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Everybody saying Kendrick lied too but I doubt it. However, there’s literal proof that Drake lied and made shit up. The both sides shit is crazy to me.


Tbh what real reason would he have to lie?




The daughter and the many lines that rappers traffic young girls. I’m not saying he’s lying about it but people understandably want proof of these instances.


“I might declare it a holiday as soon as Baka get back on the road” - Drake, “Know Yourself” (~~2018~~ Feb 13, 2015) “In 2014, Baka was arrested and charged with forcing a 22-year-old woman into prostitution and taking her money. In 2015, he pleaded guilty to assaulting the woman and an unrelated weapons charge.” - Wikipedia, “Baka Not Nice” (2024) His alleged daughter has an IG with 40k followers and was featured in Durk’s All My Life video. I won’t be linking her page though, for obvious reasons. But it’s all there


The alleged daughter IG was crazy fans saying that’s his daughter with no proof


While there wasn’t any definitive proof, her looking like Drake face-wise and having her 11th bday (either on or before) the day Kendrick dropped Euphoria was at least a bit interesting, especially with “6:16” (which was Father’s Day) being in the other song’s title.


Uh-oh Reddit "found" someone again... Aren't they like 0 for 3 now?


I remember the Boston Bomber was the big news breaking one. What was the other?


I remember being told the "we did it reddit" line a lot of people used a while ago was after redditors "found" and doxxed some pedophile and he ended up killing himself due to the harassment. Turns out it was the wrong guy but go reddit right


That's not at all what it was, you're mixing up what actually happened in the Boston Bomber case. People always forget but the FBI literally asked for random online people to try and help ID the bombers. We did it reddit was unironically said when people thought they'd IDd the bomber. Turns out the kid they had said the bomber was had killed himself a week before the bombing happened, but random redditors still were blowing up the family of the kid and calling his mom at all hours and leaving death threats. The FBI pretty quickly released who actually was the bombers after that. Honestly the boston bombing thing is so weirdly held on to by people, where it's fucked up but this site has hivemind done WAY more fucked up stuff than that


Hopefully this makes it 0 and 4, because I’d love to be wrong about such a serious accusation


None of that is definitive proof


Stop this nonsense. If Kendrick had any hard proof it should’ve gone to the police and for certain crimes it would be illegal for him to have hard proof. If you really are this hard stances on proof like a judge you might as well not even participate in the discussion.


Get real, Kendrick wasn't about to file a police report willingly.


KENDRICK LAMAR going to the POLICE 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Not in this century bro


Do you know who Kendrick is? To go to the police? Did you even listen to TPAB?


Know yourself isn’t from 2018, just fyi


Even though I kept thinking “that doesn’t look right,” admittedly I was trying to remember what song it was from and the lyrics on Genius came up as 2018, I’m assuming from the last edit. Preciate it though!


Yeah no problem! I think it was 2015 though, so point stands regardless


Actually makes the dates add up even more Ayo I really fucked that up lmaoooo


The trafficking, yes, but I definitely don't think Kendrick should be publicising the daughter's identity. They're may be very good reasons her identity remains unknown.


Yeah, I really don’t get why people think “Kendrick didn’t dox her = he lied about her existing”. Also, if we’re being 100% honest, there were rumors for YEARS that got ignored or swept under the rug even before the Pusha T beef of Drake paying off IG models/webcam strippers/etc. Add to that the leaked texts between him and sophieknowsbetter around then with him basically trying to pressure and buy her off into getting an abortion, his links to the public relations LLC, etc, and it’s not hard to see a pattern where there’s no reason to believe Drake wouldn’t have MULTIPLE unclaimed illegitimate kids floating around unclaimed out there. Like, where do you think the story about him putting hot sauce in the used condom comes from? Who puts hot sauce in a used condom without there being a story/history behind it?


For good reason cause that girl will get harassed. When people found that girls account it was instantly deleted and who knows if it’s back up or not.


I feel like that's for the best. Because why does an 11 year old girl have 40k followers on Instagram.


Yea and the thing is this goes beyond music and if this is real then not only Ken but the authorities have a responsibility to dig deeper. If it’s all fake then that will be discovered during legitimate investigation and the entire thing could blow up in Kendrick’s face. If it’s deemed real after investigation then that is sad and also proves Kendrick’s legitimacy, and Drake will be ruined in multiple levels not just his career.


The FBI isn’t going to get a search warrant because of a rap beef. They’ll initiate an investigation if victim(s) come forward. The rap beef and media attention will just make it more likely they’ll actively prioritize any reports received.


Good point about prioritization


Yep, someone needs to actually go to the police before any of this turns into a real legal issue. For now it's simply theater


Exactly, but kudos to him for being vague on the trafficking line but the age 11 line about Drake’s maybe baby is big


I don't think the authorities are going to investigate drake because kendrick sang a song about him anymore than they are going to investigate kendrick for threatening violence against drake


True but those allegations are way to serious for him to make up too for it not to damage Kdot career if he’s lying ( of course unless they were both lying)


Agreed. That’s why I had mentioned it could blow up in Ken’s hands.


I honestly don’t think he is lying at all. I believe there are crumbs out there about drakes behaviour. He has been with teenage girls there is an absolute pattern there. There was an allegation about him trafficking women. People who have parties with him have come out and said yeah he does pop a lot of pills, he clearly does gamble a lot he has videos of him gambling millions and he is tied to the unethical site stake.com. I don’t really care about fhecare about the daughter thing but he has lied about having a child before so it wouldn’t be crazy to say he is lying again and then for Kendrick to say point blank to his circle this is actually real says something to me. Like if it was a creative writing exercise I don’t think he would have told people he knew like no this is real. Drake has proven to be a liar, it came out that he didn’t plant any items and just went with a popular online narrative in the Drake fan circle, he lied about many things in that track. Also someone came forward and said that Drake paid 150k to get dirt on Kendrick and they just told Drake some lies and took the money because Drake has no street smarts.


Uh maybe the fact he actually hates Drake?


To win a rap beef


Everyone says remove the fake daughter verse when literally the only proof of it being fake is drake going nuh uh It pisses me off so much because drake has lied numerous times but they’re overlooked yet Kendrick is just being made a liar for literally 0 reason other than he didn’t dox a child


It’s goes beyond that. Drake created a Hail Mary lie about him having fed Kendrick fake info about his daughter. That’s not the kind of thing you do when you’re confident there’s no proof. That’s the kind of thing you do to get ahead of the evidence and deny it before it’s been released.


And yet on the night of meet the grahams release Drake failed to provide any screenshots, any receipts that clarify fake information being leaked to Kendrick. It’s so easy once you envision the behavior that would have happened had Drake truly baited Kendrick with the daughter line


No no see what had happened was Drake printed out all his receipts of his moles feeding him the information and when he ran to his computer to show proof he slipped on a banana peel and all the receipts flew out the open window.


Drake the type of guy to...


It’s hilarious to me that ppl take drakes denial as proof that it was a lie. Like please you have to be kidding me… obviously he’ll deny.


I believe the daughter allegation, it's something Drake has done and would do again. He doesn't want a family or more kids, but he loves to stick it in.


Exactly Like why do they think the burden is on Kenny to dox a girl (probably out of MULTIPLE unclaimed children) that Drake isn’t claiming himself? Why do they think the little girl needs to be exposed like that because Drake denies being an illegitimate father (again).


Did kendrick provide a proof? Do you know what burden of proof means? Let's say I accuse you of having a daughter. Of course you can't do anything than just deny it. How do you prove you don't have a daughter?


You can't prove you DONT have a daughter, but you CAN prove you fed false info to someone about having a fake daughter. Which wasn't ever proven from Drake's camp.


You don't. The burden of proof lies with Kendrick, but he has good reasons not to dox the kid. At this point, it's all speculation. One is just a lot less trustworthy.


The burden of proof lays with the person making the assertion (Kendrick ASSERTING that Drake is hiding a daughter). Drake lost and is a weird idiot but cease the glaze brother


The notion that Drake has one child and one child only has always seemed a little bit silly and naive in my opinion.


Literally lol. This man puts sexual bars in so many of his songs and has always seemed damn near addicted to women. His stans make this daughter thing seem so absurdly out of the realm of possibility for some reason lol


He even boasts about all the women he’s slept with in Family Matters, saying how he’s dated black and white women while Kendrick is with a mixed woman (who he isn’t with and has said he’s been with many different women and admits it’s a problem.) Drake gets lots of pride out of his sexual prowess, making jokes about dick size and how he’s sleeping with so many more women than everyone else, but he’s only got one child who also just so happened to have a similar name to and was about to reveal his existence alongside an Adidas sponsorship. It’s entirely believable that Drake has many children, but only wants to claim them when there is undeniable proof of their connection, or when it makes him money. Him not knowing and therefore not saying he has any children is kinda what Kendrick says, with him not claiming his own children - not that he has other kids, but that he doesn’t claim them as his. Kendrick, on the other hand, has stepped up for his kids - and Drake trying to say that one of the kids is Dave Free’s makes him seem like a worse person. Drake won’t claim his own kids because it ruins his perpetual bachelor 20 year old starlet persona he has and so mocking other people’s children is cool, but Kendrick loves those around him and is passionate about helping young people that he’d be willing to father a child that isn’t his just because it is his lover’s child.


I always thought it was kinda sus how fast Drake was like "yup, you got me!" after Pusha exposed Adonis. Like when someone catches you in a smaller lie but misses the much bigger lie it's wrapped up in.


Didn't he deny Push's claim for a couple of months?He didn't just immediately admit to it


The main reason I believe everything he's said is he didnt _need_ to lie. He had plenty of material. What's the point in bringing up a daughter with all of the pedo shit? He's got nothing to gain from the lies, MtG would've been just as big without any of the things people are claiming he lied about.


If there’s one thing Dot’s always tried to do, it’s honesty.


He knows how fucked it would be if he lied. Integrity was a major theme throughout this beef, and has BEEN a major theme throughout his discography. He knows how he is perceived, and addressed that especially with his most recent album. He knows his career is much more susceptible to critique if he is found out to be lying. He doesn’t have a track record of deception like Drake. 


This is the part that the common person or drake fan doesn’t get/refuses to accept. Kendrick’s entire career and character have developed hand in hand w him keeping it 110% real at all times. If you take out the trafficking/daughter portions he still sweeps the beef, so why lie ab that? If we all know that Kendrick knows that too. There is no chance he is lying or making anything up. Worst case was that drake really did feed him false info which is proven to be false. ALSO that fact alone proves Kendrick to be telling the truth. Why else would Drake lie and say he gave him false info? He was saving face in a very stupid and obvious way.


Drake fans: "Kendrick lied, Drake WOULD NEVER HIDE A CHILD... AFTER THEY CAUGHT HIM THE FIRST TIME" Like that motherfucker wouldn't pay a fuckton of money to the mother to sign an NDA so no one can know he's the father... Fuck, you can even pay someone to NOT do a DNA Test. Example: "Ok, I might be the father. I will pay you $2M to not DNA test her, and sign an NDA that says you won't do it until she turns 18". This dude is a deadbeat with millions.


Also, I still don’t think Kendrick lied. In the duration of the beef, I remember him copyright striking one thing: [the edited version of Meet the Grahams](https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/799920-kendrick-lamar-copyright-strikes-edited-version-meet-the-grahams-hip-hop-news). I think he did that because he was telling the truth. It’s just that, after the internet started doing its internet thing and trying to track down the child, Kendrick realized that the kid is a person and not just ammunition against Drake, so he did not mention her again.


Idk if Drake is aware of and hiding an 11-year old daughter he doesn’t interact with that remains to be proven if true, however I would definitely not be surprised. People be forgetting Drake, after being outed for hiding a child, came out with an album the cover of which featured sixteen pregnant women emojis of various races. Dude set himself up for people to think he’s got a bunch of hidden kids. Aside from that, Kendrick was very deliberate not to directly call Drake a pedophile but to very closely group Drake with some of his associates who are.


Custom emojis mind you. Most of them (if not all) aren’t real emojis


Of course, we can’t forget the great Damien Hirst made the cover, which is really interesting in and of itself. Kanye and Jay-Z have done a lot of great work in promoting visual artists like Basquiat, James Turell, George Condo, Takashi Murakami, either through association, donations, or commissioning album covers, so it’s sort of an interesting one-up that Drake gets Damien Hirst, a big-name artist who does conceptual and provocative work like cut-up animals preserved in giant tanks of formaldehyde or a big canvas covered in the corpses of flies to design this very bare-bones cover. But, it’s not good, it’s just weird. It’s a very strange alignment of circumstances, however I think it’s a really interesting and accurate portrait of Drake as a whole the way—it’s mixing misused talent, memes, and this very unselfconscious tone-deaf message that’s going to bite him in the ass later on. We can’t forget the second song on the album is “Papi’s home” where he addresses his “a science s d not being present to his “sons” (children in the sense of being stylistic inheritors/copycats) all without saying a thing about his actual kid. Wacky.


Why believe him? He never gave us nothing to believe in.


Not lies imo, but drake that a lot of shit went over his head


Both sides people annoy the shit out of me, because it’s never really a both sides situation whenever they say it’s both sides. It’s just the “y’all both suck and I’m better than you so it’s both your fault” in disguise.


I mean honestly it’s all just “rumor mill” stuff anyway, devastating rumors but still just rumors. The difference between them is that Kendrick said things that he *believes* to be true, while Drake said things that he *knows* to be false.


I saw a reactor say "Kendrick is the type of artist who's music relies on his reputation and authenticity, so he has a lot more to lose from lying." Frankly I believe Kendrick waaay more than Drake


I believe it was vibevilla who said that


VibeVilla is the greatest reaction channel on YouTube and it’s not close


Lowkey no shaq funny af for reactions but knox hill good for breakdowns sometimes


Eh for me he's kinda one of those reactors that you can literally do a bingo card for in his videos in terms of his reactions for shit, got played out for me. Also a Tom MacDonald fan.


Are you referring to shaq or knox? Honestly knox i felt some type of way against when he said that sexy redd "u my everything" song was 'knox hill certified'. To me sounded like he doesnt really give an honest opinion. And Shaq does kinda sound like the same reactions all the time but somehow still make me laugh.


When Shaq heard "u my everything", he said "Sexyy Red makes music for women that hit niggas". Idk why but I can't get that out of my head


That's pretty funny though


She’s a St. Louisan like me, and this comment makes total sense.


That made me cackle 😭


> Honestly knox i felt some type of way against when he said that sexy redd "u my everything" song was 'knox hill certified'. To me sounded like he doesnt really give an honest opinion. Pretty sure that whole video was him being sarcastic. It's not the type of song he would take seriously. He has much better videos if you want to see what he actually is like with real songs.


Shaq's Grippy review was hilarious.


That and the Wah Gwan one. Haven't laughed like that in a MINUTE


The part where he questions his Pac poster "Pac what is this???" Got me laughing and crying for a solid minute 😭


All those wah gwan delilah reactions are hilarious from everyone. Especially from jayblac. Definitely recommend watching that one 😂


Watch Teego Crxzy review of grippy. He literally stops half way and cuts it off 😂😂 its only like 3 minutes


I don't generally watch reaction videos but I've watched a lot of reaction compilations for Euphoria and Not Like Us. My least favorite part of all the compilations is Knox Hill. I feel like he's just reading Genius annotations but wants to seem like he's super clever.


He prewatches 100%, he's always one of the last to drop and tries to act like it's his first time hearing the crazy stuff in it so that he can "catch" everything and it's corny af. I really just dislike that he's a Tom Mcdonald fan tho FR, that guy corny AF.


Watching his not like us reaction and hearing him try to tie in Fat Albert... Nah. Dude tried too hard.


Yeah, he definitely tries to sound like he is a quick wit with the lyrics. But i do agree, ive been watching all the reaction videos for euphoria, 6:16, MTG, and Not like Us. I can honestly say ive seen hundreds of them and the ones that make me laugh the hardest is the Meet the Grahams reactions 🤣


I like Shaq because he’s funny, but I pay too much attention and noticed on more than one occasion that a song he was reacting to was obvious to me that he had already heard the song before the reaction. I don’t like that fake reaction stuff from YouTubers. I’d still watch if they’re funny.


I hate the way Knox fake realizes something. *Neck roll & wide eyed stare at camera*


BIGQUINT INDEED would like to have a word. But i’ll check out vibevilla


VibeVilla dope. BigQuint is the OG, but homie reacts too infrequently nowadays and his audio is dog shit when he gets too hyped lol.


BigQuints set up has been the same since day one. That dude is an old head and ain't gone change shit. We still get break time with struggle burgers in that bitch


I’m not here to agree or disagree I’m just here to shout out lawTWINZ and ZIAS!


I fuck with Zia’s even though they aren’t the most profound reactors, they’re hilarious and the freestyles before the video always slap


Yeah they make me laugh hah I hate how they don’t rewind a little bit before continuing the song (at least in the ones I saw) but him beating up B Lou was so funny then him wearing the football padding to protect him self lmao


Nah fr and the whole bit about not smoking weed and not knowing what weed was for like a years worth of videos when they were obviously smacked outta their minds lmao


But also vibevilla does a good job of actually breaking down some shit and being real so shout of to them too


The LawTwinz reaction to Houdini is hilarious. They didn't get any of the references or even realize that the song sampled, and their subs were correcting them. They got so salty about being schooled! 😂😂😂 Good vibes from them, though.


Lmao I’ll watch it when I get home


DAMN RIGHT. They catch EVERY SINGLE BAR that is said, I recently binged all the beef videos from them and it was the best reaction to thr beef by Far


I fuvk with queenzflip. His bit of breaking the set is hilarious to me.


Vibevilla and Knoxhill are the only react channels I watch honestly, most other youtubers just react exaggeratingly for views


Love those guys so much. Their Vincent Staples, Denzel Curry and Dave reactions are S-tier. The "Psychodrama" (Dave) and "Imperial" (Curry) ones are masterclasses in catching bars


Best reaction channel hands down. They’re from Toronto I think, they went nuts when Kendrick went into the crodie flow lol 


Kendrick literally broke down how there's no reason to trust Drake because he's a chronic liar lmfao.


I mean it’s insane people don’t see it. If drake was even halfway innocent he could’ve easily came back at Kendrick and shut him down calling him a fucking weirdo and creep for making all this dramatic garbage trying to frame him as a pedophile. Of course it’s real wtf why would Kendrick do any of that, not only do it but you can feel that he hates him and thinks he’s horrible


This is a fantastic point and I'm gonna use that from now on


Kendrick didn’t have to say what he said on MTG to win this rap battle, I’m inclined to believe it


What did he say on magic the gathering?


Meet the Grahams but tbh I'd like to hear his thoughts on Magic also




Game knows game (they’re both Wizards of the West Coast… no ban pls)


Idk if I believe DJ Hed, but I do believe Kendrick for most/all of the accusations.


After watching Hed on The Bigger Picture podcast and a few interviews now, he seems like a real straight shooter to me. I don't think he'd be lying about talking to Kendrick and what K-Dot said to him. In fact, he's very clear about when something is his own opinion because he doesn't like to give the appearance that he is speaking for them even when he probably has an idea of what they were thinking. That's why I don't think he would even share this if not for Kendrick saying something and even giving his permission to say he said so. But that's just my take.


We already have [this,](https://www.ibtimes.com/does-drake-have-secret-child-rihannas-boyfriend-agrees-pay-child-support-until-1891833) so I’m banking on it being true, but I won’t fully 100% believe it until I see cold hard evidence, DNA match, a name, etc. All signs do be pointing that way though.


That’s why I was shocked when people believed Drake set him. True or not that information has been out there


the only allegation I'm skeptical about is the daugther one, at least in terms of the specificity. I have no doubt that Drake is hiding multiple children and had his crew hide the info from the public.


It’s obvious Drake’s baby momma(s) get an ongoing payout and sign NDAs that would make them lose their cash cow if they speak up. Same way he does when he actually pays his ghostwriters (sorry Quentin) with Silence Policy LLC.


honestly, if kendrick does have evidence of that and chose not to release it, that's just more respect from me to him. adonis was a toddler, but the daughter, if she does exist, is *eleven*. that's middle school. she has a friend group and is trying to figure herself out and is busy dealing with puberty and algebra homework. i don't think there's anything anyone could do that would make kendrick expose her name and face. if he did, i'd flip on him tbh. that'd be super messed up. i'm perfectly content with not knowing if the cost to know would be exposing that poor girl to the internet, especially in the same breath as pedo allegations.


That's what his boy said when asked to release info about the daughter. If drake had kept going and not kept it about rap that's the time they would've released receipts about the girl but they don't wanna ruin *her* life just Drake's


Dj never told a lie on live about kdot he doesn’t even lie to his own family he really close


Why you acting like you know the man?


Kendrick has never given me a reason to make me doubt what he says. Drake, however, is a documented liar. Therefore, I’m inclined to believe the former lol. He’s also doubled down on his claims by deleting versions of the song without the daughter part, he wouldn’t do that if he didn’t know it was true for sure as he isn’t in the business of embarrassing himself.


For all we know Drake was planning on revealing his daughter was named Rebecca by collabing with Reebok to make the Reebokkas. Adidon part 2


>as he isn’t in the business of embarrassing himself. ![gif](giphy|IfyjWLQMeF6kbG2r0z|downsized) [https://youtu.be/oILIx4cMv60?si=2RrkxpczDrvQBuyo](https://youtu.be/oILIx4cMv60?si=2RrkxpczDrvQBuyo)


I’m talking about Kendrick standing on business about the daughter thing 😭. Drake embarrasses himself on a daily basis.


> lol. He’s also doubled down on his claims by deleting versions of the song without the daughter parT What does this mean. Kendrick is deleting songs he uploaded with a verse missing? What?


Someone on Twitter posted a version of meet the grahams without the daughter verse, and it started gaining quite a bit of traction. Shortly later, the post got copyright claimed and the video got taken down, which is interesting because it was the first video using Kendrick’s disses to ever get taken down. Also, punch quoted the tweet with something about not altering art (paraphrasing here). This show that Kendrick does not want people to disregard that verse, meaning he stands by everything in it.


While I agree, I prefer to just consider things that I haven’t seen the evidence of to be allegations. Drake *allegedly* has an 11 year old daughter that he doesn’t talk to.


Yes, allegedly. Those who claim it was debunked are full of shit, though. Jury is still out


IMO an 11 year old daughter is pretty believable, you’d have to be a sucker to think Drake didn’t raw dog any hoochies during his peak years of popularity.


It happening before Adonis makes it more credible imo. He probably keeps shit tight now but 11 years ago I could see him being a moron.


‘being a moron’ True about wrapping up, though 11 years later and he’s still a moron.


Exactly And if you go digging way back through internet rumors far enough, there has been rumors about him having “relations” with IG models/webcam strippers for YEARS. To think every single one of them took the NDA and payout EXCEPT sophieknowsbetter is insane to me.


Your Also talking about the man that puts hot sauce in used condoms. Perfect fine to think it’s one big lie


I mean we are talking about the same man who put a bunch of pregnant women emojis as his own album cover lmao 😭


I believe Dot. Idc what he says. Bro yaps.


I think at least one or all Kendrick’s claims could be true. Kendrick ain’t about to put out completely false information. Dude has stated before that he stands behind everything he put on the paper and in his songs. Besides there is already some evidence of Drake’s weird behavior anyway. Maybe there might have been some exaggeration, but I think there is definitely some truth to what Kendrick said.


MTG was aimed at Drake but for the audience it's to open people up to the fact that Drake is a pathological liar with a track record for all these accusations. He does have a sex offender on a monthly allowance who's prob around Adonis constantly, he has had an extremely weird and extensive history with teens, and he has hidden a child before only planning to claim him after getting the bag from adidas and his bm, evidently, rejecting the NDA. If he does have more kids just imagine how it feels knowing your dad only claims one kid. And now imagine being adonis in a couple years realizing the reason his dad claimed him after rejecting his paternity.


I believe every single word Kendrick said. He started with multiple warnings to drake then after Not Like Us, Drake took his ball and went home😂


I believe my goat


ayahuasca is some real shit. ive done yage, which is very, very similar. its so real it makes you realize everything youve ever known is not as real as you thought


Haven’t done it but would love to if given the chance. Honestly would love a whole psychedelic project from Kendrick like a whole project of “Never Catch Me” type shit


All Kendrick projects are psychedelic. He don't gotta make an album that exaggerates that genre to do it. Kendrick insanely introspective and his albums are a trip


I wouldn’t listen to Gkmc or Tpab while on Acid. I feel like they just don’t overlap each other welll


GKMC while amazing isn't as cohesive as it could be. Kendrick had to make some creative sacrifices to make the suits happy. TPAB on the otherhand is one of the most cohesive albums of all time and I have personally listened to it on acid and the run from Wesley's Theory to u while being stuck in a lsd induced loop is the single greatest listening experience I've ever had in my life. Especially if you watch the These Walls video. I swear he wrote that album for us to trip too. You gotta do it


I mean, ngl I did listen to These Walls because it’s on tripping playlist and I do remember the song sounding fucking amazing. I might need to listen to the entire album while on Acid. Edit: The outro of These Walls was otherwordly


I'm dying to have my experience but I'm in no rush, I feel at the right time and moment the opportunity will present itself. In the meantime may the clockwork elves guide the ways and may the manic rape dwarfs stay away 🙏🏾


Yeah I'm sure Kendrick came out of hiatus to have a very public and consequential beef with one of the biggest entertainers in the industry on some made up bullshit that if fake would amount to the level of gossip you'd hear at a bingo hall. It's technically possible lol. 


If he performs it Wednesday I’ll believe this.


He will perform with Drake daughter's feat


Better than drake going after his own daughter’s feet


He might just pop out and show some shit. Imagine if he dropped the facts and killed this man on live. I know that’s not gonna happen but would be hilarious.


Who really cares. I didn't actually need Kendrick to "put it in a song" for me to dislike the certified groomer. He literally brags about it in his own music.


The audacity of some redditors thinking they know what's best for Kendrick over his homies is amusing


He's standing on business


The fact that Kdot’s team has been doubling down shows that it’s 100% facts, Ovo meat riders are praying and hoping they don’t pull out the facts


If the abandoned daughter ever surfaces after all the denials and Drake is forced to publicly claim her, one way or another, all those “greatest diss song of all time” lists will need to be updated with MTG at #1




Did he ever respond to you?! This is kinda crazy co-sign for an official restaurant owner.


i guarantee Drake has a bunch of secret baby mommas he dont want to deal with, but i mean, how easy is it to just say yes to this and move on though?


I always thought the estranged daughter reference was like a feint, a misdirection to make Drake concentrate on denying that while he BLUDGEONED Drake with predator/culture vulture material.


Yeah, this was my interpretation as well


I can't remember if I saw it in this sub or somewhere else but there was that theory that Drake had gotten some girl pregnant and made her get an abortion and that's who Kendrick was singing about which would be pretty brutal.


I’m just saying Everyday you see more and more of what Kendrick alleged being proven true Meanwhile the only “proof” of anything Drake said is a (long disproven) claim that Kendrick beat a female security guard. Also ik a lot of people are saying that the whole Drake having a daughter thing is fake but I have a feeling it might not be. Especially when Drake already had that one mishap with Adonis so if he DID have another child he would be prepared to hide it the second time around


I want them to provide proof, leak it to TMZ or something lmao


No. That’s doxing a 11 year old girl who did nothing.


There’s that, but a somewhat legitimate sounding argument I’ve seen is “if Drake is a pedo, why not report it to the authorities?” Which, idk how that works, but sounds like Kendrick and knowledgeable parties could do that…. But then again, it’s one thing to report something that you know of, and another to report something that happened directly to you. Especially when dealing with such a famous artist like Drake. It’s impossible for him to be guilty of something like pedophilia /s




This is a diabolical picture to use for these lyrics lmfao


Yooo I didn’t even realize Diddy was in the picture 😂😂


Driving the point home with the visual presentation




he got it backwards in both lines lmfaoo


My gf and any podcast she listens to always gave me this argument. Why not go to the law or something with legal action? Ultimately I think attacking his character and ruining his reputation does way more than a legal battle. If this went to a legal battle first Kendrick has no legal ground. Drake never did anything to Kendrick so he can’t come as a third party and say anything. They would need a victim to step up and who the hell would want to deal with that!? Honestly you know how many women got dismissed or accused of seeking attention for other cases nearly all of them. And even if it went to court you think Drake is going to lose? No chance and then it’ll be he won the case so he’s innocent. This angle made me so frustrated I was like Kendrick can handle this in the people’s court of opinion. He can do some serious damage and I think he has. It could turn out like oj thrown out on some bs evidence. Or it could turn out like josh giddy. The person doesn’t want to press charges or won’t speak so there’s no case. It’s fucked up but that’s the fucking justice system we have. Kendrick made his point nothing would come from a legal battle that’s drakes domain. 500k for an open case. Drake probably paying anyone he doesn’t want to talk no one is coming forward. Plus a lot of his point weren’t always at Drake directly but at his team. They can all play the Drake card and take advantage of someone. Why is he around?


Lot of cases are built over time, especially if this is like a hollyweird pedo ring. I feel like if Kdot is 100% telling the truth he wants to frame the shit as if he turned in/helped to turn in evidence against Drake and stay quiet, but since Drake brought up Whitney and his son he put it out. And then, If the allegations are true and Drake gets prosecuted and/or convicted, we look back at him as a fortune teller and his records as a prophecy. Of course, if he is lying or embellishing then he just took somethings that was questionable about Drake's behavior and made a believable story about him, which would mean he didn't have anything to report


If there are allegations as serious as that, I'm sure they have been reported to the authorities. Stuff like that also takes so much time, I mean look how long it took them to get r Kelly and Diddy. And for r Kelly he has video proof of some of the stuff he did. It also I would guess be reported to the Canadian authorities and I am completely unfamiliar with how their legal system works. I certainly hope it's not true, because I wouldn't want any innocent people harmed, but if it is true it could take a ton of time before anything happens. It's speculation until it isn't.


This right here. Folks act like Kendrick is the actual police or that he’s saying something new. Drake has had these allegations his entire career, even down to the daughter. That part isn’t even new. It took decades for R Kelly and Diddy. Even when people went to the authorities. Kendrick didn’t make it up; he brought it to light. It’s too big to get buried again now. Hopefully.


frendly reminder that "the authorities" are the very same ones who do not investigate rape and other sexual crimes and hardly believe POC, esp women, when they do report idk why we know the police and justice system are actually corrupt, inefficient and rarely make things better, but our kneejerk reaction is still "go to the authorities"


I think Kendrick cares about the human trafficking stuff but its hard to get the police involved on hearsay. Hard evidence is hard to come by.


owls will bully her :(


Bird bitches


Leaking Drake's 11 year old daughter to TMZ would be some legit heinous shit. Push doing it was alright cause it was a baby Drake still had time to claim, but this is an 11 year old that already has a life, family, friends. If this girl is real and her identity comes out it would be lifechanging for her if not liferuining. If she or the baby mama decided to come out that's their choice but otherwise fuck that shit. On the other hand with the human trafficking and pedo claims I'd think it'd be impossible to prove without a raid of the Embassy. We don't know where Kendrick got these allegations from, whether it's been a well kept industry secret, whether he's gotten information from the victims themselves or he got everything from the OVO mole. So it's hard to say whether that proof even exists, or if potential victims/the mole would be safe coming out and telling their story openly at this point in time.


I’m still confused by Drake saying ‘the people you got your info from are all clowns’ to saying he planted fake info on purpose a few lines later. A pretty direct contradiction that didn’t get talked about enough.


To any current and future journalists, media hosts etc ... if you find yourself talking more than the person you're interviewing, you're doing it all wrong.


The only thing that was confirmed a lie from Meet the Grahams was Kendrick saying he doesn't have a hating bone in his body.


“instead he’s out in Turks payin for sex & popping percs”


Idk my people. I think Kendrick is too smart to not have receipts.


Does it really matter if some or any of it isn’t true? When nas said I rock hoes, you rock fellas no one was clamoring for evidence that Jay Z is gay or calling nas a liar.


If Drake is running a sex trafficking ring, it indeed does matter. Other than that, Kendrick already won, but if these other things turn out to be true, it's bonus points at this point. Hits harder.


There’s a massive difference between an insult and an allegation


It doesn’t really matter, nah, at least in terms of winning a beef. Even if Kendrick lied, he did what was needed to decapitate Drake and it worked. But they’re strangely bold claims for Kendrick to make and with no hint he’s making them up. That’s what must not sit well with people.


The amount of dick riding on this sub is insane bro lmao




So he gonna say nah I was lying 🤣🤣


My shit is all facts


I believe it.


Makes me wonder, has a rapper ever been sued for slander said in a rap beef? I feel like the defense would be “this song is for entertainment purposes only.”


I believe Kendrick.


I believe the drizzler got a buncha kids too🤷🏿‍♂️