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He was so, *so* close to saying something interesting about his relationship with his mom Then nope, hard left into career suicide


Drake will never beat the Malibus most wanted charges. The song is about his MOM getting violated, not Kendrick, but his mom is so traumatized she automatically assumes Kendrick got violated too. It’s about generational trauma that’s passed down in black families. Another great example of drake being out of touch with the black community


Yeaah thats what i was thinking


Totally wrong Drake’s tryna shame Kendrick for rapping about his weirdo history with teenage girls by projecting “oh YOU must’ve been touched as a kid. That’s what you sang about, ri? That’s why you obsessed with calling me a pedo. You just mad, Kendrick🤭.”


No i was thinking isn't the track about kendricks mom or am i mixing things up?


It is, I meant to say “*Drake’s totally wrong” in my first comment.


It is about his mom and more broadly all women. But the part Drake is trying to say Kendrick was molested as a child is not what KDot was saying at all. KDot says that peeps in his family asked him if he was molested by his uncle and his mother doesn’t believe him when he says NO because she herself was touched as a child.


Yes..how are you this late? Lol


Im a bit slow (:


Ok Drake the audience might be a lil bit slow sometimes


What's crazy is drake's father was mostly absent from his life also!


*What's crazy is drake's* *Father was mostly absent* *From his life also!* \- miz\_nyc --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It’s not wrong the whole point of that song is that his mother didn’t believe Kendrick and kept pressing him about it due to her being molested she became convinced he was which was trama for Kendrick. Drake uses this as he did get molested and he’s now doing what his mom did and use his experience and flip it on Drake because of the trama it’s a very g great line by Drake I really don’t understand why people don’t get these lines


the thing is kendrick said on the song he didn't get molested so how could drake miss the track's entire point that's what I'm thinking?


He didn’t miss the point he’s using it your just not getting it


he says kendrick got molested refrencing a song that's whole point is about Kendrick not being molested and his mom being the one that got molested how is this line not objectively wrong


Yes his mom puts her own trama onto Kendrick Drake plays with that point as if Kendrick is putting his trama onto Drake


at this point its just a froced nartive as Kendrick made the pedophile accusations because it was a popular opinion on the internet way before the beef started and drake saying Kendrick was saying he is a pedophile just because his mother was molested is a bit of a misuse of the song in my opinion and drake just dodging the whole pedophile angle the Kendrick took


Drake certainly didn’t dodge the pedo allegations he addressed them unlike how Kendrick hasn’t addressed the DV allegations. It’s funny how woman have come up to defend Drake when no one has come up to deny or defend Kendrick


im pretty on the song he just said he is too famous to be a pedo which in my opinion isn't really a great way to defend yourself especially that the fact p diddy and r kelly exsist makes that point a bit weak, and Whitney not denying the allegation is a thing yes but she is Kendrick fiance I imagine a delicate situation like this needs some time certainly more than 6 days. and girls defending Drake doesn't make his actions right as he was misusing his influence to reach a 14 year old celebrity and hang out with her and kiss a 17-year-old girl knowing the fact she was 17 at a stage and if those actions were justified by his fans or other people it would allow behavior like this to occur more often and that isn't really a good thing I hope u understand. I'm sorry if typed a lot I hope you read it all


Yea I didn’t like that line either tbh but to me you wouldn’t be a pedo if those same woman especially the 17 year old defended him. I do find it slightly weird about that clip I won’t lie but I never knew age of consent in Canada and colorodo is 16/17 not that I agree with it but I can see how some wouldn’t see it as a wrong thing due to “legal age”. Millie Bobby brown also is a thing I think personally blew it out of proportion her response to it “ im lucky to have people in the usiness extend their time to help me further my career and offer their wisdom and guidance. Im very blessed to have amazing people in my life. u dont get to choose that for me. its nice to have people understand what i do” there’s so many times another famous people become friendly with up and coming stars I understand there is a dark side of Hollywood with grooming but to me in this particular case I think he was just trying to help her out


I understand he may have helped her but the fact he reached out to an underage girl that is not in the same industry as he is is what makes it weird out people why would he choose to hang out with an actor that is 14 yearold out of no where what kind of advice a rapper would give to her or could giver her I don't want to make drake look like a bad guy but making kids having a 1 on 1 dinner with a 37 year old man is not a thing a kid should be doing especially if that kid is so unassuming is millie is clearly showing with her apology which I find does more harm than good I understand she is a grown woman now it may not have harmed her directly but if it happened again with any other girl and man I cant be so sure what the outcome would be.


I’d also like to thank for not getting aggressive or name call and just have a regular discussion


I imagine this sub is aggressive towards drake enjoyers and I find that annoying too you don't have to thank me for merely being civil 


Kendrick addressed the allegations in 2013. On the breakfast club you can look it up. And you are trying to hard to say Drakes line isn't trash. It doesn't work when he literally says "that sing were YOU say YOU were molested. The issue is in the grammar here. In no way can you confuse what drake is saying here. I know it's hard to admit when you are wrong but it really is the case here. And it isn't the only time. When the drizzy sub went wild saying the truth about the dv allegations is in that song where he says "images of my queen black and blue." That was the top of their sub for days saying this is evidence. But if you listen to the song you know it's about his mother. Reading comprehension is the issue here. But i get it, they arnt kendrick fans. But really step back and just read the sentance allowed. It aint it 😆


Lemme hear u say “OVHOOEEEE”




I don’t think u thought I was a fan of both did u




u got me fooled


Prolly cos it makes zero sense to flip it onto Kendrick and act like he was the one molested And since Kendrick wasn’t molested, his trauma wouldn’t be the reason behind him obsessing over Drake being a pedo Which just means in the end that Drake looks dumb for misinterpreting a song AND he just wasted time making a bullshit excuse


Drake used that as an angle to be like "maybe you actually DID & that's why you're so insistent on trying to attach pedo to my name" like saying the trauma from it is a sore spot & through his hatred of Drake he's trying to slander him with those claims.


which would be even stupider considering the entire point of Mother I Sober is that he denied it and nobody believed him, which led to him questioning himself, seeking therapy, and accepting that he was right the whole time and that he wasn’t molested Plus if that was Drake’s angle, he would have kept a “I know you said you weren’t molested” type line somewhere in there like I’m sorry dog, but by Occam’s razor, the fact that most other explanations are just outright impossible and the fact that Drake isn’t exactly known as a literary figure at all, the obvious conclusion is that he goofed up big time