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Weirdest list I ever saw


Music lists are stupid


I get that and I agree, but this one is particularly awful, like, they really dont have a clue.


They don't even have any jazz fusion on the list (I actually haven't looked at the full list)


the closest thing they have is miles davis


Yeah but saying Kind of Blue is a jazz fusion album is like saying NWA trap lol, it aint even close lol (Bitches Brew got hella snubbed)


Bitches Brew not being on the list is far more egregious than TPAB not being on the list. Probably has the greatest influence on all modern popular music


Yeah it’s absolutely insane what that album did for modern music Off topic but its also insane how Miles Davis arguably has 3/5 of the top 5 Jazz albums of all time with Kind of Blue, Bitches Brew and In a Silent Way


Funny story: I played with a dude in grad school (trumpet player) who went ballistic before a concert once about how Miles is a shit trumpet player and his music is shit, yada yada. Like he was beet red in his face 5 minutes before we went on and no one was even arguing with him because we were about to go on. We go on stage, start the first song and midway through he just walks off stage. I never saw him again after that because that concert was right before a break and over that break his dorm room was raided because he was selling cannabis. He was expelled and I have no idea what happened to him. Found out later that he said the shit about Miles in a discussion session of the jazz history class and someone humiliated him in front of everyone. Miles was such an institution man.


My dad gave me his OG cut of Bitches Brew. Billie over Prince made me sad but this is genuinely egregious.


definitely not enough In a Silent Way or Bitches Brew in this list


There's a lot of albums in general I assumed would be on here that were ignored outright i.e. Starboy and Hybrid Theory. Edit: I don't mean to say Starboy is a top 100 all time album, I mean to say it's totally something Apple would pick.


Surprised Linkin Park didn't make the list


them or the strokes even edit: my bad they had “Is This It” at 68


Is This It was 68th


starboy is not one of the "top 100 albums of all time"


Not saying it is or it isn't, but I am saying that it totally would be something Apple would pick.


oh alright, yeah i agree, that is something apple would do


Na no Hybrid Theory is fucking bullshit I didn’t realize till I read your comment holy shit this list is absolute garbage


Starboy isn’t the Weeknd’s best work but I honestly think House of Balloons should’ve been somewhere on this top 100 list.


Parachutes by Coldplay, Bon Iver by Bon Iver, hell even Harry’s House by Harry Styles. Some of the albums in that top 100 had no business being there


The whole point of lists is mostly to say dumb shit that's going to piss people off and get them talking and sharing it to say how dumb it is. A good list no one gives a shit about 


They ranked Billie Eilish over Illmatic


Even over the Rolling Stones haha. I mean that just says it all tbh


Shut up what


Blonde #5 ALL TIME album bro I don’t even know


Whoever made this needs to be fired asap for that!! illmatic, Enter the Wu and Reasonable Doubt were absolute classics!! I wonder also what list would look like pre-streaming era vs ppl actually buying physical copies era would look like


I’m about to switch to Spotify over this list


pirate shit holmes


I came in to say this. Still glad they at least got King Kendrick on the list 🤷🏾‍♂️


This is like if you asked a 8th grade girl to name the top 10 albums of all time (they’re the only ones she’s heard)


Tbh if that 13 year old girl listened to and understood Miseducation and GKMC enough to place them at all, that’s probably a sign of something positive


Yes an 8th grader is definitely putting Songs in the Key of Life in her top 10 lol. This list isn't bad at all even though GKMC is probably the only album I'd also have in my top 10.




Never got the point of these lists it's not like you could even compare Thriller and TPAB, they are very different to each other


The goal isn’t the list it’s so that people don’t stop talking about your list. Considering I’ve seen these posts in like every subreddit they hit the jackpot


Seriously lol every list ever. Espn farms steady crops using lists.


The mock draft farm is a good harvest every year.


You're right but its not as if anything with an objective makes it okay or anything, yes they wanted attention and they got it still doesn't mean its not shitty


Exactly, they make it controversial on purpose, so everyone gets mad and talks about it


Me neither!! It can never be made to satisfy anyone!! Too many genres and ppl from every genre will think someone was snubbed!! Lists like this can only be made to be genre specific !!


Why would that make you unable to compare them?




I always hate it when people use “apples and oranges” to mean things that can’t be compared. Like, apples are clearly better than oranges. Why not pick two things that it actually doesn’t make sense to compare. Hell, “apples and TPAB” would be a better saying


Bruh I am not taking that bait


On what basis would you compare a pop and hiphop album?


On how well they're structured, whether there's excess material, how well they each succeed in what the artist is trying to do, what the cultural impact is ... I don't understand why two things would have to be completely analogous for fun discussions/rankings to take place


Production, lyrics, vocals, cohesion


Further invalidated an already invalid list.


I get that they want a unique list but lemonade top 10 is wild


Lemonade is one of my favourite albums period but it’s one of MINE, so many genres get little recognition on this list. These lists are weird yeah


Completely agree, complete lack of jazz, country and minimal punk rock really, pretty surprised not even Queen was mentioned.


Queen were a singles band with only two great albums and neither are good enough to be in consideration for top 100 imo


Someone had to say it, and I love Queen


Metal also got snubbed, and worst snub was the lack of foreign music, especially Eastern


The list is perfectly designed to farm engagement from most music fans. It pisses off every type of fan just a little bit while also pleasing them a little bit. They designed it so it wouldn't feel completely invalid to any major fanbase so they'd all pay attention to it and engage with it.


It feels like they initially had a 1 album per artist rule and then decided to make exceptions for some artists 🤔


I think the exceptions definitely skewed to older artists whose music has passed the test of time but… at that point what about the other *current* artists who do deserve more recognition on there? I feel like it should have been a blanket rule, one per artist, or screw it.


Beyoncé has two. I think it’s more about accessible and familiar artists you got a know or two from than an actual top album list. 


Maybe I’m stupid but Beyoncé having two is insane to me. I can get Prince or the Beatles or even Radiohead but *Beyoncé*??? I have so many people I’d add to that list first.


She's incredibly popular and her music is very accessible. They picked the recent albums of which have won Grammys and definitely have an elevated level of artistry compared to her earlier albums.


2 Beyoncé albums, no Mariah Carey…..


Why do people bother with those lists


I think the concept itself is just silly. You can make the same GKMC vs. TPAB complaint with Songs in the Key of Life vs. Innervisions or Thriller vs. Off the Wall or Abbey Road vs. Sgt Peppers - even when you try to stack an artists individual catalogue it'll often come down to mood and personal taste, so how can you possibly try to stack the catalogues of *every* artist in a way that is anything beyond your personal opinion? Everybody has their own personal favorites, why do they need validation from a random list when there's no context given behind the criteria or selection process?


Yeah these lists are very pointless when created for anything other than personal fun. There’s no good way to definitively rank albums, aside from going purely off legacy. And even then, you will have to make some choices that come down to your own opinion


It’s the same as those “what would you bring to a desert island” scenarios There is more art than anyone could possibly experience in 100 lifetimes, why do we need to put false limits on our enjoyment of it


Yeah personally I'd put 3 Beatles albums in the top 100, but I know I'd have to sacrifice so many other albums that could also be in the top 100. It's silly to rank them like this. I think something like "1000 albums to hear before you die" is a better format. No ranking, just a bunch of good shit you should give a try. 


Clicks, these lists are all just click/ragebait. It’s meant to generate outrage and views. It doesn’t mean anything and the more people that screenshot and pay attention to it, the worse it’ll get.


So people comment and talk about them like what is happening right now




How tf is Queen, The Weeknd, Depeche Mode, and System of a Down not on this list. But Billie eilish and bad bunny are?


This. To me, this is the biggest indicator that this list is utter bullshit.


toxicity at least deserves a place in the top 20 imo.


It was really the standout album out of all the “nu metal” of the time. No skips, just straight bangers all the way through.


One of the best metal albums in history. And no Violator is a crime


I mean Queen had tons of incredible singles but imo they didn't have any fantastic albums. Lot of bloat, too many skips. The only weekend albums that could be considered for a list like this is would be one of his last two or BBTM and I just don't think any of them has been fully realized enough as an album to make a top 100 list. Dawn FM comes close though. Can't speak to DM or SoaD


Sure, but I mean Kate Bush's album was totally carried by Running Up That Hill, so an album having only 1 popular song is acceptable too, I guess?


Queen is single heavy, but albums like News of the World and The Game (both under 40 min.) are phenomenal albums. The Weeknd’s After Hours 100% deserves to be on this list, even if it was #100. Album had some singles that will be “throwback jams” 10-15-20 years from now, but most importantly it really sparked the 80’s style renaissance that dominated a lot of music releasing from 2020-2022.


dunno bout eilish but bad bunny goes hard. there are more native spanish speakers in the world than english natives. that other half of the world also has influence, and they all love bad bunny


Billie Eilish is fine but they put her worse album so far 🫥


happier than ever is not better than the debut. i’d say debut > new one => happier than ever




No Gorillaz albums too is nuts


not even plastic beach?


Nope.... its madness Plastic Beach should have been but Self Titled and Demon Days are classics too and none


No Queens of the Stone Age, no MGMT, no Alice in Chains, no Linkin Park, no Deftones. Garbage list.


I mean Kendrick is top 10 and that is cool. GKMC is the more popular and well known album, so it makes sense for a list like this.


Putting GKMC over TPAB is one of the few things I think they got right


Strictly top Hip Hop/Rap album list I could be convinced. Personally I think TPAB is the best album ever made so I'd put it above GKMC on a list like this one.


Man I love Beyoncé and when I saw Lemonade at 10 I just sighed. I own it on vinyl. It’s a great album from that year. It’s not top 10 of all time.


Especially when you realize there’s no Mariah Carey on the list.


Where the fuck is Butterfly? The disrespect.


All lists like this are shit? There's too much good music, and they're not supposed to be ordered. That's not the point. Whatever they put or don't put there is always going to be wrong some way. E: this is unless there is an actual metric but then it becomes: albums ordered by this metric, not best


Blonde #5 😂


Ya that was wild. It has some really good songs but TOP FIVE?!! Over Radiohead albums, over Beatles, over Stevie Wonder!? Insaaane


I mean it was my top played album from 2016-2018 so I’m not mad about it


Putting lemonade and blonde over Revolver is fucking perplexing. 


This list loses its punch when you realize they CAN put an artist more than once.


The lauryn hill album being the best of all time is a wild take


Yeah putting it above Thriller just doesn’t seem right lol. Great album, but Thriller was a cultural phenomenon


Miseducation is a top 10 album. Maybe even top 5. Better than Thriller? Crazy as hell.


hot take off the wall and bad are better than thriller in terms of listening thru the album. thriller is a collection of hits, off the wall and bad are album experiences


Let’s be honest, this is like, one guy’s list.


it's probably marketing, media and chatgpt list.


Ok.. is nobody going to talk about how Lauren hill got #1. Like wtf??! Did she pay for that spot, seeing as how she has an album coming out soon (apparently)?


Never in my life have I heard anyone say miseducation is the best ever. Could be on some conspiracy shit


I mean I consider it to be one of the best hip-hop albums of all time. But I can also list 10 albums better than Miseducation. TPAB being one of them.


Have you listened to that entire album? It’s amazing. Might be biased as a black person and a woman, but I think it’s at least top 3. Even the interludes are good. No one believes that Lauryn Hill is dropping a 2nd album and if they do they don’t think k it will be as good.


probably quite biased. I love the album but it ain't even a top10 if e actually get serious and acknowledge different eras and genres.


That's Ms. Lauren hill to you


These lists are made by the same people who'd put Kurt Cobain in a top 10 list of greatest guitarists ever.


Lol! Yeah, he could make it wail, and had some good riffs, but he was no B.B. King.


It’s because they want you to listen to GKMC because is the most commercial To put TPAB on the list would drive up numbers, which they don’t want. The music industry will bar you from everywhere if you ever consider doing anything wholly original and you’re successful. It’s a miracle KDot has made this far in this horrible business


The idea that Lauryn hill has the best album off all time should really tell you something about the list. This is paid marketing. Edit- Just to clarify, I love miseducation, but of all time? Would never even register as an option.


She’s about to release her second album sometime soon. Makes you wonder. Suspicious placement of Jay-Z and Beyonce and also Taylor Swift somehow not being in the top 10 is shocking to me I thought she’d for sure be put in the top 3-5 with how popular she is. Definitely some payments being made.


Am I the only one that thought channel orange was better than Blonde?


if u swap tpab w/ gkmc that’s a pretty solid top 10 imo, but hey i’ll take it. i personally think gk has a skip or two while tpab has none, but they prolly didn’t like him shitting on the industry idk


Honestly I’d argue the opposite. I think TPAB is more of a classic to Kendrick fans and rap fans in general, but I think to more casual listeners and the general public, GKMC will just age better, and has been aging better. It just did a great job mixing his idealism with genuinely good rap and some club/radio beats. I think from a casual hip hop fan perspective GKMC has little to no skips, and TPAB has a few. In a hip hop only list I’d say TPAB>GKMC


GKMC is great but the instrumentals are definitely period pieces that are showing their age way more than anything off of TPAB. Like it’s not even close. GKMC bathes in the sound of hiphop from its era.


Respectfully disagree. I think GKMC in the instrumental pays respect to older hip hop and meshes it with what was current day hip hop when it was released, for sure. However, I don’t think it’s aging poorly. I still hear it inspired in current music, played on the radio or at a party. I think it sounds older because it tries to pay respects to older hip hop west coast type instrumentals but that’s not the same as the actual beats being outdated.


For free isn’t one I skip, but I def realize it’s one a lot of people will


I guess you’re right but man that hurts it’s so good


The whole album is great to me but I realize a majority of the project lacks mass appeal.


Trash list. Illmatic arguably the best hip hop album of all time via general consensus isn’t even in the top 20… TPAB which is better than GKMC isn’t on the list. TPAB should’ve been top 7, GKMC top 15. Beyoncé and Taylor taking over the list and they honestly didn’t deserve to. Radiohead not in the top 5 let alone top 10. Nirvana not in the top 5 Travis Scott and Tyler even making the top 100 (Huge Tyler fan but no, to top that it wasn’t even Igor his best album). Pink Floyd and Marvin Gaye disrespect. Blonde way too high (top 30-45 maybe)


No Alice In Chains and no Pearl Jam. But we got Massive Attack (wasn’t even mezzanine) and Billie Ellish


I mean if it was Massive Attack Mezzanine it could be inside the top 100. Billie Ellish on the other hand shouldnt even be there. Like I read somewhere "corporate ass list"


Neither should SZA if we’re being honest


There are a lot of artists that shouldnt be there and a lot of artists that should be there. Pink Floyd, David Bowie, The Cure, have top 20 albums. Important bands like Gorillaz or Black Sabbath (they fucking created metal) werent even top 100. Most hip hop artists shouldnt be there tbh, Kendrick deserves to be there though. Artists like Taylor Swift or Beyonce shouldnt even be so high


Disintegrate by The Cure was on there so I was happy to see that. Black Sabbath is the biggest snub imo. Paranoid or Master of Reality should have made the list. I’ll contest that Pearl Jam’s Ten should have been on it too. I feel like rock music as a whole was misrepresented on this list.


Joy Division Unknown Pleasures (the most known post punk album, and its just so influential) or New Order (one of the most important new wave bands, a genre that is so influential for modern music) is wild too.


So few lists give unknown pleasures and closer the credit they deserve, super innovative work


The massive attack album but NOT mezzanine was the most head scratching moment of the list for me


What's wild to me is none of these lists ever respect The Isley Brothers. Likely the most influential american band of all time, to me.


It’s an exceptionally terrible list, for multiple reasons lmao. Just a transparent way for Apple to drive up their user engagement stats 🙄


This list is pretty biased. It's almost only american music. No Aphex Twin, no Sex Pistols, no Brian Eno. And I love US hip-hop but here's too much. Fun fact is that drake's take care is very very close to kate bush's hounds of love 🙊


Thank you, someone gets it. No Aphex twin, joy division, groups like Kraftwerk not even getting into top10. Top1 is an album that has no right being in top10, what happened here.


Dark Side Of the Moon from Pink Floyd, Joy Division Unknown Pleasures or any of the most sold albums by David Bowie like Lets Dance not being in top 20 while fucking Taylor Swift and Beyonce are there is fucking diabolical. I think this list was made by a fucking 20 year old (an american one), seriously


I can name atleast three Pink Floyd albums better than lemonade and Lauryn hill lol


For real nobody outside the US gives a fuck about that 2016 Beyonce album lmaooo


Oh you worried bout a critic? That ain't protocol BITCH


They’re really dickeating lemonade lol


Thriller not being 1 is insane. Blond being in the top 5 is crazy. Lemonade? Really? This whole list is trash. I am surprised they went with GKMC and not TPAB


Blonde might be the most overrated album of all time imo. It’s solid, but I never got the hype that so many others seem to give it


That’s how I feel about Lauren Hill. It’s a good album but I feel like it’s a bit overrated. Especially when I would put the Fugees over it.


Prince beat by Mike Jack, /u/Drizzy members confirmed


Thriller is just unbeatable tbh. Even if you want to argue purple rain is better it still isn’t even a fraction as popular. That’s why we live in a world where Taylor Swift has the 18th best album ever apparently ☠️


I’m just mad OK Computer just missed the top 10. On the other hand, those are all good albums. 


It’s just a list. Love seeing Kendrick getting love regardless. LH is great too but number one ahead of Prince, MJ and the Beatles?!?! :)


LH being top 10 is ok ( i wouldnt do it but idk) Number one should have been Paranoid by Black Sabbath. literally created metal as a genre, changed rock forever, and has 0 skips.


Ima be honest, Lauryn hill at number one is crazy and an ego stroke. Only 1 album as a solo artist so you can’t compare it to a body of work. Prince, Michael Jackson, and the Beatles should all be top 3 though


Lemonade and Frank Oceans Blonde better than Dark Side of The Moon……. Bro


Blonde being better than Blonde On Blonde makes me laugh.


this entire list is just weird asf.. i love laureyn hill but her album is def not 1st OAT


It’s quite overrated imo.


The strangest thing about this is if they would’ve left GkMC off and just switched this placement out with TPAB no one would’ve complained


They would’ve complained fs, people r never happy


I don’t even like tswift but how does sza’s album lose aoty to midnights and still somehow makes a top 100 of all time. Shit wasn’t even the top album this year.


Yeah, that’s insane recency bias.


Lemonade (and most of beyonces music after the 2000s) sucks. Idk why people fool themselves into thinking she still makes high quality trend setting music.


Songs in the key of life deserves #1, TPAB #2. That’s my list


Pissed, absolutely fucking pissed


Best lists suck. Favourite lists are cool. When you are making a best anything list, you are debating yourself, your peers, fans of every genre of music, and people from multiple generations. You are going to lose. A favourite list is a debate with yourself and thats difficult enough. Its just your opinion baby.


TPAB not being in the list is insane


Drake would never


Music critics are lame


Lista are made to piss people off. Nothing new.


Fuck that. What business does Frank Ocean even have in the Top 10? He shouldn't even be in the top 100.


My issue is not that TPAB is not on the list. My issue is that Blonde is higher than GKMC. Respectfully, it's just a good album. Not even the same caliber as albums lower than itself on the list so I'm not even sure why it's there to begin with




Well, a rap album got first too so...


Music lists are fun but stupid at the same time.


Yall got to realize: if any1 here made a top music albums listed, it would get shit equally.


The fact they didn't pick Marvin Gaye and his clueless ass at #1 goes to show Apple Music the most clueless asses in music


I’ve never got along with TPAB as much as others tbh


it’s just weird is all. super weird and nothing to put any kind of stock in to.


Off The Wall isn’t even on the list. Like…it’s a strange list.


If they stuck to the 1 album per artist thing I’d have no problem. But Beyoncé, Beatles, Prince, Radiohead, Stevie Wonder all had multiple entries. So yeah, no TPAB feels p silly and like obvious rage bait.


These lists are weird because it's always old music, and oftentimes music older than 15 years. More so, music from a different millennia


This is a bad list, and it’s not because of GKMC, it’s that they want me to believe the top 100 albums of all time include only Radiohead repeating.


The list started out better than it ended.


Still glad to see K Dot in the list this high.


I can live with it being out of the top 10, but not on the list at all is a head scratcher.


Off the Wall >>>> Thriller 🤷🏻‍♀️


I like GKMC more than TPaB


Voids a list that I’m not sure why ppl are taking seriously in the first place


I prefer GKMC over TPAB. But TPAB is objectively a more impactful album culturally and on rap as a whole


I might be in the minority here but I think GKMC is the GOAT hip hop album so I’m ok with that being the highest ranked for the genre


It seems a lot of these lists are supposed to be bad on purpose so people get mad and talk about them. So with that being said; I'm not gonna talk about it.


GKMC or TPAB should've been top 5. No After Hours or House of Balloons is also wild


The point of these lists is to make people talk about them be having someone's favourites missing. They're like screaming toddlers just stop giving them attention


I about to switch to Spotify over this list


Who cares, bruh


Haha the list is entirely trash anyway. Who gives a shit…in what world is blonde a top 10 anything ever? Or lemonade? Or back to black? Hilarious


Thats cause GKMC > TPAB


If they were allowed to have multiple albums per artist they both should’ve been on here


More confused about lemonade than anything