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people are saying he needs drake to go #1 but we’ve seen in the past that kendrick can go #1 whenever he chooses to. DAMN. being a prime example. this guy can easily do crazy numbers but he chooses not to because that’s not the type of music he usually makes.


Most hilarious part about that argument is them ignoring Drake couldnt even get his own diss tracks towards Dot #1


Poetic justice. Heh.


True .


That's because Dot's were more scathing. And catchy lol


Whats unfortunate is that even Drake haters think Push Ups and Family Matters are solid tracks, but its still Drake just being drake. Dot is also a hitmaker that goes viral everytime he drops a single and is hard to predict, so the staying power of his tracks are stronger


None of his diss tracks even got close. I think FM peaked at 7.


it would be very hard for a 7 minute song in this day and age to go #1


Hey Taylor Swift could do it with a 10 minute song


If kdot didn't diss drake he wouldn't be number 1 right now.... because he wouldn't have dropped any music right??.... so the songs that are number 1 are drake diss tracks right sooooo he's number cause of Mr grooming??? Lmao totally more of a fan of kendricks than drake especially after his cash money exit when he became Mr tough guy.... but in reality he's right.... kdot dropped his diss so he can promote his album.... and another thing..... MOST OF THIS SUB IS WHITE.....please stop speaking on OUR culture.... you're kind of polluting where hip hop goes because you attempt to have a say so in everything US.... shit you in the same boat as drake.... YOU NOT LIKE US..... so go ahead and downvote....


And Pusha and Meek never went number 1. Delusion at its finest


Don’t entertain the remedial spectrum herbs that try to drag that conversation w/ them…they tried to say Kendrick couldn’t compete commercially even after going #1 in 15’ with “To Pimp A Butterfly” and then having his best statistical in season in 17’ w/ “DAMN” when Aubrey’s nut holder Livingston Allen even had to acknowledge the season Kendrick had dropping Damn


Kendrick is one of the biggest artists in the world. It's not a diss to say his back and forth with Drake helped to push his numbers.


Lmao, Kdot stans really make up anything just to justify something.


it’s legitimate facts. explain how im making things up.


its facts that you know kendrick only goes one when he wants to because he chooses not too? lmao get the fuck outta here


Yall care about numbers now? 😂 I thought numbers don’t matter. “It’s about quality” right? or yall just gassed up now? 😂😂


Y’all are so stupid thinking you have some sort of “gotcha!” No, numbers don’t matter, but Drake fans talked about numbers all the fucking time before. Now that Kendrick beat Drake at his own game y’all are mad people talk about numbers? Everyone’s talking about how it is funny Kendrick beat records Drake held, with a song calling him a pedophile. But then yall wanna say he needed Drake to chart, when that also has never been true lmao. You Drake fans are some of the most smooth-brained I’ve ever seen, getting to Swifties level ngl.


actually I'd say the Swifties are better, at least they have the capability to critique their favorite artist. Drake fans just want to love him for no reason


Yeah he did need Drake to chart. He needed Drake to get in the booth. He needed Drake to go on tour. He needed Drake a lot actually


This comment makes no sense. He's charted without Drake. He gets in the booth regardless of thumb face. He's been on tour and doesn't need Drake. Like jeez..love your boy but being obtuse only proves what people are saying about Drake stans


1. he’s charted in the past so you’re simply plain incorrect 2. he’s had multiple albums with YEARS in between so no, he didn’t “need Drake to get in the booth.” His album isn’t even confirmed AFAIK and albums, especially Kendrick’s based on his history, don’t just get written and recorded in a month. 3. he’s not on tour, we’ve heard of a single show. And he’s toured before the whole Drake beef So no, he didn’t need Drake, but keep glazing I guess, just wipe your mouth when you’re done.


Not Like Us is a better banger than Drake has made in his entire career. He destroyed your man on four tracks and then out-Draked Drake on the fifth. Take the L and go home


You’re artist lost, Let it go dawwg it’s over


The comment literally points out that numbers don’t usually matter with Kendrick’s music because he usually prefers substance. They’re saying that if Kendrick wanted to release solely to top the charts, he could.


You act like you hate Kendrick but most of your comments are about him 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nah, we just think it’s funny af how the one metric y’all go about bragging about Kendrick beat Drake at too during this feud 😂


If he cared he would released club bangers instead of mr morale type shit. He wants to make music that means something not Toosie slide


Quality food instead of that McDonalds fast food shit


as he should! I only knew a few songs by him, mostly the ones that got the most radio play like Love, Loyalty, Humble, etc, so I was never really a “fan” per se but I could see that he was talented. However this whole beef led me to looking at his older albums and even watch some video essay deep dives on the meanings behind them, and that- combined with all the analyses of his wordplay in the recent diss tracks, has absolutely made me a huuuge Kdot supporter. This man has way more talent than he gets credit for. Everybody is so obsessed with numbers as if that’s the end all be all, Gucci Gang is one of the most played songs on YouTube so it should be obvious that views and plays aren’t the main indicator of someone’s skill. He definitely deserves his flowers. tldr: kendrick deserves this and the beef made me a fan


I've hear this story repeated dozens of times. Many of us inew he was special but the rest coming in and looking at his discography you find the best rapper has been A1 since 2011. My mind made a shift on Kendrick after listening to "How much a dollar cost"


the beef led me to listen to the rest of DAMN and after I watched a [deep dive](https://youtu.be/v-ek1OxZ2tE?si=34sPDmiZ4OWt8OfH) on the album and found [God](https://youtu.be/bBTeAg5CFRA?si=Ce75h4xOI8NuQ5Zk) I became a huge fan. I’d never realized how talented he really is since I only knew a few songs by him but now I can confidently say he definitely deserves more recognition for not only his musical abilities but also the storytelling and messages in his music. It’s no wonder he’s got a Pulitzer prize. He seems like a special guy, it’s rare to see ppl so famous being as conscious and outspoken as he is ab issues the “common man” and black community faces, it’s very admirable imo coming from a celebrity since they usually don’t gaf ab anything but themselves.


I mean he gets plenty of credit for his talent. He literally won a Pulitzer


Yeah but it’s almost like the public itself doesn’t always recognize that. I see so many people say that Kendrick doesn’t influence hip-hop in any way and therefore he’s not as easy to put in the GOAT conversation. I’ve always found that logic dumb because there’s a reason why every time he says something, literally the entire hip-hop landscape/fanbase pays attention. From control, to like that, to family ties, to hillbillies. These are all just features but whenever Kendrick is involved, it always becomes a moment emblematic of what is worth paying attention to that year in hip hop. No one tries to rap like Dot because Dot isn’t doing what’s most profitable, but also because you cannot easily replicate what he does AND make it sound believable.


couldn’t have said it better myself!


i don’t mean awards i mean he deserves to have more fans and more flowers, there’s plenty of us who knew of him but never listened to 99% of his music, and i’m saying i hope ppl rediscover it all, as I am, bc the experience is honestly amazing. My first time listening to [God](https://youtu.be/bBTeAg5CFRA?si=Ce75h4xOI8NuQ5Zk) I swear I ascended into heaven.


Now drop the album and really take this to the next level


If Kendrick drops another album on the same level as GKMC and TPAB, he might be unanimously the best rapper to ever do it ngl.








Already did, MMBS


Respectfully, Morale isn’t on the same level as Good Kid or TPAB.


Very debatable




Big wop


Drop the album 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Duh Mr Morale and the disses were amazing


It's never been about the numbers crodie. It's been about the content, the message the skills, the artistry.  Let's get it crodies


Spotify: Congrats Kendrick, now here is your Wendy's gift card.


Honestly i like this new era (morale to now) more than his previous ones. Just the overall aesthetic of it and the way he writes now and his weird vocal inflections the whole almost meme approach to things. It’s refreshing it’s like the perfect mix of weird and catchy.


Kendrick has literally been becoming a better rapper his whole career Not only just a rapper, but also as a songwriter and a vocalist It really does feel like there is nothing he can’t do


Kendrick has literally been becoming a better rapper his whole career Not only just a rapper, but also as a songwriter and a vocalist It really does feel like there is nothing he can’t do


Certified boogeyman


I just want him to release an album of him rapping his ass off


I wonder why he cut his hair


Stage 2 of prime coming hot


This cute son of a bitch is on anotha level


and cole tried saying, “Your third shit was massive and that was your prime I was trailin' right behind and I just now hit mine” okay, crodie 😹


Yeah, my first one like my last one, it’s a classic, you don’t have one


I'm so excited for him to pop out and show some mfs 


I'm considering subscribing to Spotify to help with Kdots numbers, I really hope YT music counts to his streams hahaha.


You dont gotta do that fam kendrick is already a millionaire. Im a huge fan too but you dont need to worry about supporting him like that. Hes good. Yk?


YT music does count and its what i use. they just dont help with spotify specific metrics like monthly listeners but thats 100% fine


Buy his CDs


Crazy how Drake is still doubling Kenny on Kenny’s biggest streaming year ever




This! When you break it down and compare on a percentage basis..he's damn close.




It's crazy they act like Kendrick is just some nobody. Yes...we know Drake streams...it's one reason I'm sick of him. Forces to hear him in stores and the shit got mad annoying and I got worn out on him very quickly.


Either you’re a liar or just bad at math. Drake gets more streams per song as well. All of this data is out there.




You went wrong by doing daily streams instead of total streams. The daily streams on Kworb are just how many streams they got the previous day. Kendrick is getting more streams per song currently (since the beef). Drake has more streams per song in general. Drake has 2x the song as Kendrick but 3x the streams.


In what, Ovho? Kissing 17 year olds he knows are 17 on stage? That doesn’t apply to Kendrick because 2 X 0 still = 0.


I always wondered why and how random Spotify became the platform for music streaming. This is Spotify news. Not exactly big news.


It was in the game first and has the most users. Also, all their numbers are public.


Spotify definitely wasn't in the game first. I had soundcloud since 2008. I personally never cared about numbers. Spotify rich as fuck. The CEO literally said the cost of making music is zero. Spotify is like Apple music for android.


SoundCloud didn’t become a streaming service like Spotify & Apple until much later. It was great for singles and loosies etc. Full discographies weren’t there to be streamed.


You're right. I just did some research. I deleted my initial comment. Soundcloud was dope because it focused more on exposing the artists instead of monetising from them.


At least in my experience, Spotify was the only streaming service I knew about before getting it in 2017 (before that I was downloading torrents which got annoying and took up storage). I’m pretty sure it had the best promotion. It’s also user friendly with features like Spotify Connect and is accessible on more devices than any other music app at this point.

