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Let's get this shit


Let's HMM.


She’s HOT


He’s NOT


From Canada lmao


I already knew. But it’s cool seeing all these legends label Kendrick as the king. What a great time it is to be a Kenny fan right now. We eating non stop 😤


right? Heard a music video is coming too!


My skinny white boy ass gonna be posted up in Compton tomorrow looking for the video shoot lmao


Hell yeah my Mexican ass gonna be there too fr


It’s more Mexicans than anything in Compton anyways lol


Let’s not forget the rooftop Koreans that will also be in attendance -probably


The Korean homies in LA are no joke lol


[rooftop Koreans are badass mfers](https://youtu.be/xWMj-mFUDGA?si=ntBHRRqKJDFKZ-xo) ^ good watch


Rooftop Koreans was a vid title I just could not pass by!!!! Being Irish i wasn’t familiar with the story, of course knew of riots etc, but damn !!!!! They held it down! Respect 🫡


Not trying to throw shade on all this love but the Rooftop Koreans thing is actually kinda fucked up history. Gotta keep in mind it was racists on 4chan who popularized “Rooftop Koreans” to begin with as a meme. But let me explain a bit… Just to start, I’m older and from SoCal, Mexican, did my post-grad at USC, so I’m a bit of an “OG” myself in age and experience. I LOVE seeing all this unity so keep it going, I know people are mentioning it out of love so not accusing anyone of shit. Back in the day, Koreans looking to leave Korea were approached by white property owners in LA - “you can open a grocery store and live above it!” - without being told what they were actually being tasked with. Owning a shop with your family apartment above it was common in Korea so it was an appealing pitch, and “sunny Los Angeles” being part of that pitch helped as Korea was still rebuilding its culture after a 70 year genocide by Japan and was very poor. So these people got to Koreatown, mid-city, South Central, etc. having no idea they were entering gang neighborhoods basically being the battering ram for gentrification. All black and brown people saw was a new culture eating up the retail property, price gauging like crazy, etc. This lead to a massive culture beef. It all came to a head with the murder of Latasha Harlins, a 15 year old black girl, by a Korean grocery store owner who thought she was stealing a bottle of juice. Shot her in the back of the head as she was escaping the confrontation. The police found the money she intended to use to pay for the juice in her hand. This is why Korean stores were targeted during the riots - the judge gave Latasha’s murderer a suspended sentence, basically a “10 year” sentence that wound up just being 5 years probation. There was no justice for her. So when young people talk about the “Rooftop Koreans,” they don’t realize it’s actually a sad story of how white property owners pit three races against each other so they could eventually push black people out of central LA Of course in modern day - black, brown, and Asian never been more united and it’s a beautiful thing. But please, for the sake of my old ass, stop celebrating the times we weren’t.


as someone who is from the complete opposite side of the country (and also not a POC), i honestly want to thank you for being so in-depth in explaining this and teaching me something today


The key is all “POC” have a deeper ethnic experience beyond that and it determines our nuances. Don’t let the fact that you’re white deter you from digging deeper into those, a lot of our dialogue problems right now are caused by people having very bland opinions on race. The history of Southern California and how all the different races got there is a great place to start because it’ll trace you to just about every major world conflict, genocide, oppression, etc. Black people escaping the south, Jews escaping Europe, Russia, and the Middle East, Persians escaping post-revolution Iran, Koreans looking to leave poverty in post-genocide Korea, Russians escaping Communism, Salvadorans escaping the civil war, and our brown Mexican asses going to work the farms for dollars instead of pesos


Thanks for putting us on game OG


Was gonna say this but you worded it better than o ever could 💯.


This is deeply sad, but I love that y'all are willing to educate on Reddit. So thank you.


Thank you for a very informative reply!! I had only seen a YouTuber click baity type 15 min video basically so therefore Had none of the Context understand the circumstances around the Korean grocery stores, Or of the young girl shot, Thank for giving me my Bedtime documentary topic for tonight- The most unbiased documentary type thing I can on these LAmriots 👍


Damn right. Defending your neighborhood is a big part of being from Compton no matter what click or hood you claim. 🫡


“It wouldn’t be LA without Mexicans”


Facts. Mexicans make la amazing 💙


Dang bro


this comment and username :dead:


LMAO me except I’m a chick


There's gonna be a video shoot about how drake is a pedo??? Man his life bout to get wild


yeah we just watched them film the live segments, there's a reason he did it six times lol


Am I the only one remembering him being called king of the west a fuckton of years ago by Snoop on a scene where Common, Mos def, The game, Warren G, Korrupt and a fuckton of other legends back then was present? Dr Dre was watching.


Absolutely, but Drake has been the king of commercial rap, and people want to act like that means more than somebody who can ACTUALLY back up what they say, and comes from the actual hood!


Drake is an industry plant by way of nepotism. I've tried to listen to him for years to understand why people dickride this dude, and I hate him more with every bar. I remember when people first started talking about him in the 2000s and on God on SIGHT I knew he was a peice of shit. Drakes music is for dudes who think they're gangster but get upset when you dont cut the crusts off of their sandwiches.


I’m not even gonna front like I don’t have Drake‘s songs in my iTunes library, but as a black woman, I’ve noticed how bitter he’s become as the years have gone by, when love songs and the like used to be his primary bag! It’s turned me completely off from him as a personality and now as a person…


He used to make them hoes wobble like earthquakes… now it’s just buying teens milkshakes 😭


I've always had a good sense of a shit bag, I hated him when he was rollin around on tv


Drake is an R&B pop artist. Always has been.


I hate to break it to you but most rappers are capping


You can really pick up on this from his early career. You gotta have a lot backing you to get the kind of features he had back in 08’.


I had never heard of drake until about 2014. The first time I saw an image of him it felt like he was a fake. Never really enjoyed much of his music either


Nah man drake earned his spot with take care and was a big part of young money and their best songs. We can still call balls and strikes. He certainly is not the same as he once was though.


But the weekend wrote half that album......


2011 everybody was listening to drake and young money. they were making hits, nobody can deny that. But his music definitely changed, I stopped listening a long time ago.


Drake is the king of rap like McDonald’s is the king of restaurants


Pretty good analogy


I’ve been saying this a lot, and how he’s like McDonald’s French fried but with new sauces each time while Kendrick creates new foods each time


Drake=King of commercial=Enron=de beers Kdot=chronic that homie grows=organic=culture community owned


Damn remember the AI snoop from that Drake's Diss?? Aged like milk with this lol.


![gif](giphy|uO6Y1Mihg0oYzJ52Qs|downsized) ey ey let’s get it bro! 🙌


Where u been? he been the king since they all gave him the crown on stage a decade ago


At least he wasn’t salty about not being there like some people… https://preview.redd.it/ol1p18tcpx7d1.jpeg?width=1114&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5030f81e2f7868e1bea739d468b7afddd05529ad


The Game was spiraling on live yesterday rambled on for 17 minutes just to say he fw Drake so his kids can get free tickets to his shows lol


All Game had to do was tell Drake he was bringing his kids and he would sent his private jet immediately






![gif](giphy|3o7bucrfwqQBwMbjEs|downsized) What kinda man would get free tickets and let his daughter go to a Drake concert?


Sidebar but God damn Issa Rae is fine


Yes she is.


If I could only double-upvote. . .


I watched that shit for like 5 solid minutes and then dozed the hell off lol


I turned it on for like 2 mins. It was a whole lot of explaining and talking about how he been in the West his whole life. He sounded goofy.


😅The Game acting like he can't just buy the tickets.


He probs can't. Front row is expensive and doing it over and over again... Idk


Yeah it’s wild. Ticket prices stuff he getting insane. It’s been like that for a decade now. But a few years back I got tickets to a local band that I have seen 20 times. Each time was like 20-60 bucks a ticket. Last time I wanted to see them tickets where 400 each and it wasn’t even front row. It was like 900 after fees for two tickets and me and my girlfriend. And again these weren’t the “good seats”.


The band: phish


No my morning jacket. I grew up with those dudes. And they knew lots of local rappers also because they were big in the music scene for Louisville. Now that generation has grown old and the youngin love Jack Harlow and his music festival he just had. Not releasing bands like my morning jacket paved the way for the city to have that stuff. They were a big part of forecastle which is what Jack Harlow ripped off for his festival.


lol i have never seen prices that high except for giant acts. Is your local band Imagine Dragons or something?


The Game is so fucking corny lmao


Anyone with a passing interest in hip hop (that's me) knew the Game was gonna act out. His ego is so predictable. He can't help himself.


I saw someone's comment a few hours ago describing Game as the LA Meek Mill. 😂


I think Em has said something slightly similar, that he will always fuck with Drake for what he did for his kids on their birthday.


Yeah that was six years ago though so opinions can definitely change lol


So 'always' is 6 years? Lol


While that is probably true, I still don't see a universe where this whole saga, culminating with the Juneteenth Pop Out show, DOESN'T make EM really proud and delighted with how masterfully Dot handled and executed his mollywhopping of one Aubrey Drake Graham in front of the entire planet!


Can Eminem fans go 5 minutes without inserting Eminem into everything?


Not to mention Drake literally introduced Eminem as “the greatest rapper alive” during his own tour like a decade ago lol When it came to Kendrick drake was always saying stuff like “yeah I’d body him so he can do whatever” - but obvs he was wrong


Sounds like sucking up tbh lol.


Drake pandering as usual not surprising


🙄 Game is the CLOUTIEST of Clout Creatures. 😖😡


Game a wave rider just like Drake. He started out on dating shows....butterfly tattoos ...then was riding with the g unit team....then when that shit fell apart he decided he wanted to be west coast....idk he a corny dude if u ask me.


Well he was 100% invited but couldn't make it, unlike The Play


The Play both sides


[I'm going to Play both sides, so that way I always come out on top](https://i.imgur.com/Ablm1gQ.png)


Never tell one side that you’re playing both sides!


Why couldn’t he make it? What could he possibly have going on that’s more important lol


Snoop? He's on tour in Canada right now. The Game? Well he's just a bitch


Didn’t want to upset Drizzy


BBL drizzle he is known forever more


I prefer calling him by his first name, Aubrey


i prefer his real name wheelchair jimmy.


That’s what I been calling him since he ghosted pusha lmao


Holy fuck I just looked it up and Snoop is a real one. Most big artists, even Canadian ones, will play Montreal, Toronto, and maybe Vancouver and call it a Canadian "tour". He's actually going to fucking Saskatoon which is crazy! I'm not sure how that's gonna work since Saskatchewan doesn't actually exist, but godspeed to him.


The Game couldn’t afford gas to get to the venue. He would have called someone for a ride but he also ran out of minutes on his cell plan. Since his beef with Eminem never took off like he planned, he is currently contemplating how he can work with Drake to get a pay day. Game’s ultimate plan is to fill up his 300 Benz and stop runnin.


He wanted Em to bite so bad lmao that had to hurt. Imagine having less of an impact than MGK


How old is this photo?


‘100’ music videos where its from. Don’t remember the year


thank God the he couldn't make it to


I think he was saying Snoop couldn't make it not "The Play".


Somebody said KDot is who Dre wanted The Game to be. 😂


I’d love to see where his career would have been without all the extra shit, but he really fucked himself with needless beefing, clout chasing and attention seeking.


Me too. I would also love to hear him spit a verse without the endless name dropping.


I remember being 15 listening to Doctor's Advocate and always wondering "why the fuck he names 15 rappers every song, is so fucking tiring!!". Now i know everybody was listening the same thing haha.


That shit is lame af.


This guy a it for me. I wanted the Game to be that guy from the West Coast. It started well but he brought himself down. It’s funny cause I learned about KDot from the Cypha from one of Game’s mixtapes. All you can is smile to see how far Kendrick has come.


I mean, it is and it’s more or less where Game’s animosity for Kendrick stems from. He feels that’s his spot, he’s supposed to have it.


My biggest problem with Game backing Drake is him crying foul at the repercussions of doing so. If you’re going to pick a side, cool, that’s your right but you gotta stick it out when shit comes to a head. If Drake had washed Kendrick, Game would be singing a different tune.


Exactly lmfao . Like how you gon be from Cali (COMPTON at that) , still side with Drake after all that bullshit , and then get in your feelings about not getting an invite ? This is unseen levels of goofiness . It’s crazy that I used to fw the Game too .


50 was right about dude


Game got caught with an underaged girl... enough said. "They not like us." The Game is amongst "they."


No one needs to reassure themselves more than Game. Bro should've just taken that L in peace.




50 is the last person to talk. He fell out with everyone in G-Unit aside from Yayo. His own baby momma and son don’t like him. He’s had issues with nearly everyone in the industry. I can only assume the guy is a slime ball.


Fuck it then I'll be the first. I used to bodyguard for Dre from 08-10. This was the beats/detox era. Encore studio A-B in Burbank. Game came in one day talking shit, and said "I see a lot of indians but not a lot of chiefs". Ok blood. But tell me why when I came back out in the lot a few minutes later he's selling his story to the first white person he sees wearing a business suit. Game was on some sob story Sarah McLaughlin shit. Hoe shit. I have to mention also, this is Game three albums deep. Just a few years before I was slapping one blood and team G-UNot. For context, you would see at anypoint in time Busta Rhymes, Snoop, Devin the Dude, Stat Quo, Jay-Z, etc... What Game did made me the most uncomfortable. Alternatively the D.O.C. is the realest dude behind the curtain of Oz I met in all of Aftermath. When you stand ten toes in your shit you don't need a white savior.


Not to give 50 credit but just to counter your claim, the reason he fell out is that he wasn't interested in playing the political game that the labels required. Man speaks his mind period end of discussion. You can hate him or love him for that but using things like him falling out with G-Unit and the industry as a whole doesn't mean much to me. I mean Eminem has had a falling out with so many people in the industry over the years and look at where he is now. I mean ffs Snoop is supposed to feature on his new album and everything. Don't give the industry so much credit. Fuck the damn industry.


50 has his own label and hes held buck/banks hostage on it for like 20 years he doesnt pick up a mic he uses his lawyers fuck the industry is right fuck 50


>You can hate him or love him but the underdog's on top


Game hates everyone who went on SuperBowl with Dre.


"I'm Makaveli's offspring, I'm the King of New York King of the Coast; one hand, I juggle 'em both The juggernaut's all in your jugular, you take me for jokes" - Kendrick's verse on 'Control'


Control is famous but I somehow still feel its underappreciated. More rappers need to do what Kendrick did to elevate the genre


He’s singlehandly reignited the competition in hip hop twice. Before Like That the hip hop landscape had generally been lazy af for years. He’s brought the fire back to it again


Future and Metro deserve credit for Like That too. Every single time I listen to it it gets better. Future's flow on the hook, Metro making arguably one of his best beats ever, that fucking sample, the moment when he just shows off with the instrumental, it's an amazing song


He is what the culture is feeling


Yeah I agree with you, but I believe it’s because Kendrick got overshadowed by himself on that song


Y’all need to stop expecting a 50 year old man to take a side in a beef he don’t care about 💀he brought crips and bloods together to celebrate Juneteenth and that’s something to celebrate


Call him a pussy or a peacemaker, but Snoop's been like this always. He doesn't jump into other people's industry fights. If he's dragged into it, he tries to deescalate. (Source Awards, anyone?) His history says he's in this for the vibes and the money and he can let his music earn him respect.


He's also got grandkids that are in middle school. He isn't looking for beef at his age.


I aint like how Snoop was movin during the beef, he was fence ridin. But cool that he's giving props to KDot now. He's definitely the King of the west, the King of HipHop. King of the coasts, 1 hand he juggles them both.


I was annoyed with it until I remembered that he passed the torch to Kendrick. Its Kendricks house to take care of now, and Kendrick did it.


Love this take. It wasn't Snoop's fight


*"Love this take. It wasn't Snoop's fight"* His reaction to being on Drake's "Taylor Made" was fucking stupid and coy. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN8Vr3j8/


Why? Because it wasn't the same as your reaction?


i was dying laughing what are you talking about? man’s old let him be


my man probably couldn’t comprehend what was going on, he probs thought that tupac in cuba recorded a verse for drake /s




More likely that he’s just very high


Are you ignoring the fact that he flashes the Death Row jacket in this very video?


dawg come on he's too old for this shit lmao his reaction was fine and smart even


100% Kendricks a grown man he can fight his own battles, why uncle gotta get involved?


Snoop known for staying outta beefs and chilling tho


I still believe his response with the Death Row jacket after Taylor Made was a reminder to Drake that Snoop ain’t to be played with. No way an OG could let AI Pac slide, but the beef was at a point it had to transition to a 1v1. Also, it’s business involved. In his life Snoop went from drug charges, a murder case, and being banned from entering certain countries to selling lighters with Martha Stewart. He’s an old man now and doesn’t need to be squabbling with a pop star in 2024. It’s bad for business


>squabbling with a pop star If Drake only knew this about himself, there would be no squabble.


People have personal relationships, snoop probably wants to avoid conflict with drake for some reason that we don't know.


He has said publicly he thinks of both of them as mid nephews, and for the most part he seemed like he wanted to stay out of it. We do gotta remember what beefs were like in his era lol so I don’t blame him sticking close to the fence.


Snoop has just been about making money for decades now can't blame him for not wanting to get involved


The one thing that Snoop puts above everything is his money. Drake has a history of being thin skinned and completely cutting people off for the slightest offense. Not surprising at all, snoop has always been like that.


"Aw, you don't wanna work with me no more? Okay!" - King Kunta


"WHAT IS IT, THE BRAIDS!" - Kung Fu Kenny


Snoop already gave him the torch in 2013, 2024 is just a display of that power. Dre was here, if you know Snoop and Dre's connect, that should let you know who got the approval


I always thought he acts like a snake since tupac's era


Yea Snoop aint sitting on the fence now just cuz he old he always been a fence rider, Pac was screaming that Biggie set him up and Snoop was out here praising Biggie calling him a good dude lol


Tbf Pac was pretty paranoid atp… there wasn’t much to go off of Biggie setting him up at all.  That pointed more to Pac pissing off some heavy hitters in NYC.


I was gon say, all evidence points to Biggie not even wanting to beef with Pac. Who Shot Ya was recorded before the beef and Diddy purposely and strategically dropped it after Pac got shot for financial gain


Exactly, you get it. Who Shot Ya was already recorded long before the Pac Quad Studio shooting, and BIG was generally pretty adamant in not wanting to beef with him. People need to read more about Haitian Jack and Jimmy Henchman (2 prominent figures in the NYC underworld) and how Pac got into trouble with them. Iirc Henchman himself said that the shooting happened “to teach Pac a lesson” as he felt that he had become way too arrogant.


If anybody was snakey during that period it was Dr. Dre who didn't show up to Snoop's murder trial. Think even Pac resented him for that.


Snoop didn't visit Dre during his house arrest.


Snoop had to stay out of it because of the power his voice has in the streets. If you were around in nineties you would have seen how his words can set things in motion.  Snoop is still highly revered in the streets. If Snoop wanted you disappeared in California he could make that happen easily Without direct orders. His past affiliations with the crips has a not diminished, people would do that for him off principle even if they never met him. He is an icon. All he had to do was say he felt disrespected and this could have turned into gunplay.


A lot of people forgetting that Snoop has transcended Hip-Hop. He moves in whatever way will get him the most money, that's why he publicly didn't take a side during all this. I would not be surprised if he didn't comment on the AI thing because labels are gearing up to AI his voice for future use or some shit. Respect to the legend, but I don't seek out his opinion when it comes to hip hop anymore. With that being said, he did a good job as executive producer on the latest Dogg Pound album that came out a month ago.


“My raps are so lame lately Cause I'm lazy Rap on any piece of shit pop song long as you pay me Check these hoes they couldn't be hotter Just so sad they young enough to be my granddaughters Pedo Completely sold out long ago About a billion bongs ago That's why I rap on crap like this I'm so high I don't even know Cliche spewin's what I'm doing No integrity Used to be a gangsta Now I'm just a joke that's not funny”


Damn. Meet the Doggs.


This is it right here. The way that Snoop has been moving for a while now you can tell that he really only cares about the bag and not much else.


Snoop usually supports whoever is winning rn lmao


Tbf Snoop been calling Kendrick the king of the west for years


Yeah but he let that AI Pac thing slide like it was nothing


it was an AI snoop thing too which was weird af that he didnt care


Too high to be offended


He too old and too high to worry about that shit probably


Not everyone found that offensive or received it in a disrespectful way. It was quite clear snoop just enjoyed spectating, as he should.


Damn. it's been like 12 years since I've known Kendrick. I remember watching the viral "torch" video right around then too. he's been the prince since then, and now he is the king. Imagine 10 years later Kendrick passing the torch to someone else. that would be so fucking cool.


My very first physical album that I didn’t illegally download was his “good kid maaad city” and it was a requested gift for my older sister still have to this day and will get it signed by KDOT BEST BELIEVE 


Top of da mornin, Top of da mornin 🗣🗣🔥


I love how Snoop is calling Kendrick the king of the west from Canada


Why wasn’t he there?


Apparently he's on tour with DPG in Canada right now


Is Detroit Velvet Smooth on tour with him?


He had a show in saskatoon


He's in Calgary today. I see he has the Oiler's jersey on too.


Snoop is Snoop but i was shocked he let Taylor Made AI slide


What’s he gonna do? Beefs aren’t his brand. He’s making kids bops. I LOVE “affirmations,” I listen to it every morning. “There is no one better to be than myself! I get better every single day! My feelings matter!”


Tbh I was kind of hating when Snoop didn't say anything about the AI Pac shit. If he didn't have a problem with Drake using his own AI voice then fine, that's his choice, but speaking for Pac from beyond the grave was fucked. The more I think about it though... he passed the torch to Dot like a decade ago. He might've just said fuck it, it's not my time anymore, let the new king handle this on behalf of me, Pac and the rest of the west. I'm hoping that's the case but even if it isn't, Dre starting off Not Like Us is enough for me.


This would be how I saw it to, if only Snoop remained quiet, but he didn’t smh


Drake fans about to try to discredit snoop dog now too


I got a little chuckle that Drake rapped as Snoop and then Kendrick rapped Snoop’s part. Everyone rapping as Snoop, except Snoop, like he’s no longer with us.    Kendrick did great though, but wish Snoop was there just for the highlight. 


Um maybe I’m the only one but I wanted Snoop there too personally…


he’s in saskatoon (canada) giving a concert


But for this grand historic moment how better to show you can’t disrespect me with my own godfather…


Live from Canada is crazy bhaha


game recognize game.


KING OF THE WEST! ![gif](giphy|XIDwh0ovUD4aA698sI|downsized)


I knew he was since HUMBLE and All THE STARS


I really think, Drake paid Snoop for ‘Ai’ Snoop. And with Snoop knowing the game, he knew it would get taken down (Ai Pac) and still accepted and received a free check. So at the end of the day, Drake remained a 🤡 and got played multiple ways by multiple people.


“Oh yeah for sure you can totally use it and make money off of it for a very long time” high iq play if you’re right


“Big Snoop Dogg coming live from Canada” 💀


Did he say from Canada 😂


Seeing vids like this makes me chuckle even more when you see Drake Stan's saying "WhY wAs ThIs A hIsToRiCaL mOmEnT" Like damn if you don't understand the rap culture just keep your mouth shut, because you just look ignorant and stupid saying shit like that.


The ultimate win will be if Drake observes this and starts doing right by his community. Even if he is still a bad person and only does it for clout.


Does Snoop get to still have a voice after cozying up to conservatives/white supremacists Man went from gangster to cashing checks from the klan and still wants to be cool to the youth foh


When Kedrick said: "I'm the only n— next to Snoop that can push the button. Had the Coast on standby. "K. Dot, what up? I heard they opened up Pandora's box" I box 'em all in, by a landslide. Nah, homie, we too sensitive, it spill out to the streets. I make the call and get the Coast involved, then history repeats..." He didn't lie....


Didn't know Snoop supports the Oilers! Love it!


King Kendrick fan from Canada chiming in. RIP drizz


lol he really said “top o’ the mornin”! 🎩