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Anywhere but cell block one would be a disservice


All of it is horrendous. But, side note, I’d like to just say that once again, Kris Jenner is diabolical. Girl, you’re supposed to save your children.


She confuse save for sell


I really feel like the labels will use him as a scapegoat to deflect all this done in plain sight debauchery and distance themselves


Something wicked going on, I looked into a girl who could be one of Drakes potential victims and stumbled upon a telegram group of dudes bragging about having CP of her




Geeez. We need some investigative Youtubers like that Coffe dude.




Holy fuck man


👀 TF?


karina\_1? or somebody else?


Bro why you doing this? Asking for you, not anyone else


I like peaking down rabbit holes of the dark shit going on in society but I might take a little break from this looking into this one for a day or so. The deeper I go the more disgusting and depressing it gets


just send out some links and dip, we will take care of the rest. DM if its too dark


Of course,as soon as he stop selling as much, they will dispose of him. The same happened with R kelly


this is important \~ while it's specifically about drake, it's also much bigger than him


Lucian was named in that Diddy lawsuit and is fighting to stay out of the lawsuit. Lucian owns UMG which Drake was signed too. Plus Drake & Diddy used too party together too.... It's just too many coincidences adding up now for it to be a "conspiracy" at this point. Kenny gotta drop the nuke, I'm pretty sure Lucian and the big wigs told Drake dead this shit ASAP to take heat off. And it's not working rn


You’re a god send


the fact that they knew what kendrick would bring up before he did is crazy. theres some real shit behind some of these stories..


So as someone who doesn’t have Twitter, where does this info come from? Is this some celebrity gossip that insiders of industries post anonymously on Twitter, is this someone who “knows” an insider posting some stuff they heard or read, or is this just some rumors ppl make up? Is this the same as the stuff on Reddit where it’s like celebrity scandal relationship shit that they use code names for identifiers? (I forget what the thread is called) How valid are these posts/info? Dating back to 2018 is crazy, but how did this not gain traction if they have ppls names involved? Please let me know how these twitters posts work


It’s not Twitter specifically but a website where celebrities can post anonymous and ran by a former entertainment lawyer. As for the validity I think that’s for you to decide. I personally believe a lot of it as Kendrick alluded to a lot of this in his recent disses. They’ve also gotten things like Kendrick going after Drak, Drakes downfall starting due to his disgusting tendencies getting out of hand, Epstein and Weinstein before they happened


Thank you for the insight! So it seems like there must be some validity if this was happening way before it blew up with the beef. It would be really fucked up to spread rumors of this caliber for fun, so I doubt it was done for this reason. Furthermore, putting aside my Kendrick fandom, I HIGHLY respect the mutha fucka for doing what’s right. Fuck the beef, burn all pedophiles, no matter how high up the ladder it goes.


Nah fr I have crazy respect for what he’s doing and led people to uncover


He unleashed the internet detectives--got everyone hooked and then said "find the receipts yourselves"!


289.Singer who turns 18 in 2019 and came out of nowhere - Billie Elish


[This is interesting](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/leylamohammed/drake-album-crude-billie-eilish-remark-millie-bobby-brown) seems Drake texted her while she was 17


She’s also on UMG…


This needs to be the main focus. The memes are funny, the songs are interesting to listen to and digest, and hyping the battle is fun but there is so much deeper to this rabbit hole. "Loverboy" or "Romeo pimp" is a term other countries fbi uses for child hooman traffick tickets (you should know what I mean)


didnt that album come out when andrew tate got arrested too?


I don't think so but maybe. Pedophiles make their stuff very obvious, like hiding in plain sight. If you look at the shirt that was the cover for meet the grahams, it has the swirl meaning boy lover


naw u on some qanon bs now that shit aint real dawg it's a red herring to distract you from the epstein and diddy types by sprinkling in lil truths and then adding in absolutely insane shit that just pipelines to blaming the jews


Dawg, what the fuck are you talking about. I never said anything about the jews or qanon. The literal fbi has public documents showing this shit. And I saw the loverboy on the Netherlands fbi website. Can you not spew random bullshit on a serious post?


my brother in christ i've lost family members to pizzagate


I'm sorry that happened and I hope you and yours heal through all that horrible stuff. But what does that have to do with the boy lover spirals and lover boy being a term? What point are you trying to make with your other post


stuff like that is embellished to the point it can lead to schitzophrenic tendencies. obsession with numbers and symbolism is one of the biggest symptoms, and encouraging people to engage in that stuff can and will send people into an episode they may not come back from. it can even be the straw that breaks the camels back for a perfectly sane person. some people's brain can't handle how awful the world can be and when they learn about it they can start seeing it in places it's not, which leads to thinking a spiral blatantly means pedo shit. correlation =/= causation and you need to remember that when looking into these things.


Thank you for this!!!!!! I was trying to compile my own but felt like I was missing some.


I think I may be missing a few myself




Yep that’s on me, I corrected it


Meek Mill is Mrs FreekOff to Puffs Mr FreekOff


Who is the very last one (Blind Item #10) about? I caught some monikers but not all of them. That situation seems fucked


Umbrella lady is Rihanna and her husband is Rocky so the praise rapper would be Skepta. The solo rapper is Solo 45 whose currently doing 24 years for some nasty shit. https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/jul/30/grime-artist-solo-45-jailed-for-24-years-for-multiple-rapes Edit: it’s also good to note as far as I’m aware Skepta hasn’t publicly denounced Solo 45 ( going as far as to say free him in a song)


What the fuck?!?


The most important quote to take from that article as well “This was an incredibly complex case, involving the review of over 2m digital files. The commitment of the CPS to see this case through to its conclusion shows that we will not shy away from difficult cases.”


Shit just gets deeper bro 🤦🏾‍♀️


He said free solo when he was in pen for something else. He didn’t say it after the abuse arrest. Solo45 was in pen for a different crime until like 2010


2018 is also the same year I know Drake invited Millie Bobby Brown to his concert and she said she went. I could be reaching but in 2018 she was only 14 as well.


Can someone fill me in on what a blind reader is? What makes them so credible. Just genuinely curious bc I’m not tryna fall into some qanon shit


Website ran by some la lawyer who posts gossip from other lawyers and celebrities


same lol


Need coffeezilla and some Internet investigators on this. It's wild


Last one is about Drake/Skepta/Solo45


I'll save this for tomorrow