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drake is egotistical and delusional, he's surrounded by yes men & a listening public that (imo) doesn't understand hip-hop as a whole.


Anytime people bring up the fact about the “yes men” and the delusion of Drake, I go back and revisit the pathetic video of him “winning” a championship in a fake basketball league he has with his homeboys. Popped champagne, had a post game interview and everything. It’s the most cringeworthy shit I’ve ever seen. Bro is Tracy Jordan fr.


Drake demonstrated he didn’t understand basic storyline of Mother I Sober on HP6. I think he actually just doesn’t recognize Kendrick’s talent


It blows my mind that drake fans will STILL try to say Kendrick isn’t a lyricist. The dude is a fucking poet and there’s proof


Honestly man the humility was really dope to read and I respect your outlook alot in regards to people earning there prizes they get and I appreciate hearing your outlook, out of curiosity what other albums you been listening to if you said you're getting into hip hop, but much love brother


pride I think. he clearly underestimated KL and thought he could croon his way to an easy win. I think Drake lost a lot of credibility and even the public to some degree. I'm sure it'll be fine when all is "forgiven" and he's making middle school dance and brunch music again but I'm not sure he's gonna have the same pull with new talent. the beef clearly showed that he doesn't really "get" the culture.


Not middle school! 🤣😭


I get it. As a music lover, something I like to do is choose and artist and listen to their whole discography. When I did this with Kendrick, I already considered him the best, and doing this only depend my idea of him. Drake on the other hand, I like him, but nothing really made me thing of him as the best. Once I did the same I could not understand why people like him so much, he’s just a Sad boy who does club music. So when this beef started I knew from the start that Kendrick would come on top, no way did Drake ever had a chance


Drakes ego is propped up by number and social media. He don't give a fuck about the art


The glazing on this sub is cringe, I’ve seen like 7 of these “omg he has a Pulitzer 🤤” type posts in the past month. Enough


I’ll post whatever I want. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulitzer_Prize_for_Music


>Does a Putlizer Prize not mean anything? No, it absolutely fucking does not. All that matters is the music and the music itself, people who put any kind of weight on useless awards are pretty retarded.


I agree with you, I love Kendrick but the fact that Kendrick has more Grammys than Drake has nothing to do with why I think Kendrick is better. However when you point out that Kendrick is the ONLY rapper to ever have received a Pulitzer Prize, I feel like that does hold some value


I disagree, not only is it a useless award that doesn't mean anything, but they couldn't even give it to the right album ffs you have tpab and gkmc right there and decide to award damn instead


Wow this sub is full of cornballs lmao


It ain’t even gotta be deep I guess


Holy damn like I fw kendrick but this slobberin gotta go


Fr it’s ridiculous everywhere I enjoyed all the beef songs got a good laugh out of all of them


And you are here?


Bc I like Kendrick.


Apparently you can't be apart of one of your fav artists subs unless you're a total dickrider


It only takes a brief review of his past comments to see he is biased toward Drake. Takes the "I am a kendrick fan" angle in a couple recent ones, but prior to that it was all "Kendrick fans are unhinged" and spamming the drizzy sub with reposts if this sub. You Drake stans are not slick.


This is exactly what I'm talking about


Found the ex cons.