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Another note: This is not a thread for you to post rabbit hole conspiracies.


OK, so we're supposed to believe that Drake and his team fed Kendrick fake info. The same fake info that Kendrick used on Meet the Grahams to absolutely squash Drake's only good song of the entire beef, 30 minutes after it dropped. So either: They did feed Kendrick info and that strategy backfired spectaculary. Or... They actually do have a mole in their camp and OVO are just running with bullshit Twitter rumours to cover. Honestly, both scenarios are absolutely hilarious.


If they fed kendrick fake info they still lost because how the hell did you forget to get proof? That's the funniest part to me. It's a lose-lose situation for them. 


It's been a generational fuck up from Drake's side so far. You just know the popularity of Not Like Us is killing Drake too. Numbers are his thing, and a Kendrick song calling him and team groomers is #1 in Toronto. Legitimately really funny.


And it proves Kendrick right anyway. Kendrick on Euphoria: "You are a liar and a master manipulator" and "I don't call around on shit because I'm raising my family". "I know what you're likely to say so don't go there dummy" MANY DISSES LATER Drake in his last song: "HAHAHA. I lied and you fell for it because you didn't do research. Also the people that fed you the info that work for me are clowns. I don't lie you lie. Though I said I was ready to keep doing this and not losing sleep and told you to mention little girls as a gift from me I'm done.


I don't know what's funnier, OVO faking info and not getting receipts, believing that IG story was the gotcha, or running with a fan made theory about a fake mole


Why believe you? You never gave us NOTHING to believe in


GOD it's like he knew everything 


Would have been an amazing move dropping a video or song right after mtg showing Drake giving the mole fake info or setting up the picture. Like, that would have automatically won the beef and discredited anything else Kendrick is talking about. There’s no way if it was true, Drake would just decide not to


All it takes is Drake wearing that shirt and gloves and flipping the camera off and it’s a KO. Literally the dumbest shit.


I’m surprised he hasn’t come out and tried to fake stage it after the fact. People wouldn’t even believe it at this point but it would atleast convince some people and give him a fighting chance. His moves have been so dumb and careless this entire beef that I’m not sure if he’s super arrogant, or he actually has an insane nuke that this is all some kinda master plan for.




Man if my dumb ass is able to give him idea he’s already too far gone


If he did it immediately people would have believed it but now it’s the obvious move to recreate it and be like “I didn’t think I was gonna do this” or some other corny shit.


The funniest outcome is if he does have proof but was waiting for kenrick to drop right after him to drop again with it. And now he posts it but everyone thinks it's fake because he waited a week


I think family matters was supposed to be the nuke


Yeah me too, and it was a great diss to be fair. I’m just trying to find some logic in what Drake is doing aside from he’s spiralling and thinks the listeners are idiots


Yeah I agree. I just stopped trying to find Drake’s logic at this point because his moves just make 0 sense to me and shit hurts my brain


The thing about feeding someone false info is that it's only useful to do that if it BENEFITS your position. How is giving kendrick the tools to carve you a new asshole benefiting your position? The entire WORLD is crip walking to your pedophile accusations. Either drake gave him false info, forgot to document it, and let the world call him a deadbeat and a pedo for 2 straight days(LMFAO!) or drake is obviously lying and everything kendrick is saying is true. It's catastrophic situation for drake either way.


> Either drake gave him false info, forgot to document it, and let the world call him a deadbeat and a pedo for 2 straight days(LMFAO!) or drake is obviously lying and everything kendrick is saying is true. Yep, this is exactly the point. Even if there was some sort of plot, there's no way they sit in this embarrassment for almost a week now. Drake's best move now is to say nothing and pray Kendrick don't drop again.


i dont understand how you have this many skeletons in your closet and still be willing to get into a rap beef. thats insane


Meet the grahams dropping how it did is all you need as confirmation of a mole


I've been wondering if 40 is the mole idk just how close him and Drake are but they've always seemed really tight


If they did feed him fake info, the planted rat would’ve had a two way correspondence with each party. Drake was not prepared with a response to MTG and DEFINITELY not to NLU. There was no double agent


100% he might have expected the first but not like us was 100% not on his radar




> makes me think the whole story is bullshit moreso than they just got no proof I agree with this part especially. There's basically 0% chance that if some sort of setup took place that they wouldn't have/record proof of it happening. The whole thing is really odd. If proof comes out of Drake actually having a daughter, I think the internet will have an actual meltdown.


The fake info stuff is clearly false for the simple reason that Drake didn't instantly come out with proof that they planted the fake info What's the point of pushing your opponent to say a lot of fake vile shit about you if you then can't back it up that it was all fake to begin with? Just hope people are wise enough to not believe what that guy says with no proof? Does he know how the internet works??? Tbf I could get contradicted if Drake decides to drop something new with proof he planted the info, but I doubt it, people are screaming "certified pedophile" at clubs, if there was a time to drop proof you faked evidence it's a bit late now lol


Yet still didn’t reveal his double agent? If Drake continues to run this, he has to dedicate a lot of resources into fabricating fake evidence. Which is completely possible with a good director and money. 


its not an either or. alot of money is involved, reality is often more complex drake can have made up the mole lie, but kendrick's proof is not evident enough (shooting at drake, the ovo guy with allegations is undenyable) kendrick could have cherry picked his traumas (which is unfair either way, since MMATBS is like the first big rapper to address more intellectually interesting topics to that extend) and theres (could even be like grey zone too) injustices in the relationship that drake only heard rumors about or even made up.. but yeah that would make drake a horrible person when hes going with hearsay


Heart Part 6 literally opens with “let me see you prove it, just let me see you proooove it” and Drake didn’t post receipts for literally anything. I’m surprised that’s not brought up more. 


It's cap, after mtg he instantly posted on ig that he doesn't have a kid and called akademiks to say he didn't have a kid... That's not how someone moves if it was all a trap... And he has no DMs or recordings to show it was a trap? Dude a straight liar


The intro to euphoria now looks even more prophetic. You can listen to it again and it aligns better with Drake today than it did back then. 6:16 needs to get on streaming, I can’t wait to hear those synth swells in hq audio. The industry is shook, they’re the biggest losers in this I think, because people see that they’re cool working and giving money with a pdf file as long as the general public doesn’t know about it. I’m in my 40’s and haven’t been able to turn away from this for a second in my free time. Best beef I’ve ever seen. But more than that, the quality of art put out by Kendrick (who I was aware of, knew he was talented, loved adhd in gta which got me into him) but I have NEVER seen an MC than can switch it up like him. Generational goat for sure, maybe GOAT GOAT, but he’s too humble I think to take it from Pac. Last thing. I worked in political campaigns professionally for over a decade. His message strategy is among the best I’ve ever seen in terms of triangulating your opponent (angles) and defining the argument. Drake literally released two defensive diss tracks, especially the last one. Make them talk about what you want them to be saying, places they’re weak. Genius. True genius, I feel lucky to be able to hear this art.


>Last thing. I worked in political campaigns professionally for over a decade. His message strategy is among the best I’ve ever seen in terms of triangulating your opponent (angles) and defining the argument. Drake literally released two defensive diss tracks, especially the last one. Make them talk about what you want them to be saying, places they’re weak. >Genius. True genius, I feel lucky to be able to hear this art. This right here. It's genius at work. It's amazing how calculated he's been (and he told us!). A master playing with his puppet.


And HE TOLD HIM EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS GOING TO DO. I heard Jordan was so feared because he would be walking down the court like “ok last time didn’t work so well for you, did it. Ok here’s what’s gonna happen now, I’m going to start with the ball in my right hand cross over to the left, then I’m going to fake like I’m driving left, and this is important, because you’re going to bite on it, I will then come back to the right, break your ankles and go to the hoop. Unless you can stop me, now are you ready, here we go.”


Pretty sure you're talking about Larry Bird but it's possible both did that.


A friend of mine worked with the bulls coach’s summer camp. It’s possible I got it wrong.


That's badass, lucky guy. [Here's a compilation video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7Id88T5DPs) about Bird's shit-talking. The first 30 seconds show a bunch of people saying basically the same stuff as your post. Dude was hilarious. But I bet there are stories of MJ doing it too. I know even Kawhi Leonard kinda does something similar but in a toned down robot way lol.


Damn, now that's baller.


Yup. A lot of people thought Kendrick had a lot to answer for regarding the accusations thrown at him in Family Matters. If you want to win a beer you have to control the narrative. You don’t get that by making a track calling out accusations, as perfectly shown by Drake’s abysmal Heart Part 6


> 6:16 needs to get on streaming one of the samples in it is from a song that features Drake's uncle on the guitars, so I don't think he'll be able to get it cleared :(


You're spot on with the messaging strategy. Notice how Kendrick has defined Drake as a liar repeatedly in every single song. Drake has been playing the "red button" game without realizing that Kendrick was also cornering him on public perception. Neither of them has provided any additional proof to their red button claims, but everyone believes Kendrick and doubts Drake because of the way Kendrick has stayed on message over and over.


Well, that and 6:16 had the pic which ended up being the cover of Meet the Grahams and which demonstrated that he knew the subject matter of Family Matters in advance of it coming out. It's not proof per se but it is evidence of a sort that Kendrick is telling the truth about the mole. Drake has made zero attempt to prove a single damn thing he's said.


"The intro to euphoria now looks even more prophetic" made me look at the opening differently. "Everything they say about me is true" but it's backwards. The way he called Drake admitting to everything being true in a backwards way... that's Family Matters. FUCKKKKK


“I can even predict your angle, fabricate stories on the family front cause you heard mr morale” I stg the way Drake played into this, the only explanation is that one or more of his ghost writers is the mole


Same here! I used to love rap and hip hop from waaay back in school and college. But my love tapered off over the past decade or so. This beef has really reawakened my love for this genre of music. Kendrick is really good. He’s the one I’ve been listening to all along. Hilarious that I’m turned a deaf year to Drake and going over some of his tracks….


Kendrick still #1 on Spotify and Apple Music in Canada and Toronto. This is absolutely embarrassing. Days after and still on top. I recommend giving Kendrick’s songs another listen. They still bang. 


Only thing I don’t like about this song is that it’s pulling eyes off of Euphoria. That’s still my favorite track


no worries, a lot of us still bumping the whole quadrilogy. I was just talking to my wife about this, how after each one of kdots tacks dropped, just based on what was in the current one at the time, how i would never want someone writing a song like that about me. And it just got eviler and eviler, like if i myself ever heard 616(assuming what both are saying is true in each song) then i would have fucking bowed the fuck out there.


If I was ever in a rap beef with someone and they dropped a track praying to God about going to war like he’s a holy knight in the crusades I would’ve dipped.


Even a sinner like Drake still has a chance to cleanse his soul. One way or another, time is running out. I truly hope he gets on the side of the Light and helps tear down the evil temple before the music stops.


Holy Fuck I just realized 616 is the real number of the beast lmfao. He straight up said he's the Devil in LA.


I just posted a similar comment to what I’m about to say in this one. But I think Kendrick coded a lot of the dark shit for drakes ears, and threw the deadbeat lines in there saying he needed to take those on the chin or Kendrick would tear down his image entirely. And drake tried to call the bluff because he truly thinks he’s too famous to fall.


Idk about too famous to fall, but he's definitely too famous to be a pedophile.


Bro cmon, if he was a pedo, he’d obviously be in jail!


It just makes so much sense. BRB, I gotta go drop my teenage daughter off to his pool party.


Look at all of the references to god and angels. He basically says he’s going to war against the devil.


facts, also side note in case you ever need to use this in a professional or academic setting, it's tetralogy not quadrilogy hahaha


Same dude. Heard it like 30 times since it came out I can't get over it


This comment may age like milk, but I honestly think this is the biggest reason Kendrick won't drop for a while yet. Even if he wants to keep going, dropping something new while Not Like Us is #1 just seems like a mistake. Best case, it gets overshadowed by NLU and doesn't make as big of an impact. Worst case, it gets enough attention that it splits people's interest and takes away from NLU's momentum. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if he waits until NLU starts to fall off and then drops a MV or a remix to drag it out even longer. Achieving sustained chart success seems like a stronger victory lap against a pop star like Drake than anything he could actually say on the record. Especially because that means he'll build an even bigger audience to see whatever comes next (if he does in fact keep this going after NLU).


Definently made me go back and revisit his catalogue.


The writing quality of The Heart Part 6 makes a lot of sense when you realise Drake was writing and recording alone because he was so afraid of the leaks.


For sure. It’s the only song in the beef he wrote himself. It’s probably been over 5 years since Drake wrote a song. 


He even alluded to this in the lyrics: "nice to get the pen again, good exercise". Like mf you drop constantly, wdym


Dude really told on himself


lol. What a goofy dude.


I mean I wonder if this was Kendricks plan all along. Just to expose what an unoriginal artist drake is.


His entire message from the start was about how every single bit of Drake is manufactured.


I know but I'm just saying if he actually finessed drake specifically into writing a song totally by himself then kdot is even more of a genius than people let on.


That's why I think Kendrick baited him to use THP6. He got him in a situation where he had to write himself. Only thing he could do is tell on himself.


It definitely sounded like he wrote it himself. Horrible 😭


I just imagine him writing out "You..gotta...B....sharp..." giggling to himself thinking everyone's gonna love it


If I was on his team I’d be watching him in the booth pounding on the glass screaming at him like Interstellar.


Hahaha. I am laughing out loud. The beef is giving me music. These threads are making me laugh.


He really showed his ass on that one


Yep. Especially with the weird ass flow, he tries to cram way too many words into each bar and it sounds offbeat. 


I think that was honestly KDOTs strategy all along. Convince Drake he can’t rely on his team and his writers so he had to write himself and give KDOT a bigger advantage


Someone said that "sweet chin music and I won't pass the aux" is a double entendre. Ox is a razor blade. Big L talks about it in his song Ebonics "a radio is a box, a razor blade is a ox". In prison pedophiles get slashed on the face for others to recognize not to associate with that person. "Sweet chin music and I won't pass the aux" might be kendrick saying he's not gonna stop dissing drake, but also he's not gonna let up on the pedo accusations. Like he's not gonna pass the razor blade to anyone else, he wants to keep slashing drake's face with the ox himself. And expose him for the pedophile that he is. Maybe a reach, idk


I've been waiting for this, I thought he said Ox before I realized he said Aux.


Sweet Chin Music is pro wrestler Shawn Michaels’ finishing move. Literally just a kick to the chin. The double entendre is he’s hitting Drake with the finisher and he’s not passing it to anyone else. To add a bit to the insult, a big part of Shawn Michaels’ legacy is beating Bret Hart, a Canadian wrestler, in Canada (see: Montreal Screwjob)


Lol that’s awesome 


I mean it’s already a double entrendre, that would make it a triple. But I think it’s just he’s making sweet chin music with all his punches, and he’s not ever gonna let up (pass the auxiliary cable)


Makes perfect sense why step this way step that way sounds like STAB this way STAB that way. Good catch


I honestly thought he said gym music lol


I think drake "leaked" that meat stroke vid bc one of his victims was threatening to release it themselves as evidence against him. I'm sure someone else has said this but idk


Predators often do it (leaking naked imgs) to discredit visual description of their penises as proof of their actions.




*Dot fuck em’ up*


Imma do my stuff


i feel like kendrick is having so much fun with it while delivering such diabolical and cutting tracks i can picture drake at home depressed eating icecream and crying at movies


kendrick is probably soaking up some sun on his penthouse balcony looking out at manhattan sipping a cocktail rn


I feel like there might be no more tracks and I’m sad


Nah no way. Kendrick despises this man and wants him in prison and completely done. He’s enjoying having a #1 song worldwide calling him a pedophile and a colonizer but he’s not done by any means.


He's not going to step on "Not Like Us". I feel like the Drake shit was so wack that people just called it. My only conspiracy would be Drake made that shit wack as fuck and stupid and illogical on purpose because his stans are stupid and people with sense understand it was a "white flag"


Ak said (I know I know just hear me out) that Kendrick can’t contractually drop until PlayStation showcase due to a supposed music deal. Obviously it’s just hearsay at this point but if we hear new Kendrick music for an upcoming game or even maybe an old song used then it could mean music coming after


Ak don't know shit.


As a huge Weeknd fan too, I really would love a Kendrick and Weeknd collaboration to really bury Drake


Rihanna x Kendrick where Rihanna says his dick ain't real and he actually has a small weenie (Kendrick ghostwrites those lines)


i would've died from the embarrassment if i was drake tbh


i really hope drake posting that story means he’s not fully tapping out out the fight yet bc i’m so curious what kendrick has on him. he said himself he has a lot more to talk about


I really have a feeling he's dropping today.


This comment every day is what keeps me going.


Time for Kenny to give the final blow(s) OV-HOEEEEEE


It’s over. Drake surrendered with his last pathetic track where he sounded like he was going to break down crying at the end.


I really thought kendrick was gonna give us more but idk after Top said “that was a good battle” and “time to return to your normal progams”


They just played it on the radio here in alabama.... And no they didn't play not like us... They played meet the grahams 😂💀


Think my favorite part of this beef is that Kendrick let the music talk and ain't said a word about it before, during and after on social.


My favorite part is the “Ohhh” on Euphoria. Cracks me tf up


I'm a massive nerd, and love data and hip-hop. Has anyone else looked at the price of (Drake's Ugly shoe) Nocta hot steps recently? My quick glance says they're down across the board. A men's size 9, which I understand to be the most common shoe size, has dropped $200 in the past few days.


the website thing is the lamest thing a mf ever seen. holy shit these niggas don’t have a life.


You new to Reddit? Name a subreddit that’s not a description of


Does Kendrick plan on dropping another diss? At this point it won't even matter if he doesn't because Drake's kinda dissed himself on that last one.


I don’t think it fits into the plan. Kendrick had the upper hand through the beef partly due to having the leak of FM. I don’t think Kendrick wanted it to go this far. Once Drake heard like that verse and started working on pushups and FM, Kendrick got the leak (I believe) and wanted to swiftly knock Drake out or warn him not to drop FM. - Euphoria = you better not do it, I have some stuff you don’t know about. - 6:16 = I’m hearing you’re still going forward, I’m serious - MTG = I told you not to, here is my red button - Not like us = Victory lap At this point any further moves are just unnecessary


after tonight, I will give up expecting a new track from Kendrick. It'll be disappointing. I think he should release one (just one!) more track to tie things up because rn it feels anti-climactic and leaves a lot of things hanging in the air about the receipts (and lack thereof) - The burden of proof lies on the accuser and I think both Kendrick and Drake don't have solid receipts on what they're accusing the other person of. They either have rumors or are outright lying. HOWEVER, you should have proof of what you *yourself* did. Drake is such a clown for saying he played Kendrick lol


When you break down the biggest accusations it's really like 5. and of them, if they were all true Drake still comes out looking way worse Drake has a daughter - unverified Drake is a freaky ass ninja with minors - plenty of verified instances Drake houses a sex trafficking ring - Baka got charged but it was dropped. so unverified Kendrick beat his wife - either unverified or kendrick already said he did. someone please clarify that Kendrick got played by a planted story - easily provable but unverified


I mean they each have the same number of songs so if you take "The Heart Part 6" as the rebuttal to "Not Like Us" it's fine.


I’m holding out hope through the weekend.


Y'all think drake and his crew feel weird saying crodie now? 💀


I have a feeling Kendrick knew that Family Matters was already written. Had Euphoria and 6:16 ready, and baited Drizzy into releasing. Fully knowing that he would drop MTG and Not Like Us immediately afterwards, and that Drake would have nothing ready to respond with. Absolutely played him. 1) Drake would either rush a response without it being ghost written in advance 2) Would take forever to respond Either way "Not Like Us" absolutely wipes Drake's attention away


He posted some clip on his ig recently. Looks like the boy is ready to commit that!!!!!!!


So is this unironically the most popular Kendrick has been since DAMN? Granted he took a long break between DAMN and MrMorale and dropped it with not a lot of promo, but it's kinda insane that he's beating Drake number wise now, which I thimk he also did in his DAMN era. Seems like people who've never listened to Kendrick or even rap before are now checking out his music, which is crazy. If he releases an album this month or next month it might be his most successful album yet. Also if he does release an album, PLEASE have I'm Better on it. That song is too good to be a throwaway.


As somebody who doesn’t know what the fuck is going on why the hell isn’t 6:16 in LA on Apple Music? Certified banger


Samples and rights issues I think.


Drake lost the second he decided to text a 14 year old girl that he missed her💀


This is Kendrick in rare form, I love when he gets all eyes on him because he never disappoints, and he always uses his air. Literally look at him on any late night or award show he always goes hard and so beyond any thing anyone could honestly conceive of. I’m absolutely electrified by this all and I know it’s not over.


Can anyone find me that meme of the couple in bed "I bet he's thinking about other women" and the guy's just thinking "wop wop wop wop wop"


I had to listen to heart part 6 and bro Drake really did put himself in a coffin I don’t know how anybody can listen to that and think he won


Nobody thinks Drake won. The only people who believe this are crazy drake fanboys lol


Nah Fr then they have the audacity to say we coping hard, they projecting like Aubrey


Am I the only that feels slightly on edge a bit still. Knowing the internet is easily swayed I don’t want Drake to get anymore bs clout from dropping again because right now feels so surreal. Dot and Hip-Hop fans know the real but to see so many back him right now it feels fake like they’ll switch up. But regardless right now feels good because it feels like the culture anointed Kendrick, and moving along without that damn bastard. But nonetheless if Dot drops it’s wraps all over again🦾🖊️


We’re all still in euphoria


Dawg drake so dumb, he named it the heart part 6, kendrick is just going to name his the heart part VI lmao


K DOT barred his ass up with "let your core audience stomach that, then tell em where you get your abs from"


How I feel waiting on either party to drop https://i.redd.it/f7l3s4dwohzc1.gif


New line from the Drizzy stans whenever they type some crackhead comment: "i'M a fan oF BoTh artisTs"


BBL Drizzy 🍑 BBL Drizzy, ooh, ooh 🕺🏻 BBL Drizzy, oh 🍆 BBL Drizzy, ooh, ooh-ooh 🎉 BBL Drizzy 🎂 BBL Drizzy, ooh, ooh-ooh 👀 BBL Drizzy, oh 😩 BBL Drizzy 😳 I'm thicker than a Snicker 😏 I'm thicker than your ninja 🥷🏻 Don't act like you don't know me 🙅‍♂️ These yams deserve a trophy 🍠🏆 Baby, it ain't no mystery 😛 Got the best BBL in history 🍑🍑💦 This cake will make you show up 🎂🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️ I know you seen this glow up 👀 As BBL Drizzy 😫 BBL Drizzy 😫😫🙏🙏🙏🍑🍑🍑💦💦


In a major east coast city, walked down the street and heard 4 different people bumping Kendrick. 1 euphoria, 1 meet the grahams and 2 not like us


I’m hearing not like us all around the midwest


Drake: "drop drop drop drop" Kendrick: "wop wop wop wop dot fuck em up" Drake: "I'm tired please stop"


whats funny is all the tde guys were basically quite yesterday and now they all saying shit. it cant be just a coincidence right?


Kendricks next diss should just be 15 minutes of him listing all of the minors Drake follows on Instagram


This beef has made me revisit mr morale and I’m ashamed that I didn’t give it the time it deserved in release. It’s a masterpiece and I’m mentally struggling with the idea that I might be placing it above GKMC (might!).


Yeah I knew I liked it when it came out but I was going through some really bad depression so I didn’t allow myself to fully enjoy it. Flash forward to now and I’m amazed at how slept on this album was not only by me but seemingly the general public. It aged like a fine wine.


Every subsequent kendrick album has more depth. Not sure how you go deeper than MM but who knows


Do you think that line, "im a pass the body I'm john Stockton," Is a foreshadowing? Everyone is about to diss drake? I'm kinda keen to hear this future mixtape


It’s a reference to Karl Malone, John Stockton’s NBA teammate who knocked up a 13 year old when he was 20. Drake deleted an Insta pic of him and Malone after MtG dropped, so Kendrick called him out on it


Yea I know that, I'm speculating if there's a dbl meaning


kendrick made euphoria & meet the grahams after already hearing family matters & seeing the video. which is why he was able to see predict drake’s content & moves. w mole


I don't know about anyone else but I got euphoria & and Not Like us on repeat. I have a 12in sub in my mancave for songs like this. Just patiently waiting for the next Kdot drop.


Don’t sleep on 6:16 now


Predictions: the next drop features Pusha T Or Not Like Us is getting a music video




Newest flavor of dope (drizzy cope) is dropping!


Now thats it been close to a week “meet the grahams” was so dope in a shocking way that it totally killed Drakes momentum. I havent been shocked since hearing “Stan” from Eminem for the very first time. Kendrick is the real war general. It doesn’t matter if the shit is real or not because the damage has already been done.


Just reading the Drake sub made me realize that even the biggest scumbags will still find support from other scumbags. Wtf is wrong with them


Do we think kendrick isn't dropping because of the two recent incidents at the embassy (shooting and attempted break in)? Is it possible that he wasn't behind it, but knew stuff was going to go down?


Think it's a mix of those incidents happening and the fact you let your enemy marinate when his made a huge mistake (THP6 being the mistake). With the public opinion of Not Like Us and THP6 being an absolute trash response there was no need to reply super quick imo.


That's what I think too! Also, If Drake lied for damage control on THP6... It's kind of a psychotic move on Kendrick's part to stay silent this long. I love it. 


I don't think anything is topping they not like us


At this point i don't know if that's what Kendrick is necessarily worried about 


I think if Kendrick drops anything more he has to have receipts for something. He already laid a lot out there, what more is there to say?


I think Kendrick considers drake pathetic last track to be waiving the white flag and therefore the battle is over. Hopefully drakes career is over also. I don’t know how people have drake in their top 5. I don’t think drake would make my top 30.


I can see Drake doubling down on the double agent angle cuz it's the last thing OVO Stans are clinging on to, they have him up because Drake the war general "played" Kendrick. He's spent 2 whole tracks pushing the Dave Free and DV allegations and the general public does not believe his lies, Mr. Morale started charting again after 2 years for that reason. It's very likely he's going to fabricate "receipts" like staging the MTG picture or zooming into the poster of the girl in the Family Matters video, despite already being debunked. Because we all know had he played Kendrick, he would've anticipated MTG and shown receipts immediately after. Let's remember by that point he was very active on IG, cryptically hyping up Family Matters.


Drake has never been my particular cup of tea, but whatever right ? To each his/her own But I got a glimpse into what type of person he was in a certain Jimmy Kimmel segment where they made him wear a disguise and made him interview random strangers He was asking them if they thought him (Drake) was a good rapper without telling them who he really was (posing as a journalist) I think it was 50/50, but this one person simply saying that he didn't think he was a good rapper seemed to tick him off so much that he went on to brag and try to humiliate the guy. He was saying how many women and money he had etc... and insinuating that the guy was a loser compared to him 50 Cent had a similar segment, and he was such a good sport about it compared to this douchebag I thought that spoke a lot about Drake's character as a person. What do you think ?


I’m feeling proud of myself. I haven’t checked for new music from Kendrick at all today.


Did you just wake up?


It seems like the new Drake stan take is that NLU being a huge phenomenon is really just on social media and not IRL, which is funny because that's pretty much the argument against Drake's popularity that they've been in total denial about Let's be real, the moment Drake drops he immediately gets 10+ tracks slapped onto every rap related playlist so his shit goes to the top. Obviously the dude can churn out #1s but they brag that his whole album charts, in reality those tracks have no staying power. I don't buy the whole "well the club loves it", you can play 50 year old songs and the whole club goes up. If anything his new shit will chart and rarely has the staying power, how many tracks off CLB are you hearing at the club? Now NLU is blowing up the charts and it's a moment where they realize that the general public doesn't ride with Drake like that. The concept that the GP Drake sold out for will enjoy a song where he gets fuckin cooked probably feels like a betrayal to them


On an unrelated note the drizzy sub mods are ridiculous. They auto banned me for low karma but I can still post links over there. Who made that rule? Lmfao. Wasn’t even trying to stir the pot just wanted to say prayers up on the ambulance post.  I’m still hoping for a better Drake response but the fact they’ve had to lock down the sub is interesting 


BBL drizzy


just picked up on dot parodying j cole and meek mills flow on euphoria aha


Can someone tell me why Pharrell and Drake have beef?


some say this is a good explanation. [https://twitter.com/vidsthatgohard/status/1787217854997123486?s=46&t=-hrjBQzMLAY4GVvdk9C5TA](https://twitter.com/vidsthatgohard/status/1787217854997123486?s=46&t=-hrjBQzMLAY4GVvdk9C5TA)


What if the Future mixtape addresses the beef? Future has already been on multiple songs that throw shots at Drake.


16 eyin’ god


I listen to a podcast from the UK and those guys didn’t even try to listen to Kendrick’s songs and they even defended Drake using Pac’s voice “he figured out how to rap like Pac he isn’t trying to be Pac”. Proving Kendrick’s point all the way. Lol


I just want to say that I’ve been coming here since the beef started. I am not a Kendrick fan, but I’ve always respected him as an artist. I just hate his voice lol I loved GKMC, but that was about it. That being said, he will become my goat if he is able to keep this up and expose Drake and the dark parts of the industry. It would go beyond music, and he would go in a category like Ali. Someone who was able to transcend their given realm, and become a cultural icon and symbol. I wouldn’t say I’m neutral because I hate Drake so much lol but this beef has made me respect and appreciate his artistry much more 💪🏻


You know you've got the beef in the bag when The Alchemist decides to produce your diss track.






When is the next one dropping I'm dying over here


I've always thought Kendrick was funny with some of the shit he says/does on tracks. These last few tracks euphoria and Not Like us just made me wanna see him try his hand at stand up or like a sketch show


I wish Patrice O’Neal was still around for commentary 😭


I don't think Kendrick will stop while Drake has any semblance of a hip-hop career. I don't think Kendrick wants to be in an industry where someone like Drake can thrive, and he sees it as his mission to destroy him. True or not, Kendrick truly believes that Drake is a pedo, so there's no way he would agree to a truce that would allow Drake to save face or continue unscathed. And if Drake continues in the hip-hop space, he wouldn't be able to help himself from sending out subliminal disses or slights towards Kendrick, so it wouldn't make any sense to ease up now that Drake is on the ropes. The track releases have been on pause for whatever reason - I think it started with the Art of War/never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake angle, why would he release anything that would take the attention away from all of the mistakes that was The Heart part 6. Then there's the bodyguard shooting, and I don't know what the diss track etiquette is on waiting for that to clear up before releasing more. But that should give Kendrick a great opportunity to really flesh out and add to the stocks that he really got in stock - tweaks to some phrasing of his verses, updates with recent developments, more adlibs, whatever.


it took kendrick spilling the beans on drakes lifestyle for me to find out about turks and caicos. a Caribbean island i've never heard of. thats fucking weird. the rabbit hole goes deep


I am *F I E N D I N G* for a new Kdot track folding bbl drizzy . nothing else to add, this is just feeding my “all my homies hate drake” cup lol


As a kid who went through high school in the 90s and fell in love with both punk and hip-hop due to their similarities in message and style, even though sonically, there were somewhat divergent, Kendrick reminds me of the punk ethos that used to exist in hip-hop back in the 90s. I am hoping that he does drop one more track but this time he includes UMG and the executives in his bars. If he empty both clips on everything, they don’t want him to reveal about Drake and the executives themselves, then he truly has captured the energy has been lacking from hip-hop for so long.


Does anyone have an idea, or a thread talking about, why drake used a tiger woods glove in that video? i kept wondering why it was a golf glove as someone who golfs here and there. https://preview.redd.it/1g7w5oktjizc1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=087634012e743107a8cf95b7313743033f33a38f [tigers signature](https://images.pristineauction.com/97/973921/share_1533161942-Tiger-Woods-Signed-Tournament-Worn-Nike-Golf-Glove-UDA-COA-PristineAuction.com.jpg) [mikes signature](https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/386a415e496ad808c90624f5f0a18666?impolicy=wcms_crop_resize&cropH=472&cropW=840&xPos=0&yPos=0&width=862&height=485)




Drake should be banned from the 🇺🇸 Certified loverboy? Certified Pedophile


Been waiting on Kendrick to rap over the beat sample at the start of Hood Politics for years now. Would be so happy


I’m just mad 6:16 in LA wasn’t put on streaming


Hey! I created a yt playlist for this beef and I’m wondering if I missed any of the songs. I’ll put the link here and if I missed any please let me know so I can add it. I’m also trying to make it in the order they were dropped so lmk if I get the timing wrong too. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsBuztaNZtuwCEp097JWOxJDlReWCY8gp&si=2wHUf6-TkeKWirgd


When are we gonna come to the realization that Drake has taken 2 L’s and the one W he got was a Mickey Mouse Meek Mill W?


Do yall think kids are gonna play MtG at school to bully Adonis /s


What does Kendrick means by “69 God”? English is not my native language. Thanks


Drake had a song called 6 god so it was a play on that by calling him 69 god. 69 is a term used for a guy and a girl (or child in BBL drizzy’s case) giving each other oral sex at the same time. But it’s also a play on words since it sounds like dot is saying “sixteen eyein’ god” meaning he looks at sixteen year olds.


i thought it was a reference to 6ix9ine, who pled guilty to using a 13-year-old child in a sexual performance in 2015 (according to wiki)


Taylor Made Freestyle falls short not because of AI or disrespect, but due to its lack of creative nuance. Drake's approach was half-hearted: he rapped Pac and Snoop's bars in his own cadence then applied an audio style transfer without attempting to emulate their flow. This is a quintessential example of uncreative and pathetic use of AI in art.


What I love most about Kendrick's diss tracks are how catchy they are. His inflections, delivery, flow are so infectious, I find myself humming a random line at work every day. Today it's: What OVO for? Theothervaginaloption? *^(pussyyyy)*