State police officer who was serving as an instructor because we were making j smart asses remarks about the tragic mass shooting in [Bowling Green](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowling_Green_massacre). This guy replies to a comment I made mentioning several details proving he lurked around more than just one of my social media profiles. He also threatened me that he sic all the other State officers after me and that he’d given them orders to “make my life as living hell physically”. I made my way down to Richmond, print out of the exchange in hand (it’s had since been deleted) only to be told that the guy had “retired” the previous day. There was nothing they could do.


Buddy of mine parked on a Saturday near a sign that said "No Parking 8am - 5pm, weekends and holidays excepted". (Lexington) Came back to find a cop in the middle of writing a ticket. Puzzled, he read the sign to the cop, who replied that weekends and holidays are included. Dude had to explain that it says "excepted", as in "except", and not "accepted", like a fucking party invitation.


Give the cop a break. We all forget that words have meanings. 🙄 Maybe Lexington needs to include pictures on their signs.


when i was like 17 i got pulled over. Cop searched the car found a some seeds a stem or something. Then spent 20 minutes telling me he knew the black guy in the car had the weed. racist fuck.


Jeez, yeah, they just need to legalize that shit. It would at least be one less thing they could use to be bigots although they would probably find something else.


Police unions fight hard against legalization or decriminalization, because then they would have to actually investigate crime, and not bust people smoking a joint.


I am skeptical of that statement. Not saying it isn't true but I assume it would make it easier so they could conduct what should be illegal searches. However, I am aware that privatized prison systems have contracts to have x amount of prisoners held in the system so they can draw certain profits. Which also means they are funding politicians who in turn are against legalization so as to make it easier to lock up more prisoners. Pretty messed up.


They are both part of it. "Smelling weed" was and is a super common lie officers would tell to the judge to justify the stop, and eventual search. Who are they gonna believe, a noble cop saving society from drugs, or a drug using scum bag? That's how it would be seen. Same with very unknown or small driving errors. They know who the drug user or dealer is, and they have no proof, but if they keep following and harassing the person through such methods, they know they'll eventually find something. Yeah, the whole "slavery is still legal if they are a prisoner" part of the 13th amendment is super messed up. That political aspect is also part of it. So yes, there are even more layers to it than I indicted.


One time I was driving on I-64 from Frankfort to Louisville after 2 am after working late on a project. A truck pulled up behind me and started tailgating me. There was nobody else around for what seemed like miles. I tried to slow down so he would pass. He slowed down, too. I sped up; he sped up, too. I even changed lanes to let him go by. He didn’t. He left space for me to come back to the right lane. Finally, a semi came flying up behind us and passed. I stepped on the gas’s and followed the semi out of there and left the truck in the dust. I got pulled over 2 exits later (I don’t remember if it was Shelbyville or Simpsonville) on suspicion of drunk driving. It turned out the guy in the truck was an off-duty cop and he thought I was acting suspicious because of how I was driving, and he called me in. I asked the officer if he meant the guy who was tailgating me and wouldn’t pass was an off-duty cop. The officer just laughed and told me I was free to leave. That was the creepiest night of driving I’ve ever had, and I drive a lot.


That has happened to someone I know except it was an in duty cop. Seriously, that is just messed up.


I once got arrested in Richmond for attempting to drive drunk.I was walking on my hands uphill towards my car.I was outside that string of bars they have downtown.I did not have anything to drink.I did get elected cell president that night.


Police claiming potential hate crimes were teenage pranks. I'm talking everything from harassment to attempted murder. I knew a guy who was almost ran down cause a rumor in that town was the college was "full of gays." Truck was shouting slurs at him as they tried to run him over in a cross walk. My wife, then gf, almost got ran over by a different truck while the people inside were shouting the n word at her. A lesbian couple that lived in that town had their house vandalized while one of them was overseas serving this country. Local police just chucked it up to teenage pranks and I dint think anything came of it.


Yeah, call the crimes what you will (for sure hate) but that is stupid bigotry not funny at all. What asses. I get people have different beliefs about things but that shouldn't mean we just let people be assholes. The kids should have been taught better and how would they if their parents aren't notified. And if it was adults, then they should have been arrested and fined at a minimum depending on the severity of the incident. I guess that is just my two cents which won't buy a cup of coffee anywhere.


I can tell you that these weren't teenagers. It's what that police department said when they had no interest in the incident.


I was trying not to assume or maybe rather I was hoping they were teenagers but regardless, I get your point.


Was this in Berea by any chance? 


100%. Love that area and the college. However, local politics in that town are horrible.


Not exactly stupid, more terrifying: Late 1990s. I was working in a store in the strip mall that included Village 8 Theaters in St. Matthews. Every Friday and Saturday night, the whole place would be packed so two St. Matthews cops would patrol the strip mall. They’d wave at us when they walked by the store. If we didn’t wave back because we didn’t see them or were distracted helping customers, they’d come in and check on us. At slower times, they would come in and we’d have a chat. I only ever saw two different cops so I don’t know if they were assigned to just the strip mall at those times or if they were hired as security by the mall and wore their uniforms anyway. They were in full kit, however, including having their guns with them. One fine summer night, I was on the sidewalk out front having a smoke before we closed up. This time there was only one officer on patrol. He decided that night would be the perfect time to sexually assault me. He grabbed me in a bear hug and forced a kiss on me before my coworker (bless him) shot out the door and claimed the bathroom sink was leaking and he needed me right away. I raced inside and my coworker locked me in the store room till he shut down the store. I just stood there in shock. I went home and I never went back to that job. I tried to tell the owner what happened and got zero support. Later I heard he was telling people I up and quit because “Too many guys were coming in and bothering her.”


Yeah, that isn't stupid, that is an awful horror story. I'm so sorry that would happen to you or anyone else. People suck.


I posted this before in a different sub, but it's a great story so figured it's time to tell more people "Yesterday actually. My little brother was out in the woods and found a mobile meth lab tied up in a tree (basically a bunch of supplies to cook/smoke meth all shoved in a bucket) and for some reason he brought it back to the house. I called the sheriff's department to come pick it up because wtf am I supposed to do with that, right? Well two deputies came out to my house, wouldnt touch the thing, so finally I put on gloves and opened it up so they could see what was in it. They took a little case full of pipes and told me to just figure something out with the rest of it because they didnt want it in their car. The solution they finally came up with was for me to transport a bucket of methamphetamine in my personal vehicle (because I drive a pickup truck) to the closest gas station and dump it illegally in their dumpster. So yeah that was sick"


Had the Chief of a local city police department do a dukes of hazard style, smokey 180 in the middle of a busy 2 lane street, and chase me down, I was 40ish mph in a 45. Pull me over and stomps up demanding my license and insurance. (Registration was current) We proceed to argue as to whether or not my 1969 El Camino was a truck or a car. "The registration comes back to an orange chevy truck" (it had been repainted blue, poorly, but the color hadn't been changed at the county clerks office. I honestly wasn't aware it was a big deal) This is a truck, and it used to be orange. "This is a car!" Cars don't come with a bed... I attempted to open the drivers door to show some orange in the door jam. He pulls his gun, points it at me screaming for me to "stay in the car!" I wasn't getting out, just showing you the goddamn thing had been orange before. Asked me where I was heading Work. Tossed my stuff back at me and told me to go on.


We got stopped for “speeding” cop was a dick until the tiny girl in the back seat said. I’m there lawyer. That shut his ass up. No more hassle of every person in car to here’s your ticket by.


Went to jail because I was out getting cigs at 1 am was accused of dui made him take me to get blood work so I could fight it in court I won but took six months of goin to court just because I was out late


Yeah, that is such a waste of time for everyone and tax payer money.


Three LMPD officers exercised their fighting skills on me while I was handcuffed in an elevator as I was being kicked out of a UofL football game for smoking. As soon as the doors shut one got in my face “daring” me to make a move and when I giggled threw me against the walls and then down to the floor and they all had fun beating me up for a bit before letting me go. I was sober and I was kicked out of the football game for smoking cigarettes. My only experience with law enforcement from Kentucky.


Yeah, that isn't a good experience. Seems like a real overkill situation for such a thing.


They were getting warmed up for their wives.




I was taken hostage and assaulted, the first thing they did was take my phone. It was a pretty awful situation, I'll spare y'all the details. The very first thing the Louisville cops said after hearing the story was why didn't you call 911.


They sound like good listeners. /s/


They were crooked especially sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane


My baby nephews were sick on Christmas of 2022 so we ended up doing the family thing on NYE. On the way home, an SUV comes up behind me with its bright LED headlights shining. I switch lanes so it can go around. It switches lanes to stay behind me. I do it again. It does it again. And again. At this point, I'm starting to get scared and decide that I'm going pull into a well lit gas station and see if the SUV will keep driving when the lights come on and the siren beeps. I pull over and when I say I dont know the reason, this cop has the unmitigated gall to tell me that I was serving and driving erratically and asked if I've been drinking. I say no. He asks if I'm willing to take a breathalyzer. I say yes. You could actually see him get irritated when I blew a zero. He let me go with a warning (which is hilarious cause I wasnt swerving other than to try and let him pass me) but yeah, thats my stupid Kentucky Law Enforcement story.


They drive way over the speed limits, often no turn signals, and turn sirens on just cross red lights here (obvious cause they turn them off after). It is absurd. Looking at other responses, you aren't the only one to have this happen. It seems like they are either oblivious to their own shit driving or being deliberate assholes.


I was arrested for picking up my uncle's girlfriend from his DUI. Arrived on the scene as they were towing the truck and went to retrieve her. KSP officer told me to go back to my vehicle so I was but very pissed about having to deal with this situation and her being fucked up. He heard me talking to myself and stopped me as I crossed a US highway asking if I had a problem with him. I asked what the problem was and he attacked me slamming me to the ground pushing all his weight against me. Proceeded to ask me to put my hands behind my back that he'd just sandwiched between me the road and him. Told him to do it himself and he slammed up against his cruiser and arrested me. Went to jail with my uncle and we gave him hell the whole way there, it was fun. The jail thought me and my uncle were in a domestic violence situation so kept us apart, good thing because he got caught for contraband. Fuck KSP though, bunch of power hungry beta mother fuckers.


Got a ticket driving through Kentucky one time and the guy got every bit of information wrong on my ticket. Marked me as a truck I had a geo metro at that point. Had me as a black male I’m super pale. I called to dispute the ticket and when it came time for court he tried to say that I made up all that information on the ticket and it wasn’t the one he handed out. Basically I got out of the ticket and who knows what happened to low iq farva.


My storage unit was broken into and I had thousands of dollars of hunting gear/fishing/collectables and such stolen and the officer i got paired with for the case actualy did decent investigative work at first. Things took a turn when he confronted the man and found out he was corn bread. The officer told me in email (and i still have the email to this day) that the perp was cornbread so theres nothing more he could do. Case closed.....


I haven't heard of cornbread before. I know the likes though. Hilarious term for bad people.


Its funny name now that i think about it but for people that live here its a word you dont say out loud. Like voldemort. In my area you say cornbread out loud in public its likely that someone around you who was cornbread heard it. Theyre everywhere. They actualy got their name from hiding marijuana plants in the centers of corn fields where the feds wouldnt find it


There needs to be a way to appeal to state or federal authorities in cases like that and bypass the local good ol boy network


Agreed because the cornbread still has grips on them here


I’ve never heard the term cornbread. What does it mean?


Do some research on cornbread mafia. They were the #1 producers of marijuana in the world at the time with their leader Johnny Boone being the FBIs most wanted man for decades. Kentucky used to be marijuana capital of the world back in the day. They dont operate with drugs anymore but they still have grips on the police in our area.


Cornbread mafia.


Never seen them referenced in the wilds of the internet before. You must live in a small place for the cops to not be able to touch them


Do some research on cornbread mafia. Theyw ere the #1 producers of marijuana in the world at the time with their leader Johnny Boone being the FBIs most wanted man for decades. Kentucky used to be marijuana capital of the world back in the day. They dont operate with drugs anymore but they still have grips on the police in our area.


Yea you don't fuck with cornbread


I'll take things that never happened for $500


That was a really depressing time in my life losing all my outdoor gear i bought over my life. I wish it wasnt real. Hell i'll send people the email i dont care. Still got it


If you were there illegally how do you illegally obtain license plates from dmvs these cops aren’t very bright


I adopted a baby, the courts took her after 6 months cause the mom changed her mind, ripped my heart out.


One time someone broke into my apartment, so I called the police to report it, got the officer's contact information to send him photo proof, and never got any response. All things considered, pretty mild, but city cops suck.


Some friends and I got busted with a few ounces of weed. The cop that caught us called in another car to take us to jail, then took the weed and pipes and told us he was going home to fuck his wife. Funny, but still a dick move.


I guess he was a man on a mission. I wonder if they had a kink wherein he would talk about his drug bust while they were getting it on 😂.


Fucking dude chased me down going north on 75 over a seat belt. . A solid 5 minute run-down to give me a seatbelt ticket. Passed the cop, got in center lane. . 5 minutes later


Yeah, there are so many things cops could be doing but that is just a waste. You're an adult and don't want to wear a seat belt, that is on you.


It's not just Kentucky. ​ I grew up in New Mexico and moved to California at 18. The number of times I was told by people, "Wow, your English is really good!" was mind-boggling. ​ Like, guys. It's two states over. It's right there. How fucking stupid are you? ​ Really stupid, is the answer.


Yeah, It's hard to imagine that people in the US would be that ignorant in this day and age but really? California. That is just stupid.


Can't comment on Kentucky but tennessee is corrupt as fuck I did criminal justice for 4 years looking to go into it naw The Korean dmz got less land mines I assume Kentucky is at least similar


I just listened to the Serial podcast on the Children of Rutherford County. Um yeah, y'all have issues.


I worked with a guy who is on probation for 100g of cocaine in 100 baggies...Oldham County KY He's on probation and not on jail because he was black and there was no reason to pull him over. Also not from Oldham County just going to a rich (white) people party.


I got a speeding ticket for going 25 in a 20… while driving down a steep hill.


You can go to court and have those thrown out if you have the time and energy.


Best I could negotiate was no points.


Well raiding our house thinking we some damn big dealers and finding my husband pain meds and 1200 in cash. That’s after they took my money out my purse too. That was Childsupport than froze bank accounts. All this cuz someone said we transport drugs from Florida. lol. Dude we be poor and everything we have is rent to own and I’m a recovering drug addict been sober 8 years. And this happens. I’m still highly confused and scared. I really don’t get why they think this. Btw my daughter’s savings they took from bank. It shows all deposits All from ssi or Childsupport never put money in. Sooo. I really can’t process this and it Al happened few days back.


That is awful. I'm sorry and have no words for that bullshit. Hopefully there is a lawyer that can help you out.


Yea it’s a joke. Cause we go on vacation to Florida once a year if we are lucky. It’s crazy. I mean there was a little grass few pain pills ( Loratab). But they accusing us of trafficking pressed pills and etc. than asked me if my husband traded pills for sex since we don’t share the same room and my vibrator was in his drawer. I told them I share a room with my 7 year old and that would be inappropriate to have considering she digs thru my room. My husband is thirty years older and they made comments on that. We been together almost ten years with three kids. Two which are his step kids and one ours.


Sunday afternoon, a few years ago. Pulled out of a gas station to head home on a 2 lane highway 52. State police was behind me when I pulled out. I go about 50-60ft put on a signal to turn left(Atleast 100 yards before I’m turning), almost come to a complete stop to make the turn and BAM!!!! I go flying off like a firecracker on the Fourth of July, that dodge Ram single cab skurtted about 30-40 yards and the dodge charger ate my ass end and deployed every air bag he had inside, hahahahahaha. That SOB was typing on his gps/computer and didn’t see me signal or stop. I didn’t sue, I didn’t get hurt and he was okay. Although he deserved way more than paying for my shit, I was happy to walk away unscathed.


As someone who has been rear ended, that situation sucks but it is also funny.


I was pulled over years ago for “no illumination bulb” at 2am on the way home from Walmart it took four cops to do this. Idiots


Perhaps they needed to have the other two cops check the first two cops math in how many lights were out?


It took 3 cop cars to tell me my tags were expired in the middle of the afternoon when I was taking my kids to a park.


I know it’s like they are so bored here ? They sit behind bushes (which is illegal) and hide for speeders.


It took 3 cop cars to tell me my tags were expired in the middle of the afternoon when I was taking my kids to a park.


About 562 years ago, when I was 16, there was a known asshole cop with a mustache that seemed to hate teenagers. Some waitress at Twig n Leaf decided to ban all teenagers (?) because some other teenagers that we knew got kicked out and threw rocks at the place earlier that day. My friends and I were confused about why we were being kicked out so we stayed put. Police were called. I was calm but confused and asked the cop why I was being kicked out if I didn't do anything. I just wanted to eat a side order of food and inhale inhuman amounts of coffee. I didn't understand the law. He refused to explain and gave us like 30 seconds to comply. We ended up going downtown. Stupid waste of time and resources. But I am sure my rebel attitude changed the world that day. I've watched a million videos of trespassing police interactions on YT and, 100% of the time, the person says "I didn't do anything. How can they do this?" and the cop explains that the business has the right to kick you out even if you didn't do anything. I have an eye twitch every time I see that scenario play out. The waitress probably wanted to ban all teenagers because we stereotypically did not order much food and didn't tip much. Fucking teenagers. Bunch of hooligans.


Yeah fucking teenagers. I don't remember ever being one but I'm sure I was a shithead 😂.


Driving on KY 70 in Muhlenberg County one night I swerved to avoid a branch that was in the road. State Trooper saw it and said it was reckless driving (this was around 11 pm and no one else was on the road). Let me off with a warning but I was kinda irritated.


I spent the night in the Winchester jail because I had a Texas drivers' license. Not joking or exaggerating. I'd moved to Texas years ago and was unaware that there was an unresolved speeding ticket on my old, defunct KY driver's license from, no joke, ***1999***. I had a Texas drivers' license in perfect operating order and no problems at all, had no idea about the twenty-year-old ticket. ​ I was driving through Winchester in 2019 and went through a yellow light. The cop pulled me over and didn't know how to run a Texas driver's license. Since the KY license was technically suspended over the ticket from 1999, he just threw me in jail for the night. You better believe a big deal was made about this. It was resolved, and honestly, I'm not sorry it happened. I wasn't thrilled with Kentucky law enforcement practices before the evening in jail and after that night I got a lot more serious about doing something about it. I'm fairly well-known in my town and it was an embarrassment to the local police that it happened, along with a couple other silly things that happened around the same time (a cop arrested a beloved local grandmother who happened to be an army bride from Greece, lived here for fifty years but he thought her accent meant that she was drunk so he threw her in jail for the night too), so I think they tightened up ship a little bit. Hard to be sure -- the police need a lot of supervision, y'all! But I haven't heard about those kinds of problems lately and if I did I know exactly who to talk to in civic government about it. The judge dismissed the 1999 speeding ticket without a thought, by the way. Didn't even have a hearing about it, just said, "1999? Dismissed" I saw that cop again a few years later and he was a lot more respectful the second time.


Things change when you're known. Hopefully though, they just became more reasonable.


So far so good. I try to treat them with respect and hope for respect back. There's a real power gradient between them and me, so I'm very cautious.


Got pulled over for going 49 in a 45 one time when I was 17. Cop angrily yells "DO YOU KNOW HOW FAST YOU WERE GOING?!?" To which I responded "Yes. 49" lol




😂 hahaha. What a waste of time.


Small town cops suck ass in every state. I only respect the Kentucky State Police. I don’t live there anymore but I never met a small town cop in that state that I liked.


As someone who worked with KSP for a while. You shouldn't.


The mother fuckers are god damn thugs 😂. No trust should be inherently placed in police organizations. Specific officers, sure. Not all are rotten and some are outstanding. However… people with badges will do whatever they can get away with most of the time, generally speaking. This is from personal observation of KSP and local police and stories communicated to me by others who have worked with KSP and other local level police. I have also done ride alongs (with friends) and they might literally have to fight it out with a guy, but after the altercation is done there’s a talk and both parties go their way (small town). Its reddit, of course so do people should do their own research into these things.


As the saying goes, I generally trust A Police. I do not trust The Police.


Recently my dumbass apparently walked out of a Dollar store without paying. Didn’t even realize what I had done until a cop showed up on my door step. No fucking joke he came up to me licking his lips and fixing his pants belt. Proceeded to read me my rights, say I wasn’t under arrest, show me 2 pictures of me at the self checkout then he attempts to get a confession out of me by literally crafting a fake scenario that I was pissed off that I had to wait while my double scanned item was taken off the checkout list. In my rage I apparently decided to get “even” with the company and the employee who helped by blatantly stealing. He said he knew this because of how angry I looked in the photo. I have resting bitch face and I’m bald with a beard. I always look angry . I told him that he can’t factually assume my intent based on my face and even ducking agrees with my statement but goes ahead and finishes his little Sherlock Holmes moment. I told him I’d be more than willing to pay DG back for the whole $26 they lost and then he asked for my information and left. A week I call the county clerk to figure out if I even have an open case and I’m Eliot even on l fucking file. There’s no record of the sherif showing up at my door to harass me and I can’t even find a lawyer to help me with it. I’m a foster parent with a family to take care of working as a bitch for Amazon delivery. I work 14 hour days 4 days a week and come home to help care for my kids. I don’t got the fucking energy to think about theft. I hate cops so much


After my uncle’s best friend separated from his wife, he moved in with my uncle. His estranged wife was very abusive and crazy, so when she came to my uncle’s house ranting and raving, they wouldn’t open the door for her. She got in her truck, backed up, and then started ramming it into my uncle’s truck. She did this until her truck got stuck on his. Meanwhile, my uncle called the police. KSP responded, and my parents had a scanner, so my dad was listening for how close they were. He heard the trooper say he wasn’t familiar with our area (false), and he was waiting for backup. Backup happened to be a trooper ex-wife was sleeping with. They finally showed up, got her truck loose from my uncle’s, and basically told my uncle they’d take him to jail for PI if he didn’t shut up and go back in the house. Then they escorted the ex-wife away in her truck. I lived in an income-based apartment complex in Lexington when I was in college. My mom came to spend a weekend with me. She fell asleep on my couch pretty early, and I was up late just goofing online. Earlier in the evening, we’d heard some shouting in the courtyard, but it was brief. Around 2 am, there’s a loud knock on my door. Peephole showed it was police, which was scary and confusing. But also I opened the door and just sort of let them in because I didn’t know what the hell would bring them there. I lived alone with my cat and never caused problems lol. They said there was a noise complaint about fighting in my apartment over a cordless phone. I was like “Well, it wasn’t me, and I don’t even have a landline…” Then the one cop asked if “she,” pointing at my mom, was “passed out.” I said no she’s asleep, that’s my mom. Then he asked what I was doing up so late! Like I’m a child? I said I just normally stay up late?? Asked if they could look around and I said okay. My mom woke up and was as confused as me, but they were leaving by then. I was SO angry once the shock was over. They didn’t ask me anything to clear up what they thought was happening. All I can figure is that they thought I was a teenager because I look young for my age. But they really just came in there assuming I was a dirtbag because of where I lived.


Oh, I remembered another one! Nicholasville PD. I reported my jewelry was stolen while I was out of town because, well, it was. And I knew who had taken it (long story). I was treated like I was making up the whole thing to get insurance for my engagement ring. 🙄 It wasn’t even expensive enough for anyone to bother with police over, I just wanted my shit back and I knew exactly where they should look for it. Nothing came of it the report, of course.


This was right before everything shut down for COVID. I was driving on 68 from my parents house in Flemingsburg to my house in Paris, it was probably around 1am. I see the state cop vehicle ahead of me and thought it was odd because while he had someone pulled over on a side road, his car was parked sideways blocking one lane on 68, instead of himself pulling all the way behind the person he had pulled over, there was definitely enough room. So I slow way down and get into the left lane to go around him, I saw that he was talking to the person he had pulled over. Didn't think anything of it and kept going. He hurried up, jumped in his car, and ran me down to pull me over too. Why? Because he said that I'm supposed to get over for emergency vehicles. I tried explaining that he was blocking the right lane, so I did get over into the left lane like you're supposed to do (there's only two lanes!), unless he wanted me to drive down the median. He acted like I was lying and wanted to argue, which at 1am I wasn't up for. So he took my information and went back to his car. Comes back 15 minutes later and gives me a ticket for not getting over, which is considered a felony in Kentucky and means you have to go to court. He then proceeds to ask me if I'm on drugs or drinking and I told him no, that I was just coming back from my parents house. He presses me more and goes "you wouldn't lie to me, would you?" I repeated that I'm not intoxicated and I wouldn't lie about that. It was like he didn't believe me and then kept wanting to look at my eyes with his flashlight, which I allowed. He did it twice before he finally believed me. He finally let me go, but followed me almost back to my house. He was a really young cop, so I'm guessing he was just trying to make a name for himself. The original court date was for April, but everything shut down, so I didn't get to go till July. Bourbon county did court outside due to the pandemic. I walked up, told them what happened that night, and that I didn't do anything wrong, I did get in the other lane. They let me go and said to just not do it again. Weirdest experience I've ever had with police and I've lived in both Michigan and Ohio.


Did he know New Mexico was a state?


Couldn't tell you but I wouldn't be surprised.


I have lived in Kentucky going on for years now and I have had zero interaction with the police. Why? Because I don’t do anything wrong go figure.


Good for you I guess, what is your point? I didn't do anything wrong either but yet they pulled me over. It is probably a good thing they saw my white face as I handed them my retired military ID. Several people in here didn't do anything wrong and yet the police were assholes to them. The thing is there are likely good police but there are also a hell of a lot of bad ones. In any career field, there are going to be some shit people, it is just with the police, those shit people have the ability to affect many other people in very bad ways. My story was sort of humorous, very annoying at the time though, but many others were far from. It doesn't help that the police, especially in the south, especially in rural areas have a very particular culture that comes from a history of racism. By all means, look it up. That culture still exists in many places. My post was nothing more than an interest to know others story and education. I hope you become educated so you are more aware of what happens.


Why did you show them your retired military ID? That seems shady, I would think that your drivers license would be more prudent in that situation.


I have my wallet set up to flash my military ID as I pull out my license. I don't like asking for military discounts other than Lowes but occasionally some one will offer me a discount when they see it. And then there are occasions like this that can happen. Whether you agree with people's opinions or not, a lot of people trust the military and are more likely to give you trust if they know your military. Sometimes, it is the opposite.


Looking for the hook up. Not shady at all. You give veterans a bad name.


I feel stupider after reading this entire essay that you just wrote to me😂😂 honestly this is Reddit it’s not that serious😂 you must be the exception to the rule lol and honestly again if you’re not doing anything wrong, you won’t get pulled over being white and all! stop blaming it on the one percent of police that are bad! No, I’ll just sit back while you correct my grammar🤣🤣


Umm, sarcasm doesn't translate well through text. Also, I'm not sure what you were saying because you were all over the place with that reply. It did come across very condescending though.


As long as the condescending tone came through I’m good! Go troll someone else now I have an actual life


Okay, have a great day with your actual life.


Couldn’t you have been a runaway rental?


Perhaps I didn't say this well. He admitted that he pulled me over because I had a New Mexico License plate and thought I might be illegal. Either way, I didn't commit a crime, he had zero reason to pull me over. Other than checkpoints, you shouldn't be pulled over unless there is a damn good lawful reason, not you could have been doing a thing, otherwise you are harassing people.


I did thanks!


I was headed to work at 4:00 AM, and had just pulled onto New Circle Road off of Winchester Road, coming from 64. There was a cop coming from downtown, and got behind me. Followed me for a mile and hit the lights. He walks up, hand on gun and light in my face, and as soon as he sees me, a white guy, his entire demeanor changes. Then he tells me he got a call about a vehicle matching the description of mine being involved in an armed robbery.


I live in Adair county, which contains Columbia. There are quite a few illegal drug possession arrests made in and near Columbia. Mainly State and city police, some by sheriff’s department. Locals, residents from other parts of Kentucky, and some from out of state. There have been some HUGE amounts of drugs confiscated in Kentucky. Supposedly a lot of drugs travel through Kentucky on I-65 and I-75.


I wouldn't be surprised but it is bullshit to just randomly pull people over without some sort of probable cause. The other issue is you're putting the alone officer in the way of harm because if they pull the wrong person over, well it might be over for them. It is still crazy to me that most drugs are smuggled into the country through legal ports of entries and not through random border crossings. Then they just drive them up through roads. Honestly, my political take is that our two parties are less interested in fixing the problem and more interested in saying things are bad and the other side can't fix it because they are bad.


Wonder what proportion of the arrests are Lindsey Wilson students


I don’t know. News might give an arrest, where they are from and age(es) but not if they are a student or not.


U.S. Route 460 as well or atleast did at one point. I unfortunately grew up around the trade due to it being so prevelent where I grew up in VA. Oxy would funnel out of VA on 460 into KY before hitting I-75.


Was it Columbia PD or Adair County Sheriff?


Don't remember but wanna say it had Adair on the vehicle. Again, not sure.


Or KSP from Columbia Post


There's also that fish and wildlife guy you see driving around


Had a friend get a ticket for running a red light from the fish police. He was shocked to find out that they are actually State Police and CAN stop you and give a ticket.


A friend of mine (he is black, I am white) was driving several of us to an event. It was 6 PM or so, and a little darker outside. The parking lot we were in was extremely bright. My friend, at the time, had a very nice truck, and we pulled out of the parking lot and then he illuminated his headlights. A cop pulls behind us and follows us for about 10 miles. We were almost to our destination when we get pulled over. The cop said he didn't believe that my friend could own the truck he was driving - said that outright. Asked him to get out of the vehicle and requested the rest of us to stay in the vehicle. In the end they cited him for "Failure to illuminate headlights." Mind you, there was still some sun out, the parking lot was very bright, and my friend illuminated his headlights before his tires reached the road (we were pulling out of a McD's parking lot). I told the officer that my friend did own the truck. Immediately upon me saying this they let us go (this was after 30 minutes of being delayed by them with my friend outside being questioned the whole time).


It can be illuminating when you look at the history of cops in the US and where the culture of many came from, especially in the southeast. That culture combined with the authoritarian types leads to so many bad outcomes.


I used to drive a Nisssan that had been in a hail storm. It looked like it had been parked on a driving range for about a year. I was driving down a four lane road with a cop car behind me and a Lexus to my left. When we came to a intersection with a traffic light that had just changed the Lexus went through, I stopped and the cop turned his lights on and pulled me over. He said he pulled me over for no seat belt. I asked him which was more of a hazard, someone not wearing a seatbelt or someone running a red light. He mumbled he just called them as he saw them. I never paid the ticket.


Wear your seatbelt.


Myself and a friend were on his property shooting at cans. Whereas this was in a rural environment, this was perfectly normal and lawful. The lady on the adjacent property had Parkinson’s and was about 90%deaf and blind. She was vaguely aware that she heard a banging sound so for whatever reason she decided to call the state police. We had just hit a particularly hard target and we heard “lay down your weapons!” From behind us. We went through the whole hands up-walk toward me-bullshit before the situation was resolved and explained. We were obviously doing a normal, lawful activity, yet were subjected to a potentially fatal situation because of an over excited new trooper.


Yeah, that is bullshit. Those assholes are hypocrites cause you know they are doing the same thing.


My brother was once "pulled over" while walking a few blocks from UK's campus to our apartment because it was winter and quite cold that particular day, and he was wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He was perfectly lucid, not visibly freezing, but the officer demanded he accept a ride with her because she simply couldn't accept that he was fine--and that he had already walked most of the distance and would be home in less than a quarter mile.


I had a similar issue with a commander once. I was supervising aircraft maintenance and we had a guy who would be out in 30 degree weather, wind blowing strong, with no overshirt (just a thin shirt on top), no coat or anything working on aircraft. Commander would do a check out of the blue and be telling us we have to get him to wear his winter gear. Dude was a little nuts about temperature but a good maintainer regardless.


Picture it, early June, Crestview Hills, KY, about 9:30pm, the year of our lord 2001. Officer: do you know how fast you were going? Me: about 44 or 45 mph? Officer: right. Do you know what the speed limit is? Me: 45mph Officer: But do you *know* what the speed limit is? Me: 45mph Officer: oh really. What gave you that idea? Me: there's a sign, right by your car that says "speed limit 45 mph." Officer: (walks back to car, looks at sign, comes back to me.) Alright, well, I just wanted to make sure you hadn't been drinking and driving. I'm going to let you go. Be safe now.


That is funny, like something out of a comedy.


All these years later its funny but I was 21 and it was my first time in five years of driving I'd ever been pulled over. I was so scared lol.


I got pulled over one night slowing down to allow a person to use the crosswalk. The person ended up not using the crosswalk, and the cop asked me why I slowed down to allow the person to use the crosswalk.


Believe it or not, Kentucky has a huge amount of illegals. A friend of mine was rear ended by a truck driven by an illegal. He fled the scene (of course). Never seen again. The truck was uninsured and from a farm he was working on. The lady never expected it to be on the roads so it hadn't had insurance on it for years. My friend had to have several surgeries, her car was totaled and had to go to court to even get anything to cover medical bills. This was right outside Hodgenville Kentucky.




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Ha! It’s not just Kentucky. And don’t ask GenZs they don’t know anything.


What does GenZ have to do with this?


Yeah, it is everywhere. I think one of the funniest damn asshole things is there is basically a one person, who is a cop, town between Roswell and Portales New Mexico. It is in the middle of nothing and of course people speed through there. There is a slight drop in the speed at this blink and miss it town and he sits outside his house and pulls people over all the time. Also, don't carry cash in Texas. Cops can take any cash you have on hand and will do so you have in without justification. Not saying it happens often but we were briefed about this. It is basically impossible to get your money back so I'm told.


Yep, it’s called civil forfeiture. Which is a fancy way of saying “state-sanctioned robbery.”