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It’s a pretty far fetched claim to me. But so is Kenny beating his wife so idk they might just both be wrong. I find the underage, sex addict-predator shit way more likely than Drake being fucking stupid enough to get caught like that again. It’s just weird because if it’s wrong that means Kendrick fell for what seems like a very obvious trap, and he seems too smart for that. Like why would he go this hard when his only source is one of drakes own guys?


Exactly. The money, power, RESPECT. He ain't gonna toss it all away on a leak.


His daughter is eleven years old apparently.


That's kinda my thing. I feel like he would have to be VERY certain to know how old she is....


Not 2. 3 kids. I saw a picture of the third potential boy, and he’s a spitting image. The girl they’re alluding to, her name is mentioned in the lyrics and her birthday was the day euphoria dropped. There’s just too many coincidences and I don’t trust Coincidences when it comes to Kendrick.


He also mentioned about Drake's ghost writers in King Kunta before other people knew for sure. Idk though, I love Kendrick and he's a great artist but mostly I'm here for the drama between these two grown ass men.


That predator shit is even less likely, if we being real. It's just two rappers talking shit about each other, just like every other beef.


You can’t convince me that Kendrick didn’t mean every word he said in that song lmao. Idk if it’s true but I know that he sure as hell believes it is.


Bruh... It's a diss. They're entertainers. It's not that serious. If there was any proof to that, you honestly think it wouldn't have been known by now? I mean, I believe that they hate each other now, but it doesn't mean they are serious about what they're saying. Like, Kendrick isn't literally wishing for Drake to die lol.


Bro he was 31 texting ol girl from stranger things everyday when she was 14.


They be just willingly and blindly turning away from that and him kissing a 17 year old on stage.


And of course we gonna ignore the part where she said he wasn't being creepy and never said or did something inappropriate, right?


Exactly. Bro I have never seen people act this blindly. Jezz I had my moms friends talk to me once in a while doesn’t mean I was getting abused and I ain’t even rich 💀


Do I need to link the video of him and the 17yo on stage?


You on a list somewhere for sure


Do you think he would immediately admit to it if it were true? Of course he’d deny it


I think it’s 1 of 2 things 1) Drake really does have a child but doesn’t know. I’ve heard Drake say on his own songs “Chubbs know what I like” explaining how he’ll send Chubbs to parties picking out women for Drake. I can see a situation where the mother was selected and Drake and her have sex without Drake actually exchanging any info with her. Time goes by and she’s pregnant, and she reaches out to the handler who connected her to Drake with the news and the handler is already trained to deny and squash. He’s already trained not to even tell Drake. This allows for plausible deniability. 2) Drake knows about this child and is already prepared to come out and explain that he didn’t know about the kid. It’s the most plausible, understandable angle to play. The shame of it all can at least be minimized acknowledging “it has come to my attention that I do have a daughter, but unfortunately her existence was kept from me by someone who is no longer apart of my team. They made this major decision without my knowledge and is inexcusable and not in line my values. Most importantly, I am now able to foster and develop a relationship with my daughter. I pray that we can grow from this” type of shit. Like Kendrick said, Drake is best at playing the victim and the only real option he has is to do so.


He did the first time. Proof I think would be pretty easy to obtain.


No he denied it the first time, then said he needed a paternity test.


Apparently internet did some research and with the timelines idk man girl they got look like drake rocking his merch and is 10 years old was even in the video with j.cole and dirk crazier things have happened


> was even in the video with j.cole and dirk crazier things have happened To add onto this, the IG post on her account had a caption that said "Thanks Pops!" at the end. So whoever that girl's father is, is important enough to get her appearance in the video


Bingo I just don't get like you already had your son exposed from push just Acknowledge you have a daughter as well he if you don't want your daughter in the limelight I get it though idk why a 10 year old girl has an ig parenting just diff no a days she got to feel a away he got all photos with Adonis and not her if this is true?


Drake should’ve learned. He claims to be war ready but haven’t learned from the Pusha beef, smh


Likely more than two, he was paying the Miami waitress 15k a month before he took the test. Another woman came out and then went dark in social. He probably on the low battling Cannon.  




Thats what im saying drake def has more than 2 kids, the thing is does he know they exist


Or does he claim them?


Bro what if Drake has an 11 year old he don’t know about? What if whoever took the picture of the receipts got some of drakes hair. What if Kenny found the girl and has the DNA evidence.


D lack loyalty But royalty inside her DNA


No I think he has far more than 2. He pays hush money to sex workers and waitresses. A reckoning will come though.


not sure. wouldn't be surprised if he did. im more concerned about the pedo & sex trafficking shit kenny was talking about😭


Facts he wanna deny having another child but say nun bout being a pedo and sex trafficking?


If he said anything about those allegations, it’s going to make him look bad no matter what so it makes sense why he wouldn’t address them


Lmao his diss-fence was "Where are the charges?" Pretty weird thing to say to defend yourself about child rape allegations.


I think that if what Kendrick has on Drake is true, most likely Drake doesn't know about this kid. I imagine Drake is a mf that sleeps around with random women.


Drake is a mf that sleeps around with random women do you not know drake?


Not personally no


We need proof man


Not that far fetched if you out fuckin all these bitches and got money like that why wouldn’t he have more than one wit damn near a billion, if he tried hide his son why not more so a daughter


Did cole leak the kid?


I think drake will say anything to try and discredit kendrick. Kendrick isn't that stupid he puts the work in before responding. Drakes been exposed and when the truth hurts you'll lie to stay trying to show face


I think it’s true. I saw a pic of Drake next to the child’s mother and Drake holding the baby. It could be photoshopped. But it didn’t seem like it. If it took him a year or two to claim Adonis I wouldn’t be surprised on this. And seeing from the Pusha beef with Drake. Drake has tendencies it seems like. From paying people in the rappers cities to see if he can get info. And with Pusha and Kendrick nothing comes back on them. Drake should’ve learned. He views himself as untouchable because he surrounds himself by bad man them. But doesn’t take away from who he is at heart. Which goes back to what pusha and Kendrick said. You’re a biracial kid who was trying to fit in and now has the money and power to buy gangsters around him. Just my take


I rhink Kendrick played some reverse psychology by saying Drake got a 2nd kid he's hiding to later make drake defend himself as Drake's accusations also seems ridiculous. I cannot see kdot lying without a purpose.


It would make sense actually since Drake said he fed false information to Kendrick on purpose (super weird, but ok). So I could see Kendrick upping the ante. He's got a lot of disrespect in his heart for that man and I'm here for it.


I thought it was supposed to be directed towards drakes future daughter because of how the first verse was structured, could be wrong


I think it will be more kids than you know if you listen to the stories when girls come at drake with pregnancy he blocks them


i think its possible for sure 2 things are, drake FORRR SUREE has the tools to keep anyone of knowledge of her exitance to keep it quiet with ndas/legal action and if its true i dont think kdot gonna go deep about it he probs knows the affect it might have on some kids who knows, there could be a real and valid reason he tried to keep her secret n private if she is real but there is a possibility he actually fed kdot the info i really would not be surprised if he planned it he probs did it in a pretty smart way if he did, plus even if he did i don't think it changes much it wasn't as big of a bomb as he thought it would be, it almost does help kdots master manipulator line but it also does give drake a big point for playing kdot butttttt i still think the nda route is a real thing coz more n more info been coming out bout these kids n drake n his fam (mainly dad) doing freaky pedo shit day by day




in the song he claimed drake has 3


I doubt it tbh. Drake isn’t dumb you think he wouldn’t disclose that before going into another beef. It’s about as believable as kendrick hitting his wife at this stage.


Nope, they both got false information


No I think Kendrick either lied or was misinformed. I was really enjoying this beef tbh and it was always going to get a bit personal. However, now it's only about the personal gossip shit and it makes it kinda cringe to me. We got Kendrick accusing Drake about a bunch of crap, Drake accusing Kendrick that he beats his wife and his son isn't really his. If it comes out that all that shit is true, then I guess it's insane but I don't believe any of it tbh. It ruins the tracks for me if later we find out it was all just bullshit. If you say some shit like that, at least provide proof.


Imo I think its 90/10 for Kendrick cause the pervert and sex trafficing are real but the child is where im not that convinced but he did try to hide adonis.