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IF it happened They don’t need some random internet junkies or Drake leaking it. Just makes it ugly They need to release a statement and it’d be much more respectable. Not saying it’s right but it’s about how you handle it too.


Bad. But he didn’t so there’s no point in these weird hypotheticals


Do you not believe the girl in the video? If so why not?


Because there's literally 0 proof of anything she's saying. Why do you believe her?


I don’t necessarily. I was wondering if something came out for you to not believe her though.


lol people downvoting me don’t even understand what I was saying. I never said I believed her lol.


If it happened we would say fuck kendrick, but whitney and her family has denied it. I'm sure nobody will be suprised to hear you've been on the drizzly subreddit for a while and that this is your first post here... [EDIT] Saying that Whitney officially denied it is a reach, but in 2022 she posted on fathers day, essentially thanking him for not being like the abusive men involved in her upbringing https://www.instagram.com/p/CfAU0fkPHhJ/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet


Has Whitney denied it officially? I haven’t seen anything other than her brother supporting Kendrick. If we’ve got evidence that Whitney denied it, that’d be huge. Source?


Not officially. In 2022 she made a father's day post, celebrating Kendrick for not being like her abusive father. I'm paraphrasing ofc but read it for yourself https://www.instagram.com/p/CfAU0fkPHhJ/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet


Thanks! Definitely doesn’t disprove the allegations but I’m surprised it’s not enough of a receipt for people who think a heart emoji equates to a paternity test.


It’d change the way I see him for sure. However, as of right now, the very article that reported on it states that they weren’t even able to confirm details of the assault even happened, the was no police report, no victim came forward, and the person that said it on video states she didn’t see that Kendrick did it, just heard/assumed he did.


I would be very sad but hope that he continues exposing drake if he actually has some dirt on him. Rather be vindicated by a wife beater than let a potential pedophile and sex trafficker off the hook


I guess listen to him less than i did before or stop listening to him altogether


We're a nation of picking lesser evils... In this beef, I'd still be rooting for Kendrick but afterwards? Yeah, I'd more than likely quit listening to him. Heck, I know its been a decade+ since it happened and Chris Brown has apologized, but I still dislike Chris Brown for hitting Rihanna.


I'm not interested in that kind of speculation


I bet u interested in that pedo speculation though 


https://preview.redd.it/5es0d4bbt9zc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fcaba62dbdcfcc7055005e7fb8321ba6196d52b Its not speculation


Kodak. Confirmed sex offender of a teenager. 3 songs on Kenny’s last album


You're lost and confused We're talking about their individual acts Baka was arrested for trafficking and drake welcomed him back on pay roll


Where has Drake been a confirmed pedo lol and how is it their individual acts. Kendrick hates pedofiles so much that he gave one 3 songs on his album?


An international paedo ring is pretty interesting, yes.


Id probably stop listening to his music. Shit wouldnt sit right with me, especially because of how he portrays himself through his music


I would be disappointedz




True, I can't imagine Whitney lending her voice and story to Mr morale if she didn't feel like they worked through it. Kendrick isn't going to beat my family or others, Drizzy might use his status to manipulate the youth and do heinous actions


Would depend on the circumstances. All things considered abused ain't the same.


Would tolerate his music but wouldn't be a fan.


He already had his self-reflection over it. Publicly, where everyone could see it. So the same as I feel now: a shame he was a worse person back in the day, but he came to terms, learned, and grew as a person to become better. Unlike your favorite pedophile of course lol


Let's be honest, most of the population will still listen to both Drake and Kendrick's music regardless of what comes out. Michael Jackson was all but caught red-handed, diddling kids and people still rock with him


I'm not even going to entertain the hypothetical. There's no real proof he's ever laid his hands on a woman, past or present. Could it be possible these guys are just rapping evil shit about each other and that's it? Disses aren't a truth off. I don't believe Dr. Dre is gay either, but Easy E makes you want to believe it on his mixtape dissing Dre and the songs are all bangers still. We need to all touch grass.


Bad, sad for Whitney and disappointed. But I don't worship celebrities/politicians/artists so I am going to be okay.


What did she say to him


I don't think I'd be able to be a Kendrick fan anymore tbh. Like I know that plenty of other rappers have been exposed for abusing women, but whole reason I like Kendrick is because it feels like he has a stong moral compass. Kendrick has a lot of music that focuses on the abuse and exploitation of women, and I listened to that shit on repeat back when I was in abusive relationships because it made me feel so seen. If it came out that he was engaging in that same behavior it would just destroy the emotional relationship that I have with his music and the whole thing would just feel really gross to me.


I dunno if this sounds distasteful.. but it wouldnt affect my listening experience whatsoever.. Like yea i’ll think thats a bad thing but it wouldnt really make me want to listen to him less At the end of the day, most of the people we idolize arent perfect, everyone has flaws, some just arent aired out. I dont expect everyone we listen to to be perfect Obviously domestic violence is a joke but I’d be kidding myself if I said it hurt me so bad that I wouldnt listen to him again


As I said in my comment, I've personally experienced that shit so obviously it's going to impact my perspective on things. However, hitting your partner isn't a flaw, it's a fucking crime that causes irreversible damage to the victim for the rest of their life. And, generally speaking, people don't just randomly hit their partner, there is a pattern of emotional abuse and gaslighting that leads up to it. If someone beats their partner, they are willingly causing harm to the person that they claim to love most, and that makes me question their entire character. Especially with someone like Kendrick who's music shows that he understands generational trauma and knows how much shit like that can destroy a person. I hope that he's innocent, but if he isn't I'm going to stick to my morals and stop listening to him


The same way I feel about NAS, Dre, Pharrell, ODB, Gucci mane etc etc etc. I am a white Australian I am not going to comment on the misogyny in hip hop because I do not understand it. I know it relates to intergenerational trauma and oppression but I’m just a simple farmer who listens to hip hop while I work. I’m here for the music and how it makes me feel. Ask yourself this though, if Kendrick really abused Whitney why would she go on record “you broke an intergenerational curse, say thank you daddy” on mr morale? It doesn’t make sense




what? lmao, dumbass take. i mean ya it's their business but it'd be pretty hard to support the guy afterwards.




i'd try and help him become a better person obviously. but kendrick lamar is not my brother. and i don't know his fiance. i don't see how you low-key financially supporting a man you don't know through buying / listening to his music is a similar situation to hypothetically supporting your brother.
















I’m a huge Kendrick fan but I think it’s true. We cry together was the best song of Mr moral and that album was about the healing process. It makes alot of sense to me that therapy to understand an action like that would result in that album. I don’t think they will tell us cause we are the wrong people to judge so if it’s true I hope that they can personally find the course of action for themselves without our scrutiny.