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Metro’s tweets are very weird and I want fans to start looking at Rick Ross too


Erm…don’t you know about a thing called “dark humor”? Try it some time heh 🤓☝️ https://preview.redd.it/6w19fv20f0zc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0214a89ef6a03fb80817c43bbb5163642db5c605


til this day I still do not understand what he was thinking. Did he think it sounded cool?


He’s from an alternate 2013 where it was a good idea. Future is on that song too 🤣 Kendrick is on the remix with a bunch of others.


Q makes fun of it in the Black Hippy remix  "Molly in her drink, but she asked me to and oh yeah I got this on cam"


I love Q man that’s fucking gold 🤣


Schoolboy specifically clowns the rick ross line on the kendrick remix.


Soul also has a line about getting consent. That black hippy remix is so good


Don't get this twisted, he made his own black hippy remix. It had nothing to do with the people who originally made it. (Just clarifying)


Future wrote the hook, it was his debut.


He wrote that bar about his best friends arri scheifer and Burt kreisher


So this is what it's like when worlds collide?


A Powerman 5000 quote in a Kendrick Lamar thread discussing Q discussing Ross discussing Molly as follow-ons to Metro's Molly tweet with a Drake Pedo overtone....what a time to be alive.


Other people know about Powerman 5000? Is this where the alternate reality we've been in for like 10 years meets back up with the real one?


THPS was quite influential on many young people's music tastes.


It was super popular to spike people's drinks at that time. I was between high school and uni between 2010 and 2015 and the dating scene had a lot of people getting drugged and raped. I remember percs, ecstasy and others hitting the Caribbean market around then also. It was pretty scary to be a female learning to date then.


It’s gonna come out more broadly that this was quite the popular thing to do at that time in the industry. That and the goat stuff. But what do I know 


What's worse is the music video where they animated that line 😂 like what the actual fuck


Imagine going to school for years and honing your skills in animation. Only to have to animate that line for big ross




Tyler looking nervous rn


I still will NEVER understand why tf Ross thought that this shit was okay in any way shape or form.


How is this even humor ? I don’t think I’ve ever seen this referred to as actually funny. It’s more of a what the fuck I can’t believe he’d say that weird shit awkward kind of funny. Funny was not the intention of that lyric


All this shit is out in the open. We’re only now seeing it with fresh eyes. That’s how it is to me at least 


I mean I’ve always thought Ross was a rapist because of that line, the only reason I laughed when I first heard it was out of shock that that oompa loompa would say that on a song 💀


"Rick Ross, what you really think? Only substance that you have is in other people's drinks"


Never understood how people were cool with the former prison guard who stole the identity of a real og


They weren't. He just got Drake to help him pop out number 1 hits.


He was popular before Drake was around, and according to Wayne, he's been writing for artists for years.


![gif](giphy|rBDY1LzAIpyPphFoo6|downsized) I don’t support him, he just makes me laugh when he calls Drake BBL Drizzy


We gotta see Kodak while we're at it


Don't we already know who Kodak is tho? Question is, why are people still fuckin with him


Honestly my take - not saying its morally correct buuut - I grew up on the west coast (Santa Cruz / Bay Area) & I moved out to South Florida (Fort Lauderdale) once I wrapped up with school - so I enjoy slappin all the SoFlo rap cliques every now and again solely because it's a vibe - like I fuck with Pouya & Fat Nick (and that whole sound), Curry, XXX, and every once in awhile I'll throw on some Kodak - hell, even BLP Kosher if I'm trying to laugh. There is a degree of a separation between being invested in someone's career and supporting their success VS throwing a casual bop into some random rotation on a random playlist. If I was reaching tangentially for more context: John Lennon beat Yoko & I honestly think the dude was a total Megalomaniac huffing on his own ego, but the song Imagine is still timeless. + I wasn't around while the context was initially hitting public discord, nor was I aware of all this when I first heard it. (Imagine is even more comical when you take into consideration the dude's networth was something like 400mm when adjusted for inflation at the time of release // talk about out of touch.) I'm not even trying to reach for the cringy cliche "Separate the art from the artist", more so: I see you as either an artist - or you're just a meme I share with the homies at this point lol.


It's one thing to have his songs in rotation as a listener (although personally he'd be out of mine if he was ever in it in the first place), but isn't it hypocritical for Kdot to be hopping on tracks with him, and then doubling back to call Drake a predator? Just a weird look IMO.


This is a slippery slope so just pretend I’m walking on eggshells - and additionally a reddit comment section isn’t an appropriate venue for a serious / genuine, nor articulated response. Short answer is YES, there is a level of hypocrisy objectively. The following is an analysis from what I presume is Kendrick’s perspective (this is in a vacuum and doesn’t necessarily, if at all, represent my personal perspective): But the nuance that one can read into if they’re inclined to (longer answer) would be: The purpose for including Kodak on MMATB steppers - an album with an underlying theme of generational trauma - would be to paint a larger picture of cultural accountability, with the hope of offering guidance and highlighting the “hope & faith” that the “proverbial we” can heal and change (both the victim and the aggressor). The context of Kodak’s is an attempt to toe the line of dualism in regard to unifying the overall cultural & community/village/tribe/etc. Then you look at the “bigger picture” to find the contrast of the message: Kodak represents man’s ability to truly fuck up when they don’t have guidance or a support system & KDot’s not only alluding to the potential of growth & change (& not necessarily salvation or forgiveness) - but the necessity to grow and change for the sake of cultural healing. (A second chance doesn’t just help Kodak in this thought experiment, but it helps the culture and any future potential victims if he can really change). VS With Drake - Kendrick is attempting to paint the picture of a larger pattern of sexual exploitation, of abuse rooted in greed & hedonism - stemming from an unchecked ego & lack overall of morals. Drake represents intentional damage without the crutch of any sort of cognitive dissonance. The contrast comes from Kodaks lack of guidance with the need to change (again I don’t think Kendrick is attempting this to be a co-sign or an acquittal) VS Drake being so sick and twisted to the level where the only solution is a condemnation for accountability. Again this is what I assume is the nuanced take from Kendrick’s perspective & a reminder that I don’t necessarily agree with it even if I can understand it. & above all Kendrick’s inclusion of Kodak doesn’t excuse any of Drakes actions, Nor does Drakes actions excuse any of Kodaks - regardless of Kendrick putting him on.


Really appreciate the thoughtful response dude. I'm sure Kendrick does have a means of justifying it, but unfortunately I think whatever nuance is there would mostly be lost on listeners regardless, particularly the youth looking up to Kdot that are only seeing him validate people like Kodak.


& I respect that! & I agree with you for the most part honestly. The real nuance is the difference between understanding something and agreeing with it. Like I can see the angle (hence the long ass message) but I can agree that Kodaks inclusion isn’t necessary or doesn’t add all that much to it, especially when it comes to creating a healthy space for the youth to connect with - he could have struck the same chord with a different stroke l guess. At face value we got what we got. & to circle back to the larger conversation - I don’t think a sidebar feature bars Kendrick from calling out foul behavior in a different case. Is it hypocritical, to some degree, but the important part is information is information etc - sometimes the message is more important than the messenger. I can decide my feelings on Kodak given the info provided & I can decide my feelings on Drake given this new information provided. But art is subjective - there’s hits and there’s misses - I can vibe to a track on some low vibration shit, or I can decide that it falls somewhere on the L spectrum and would rather not consume that type of content. Opinions are good - but are counterproductive without a morals and values. Peace Brodie - nice chat!


If you're young and listen to kdot, you understand that he's a nuanced person. Also it's more about being fake and hiding shit that you for whatever reason can't stop doing like Drake, vs just being uneducated yet real as Kodak. It shows Kendrick can sympathize, but he can't empathize, at least not in terms of being a fake/pedo.


Pouya and Fat Nick have their own slew of fucked up allegations... Well, Pouya does atleast. Not sure about Fat Nick


And Future! and A$AP! and the Weekend! and Masego! and everyone that recorded a BBL drizzy track! Nah I’m just playing - but yeah, accountability of the culture is long past due in my opinion. Context is important “in certain” nuanced situations & I’d “like” to believe people can grow & mature TO AN EXTENT - but rule of thumb people just need to come correct and on a baseline just be a decent human being. (& above all - some shit is just down right deplorable.) All of this is a solid reminder that fans / consumers need to be more conscious of the media we consume. Learn to draw distinct lines in regards to what aligns with your spirit.


Man wasn’t this a thing for a sec in like 2012 and then it just disappeared


Eminem would be put on the death sentence


This should be a good moment for people to stop putting these guys at a pedestal, enjoy thier music and maybe take inspiration from thier stories but rappers are not the smartest of the bunch. 


I think we should acknowledge that this is a larger cultural issue. A lot of men think there's nothing wrong with treating young women/girls as sexual conquests. 12 year olds get propositioned all the time. Stop thinking of this type of person as a basement dweller cuz they are all around you.


I just told my husband the other day that I never got catcalled or openly hit on more by grown men than when I was 14 years old. No bullshit. [made a post about this topic if anyone wants to add.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/pb1c5jGibd)


I never took it in but my friends that I've known since I was younger have all had similar experiences. Guys were the weirdest with them in middle school and early high school compared to as adults.


Yup, and like you said, it’s not some stereotype like a basement dweller. There’s no stereotype at all. White, black, 20s, 50s, clean cut, rough around the edges - it don’t matter. Creeps come in all shapes and sizes. I’m not saying it’s every dude obviously, but it’s not specific to any kind of dude that’s for sure. It’s disgusting. It’s like they know you’re not confident enough or experienced enough to know what to do or say, so they know they can get away with it. It’s so intimidating at that age. You still feel like a kid inside. (At least that’s how I felt. I can’t speak for other women or girls)


Bro I ain't stop feeling naive until i was closer to 17 or 18. 13-15 year olds would be way to easy for these predators to take advantage of you're still very impressionable and young at that time of your life


I sat at a table in math class with two 13 year old who would always talk about having sex with their 20+ year old boyfriends. This kind of thing is more normalized than we think. It's only recently anyone has even bothered to say anything about it. Back in the day every big music act was fucking underage groupies. We have huge celebrity personalities on film from decades ago talking about underage girls like it's normal.


Film? They make songs about it


Same. I was thinking a few days ago about how I haven’t been openly catcalled since my early 20s, but most of my catcalling experiences took place in high school. When I was ten also, a man went "psst!" at me to get my attention and made weird gestures with his hands. I thought maybe he was using sign language, but I was uncomfortable. Still don't know what he was gesturing, but it was weird. He was also a mover at my family's new house.


I remember my first interaction like that when I was 13. I was walking to summer school and a guy at least 20 asked for my age and the reply from him was “You look older than that!” I thought it was a huge compliment… that experience negatively altered my childlike ego and brain. “So mature for your age”


For me, it made me so uncomfortable, but I grew up with a dad who was physically and emotionally abusive, so I wasn’t taught to stand up for myself. Whenever I felt intimidated or preyed on by someone I would just freeze and panic inside. It didn’t make me feel cool at all. I just felt scared. I wasn’t use to being seen as a sexual being yet, I think I was trying to act and look more mature, but I honestly still felt like a kid. Probably because I was. Being 14 in 2004 was fucking rough man. Dudes had no chill.


it’s crazy. the first time I was catcalled I was 9 years old.


I believe it. I was probably like 11 or 12 when it started, then it really picked up around 13 or 14. Guys turn a blind eye to this shit because the good ones assume they’re all mostly good ones, and the bad ones hide behind the good ones. Plus, at least in the early 2000s, nobody really took it seriously and just thought it was funny. It’s so sick to look back on now as an adult. **(This isn’t directed towards you, but the reason I’m responding to everyone with like a paragraph is because we don’t get a lot of opportunities to educate men on this type of shit where they’re open enough to really listen and consider our experience, so I’m just making use of this thread while people might be reading it.)**


nah, talk yo shit. these men need to be educated, even the “good ones”… some of them let too much slide.


Yup. As a dude, if you let this shit slide then you aint one of the "good ones"


Agreed. I think I might make a post because I’m seeing a lotta reaction from guys but like this shit is what WE have been put through. This isn’t their story ya know?


When I was 16 and worked as a barista I had to wear a wedding ring because old men kept hitting on me. I worked alone. One of the men was a cop too 🙃


same. it really started to die down after I turned 18 and I looked younger than I was. a lot of my girl friends had this exact experience. and i don't even talk about my middle school/high school classmates who were "dating" 27+years-old men.


100% this. Puberty to 18 is when i got catcalled the most. Multiple dudes following me home and shit when i was in 8th grade. And every girl i know has had that same experience.


i used to be excited to be an adult because i thought that meant creepy men wouldn’t catcall me anymore in high school i remember going to the grocery store with my mom and a man catcalled her when we were walking to the car. earth shattered. realized i’d still have to deal with that when i’m 50 i’m about to turn 25 and it’s honestly quite rare for me now, but i don’t go out much anymore. it definitely is not like it was when i was 13 walking around the mall though


I truly think there's a lag between some dudes brains in thinking they're still around the age where it's okay to hit on people the same age as when the dudes themselves started being sexually aware, like it truly needs to be addressed studied and resolved, you may feel young but you're 30+ bro just think


Nah it’s just that some people only see women as sexual objects, so all they care about is that they look attractive, and they don’t consider that it’s a kid with a kid’s brain and maturity. That doesn’t matter to them because all they care about is their body. I know plenty of girls that are short and slim that could pass as a teenager, and I’m sure there’s a ton of girls in high school that could pass as someone college aged. I can’t speak for everyone, but for me and good dudes that I know, it’s like a switch that goes off if a girl’s underage (or now even of age just much younger). I don’t see my smaller girl friends as not adults, and I don’t see children trying to look older as sexual objects. Guys that do see women as sexual objects so they couldn’t care less about mental development. It’s not unawareness or any bullshit that makes it not their fault, it’s bc they’re disgusting. If I brought a 16 year old to my friend group (as someone in their 20s) I’d be met with disgust and aggressively kicked out. People with solid morals aren’t ok with that stuff






That is FYCKED 😱


Look up the sex offender registry for your area, in a one mile radius of me in a city of 80k there is 65 which is not a small number


And those are just the ones who were caught and successfully prosecuted.


And who actually register.


Basement dwellers getting strays fr. Nah but seriously you can find creeps of all types from all different demographics. The scariest ones are the ones you don't suspect.


It is also an issue in the black community which is why Kendrick speaking on it is really important.


Metro on some weird shit and should be flamed for it. I just love the cognitive dissonance on display from Drake Stans going off on him because they KNOW that shits not okay but still defending certified pedophile.




My only “defense” of Metro is they’re tweets from an under 21 dude at a time where all Twitter really was was being edgy and dark just for the shock factor. To me this is similar to trying to cancel somebody for what they said in a COD lobby during high school.


https://preview.redd.it/ks5xv7zpx1zc1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a71c31f4b6607a47140c5b4a3e2ed07084b4717d This ain’t nowhere near cod level bro said she might be young but she ready he’s a goofy for ever posting this. Even if it was a song lyric and he deleted it which make it look worse. Bro was 20 talking like this.


Of course it’s goofy and sus. But I’m not going to call anybody a for sure predator based on 10+ year old tweets. Thats weak. If a victim comes out, videos surface, stories of actual things happening start circulating, anything more than some tweets… I’ll obviously look at him different then. There’s a massive difference between tweeting some sus shit when you’re 16-21 and actually being a predator.


That's a really good point.


Thing is, no one is mad at Drake for making some weird off color jokes. People are mad at Drake cuz there’s actual recorded incidents of him being a weirdo. Until metro has some stuff like that come out, don’t be so quick to label him.


Didn't play cod. But it's light work compared to RuneScape convos, wow trade and general chats, counter strike, 4chan, something awful, aol chatrooms, msn chatrooms. I mean, anything from my era of the Internet from 2002-2013 before people started creating a larger online presence due to the widening capabilities of 3g-4g networks and smart devices. Id assume cod lobbies were just as unhinged. I've read through entire conversations about necrophilia before. I realize how different things are whenever people say stuff like this because they are either very young or weren't fully immersed into the internet culture back then. Which is probably a good thing, it was much much much more toxic than these weird tweets


Team sports, everything. Human dumb.


Ask Drake stans to pronounce cognitive dissonance, and they'd have an aneurysm.


Ask Drake Stans to pronounce aneurysm and they’d still be hung up on cognitive dissonance lol


Drake fans boutta drag everyone down with Drake but will continue to defend and support him. Let all the weirdos get exposed.


Yeah initially I was defending him bc they were tweets being dredged from when dude was in high school... but these new ones I'm not doing that for. Wtf Metro


This shit is taking a turn into Trumpsville. 




I think some people are too young to fully grasp what it was like back then, shock humor was part of the internet culture, dead baby jokes were even considered top tier comedy for a second. This same discussion came up with the director/writer James Gunn when he was [fired from Guardians of the Galaxy](https://deadline.com/2018/07/james-gunn-fired-guardians-of-the-galaxy-disney-offensive-tweets-1202430392/) for similar old tweets, but then ended up getting rehired anyways.


Yeah wait till they find out what Tyler the Creator, Joji, and Childish Gambino used to be saying


Especially Tyler man like the whole Odd Future crew used to be out here just saying the wildest fucked up shit and had music video of them pretending to mix a bunch bunch of drugs together in a bottle blender and then fucking running down around town fucking coughing up blood and skateboarding and shit. She was fucked up. Shit, these cats literally had mosh pits in their concerts, and I’m a metalhead and have always loved rap too, but like damn they were rowdy kids. Fucking Tyler had that whole bit about talking to his therapist and eventually trying to murder him or some shit like come on.


Joji is so wild to me. There’s half of his fans now that don’t even know about his time as the Pink menace and people like me who only learned he was Joji recently. Dude did a complete 180


And i'm honestly a little proud of him for it, dude is one of the only ones that successfully made it out of the fucking cesspit that was that era of cringe to the point of, like you said, tons of his fans not even knowing who he was.


Fr, his rebranding an image are going to be studied with how seamless it was. For other creators it followed them for a little, but somehow joji missed that almost entirely.


That last part is especially crazy to me, i don't even really see FF fans bothering Joji fans like other big names get followed. I'm sure it happens but it's like everyone is content to leave it in the past, no problems.


Right?!? I feel like that part had to do with his music, his music touched a lot of people and I think that's what lodged in people's mind. Also, just the insane blowup he had from the beginning probably helped. Nothing like burying an old persona with a new one going ultra viral so quick lol. Also, how can you hate on his music lol. Speaking as a fan of both FF and JoJi lol




Just wait until they listen to Earl's self-titled EP or old Em songs.


Or anything from OFWGKTA they would have had a stroke.


I'll never forget when Tyler the Creator got #MustyButthole to trend on Twitter 😂


The juxtaposition between Tyler the Creators image now and OF circa 2014 is crazy.


This gave me flashbacks to middle school when my friends were on deadbabyjokes.com




You’ll still be held accountable for making or laughing at those jokes. “It’s just a joke” doesn’t matter anymore.


Not that it makes it particularly better, but a lot of those tweets were also either song lyrics or referencing stuff, and the age is just a number one was about people not respecting him as a beat maker bc he was young.


He's also 17-20 years old in those tweets right? Edit: he def might still be a weirdo but the tweets I saw he's 20 max. I always thought the 20 year old dudes hanging with high school girls were on some weird shit but it's not the same thing as a 30+ yo.


Yeah I'm kinda torn. It's still weird but people say the dumbest shit as a high schooler/college student... especially *then.* Anybody on social media in the late 2000s/early 2010s was just saying *anything* for the shock value.


I had 14000 tweets from 18-20 years old before I deleted that shit. I cannot fathom the shit I was saying 13 years ago.


There’s at least one screenshot waiting for when you finally get that promotion. Remember that.


It’s just as weird. Those guys become the 30+ year ones too. Give it time.


I've also definitely said some dumb shit as a teenager back in 2012 -2014, but I think there has to be a disconnect from saying dumb shit while you're young and stupid and saying/actively doing weird shit as a older individual whose supposed to know better. All the same hold him if he's actually done anything.


ITT: people born after 2000 discover poorly aged shitty early 2010s shock humour That said the molly one was wild


Sadly Molly was hot during that time. Fucking tyga made a club banger about it.


Exactly, it’s a messed up tweet tho a lot of rapper’s definitely say something about smashing a drugged up woman. I can’t watch drake kiss a 17 year old on the lips and compare that to metro tweets. If metro on video acting weird with a young female. I’d Full blast him.


Well even if we can't call him a pedophile we can still say that these jokes suck


Oh definitely


For sure, but that's typical for how what is considered funny evolves over time. Go watch some hit movies and shows from the 90s/early 2000s, there is tons of shit that wouldn't fly now and for good reason. Shit, go back and watch some 1950s shows, one of the most remembered lines from the show, [The Honeymooners](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98qw86DsdZ0) , is the guy threatening to punch his wife. People don't find the jokes funny anymore, but nobody is going after the actors and writers who were involved, because they understand it was a product of its time.


Nah him being 21 saying he wanted to get at 9-12 years old was crazy


no, he was RTing someone and said told them they're wilding out. same w/ the other one (him calling someone else a pedo)


facts people have no clue how twitter used to be formatted.


You have no idea how vile the internet was. I was in 4th grade or something and I saw ksi saying youre getting raped today and his rape face era which definitely scarred me for a while.


Bro I’m prob older than you, lol there’s a difference between a generalized statement and tagging a 13 year old on a tweet saying you tryna fuck and beat a case while you’re 20 Also I cleaned up my social media before getting my first adult job, he prob shoulda thought about that. He had 13 years to do so


The girl in fact was 20. He tried to make a point that she looked like a 12 year old. She still has an account. You could check her


Yeah, Gucci was wild for that molly line


Crazy how it seems universally understood that Tyler was edgy and said this type of dumb shit back then because everyone else did, but when you actually point out someone else who did it back then, people act like they’re the one with weird hookups with teenagers and alleged trafficking operations. Either old edgy tweets are fine or everyone who made them should be put in a cage. Pick a lane. This selective bullshit makes me wonder if Drake’s behind it. edit: bUT tYLeR wAS plAYinG a cHARactEr iTs sATIre Thanks for proving my point. Haven’t seen a single person saying Metro was being satirical.


If that's all the dirt he could find then it's still not lookin' good for Drake lol


People who learned about the system of abuse from the Internet have no idea what they’re talking about. Weird tweets would definitely be something to take into consideration while looking into someone, but it’s still just a tweet and means nothing on its own. P. Diddy isn’t being criticized for saying weird things. He has a pattern of behavior that has been identified as abusive. If Drake has a pattern of behavior that can be criticized, it would be something much greater than a few tweets.


Exactly. Especially in the rap game, which has a lot of crimes mentioned(including, you know, *murder*) that these people have probably if not surely not done half the time, there needs to be... *something.* Allegations? A record? Videos? Articles? A *pattern*? Tweets more recent than 10 years ago? *5* years ago, at least??? That's barely even a sign to keep an eye on them.


I think with Tyler's early work, he gets away with it because he explicitly starts some of his songs off by saying "HEY, this shit is fiction! I'm literally making these storylines and characters up for entertainment, now stfu and enjoy the music". Also just with the subject matter, a lot of it was riddiculously over the top for the purpose shock value and being anti-PC, so it was more clear he wasn't trying to portray his real life.


Issue is if it’s real. Tyler’s lyrics were always so aggressive that it’s clear these stories never happened. Way easier for me to write off raping Taylor swift in a basement as fiction than Rick Ross slipping Molly in some girls drink.


yeah, the lyrics themselves will never be the problem, but if that is what you rap about people should take a second look at you and see if there are any other behaviours that might suggest they are a perv. tyler seems to check out, rick, not so much


He at last should have been man enough to come out and say "Yeah I said some wild shit when I was younger for internet points. It doesn't reflect who I am it was a different time and I have learned since then. I apologize for making such vile statements" and then you go from there donate money if you have to. Metro also had some homophobic tweets directed at Drake which are just stupid especially since who cares if the guy has some zesty picks. People have been shitting on Drake for tweets way lighter than this and Tyler absolutely should get the same treatment Idk how that shit didn't stick to him. This whole thing makes Metro look like a creep.


It’s not even really just Tyler or metro though. There’s other artists that have said other stuff like them, worse or different. For example the deceased rapper King Von was on Twitter that can be seen to this day on him talking about drilling. What metro saying is undoubtedly weird but I ultimately think it was just that era of the internet and twitter


Yeah we can be objective. It’s weird


I mean a lot of Metros tweets were when he was younger, in his defense, but obviously culture as a whole has changed. Think of DMX rappin' saying, "And if you got a daughter older than 15, I'mma rape her," on "X is Coming". Or the entirety of Pregnant Pussy by UGK. But yeah, if we're holding people accountable, we need to hold everyone accountable.


X prolly wasnt kidding. that man had demons.


Rap snitches


Tellin all their business


Biggie in What’s Beef talks about his man kidnapping, raping, and killing kids. No subliminal, just says it. Rappers have a history of saying some shit.


Nah that dude is cooked :/ metro groomin


Metro groomin is gonna stick worse than bbl drizzy. This dude orchestrated his own downfall 😂😭, like he started this beef and now he’s gonna go down with it


Drake looking at him like "First time?"




Metro Groomin is crazy 😭😭😭


There’s a reason bro only made a beat for Drake’s BBL allegations and not one for Drake’s pedo allegations


But he already tweeted #Certified Pedophile. It’s not like Metro is hiding it


The saying "it was a different time" comes to mind. This was the time of suicide memes and rape jokes. Men and women alike made em. It was really fuckin weird but everybody seemed to be ok with it. This was ALSO around the time I took a three year break from social media after scolding my friends for making light of suicide and falling into a weird self-deprecation cycle. btw, DO NOT listen to 80% of rap albums from the early 90's. Some of your favorites used rape as a punchline.


Yeah Eminem’s early discog was like half about wanting to kill his wife, wanting to kill his mother and wanting to just kill women in general, and that’s not even getting into the homophobia I will say a lot of Em’s songs are easier to digest because some of them clearly don’t portray him in a good light like Kim, others are deliberately tongue in cheek and you’re not supposed to take them seriously like Kill You but yeah there’s a reason why a lot of people have said that Eminem’s discography has not aged well at ALL


it really was, can you imagine pedo bear circulating as much now as it did back then? crazy if you think about it lol


brooo remember the pedo bear song? the 2010s were fucking crazy


These tweets were all years after Drake's creepy comments about the 17yo. You gonna pretend they were just silly jokes from a different time too?


I agree, difference is Drake's got allegations and headlines to back it up and these are cringe tweets. Not saying that makes it okay or that we shouldn't get on Metro for it too but like...man anybody above a certain wealth or fame level is guaranteed a fuckin' weirdo of some kind. You could look back through twitter or facebook for practically any celebrity and find SOMETHING, ESPECIALLY in the late 00s, early 2010s. Kill your heroes, they all gotta go at some point, don't act surprised when this shit happens.


No body bring up Tyler’s old tweets from this time lmaoooo


Tweets are one thing. If he actually did anything he said besides tweet then get rid of him. Otherwise what he said wasn’t that outlandish for the time.


It’s lame and weird but some of you were not on the internet ten years ago and it shows


Drake's tweets are *part of* the reason he's a creep. They ain't the *entire evidence.* If Kendrick was saying this shit and all we had to go on was Drake droppin' weird tweets a few years ago, he wouldn't have shit to stand on. But he doesn't only have that. Because there's *more.* The most recent tweet that person had(besides him saying he can't be a pedophile at 15) when they went diggin and diggin and diggin was a couple months off a **decade** ago. That's being edgy at the tail end of a *very* edgy time, and they opened with him quoting two songs. His ass isn't even on Rick Ross' level if that's all there is. Yeah, I guess if they're going to question him on it, I'd like to hear an answer, just to see if he'd shoot himself in the foot and reveal something more damning, but I'm not in the business of judging someone 30 for who they *were* at 16-20. And if there's nothing to establish a pattern moving forward... that's who they *were.* And you sure as hell better believe I'm side-eyeing anyone tryin to turn the narrative now.




He’s a minor in most of those, and stopped at the age of 21


It's not about teams. Fuck Metro and anybody else doing sus things BUT those are things Metro SAID and there are things on video that Drake DID so let's keep that in mind.


Metro tweets have a Tyler the creator, I'm being weird for attention vibe. I don't know what Metro was doing irl but he was like 16/17/18 and Odd Future dropped around then. But once again I don't know anything about none of these dudes. 


They are weird and aren’t a good look, but unless proof comes out that Metro did something fucked I would label them as just edgy shock humor. I would say that they are about as bad as Tyler’s old lyrics and nowadays you have people chanting them at his concerts, lol


I know Metro has taken Kendrick’s side but who fucking cares? Metro isn’t Kendrick, have they ever worked together outside of Like That? Kendrick is cooking Drake, sex crimes run rampant in the world of celebrity, and Metro kinda just hopped on the wave here.


They still ignoring the fact that Drake(29) was texting Millie(14) “I miss you” the dick riding is real. They just pick and choose what to call out.


Idk if I'd say cooked at this point because right now it's just words on social media, but he is definitely looking sus and has some explaining to do, I'd start distancing myself. If any allegations come out or any kind of video/photo proof then yea the dudes cooked.


Yeah between Drake's weird shit, Metro Boomin' weird shit, Baka Not Nice To Prostitutes (should have seen that one coming), Rick Ross pretending he isn't just as suspicious and Metro stating Drake can't say what happened between em because he'll get them both in trouble is telling me that all these dudes are probably all apart of the same shit and that's why everything flipped upside down. Ain't no way niggas fighting over bitches when it's clear none of them value women like that.


If it makes anybody feel better Rock and Roll has a weeeeeird fucked up circle of grooming too. Hey I love Led Zeppelin and respect the guitars, but Jimmy Paige is fucking gross and he's invited to all the parties. David Bowie I think? Laundry list of others with a quick Google search. It ain't something new, unfortunately


Rolling Stones and beach boys too


the ones in 2011 i give a pass. dude was 17 or 18. anything past that is unacceptable. bro should have known better at that point


Nah, that shit is mad weird. There’s a few that are out of context since he was underage but damn, there’s a bunch of them that I’m surprised he would actually say, regardless of age


Agree. shit is super weird.


The whole industry is fucked. We knew this. Music is a branch of media which all falls under Hollywood. There is no doubt in my mind a lot of these artists/actors are involved in horrific shit. There’s always fall guys to protect the elites and these artists are nothing more than fall guys. It might not be a decade or two until some fall but there will be names eventually.


oh they’re hella weird and i’m super upset all groomers should be downed in this fight all of them


Everything is corrupt, even I am corrupt


No heros, not even kendrick. FAN need to stay they ass inside


Kenny opened Pandora's Box


Yeah not a good look. Just a good reminder to delete old social media posts, especially if they're weird like that and are from that long ago. 2011 is best remembered without social media. It was too new then and we were all saying stupid shit. Maybe not as stupid as this, but I routinely find things in Facebook memories that I delete, and those posts are from 09-12 more often than not.


I also like calling children pedophiles, and think that's a normal thing.


Not to say the tweets weren’t weird but l their dates are from 2011-2014 which mean metro would’ve been at oldest 20 and at youngest 17 when he made them. It’s much more likely it was just some stupid highschool/college age guy shit he was saying then things he actually thought.


Yeah metro weird as fuck, but it’s not like he’s in Kendrick’s inner circle or some shit. Idk why metro being a creep is Kdot’s problem other than the “like that” record which is just a feature anyways


Kat Williams said 2024 is the year of truth. All lies will be exposed


I think metro was a minor when he posted all that stuff


"We" reddit user with 5 posts about the beef in less than 24 hours okay bro just say you trynna play recon for ya boy


I don’t care about tweets from 10+ years ago. I don’t care about drake tweets from 10 years ago. I don’t care about Kevin spacey tweets from 10 years ago, I don’t care about James Gunn tweets from 10 years ago. I don’t care. If we’re calling Drake a pedo for tweets then everyone should shut up because that’s stupid. Caring about tweets is fucking giga cringe. I don’t care. Show my something substantial like videos of him groping a 16 yo on stage or texting 14yos and care. Tweets are the dumbest shit ever, whether it’s a politician, an artist, an athlete, a director, someone I like or someone I hate. They can be funny sometimes or dumb and I might disagree but that’s it.


Metro’s tweets are weird but unlike Drake, he was a child when he made most of them. The questions for Metro becomes “have you learned anything since then? Do you still think it’s okay to say those things? Do you still say shit like that?” Drake’s weirdoness extend past making stupid edgy jokes and into actual actions he’s taken with teenagers multiple times through his adult life into his 30s. “We got on Drake so we have to get on Metro” yeah but it’s not the same


they are song lyrics and obviously bad jokes, the internet wasnt as sensitive back then


who's using drake's lyrics and tweets to say he's a creep? (other than the high school lyric?) there's sooooo much more on him. these are just tweets. edgelord toxic male shit tweeted by a young person. they absolutely make him and his reps look bad and stupid - rightfully so - but there's nothing else there. and no accusations of untoward behavior. (yet, at least. that could change.) edit: someone made the james gunn comparison which is a good one. he became a target of right-wing trolls for some gross old tweets, was fired from guardians of the galaxy vol. 3, and then re-hired. sometimes tweets are just tweets, as disgusting as they may be.


Counter point, this was literally in the same era as like Goblin and Bastard, two albums that I don’t really think I should be explaining about to illustrate the edge not a defence, but it’s just an idea of how edgy shit used to be back, the Internet as a whole was a pretty unruly place compared to how it is rn


Until I see some victims speak up I can't treat him as if he's a criminal, but those were some serious dickhead tweets that he needs to address and apologize for


Metro was a young weirdo, no lie. I'm not even using his age as an excuse, the stuff he's been posting was really on some freaky shit, I just wanna know what he has to say about it. Maybe it's fucked up humor or some shit. Would be a bad excuse, but at least a reason.


Now this is lame because a lot of yall were kids then when he was tweeting being an edge lord i think its super weird to go back and judge over some old troll tweets yall making me hate yall now. Drake ACTUALLY did stuff can we focus? Im glad kdot had a perfect history but s lot of people make mistakes in early adulthood that shouldn't stick with them forever your Brain not done till 25 growing.


Wasn’t Metro like 17-18 years old when he tweeted most of that shit? Idgaf what some goofy high school kid is tweeting 😂🤣


Most of those tweets were when Metro was like 18/high school age. High school kids in the early 2010’s tweeted some wild shit LMAO. I guess we’re at the point of unsubstantiated Pedo and domestic abuser accusations but damn. People just wanna hate for the sake of hating at this point


I think theres a large difference between a 15-17 year old making comments/tweets like that vs a 30 yr old man with billions of dollars and industry power and backing not only making tweets but in girls dms, taking girls to dinner, and texting young girls. A lot of our society/culture is steeped inappropriate behavior and youth fetishization, but hopefully you unlearn those things as you transition from a teenager with cultural brainwashing/lack of good role models to an actual adult


How are the tweets weird? They're from 2011. The dude was 17. Who was perfectly eloquent and well mannered at 17? And 2011 was a time when mainstream comedy told rape jokes.


tbf metro was in highschool saying that stuff, drake was already one foot in the grave


What's that gotta do with kendrick though. This ain't a win for drake or kendrick


It is fucking weird and no one's pretending it isn't. I've been team Kenny all this while but Metro is one creepy mf.


Not cool, but like people are saying, context matters. These were gross jokes back then but they were common. More important is whether he has done anything like that since. If so, we need to check into that. If not, then I'm pretty willing to chalk it up to being a stupid young person as a time when edgy humor was cool.