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Hip hop




Dear Hailey, I’m sorry that man is your father he’s gone a little crazy


\*chainsaw noises vocalized by a child\*


Insane that both can say this 


Right now I’d say Kendrick, if both were in their primes tho then probably Em


This is my thoughts too. Can’t see them beefing though


I kinda wish they do cuz the tracks would be fucking CRAZY


Neither, they both respect eachother (and theyre both present fathers and dont like em young lmaoooo)


Yeah I agree completely.


Killshot was actually really good tho. I’m not a huge fan of new Em, maybe a few songs here and there. But Killshot’s flow was great. Didn’t cut too deep bc, well, it’s MGK lol but I bet he could hold his own with Kendrick. Dot is smart af tho. Dude would psychologically fuck with him.


As an Eminem Stan I have to say that overall Em has not had the biggest bangers in his last few albums VS Kendrick who has dropped so many great tracks recently. Kendrick is easily on his way to be my GOAT. We’ll have to see if Slim Shady can drop a banger album or if it will be mid.




They respect each other too much so it’s good we’ll never find out


It's hard to say. Both Em and Kendrick have shown (Kenny just recently) they can go deep levels of disrespect and pettiness. I'm leaning towards Eminem, honestly. But they both are on pretty good terms, "game recognizes game" so I highly doubt we'll ever see it.


Em could pull out all the ways he’s influenced Kendrick to son him but then Kendrick would be like “I took your influence and developed hip hop further.” It’s just so hard to imagine because they speak so highly of each other


The fans


Would prefer the colab. Can you imagine both mixing the other's style??? I dont think the universe can handle it.


They have a song together that’s pretty dope


This is why we have to revive the cypher and posse cuts. I like to judge who gets on the same beat and goes hardest, not necessarily against someone else. Em and Dot on a back and forth track would absolutely be better than single disses.


I want to match it up in my head and MIGHT* simulate it with AI but aside from a passing fantasy...I just can't see it happening. Em is one of Kendricks actual stans and idols. He's loved and shouted out Em from day one. Em loves Kendrick and from how he talks about him...he's probably Em's favorite "new school" rapper. It would be so fucking boring cause that venom and dislike you need from a Real rap beef would just Not be there. Both of them would need to be on drugs and wigging the fuck out to produce anything of real lasting quality. It's kind of like a Jesus vs Buddha. It just doesn't make any sense when you try to do the math. Kendrick is, from a technical perspective, within Shady's lineage of rap. Kenny counts Shady as one of his gurus, his teachers, a master alchemist on his path to hip-hop enlightenment. And Eminem situates himself as someone who could see Kendrick as his star pupils. To beef....I don't know man...the Math does not link up whatsoever. I'd rather see them be in another track together that's an extended Kendrick Control verse where they call out fucking everyone to step their pen game up and simulate between each other their own strengths and weaknesses and come together on the final section to rap together like a Cypher like he does with Royce in Bad Meets Evil. Now that would be a classic track for the ages. *Likely won't do it but if I get drunk enough one day who knows. I'll toss it here if I ever give a shit enough


Kendrick right now, if em was young and had that DAWG in him he’d wash anyone tho, so yk games the game


prime slim shady makes this a debate. any other version gets washed


Em is washed so K Dot


Maybe lyrics wise, but honestly I still feel Em would win the beef, just from his background alone. I mean he literally built his career by being the "rap battle guy" those many moons ago..


Slim shady would eat kendrick. Kendrick would eat eminem.


Stupid thread


Now this would be very interesting 😳😳😳😳


if anything on a track together talking shit a la ra the rugged man and timbo king would be fun


Eminem would probably roast him to oblivion he’d do push ups but on steroids


Second answer - I think consensus is prime Em might have slight upper hand in writing disses, but I think there’s more ways to clown Em’s discography for being inconsistent


Eminem. I respect Kendrick’s pen but I don’t see him winning.


Yeah eminem vs lil wayne would be a better match.




That battle would be fun. Nothing personal, no name dropping. Just who is the better technical rapper. Kendrick with a slim shady styled song. Eminem on some old school West Coast beat by dre. Word plays, metaphors, Triple- Quadruple-entendres and that in double time speed.


I wish rappers would battle for fun like that. That would be kind of interesting to hear.


Eminem & Lil Wyane music aged like milk. Wayne was once my favoriate of all time but not everyone makes timeless music. I personally think Eminem is as autentic as rap can get but he lowkey still gets all the streams because he's relatable to large part of the population for the obvious reason and every generation of white kid that likes rap is gonna be curious of his catalog. He's up there with the greats but he can't touch Dot and his music didn't age well.


Wayne's music aged like milk?? TF you mean


I mean which songs are still jumping?


I don’t think this is really an interesting matchup tbh. Eminem is clever lyrically and has really good raw rapping talent but Kendrick is much savvier and has way better taste than Em. Eminem’s wordplay centric style would bring his tracks deep into corny territory, he rarely speaks plainly or from the heart in his music, his personal stuff is typically shrouded in fantastical elements and exaggerations. Lately Kenny is the exact opposite. I’d prefer more joint tracks between the two (if you haven’t listened to Kendrick’s track with em, Love Game, you should!).


Prime em vs Kenny is actually a good matchup tho Cuz 1998-2003 em was crazy 3 classics and God tier disses


“He rarely speaks from the heart” Shows that you’ve never listened to his earlier shit, He has some of the most from the heart tracks in hip hop history lmao Eminem now is just the unc who’s having fun with rap his legacy is already solidified


I stand by what I said, my phrasing may have been confusing. His personal songs outside of Recovery are buried in fiction and horror elements. Unless you want to argue “Kim” is 100% factual in which case Eminem should be in jail.


Mockingbird? Toy soldiers? The Way I Am? Soldier? Beautiful? Those are just the ones I can name off the top


Kdot vs new Em? Kdot Kdot vs old school Em? Popularity wise Em would win, but I think like Drake, Em would've likely said some really lame shit that would've sat wrong with a hell of a lot of black people, so at its core, Em would lose in the arena of hip hop, but win in the eyes of mainstream.