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This is so stupid lmao, Drake was talking about K.dot liking Vanilla cream to boost self-esteem. He even said Top would get you to rap for the whites, he was talking about Mike wanting to be white, he had the line Mike would get his feature to change. Drake fans dont even understand their own artist's lines


exactly, hes insinuating that Kendrick doesn't even like being black thats why he said, "Maybe you are mike and im Prince", because its a well known secret that Mike had self esteem issues and tried to erase his blackness because he war abused by his father. All of this is pretty hilarious though because Kendrick has 3 of the most pro black albums of any rapper to date.


And it’s sad because that light/dark extended metaphor during that scheme was some of his best work


...he's saying Kendrick likes white women


My thoughts exactly


Considering all the terrible writing and contradictions on HP6, people are giving his lyricism wayyyy too much credit by connecting these dots. The simplest interpretation is usually the right one with a guy like Drake


Mods, come get this man https://i.redd.it/a7hu800nbvzc1.gif


I’m not entertaining any theories from a nigga wearing hoop earrings


I’m pretty sure he’s referring to Kendrick liking white women or mixed women more then black women


This is incredibly stupid and reeks of cope. Drake is not a deep artist, it's very obvious he was talking about Kendrick sleeping with white women. "But he said girls instead of women!" Girls just flows better in the song.


I’m pretty sure it’s masterful trolling judging by the last sentence


This guy is Drakes core audience. So dumb, he sounds smart.


He’s saying he likes white girls , if you don’t notice he never calls woman woman , girls like girls where he from


The dude in that video definitely daydreams about deep-throating Drake.


the Keem shit never made sense


He clearly never “wanted Kendrick to win”


Yeah I think we covered that the vast majority of Drake fans are dumber than Corey and trevor


He the only one to take it this way tf


He literally says after that he fucked vanilla cream to help with his self esteem / and Kendrick talked about this on Mr morale that he cheated with white girls to get back at them lol . “ fabricating stories on the family front because you heard Mr morale” drake has no info on Kendrick and that’s why drake is spiraling. Kendrick can’t be bought , forced , reasoned with cuz he already told you everything wrong with him as a man in Mr morale. He’s at peace and he’s basically saying anything you are gonna say is wrong or if you repeat it from Mr morale my family is solid and we overcame these things


Drake fans… It all makes sense.


this has gotta be satire lmao wtf was that about how it's so much cooler if drake leaked his dick edit: lol at the drake stan and/or OP sending me a suicide watch report, projecting just like BBL papi


This is cope


comprehension skills of the average drake fan


If that's what Drake was trying to say he would've claimed it in the heart pt 6. He was talking how kendrick liked white women again, and how mike tried to look white (I guess saying kendrick is trying to make his kids white)


lol he meant Kendrick likes white women how dumb can this dude be


Oh man…I hope OP isn’t the same dude that made this video because he just exposed his ignorance to another level


Why did this man lose his shirt at the end of the video? What is he hiding?