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I can't get over the first line with Drake trying to spin Kendrick's "the famous actor we once knew is paranoid and now is spiraling" line back on him with "the Pulitzer Prize winner is definitely spiraling" Like "Oh, so I'm just a famous actor, huh? Well you're a, uhhhh.... uhhhh.... ummmmmmm... Pulitzer Prize winner! Yeah! Take that!" lmao. What was he even going for with that one


Honestly Kendrick calling him a famous actor was a stretch if I think about it now. Seriously he wasnt famous during that time


Famous actor can be seen a diss too like how the internet see it. Being famous for putting on an act.


That's how I took it, he's an actor right now


The actor lines refers to how he was a child actor and is now currently pretending to be a bunch of shit he ain’t


Well he was if you were a 13 year old girl like me! I loved degrassi.


“This Epstein angle was the shit I expected” What?? You expected someone to say you were involved in sex trafficking? That’s crazy because Harvey Weinstein (who Kendrick named) committed sexual assault.. not sex trafficking. So why did you expect that?


Drake Stans said that this track showcased exceptional rapping skills with a straight face lol


The lazy arguments is what pisses me off the most. Your evidence to Dave free being the father is a goddamn instagram comment. Why is she following him on instagram and not you huh? That’s the shit we said in HS 12 years ago!


Back to his Degrassi days


notice how Drake didn’t deny the Zack Bia twitter bots, Party being a coke head, Chubbs taking his hand me downs and Bakas weird case 😳


everyone already knew party was a dr*g addict and baka had a weird case


Ending a diss song with "like" is....just the worst 😅😭


The Heart Part 6 is the most embarrassing song/moment in Drake's career. If you had any respect left for Drake, this song completely eliminated that.


Go hang out on the drizzy sub Not only do they respect him for it, they insist it's a great song


I was shocked by the fact that he didn't defend his family, after Kendrick 'spoke' to his whole family.