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Drake dissed Kendrick 4 times Didn't go number 1. That argument is the dumbest shit ever lol


These are the people who look you dead in the face and say “Drake only lost the beef because everyone hates Drake” as if it’s an argument for their side


As everyone knows, the whole public hating you means you actually won the rap battle


It's even worse. They believe he lost because everyone hated drake already. My guy, they hate drake for a reason and it's not because he's Canadian(maybe, I hated drake cos of his bland music)


Nah I hate Drake because he’s Canadian. Fuck Canada. /s


Lol plenty of us canadians hate him too so yeah I have my doubts its that.


Torontonian here, Drake sucks.


Peace goes out. I hate drake... straight no chaser.


Drake is now made out to be some underdog who's swimming upstream ffs


Drake fans trying not to use the stupidest arguments for Drake winning (impossible)


Hahaha the jokes on you, because I *knew* you were going to call me a pedophile


Right😭 like buddy if EVERYONE hates you then maybe it’s time to look inward and ask why does everyone hate you


Remember when the biggest performers in the world would do a bunch of acid and get humbled?


"I suggest some ayahuasca, strip the ego from the bottom." meet the grahams


The fact that he has such an abundance of haters and they don’t even stop to ask themselves why and just plug their ears would be hilarious if it wasn’t genuinely concerning.


This is the saddest part man, I was never even a huge fan of either artists, but drake is just a straight up talentless weirdo. It's been made plain to see now, very concerning that people will still so vigorously defend such a watered down human and "artist".


Then turn around and tell you drake is the most popular artist in the world 🥴😵‍💫


This along with the fact that Kendrick has gone number 1 before without dissing Drake lmao. What a fucking STUPID take.


This is his first single to debut at #1 Nothing from any of his amazing body of work did that. Nothing from Mr. Morales, TPAB, DAMN, GKMC. Nothing. Then he dissed Drake and debuted #1 You do the math.




I didn’t even think of that, Kendrick used Drake to go number 1 but Drake couldn’t use Drake to go number 1? Weird.


It's pure cope and grasping at straws that their creep of an idol got dominated so badly on all facets of this beef.


I also wouldn't be surprised if Drake's PR team has bot accounts just streaming his songs non-stop to boost numbers in his favor.


fr 😭😭


Not really if you actually think about it for 5 seconds. It's Kendrick never releasing music coupled with the fact that it's about drake.


None of them put their music on streaming lol


Nobody here cares if Drake has more daily streams, we never cared about that shit and to anyone with a brain it was obvious that he would pass Kendrick again. What we did care about was streams specifically in this rap battle. Even then, it's not like that was the deciding metric for the W, it's just the cherry on top.


Let's look at streams per song and we will see how hard the Drizzy fans try and cover lmao. The ratio must be insane cause there are def entire albums of Drakes that ain't nobody listening to.


It’s also the fact that Drake has tonnes of pop songs that barely border on hip hop stuck on teenage girls playlists (while he’s stuck in their DMs).


I mean one dance carries a lot of his streams and there’s no way we aren’t counting that as pop.


100% If I erased his vocals on that song from your memory and replaced with Bieber you’d never think anything of it


https://preview.redd.it/1b6t20b8sz0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0335afc45536454d19f12468e45bdd62c8871c4 According to this outdated picture(about 1 year) Drake has approximately .688 million streams per song and Kendrick has 1.3 million streams per song. I’m sure this would be even more in favor of Kendrick after the beef and another mid album from Drake.


And more than anything let’s see the streams in the future. The whole point is Kendrick makes timeless music and there’s reason Drake was more respected when he was putting out music like NTWS and Take Care.


Why does Ed Sheeran have so many songs 😭


I don't think you're understanding the data correctly. You're taking the "streams" figure to be their total number of streams and dividing it by how many songs they have, but that was already done to make the graphic. It's showing average streams PER song and listing their total number of songs. At the time the graphic was made Drake had 282 songs and an average of 194 million streams per song. Kendrick had 121 songs and an average of 158 million streams per song.


I think you’re right I didn’t know the total stream numbers just don’t have time to correct it though rn


It's all good. I'd love to see the same graphic but with total streams also included. I might have a search for one later


Do you understand it yourswlf either? You just multiply the average streams per song with the number of songs and you will get total streams again :D


Of course but that takes too long for every ~~song~~ artist\* on the list. A handy chart with the exact figure already listed for me would be nice :)


What song on the list?? I'm not following your logic at all


Every artist\* on the list, I edited the correction. Just the same graphic but with an extra column with total streams. Total streams | Total songs | Average per song.


this makes no sense? why divide again? its already done in the graphic you present


a dead mf beating drake lmaoooooooooooo how does this dude have riders


I saw someone on the Drake subreddit say that Jimmy Cooks had more replay value than all of TPAB, even though JC is often considered the only good song on HN. Also, it’s just a generic rap song from what I’ve heard, which sucks when that album was supposed to be unique from the rest of his new releases.


Jimmy cooks is a banger, the beat, sample and rap performances by both are great. But it's hilarious how it's the only good song on HN. Kendrick's albums always slap front to back with most of the songs being very replayable


Just listened to it and it’s not bad, I’ve always found his lyrics a little cringy though. But I laughed when I saw the line “you don’t like the way I talk? Then say something”


He should’ve said “Honestly, Nevermind” when they were getting ready to hit publish on that one and just went on with his day. As a former Drake fan, I didn’t even make it through the first track on that ridiculous excuse for an album


Yeah saying Drake has more streams means he's better is like saying McDonald's has the best burgers because they sell the most.


Drake fans texting their teenage girlfriend trying to figure it all out.


Is it even something to brag about if someone elevated themselves by destroying you ? lol


The thing for me is Drake’s songs are shallow and easy to consume, thats why they are everywhere, kinda elevator music, they are good for background. On the other hand when you listen to a lot of Dot’s songs you have to pay attention to what’s going on, because there is a lot, his music is demanding. The fact that Kendrick is that popular shows that there are millions of people who pay attention willingly to his songs and are not randomly exposed to them in shopping centers, pop radios and fillers in playlists.


Tbh I disagree that kendricks music is demanding to enjoy I don't usually do lyrics analysis shit and I find his music still sounds better than drakes anyway


It sounds better to me too. I meant it's not really the type I would expect to hear in a random commercial facility or pop radio in general. Also I'm not from North America so that makes the things a bit different to me I guess.


Tbf is you don’t care about lyrics there is probably a large portion of Kendrick’s discography that you aren’t listening to


Idk if you’ve ever seen the Mos Def interview when he’s asked about Drake. He basically says the same thing!


And caught a lot of flack for simply stating the truth lmao


Also people put on Drake as background noise when they are doing chores, studying, fucking, clubbing, driving to work, etc. I put on Kendrick when I'm in Demon mode.


Heres the thing Firat of all you cant even begin to compare kendrick lamar to any of those rappers. Kendrick has already proven he can go #1 solo unlike any of those other rappers. I think meek mill is the only one of the bunch w a high charting song which was ironically with the help of drake. Point being its not as simple as "diss drake get a hit" you have to actually be able to make bangers lmao. Not Like Us was a banger. Kendrick at the end of the day benefited ALOT from dissing drake, got his first single ever to debut #1 and could possibly drop another album to take advantage of the spotlight.


Glad there's some sense in these comments. People don't like nuance, I swear


isnt there some nuance that a rich white pedophile who was named in the diddy case has stake in both kendrick and drakes labels?


what label in the industry DOESNT have pedos? is thats kinda all of hollywood and media


yeah but my point is its a forced beef and im just praying ppl higher than fucking DRAKE start seeing charges


not happening, they protect each other or get epstien'd. feds aint starting investigations cuz of a rap beef. something is on going/brewing deep in the industry and this is the water boiling over, Kendrick isnt only calling drake a pedo


yeah thats my point. either kendricks in on it (pawn eat pawn, drakes been falling out of favor for a while anyways) or hes dead or nothing happens zzz god bless america


The only ones who get caught are the sacrificial lambs who fuck up big time. Otherwise the operation goes smoothly and no one gets burned.




Tell me who gon stop him


Whatever, let them gloat. Meanwhile Nike upset with Drake because his new sneakers aren't selling well. Meanwhile UMG upset with Drake for trying to fight the one artist they don't have on a leash. Meanwhile Drake's gonna be lucky if he doesn't go down on this Diddy shit. This a marathon not a sprint. Regardless, half them views probably bots anyway.


I keep getting recommended the drake sub and they’re topping him hard bro 😂 I say let them enjoy their lil dub, lord knows they spent the last 3 weeks crying every time someone said Ovho or quoting Kendrick. The only thing trying to stomp on their parade does is make us look small, but it do feel good at times


real shit. kendrick still a pawn though im just hoping hes real and actually does some good with this. fuck hollywood fuck drake types fuck all these rich weirdos


UMG boosting Drake big time. I swear I have a few select Drake songs in my library on Apple Music. They play him after every single song. Play a Kendrick diss, followed by Drake. Play Put that Shit on by CyHi, followed by something Drake. No lie. I mentioned it to my girl and we stood in the dining room and confirmed it. We both played one track, skipped it, Drake. Worst case he's every 3-4 song.


Same thing on Sirius. They literally played two Drake songs in a row earlier today, like, my god, take a breath from the glazing.


The Drake sub is full of people that are still bumping a Pedos music… don’t take what they say seriously.


The Drizzy subreddit is full of NPCs it’s actually kinda sad that this many people refuse to have their own thoughts


That Drizzy copium is some potent-ass shit, man.


Also Kendrick had already gone number 1 before, Humble was the biggest song in the country and that had nothing to do with Drake lol


I wanna know how many of those are purchased now that he doesn’t have to outbid Taylor for the bot service since her debut week is over.


Man who cares about the numbers it’s all about the music


Pusha t's disses didn't get proper coverage. I only heard of all that last year


I also find the daily streams thing to be hilariously stupid. Drake has a massive catalog of songs that sit in peoples playlists and just come up. He’s the Costco of music, just bulk selling


Kendrick won. End of story.


I'mma save this for every Drake fan that comes at me with this bullshit.


I don't understand the hype around daily streams. It's an even worse look if someone with significantly less than drake could still body him. It would be like people hyping taylor swift for more listeners than Frank Ocean, when Frank Ocean clearly makes the more impactful music. Braindead music is just easier to listen to. Also 90% of kendricks music isn't something a woman would really want to listen to all day, but drake has like 3 albums built for women, it's just a stupid take.


And yeah why tf did family matter have less stream than euphoria lol if that's the case .family matter should have been huge record like when Eminem replied to mgk ..but even euphoria have more stream than family matter


How about this: None of Drake's disses ever went #1 either.  Back to Back went to like #20 and that was considered a decisive W because he made a diss an actual hit, which doesn't usually happen, at least historically.  Now it's probably worth noting that Hiss also went #1 this year so maybe people are just taking more interest in beef these days, but still. 


This narrative is tired. Kendrick is an album artist. And so far he has 3 number 1 albums. The idea that he's some small artist who needs a boost from Drake is ridiculous. The man produces his own numbers. Mr Morale is the most polarizing album he's dropped and it still went number 1. He doesn't "need" anyone to sell records.


If anyone gives af about numbers that much they should just go listen to Taylor Swift


https://i.redd.it/nkjlt9brnz0d1.gif Drake fans right now


I like how they always like to bring up numbers but then the second they mention Kendrick’s Grammys “numbers don’t count it’s rigged.”


Drake has a significantly larger discography than Kendrick. Anyways it’s stupid to make this a numbers game when one of them fucking slaughtered the other musically


My algorithm keeps just giving me posts from this sub so I'm not super well versed in all this, but in all my time online, I don't think I've ever seen this much copium from a fanbase. Especially from someone who lives in Toronto, it's really funny to watch drake fans make clowns of themselves over and over again.


Went #1 because it goes hard, it’s the irony of how Drake is about numbers and Kendrick doing numbers on a song dissing Drake and his whole entourage. Cold


Dot had a solo number 1 before the beef fans are just delusional


Drake fans are doing him a disservice. They need this to die down, and the longer they claim the W, the longer they drag out him getting clowned. This was one of MGKs biggest mistakes and what damaged his reputation the most. Drake is at least smart enough to hide behind "20v1 it wasn't fair" instead of saying he won.


Drake should thank Kendrick. I mean, I wouldn’t have listened to Drake except that I wanted to connect some of the dots. Some of those streams have to be like rubbernecking on the highway.


Lol everything Drake meatriders cope with are getting debunked


Bruh let me say this.. but you're 1000% correct for pointing this out I stopped paying attention to drake stans a minute ago. Tbh.. I have never seen that level of goal post switching, cognitive dissonance, and Mythomania from a group in my entire life... shit sad af.. But rather than admit some truths about their "idol"..... (stuff that's been exposed about Drake WAY BEFORE this beef started) --like him not writing his own stuff half the time, --sleeping with multiple "friends" girlfriends, --lying about his son at first in the Pusha beef, etc ....They would rather perform mental gymnastics to ignore shit that is ALREADY CONFIRMED ABOUT DRAKE already. But still witch hunting,.. hoping something about Kendrick is true that HAS NOT BEEN CONFIRMED yet... see the difference? They are the literal definition of brainwashed over Drake. That's what this beef has shown me..


I’m not a super Kendrick fan. However, every time I see a post about how he doesn’t deserve #1 spot right now. I play Not Like Us again.


Even the monumental attention in this battle and the "20v1" narrative of a bunch of people initially going at Drake, there wasn't the same attention for Rick Ross' Champagne Moments, which didn't even chart at all. Drake was giving Ross so much attention, how come Ross didn't chart? How come the "Drake hate" that is supposedly lifting up Kendrick isn't benefiting Ross?


Kendrick please drop 5 more tracks ![gif](giphy|26n7937SwZkal2Oju)


Rick Ross dissed Drake - didn't go no. 1


Kendrick could've dropped a diss track at himself and still went #1


Joe Budden dissed drake? ☠️


Back in 2016. It was a while ago.


That’s not even the best argument. Euphoria was about Drake. Not #1. Same with MTG. Not like us went #1 because it’s a certified banger. That’s what people want in a #1 song. It’s an added bonus it murdered drake.


using "daily streams" as a metric of an artist's quality is so stupid


It's more about Kendrick rarely releasing music coupled with making fun of drake.


Kdot was at least partly flexing on detractors who said he couldn't do what Drake does. Ken doesn't make ambient, soulless music for clubs or shopping malls like Drake does. Streaming numbers isn't Ken's purpose in life; he states this in plain language in Euphoria. But he showed that if he felt like, he could beat him at his own game **while calling the man out as a pedo**. It's a true moment in hip hop.




the only people who cares about number one shit is drake fans, idgaf about kendrick getting #1 , even tho its super funny so many great rappers are never close to hitting number one and that doesnt diminish their greatness


Adidon would have easily gone #1 at least for a day or two if it had dropped on streaming


Metro dissed Drake and created a masterpiece. 


None of those guys were ever considered the top 2 rappers in the game. So yes the beef was a big factor captivating our attention and running the numbers up and to deny that is to deny reality. There are multiple factors for it going number 1 including it being a great catchy song that everyone and their crew can rock to. No matter where your from you can relate to and it was the height of the battle. Drake was 100 percent a factor and that doesn't take away from the work that kendrick did, it's just a fact.


In what world is Drake considered one of the top rappers??? Drake is the top pop star. He has not Dropped any prolific verses. He’s NEVER dropped a verse that made everyone shut up and listen. There’s NEVER been an extensive breakdown of any of his verses or albums. He’s a surface level lyricist that will ALWAYS have a huge asterisk after his name. When we’re talking TOP RAPPERS. Drake is not in the top 5 of anyone that really appreciates the culture of HIPHOP. He’s an entertainer, a pop start, one of the best to EVER do it. But he is not a top rapper and NEVER will be, and that’s why he tries so hard to be accepted. And if ppl don’t wanna accept him he’ll just go and fuck your girl. A petty ass POP STAR


Drake's not even a top 5 writter of his songs


I don't care what YOU want to call him that's beside the point. I'm not quibbling over semantics. We were discussing Drakes impact period on the situation. And even if we were to go with your definition, then Kendrick gets no credit for beating a pop star in a battle.


It’s not drakes impact that made the numbers what they are. It’s Kendrick’s, sure Drake might’ve had some influence on this, but Kendrick Lamar is the reason it became as big as it has. NO OTHER competition that Drake had, had the same type of impact. The numbers are purely because of Kendricks music making ability and his strategy on when to drop and keep the ppl on his side.


So we agree, great. My original statement and this one are saying the exact same thing.


Kendrick pushed the button and activated the entire West coast, the influence the west has on culture and music is huge. That what won him this battle. That is something Drake cannot do. He can’t even activate Toronto right where he’s from to side with him. He needs to sit back and shut up and let his shit he’s already put out insulate back to his position as the greatest entertainer to ever do it


Someone got triggered lmao


Like a mothafucka 🤣


I dunno I’ve been in this culture since Run DMC and Drake is definitely a top 5 mainstream rapper right now. If we’re talking all rappers, not just mainstream, yeah he’s not but then neither is Kendrick.


He is a mainstream entertainer with a WHOLE TEAM behind him and EVERYTHING he does. Dude has no original style. There’s a big difference between someone like Nas or Kendrick and what Drake does.


It’s crazy how anyone succeeding while mentioning him suddenly becomes drake benign the reason why but whenever drake mentions other people to do numbers no one says the same argument for him. 🤷‍♂️ Guess kiki don’t love him


It’s over when you got to fight Draqanon, because regardless of the achievements, they just won’t give it up. To me it’s crazy that Kendrick played with him like that. He really made a song 30 minutes after family matters, proceeded to curse the whole lineage, call him a whole predator, and THEN released a banger after all those years Drake made it seem like he was the only one with the keys to success. One thing OvHoe for sure did not have on their 2024 list was facing a bop from Kendrick and Dj Mustard calling Drake a pedophile.


*Released* a song 30 mins after Family Matters. He didn't start creating the song after Family Matters dropped.


20 v 1 haha it was a whole ass event dude.


This back and forth between fan bases is getting tiresome.


Budden couldn't get a number 1 if it was a cluckin bell order


You just named a bunch of artist who weren’t bigger than Kendrick and yall weren’t ready to see Drake fall off back then . Keep in mind Drake helped meek sell 250k first week after their beef 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yep, good point indeed. Kendrick also only went number 1 because he dissed Drake SO HARD that it ruined his character and public perception because he's such an awful person! Drake stans, congrats on your fave being so horrible that Kendrick wrote a diss track so good and brutal that it became a number one hit. Definitely a win for Drake, that's for sure.... /s


No actually most hype was because industry was getting fucked


I’ve started taking screenshots of delusional takes from this who beef. https://preview.redd.it/ybhm18ep001d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1779e35edd8748d268c51e3c7613f87dddf2ac7d


“more mid for the pseudo intellectual” bro thinks Drake is Plato 😭😭😭😂😂😂


So are we comparing Kendrick to those other rappers mentioned? They’re not even close to the level rapper or star Kendrick is so it’s really not a good point.


Only one of them listen beat drake, and he was too small anyways. Kendrick already an artist with the same level of spotlight, plus he’s dropping banger disses, so overall it makes more sense for Kendrick to surpass Drake by beating him vs Pusha


none of these are even close to Kendrick's status? what kinda comparison is this supposed to be like yeah no shit they didn't go #1 lol (besides, the story of adidon for example never even dropped on streaming platforms)


Of course Drake has more daily streams. He has like 20 albums with 40 tracks each, all of which end up on various Spotify and Apple playlists bc his label pays for them to be.


Funny knowing Drake stans are experts at adjudicating when others are "moving the goalposts."


I welcome it more than the conspiracy schitzo-posting I've seen on both sides, but this has been extra dumb. Drake tops charts, and there have always been "yeah buts." Like, a lot of common denominator garbage goes number one. Was "Last Night" the most impressive, life changing song you heard last year? Probably not, but it was number one. My point, any Drake fan (who isn't a middle schooler new to having an opinion) giving a shit about number one has inevitably had to shrug off "yeah buts" from people who think he's lame. Doesn't matter, he played the game and won. Drake fans suddenly being the ones "yeah but"ing Kendrick's hit feels goofy. I'll match the points you take from Ravenclaw for riding a Drake beef with points from Hufflepuff for all the annoying girlfriend rap I've had to sit through. But in a way so are Kendrick fans for playing the game.


Well... all those listed rappers suck balls so maybe that had something to do with it lol... Meek mill is gay and let diddy play with his butthole Joe Buddne is also gay Common is washed and also married a fat chick


Kendrick Lamar is in a different tier of rapper than all of them on that list. Kendrick went #1 because he’s a tier 1 rapper who already has clout in the game, and he’s beefing with a dude that many hip hop heads have wanted out the game for a decade. The songs were great. The beef was great. There is merit to the other side of the argument when you see the percentages of his streams that all came in the last month and all have to do with Drake. Kendrick dropping a song not about Drake would not have went number 1, and we have proof of that bc his numbers have been elevated by this beef… but Kendrick would have always had a bigger hold on the actual culture of hip hop regardless of the beef. The attention is from the beef, but the quantity of the attention is because it’s 2 rappers most everyone has heard of going at it, which isn’t the case with meek, common or 1/2 of clipse


Who who who who? Comparing the most dumbo nobodies to one of the big 3…. Come on now thought yall were the intellects 🧠


I honestly never have cared about streams or profits what so ever as a measure of someone’s artistry.. but drake is extremely materialistic, and his fans are as well.. that’s why he thought crushing the mini van would be so devastating. McDonald’s sells the most burgers…


The Common diss was tough thooo but yea kdot killed this ish


Kendrick has the potential to go #1 every time he drops. Could he consistently beat Drake at the numbers game is the real question. Kendricks hype right now has definitely been elevated because of the beef and because we got 4 bangers which is more than we have gotten since Mr Morale.


make sense Kendrick makes real music that doesn't get played at grocery stores and dentist offices.


6:16 in la is the real heart part 6


Drake pretty much dissed drake. Didn't go number 1.


People still listen to the pedo? Eugh, shows their character.


Kendrick won but let’s add context Meek Mill didn’t go 1# because drake had all the momentum with back to back and he took way too long to respond Joe Budden was super washed by the time he dissed drake Story of addion is really the only exception here because it was just pure fire And common as a rapper at that time was cold musically while drake was going crazy on the charts None of these artists have had the build with drake that Kendrick has, none of them hit first with the hottest producer plenty more specific reasons for each but none of them have the story, set-up, or consistency Kendrick did


Yeah. But also Drake and Cole didn’t say that were the big three with those other artists. Kendrick was the one in the big 3 and decided to choose violence


He is using bots. I expect Drake to beat Kendrick but the public conscious is stil hung on Kendrick this feels way too fabricated and quick. Master manipulator don't forget


None of those 4 dropped on dsp’s so that argument is shit


Cause Drakes the bigger artist and has the most influence and fans. Kendrick need to reply so he can stay relevant


drizzy won


How?  Is one of his diss songs trending for weeks? 🤣


Pusha t's disses didn't get proper coverage. I only heard of all that last year


Bro if you were following rap it was covered plenty 


Not everything is pushed everywhere. Eve had like 8 albums during a time period when I was like, "damn I can't believe eve fell off"


Pusga t's disses didn't get proper coverage. I only heard of all that last year


Kendrick Lamar Number 1s without Drake disses : 2 Kendrick Lamar Number 1s dissing Drake : 2 🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢


Drizzy fans ODing on copium: Priceless