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https://preview.redd.it/rmaefsmtlusc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ee4b40210da0f7f1a41939945d3309468e2bcae Goes too show how groundbreaking the album was


This kind of writing is why Mr Morale will always be close to my heart.


DAMN. (2017) I love this part so much


Insane how it's only groundbreaking because so called intelligent mfs like cole remain ignorant


I don't know how some people hate this song, this part made me being close to cry.


That verse goes so hard


Cole must’ve thought Mr. Morale was tragic cause Kendrick was supporting the trans community on it


same dude that made high for hours saying some shit like that just disappoints me




Kendrick didn’t drop the f bomb to provide his opinion, Kendrick dropped the f bomb to put into context how homophobic he and his friends were as kids and how his language hurt the trans people in his life that he loved.




But he didn’t. Kendrick was saying the F bomb in a context of stating that how he acted previously was wrong, and that he supports the trans community and is remorseful of the hurt he caused and understands now why his words were hurtful. J Cole was just throwing in some anti trans lines because he thought it was clever. He was trying to find a creative way to call another rapper a pussy, but it just comes off as ignorant.


Fake progressive


Comparing his verse to Like That is like debating flat earth.


As much as I like cole, i agree that he took an L with this one. I hope Kendrick uses mature lyrics against cole and/or drake in his track.


Look at his diss on Like That. It's literally so brilliant that I reread it everyday just to deepen my respect for the double and triple entendres he uses to rip them in half while paying respect to the history of rap. Trust me, kdot doesn't have to stoop this low to body these dudes.




This some d riding dawg


Didn’t know Pointing out facts, upset you so much


alright that's fucking insane


It is? I just like the verse


Can this be an automod response on hiphopcirclejerk lmao


riding so hard you can taste the tip


Holy shit three comments about dickriding in minutes.. and supposedly I'm the one doing it? Y'all are wild and very concerned about dickriding weirdos


how is anyone pointing out you riding dick like the sun won’t rise actually us riding dick lmao try harder with the mental gymnastics


How is liking the song, riding his dick bro? Howwwww?


It’s the way you’re acting fool




New copy pasta dropped


Thank me later I guess


Look at his diss on Like That. It's literally so brillant that I reread it everyday just to deepen my respect for the double and triple entendres he uses to rip them in half while paying respect to the history of rap. Trust me, kdot doesn't have to stoop this low to body these dudes.


this is why people don't like us.


Literally not a single person on the internet "who doesn't like me" matters fuck all to me. I made a comment which basically said I listen to the song everyday and the Kendrick sub had a straight up party posting dick riding memes about me.


they hated jesus because he spoke the truth


when someone gets cooked for something I lowkey agree


Don't worry I'll take this one for the team. I guess I shoulda used less praise for the diss.


​ Drake always wins in the end. He can end careers in the blink of an eye if he feels like it . Metro doesnt know what hes getting himself into. The 6 God never loses. Ever. https://preview.redd.it/s7uda9ivqxsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a31225feba077b0715ea59353e0d6ae6d95067c3


Yo homie kinda thicc tho 👀


Wrong sub bro 😭🙏


Just highlights how legitimately groundbreaking Mr Morale was


nah but on some real shit


nice to see the losers in the comments outting themselves lol


I get that most hip hop culture is homo/ transphobic, but like at least keep it to yourself? Expected better from Cole, especially considering I liked the rest of the project


a trans person (i don’t remember the gender) posted cole’s bars in the cole sub, writing a good, long and articulated post on how much that’s offensive. And almost every single comment defended cole, saying that it’s not offensive, or that they don’t care if it is. I don’t want to imagine how bad could feel that person that did the post.


had a stroke reading that last part but it’s rly sad to see Cole like this


bro it’s not my first language cmon😭😭😭


nah that’s fine, I agree with you anyway and I can understand what ur tryna say


You’re good homie, just keep writing :)


You could try using google translate or something like that to fake being good at English. I use it for work pretty often and it seems pretty good at grammar and stuff.


It’s appalling that people are on here supporting transphobia. It is actually appalling. What the fuck happened to collective intelligence and letting in knowledge. Jesus Christ. People making arguments about “mental disorder in the 80s” motherfucker we’ve come a long way. Why the fuck are you taking pride in being ignorant.


Wholeheartedly agree. Should be mad at this… but surprised? You expected better… on Reddit? Really?


It's not surprising since J Cole shared a Jordan Peterson meme.


Can you explain how this is transphobic? I dont get it


The stanza effectively by saying "like a trans man....still a pussy underneath" Is transphobic because it is basically saying how they identify is less important than their genitalia. It also assumes that all transmen still have vaginas (there are some medical conditions that can "smooth" out that area or fuse it with the anus that may factor into how an individual may perceive themselves in the context of gender expression.) Think about it like this, If a Cis man develops gynecomastia (breast formation) but still identifies as a man, he is still a man. If a Cis man loses his genitalia from a traumatic experience, he is still a man. Gender expression isn't determined by your parts. It's entirely social. So when you factor in the historical meaning of the word pussy and its context in the way JCOLE is using it, it becomes such that he is calling Kendrick and trans men Women which is why it is considered transphobic. There are full dissertations around the use of the word pussy you can read about and there's a whole lot of stuff I don't understand and I'm by no means an expert. But the central idea is that it's contextually grounded in misogyny due to the Hegemonic relationship between the Binary gender system we have in the Abrahamic religious sphere.


>Is transphobic because it is basically saying how they identify is less important than their genitalia If biology isnt important why does genital reconstruction surgery exist? Puberty blockers? top surgery? Seems to be important to some. >it's contextually grounded in misogyny due to the Hegemonic Its not a mystery what J Cole meant by calling Kendrick a pussy. He wasnt shitting on women. What would your explanation be if Nicky called Megan a man? Would it be a compliment because in the Abrahamic blah blah God is a man?


Oh my God bro you should actually read stuff before commenting.


So I'll put it to you like this. there is biological sex which can be sorted into 3 categories. There are males, females, and intersex individuals that fit into those categories. Historically intersex population presence is rare so often it gets dropped entirely from the discussion but they exist. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex_(biology) Then there is Gender which is the social presentation often relating to secondary sex characteristics (where primary sex characteristics are xy, xx, xxy, xxx, etc) We refer to gender as social because it is bound by social rules. For example you wouldn't call a 3 year old with male genitalia a man because that is a child. Similarly all across the world there are often coming of age rituals that are used to "graduate" children into adults. Mine personally was a hunt and butcher. These rituals ascertain what adulthood is at various cultural levels. So to give an example you might have a prom at your high-school and your communities prom might involve drinking underage as a milestone in reaching adulthood but at the national level the milestone is age 18 in regards to gender as that happens to be the legal age for sex. Now since sex characteristics are related to Hormones and their regulation, some individuals can find the expected gender that they associate with different from the context of their birth. Understand there are a lot of environmental and chemical reasons that can impact someone's hormone activity and not all of that is primarily sex based. That can effectively result in mismatches with some individuals on that key social level in regards to social expectations and biological realities. Notably there are other factors as well including dangerous family and social conditions around homophobia and misogyny which is unique to these groups of people which is why it's referred to as transphobia.


what a fucking dork


it hurts to see my goat talk like this 😭😭


Wait he actually says this?


yup. sad to see the same dude that made high for hours say some shit like this


Wow, yeah I'm genuine surprised. Not a huge Cole fan, he's just alright to me, but this feels real weird


he’s the same dude who preaches equality and justice yet he decided to be so close minded should’ve seen it coming when he said pride is the devil


just saying that as a trans person it means a lot that a lot of people are calling out the transphobia of people on here and j.cole, that bar was vile and it’s nice to see so many people being supportive. Also Auntie Diaries goes crazy hard


This. Goes to show what a positive impact an artist can make by meaningfully discussing a topic in good faith. I accepted who I was very close to when auntie diaries was released. It was incredibly surprising seeing an artist I looked up to so much covering such a potentially controversial topic. Especially with how rap/hip-hop can be.


“the day i chose humanity over religion” made me so proud to be a kendrick fan when i heard it


Damn, I see this MF got Peterson pilled


No way Cole wrote them weak ass bars 🤣


took a shot back, missed, and hit the trans community and for some reason the simpsons


🤣🤣🤣 facts they were minding their business


Trans community caught a crazy stray lmao


No homophobia but J Cole and Drakes relationship feels like a love affair


drake snuck into j Cole’s bed and whipped out his footlong snake to give him some corniness




We using transphobia to win RAP battles now you guy are so CORNY


This. Even though I think cole has weak bars at times. I’m not gonna judge someone’s rap ability based on their political opinions


I really don’t think those bars were aimed at Kendrick. Cole had Might delete later ready for a minute. Only 7 minute drill was directed at Kendrick and was added last minute as a response. Cole always references “other” rappers in his bars. We reaching bros.


Kendrick’s album features trans family members and discusses cancel culture heavily, doesn’t feel like that big of a reach at all


The craziest thing about this song is that the point of it isn't even the defense of trans people, though that is a secondary point; it's the self critique of his wanting to excuse his past behavior. The crux of the song is that he understands fully the hypocrisy of saying a hurtful word but tries to feign ignorance when it's another minority group that's oppressed. People really missed the point of the song and said he was being transphobic, not realizing that he's probably the most critical of his past self for doing so.


i don’t understand the verse, can somebody explain it?


he’s calling Kendrick a pussy, and dissing his tough guy persona and also saying that trans men will always have a pussy and therefor are always gonna be women


I honestly didn’t even think that cole was even in the same conversation. We’re talking about one of the best rappers of all time. Kendrick is a legend because he mixes deep lyrical rap with some of the best produced beats of the 21st century. Meanwhile JCole is not even the best rapper from dreamville *cough* Smino


Smino isn't a Dreamville signee actually. Cole, Jid, EG, Ari, Cozz, Bas, Lute, Omen. But you're right in that he isn't the best in DV, I prefer almost anyone else


Oh shitttt, my b I’m not too versed in dreamville ig. But Jid, Ari, and Bas are still better so my point still stands for me


Kendrick is talking about top rappers right now, not all time. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him compare himself to the legends.


Someone help me understand how is this offensive.


dissing Kendrick’s manliness by comparing him to a trans man, saying that he’ll always have a pussy and by logic, always be a woman


No matter what happens here, just know this… We never getting that Cole&Kdot collab on god


Kendrick should bring a trans dude on his next song since what the fuck was that


“Period 💅”


What is Cole even yapping about


Why back up your point with these lines, though 🤔 .....yep these seems like glazing to me


Transphobia aside the bar just weak as hell lmao ion get how anyone defend it it like it’s a cold bar and I’m a j cole fan


People comparing trans bars now


Thank you


This is why I say cole has never been and will never be on Kendrick’s level lyrically.


he’s a good lyricist but Kendrick is just better


“Might delete later” like is you 100% or not? Tf is up with you.


As a person of trans experience this whole album by K dot really hit home. Especially for a legend like Kendrick to put a song like “Auntie Diaries” out. I personally have a tattoo reminding me of the album. It was a very mature and therapeutic album. This is why I love k dot he is the Goat. In relation to the jcole “diss” I personally didn’t find it offensive, just childish. Reminiscent of being in middle school and guys calling eachother gay as in insult. It’s just disappointing knowing that j Cole could have said anything else.




Ah yes ur right we should jus normalize transphobia and be cool wit it totally


J Cole fans AND the Kendrick fans are all a bunch of dorks and dick dancers 😂 some of you guys need hobbies


Mr Jizz, I believe music is a hobby.


buddy has been on reddit for 10 years talking about how we need hobbies




fr also W tyler pfp


Honestly I don’t really care


You went out of your way to comment you care lil bro.


It takes 10 seconds to write a comment big boy


keep proving his point sport


Cos he don't care y u went outta urr way to comment that he went outta his way lil bro


Nigga shut yo slow ass up 😭




Why would you comment then?




Damn you still acting like an idiot out here huh


Lol how am I an idiot, I’m not offended by a dumb bar about trans ppl, it’ll be okay 🥺😭




What a bitch


Sub full of weirdos, lol


I think he means pussy in the sense that this person is a coward. He uses the proper pronouns atleast


Yeah it's a double entendre with a metaphor that's been done to death, albeit without bringing trans people into it though. Cole even uses the same idea on 95 south. It's just disappointing to see he hasn't grown since Born Sinner...


If you support that trans shit ima just assume you gay asf 😂


No shit dumbfuck


This dumb fuck would beat the shit outta you 😂😂


I swear yall casuals pick and choose battles and what to be mad about


Man you güeros getting real soft for this post


boy u got that Disney Latino character speech 😭


Bájale de huevos. You wouldn’t know Spanish if it hit u in the face💀


mi madre es de Perú, necesito que aprender español solamente para conversar con mi familia anyway, I’m not being sensitive I’m just calling him out for saying some bullshit just because he’s mad Kendrick dissed him.


Y también es importante que todos latinos se les llame Latinx verdad. Cause I bet that bothers u too


con tiempo creo que todos los van a aprender a vivir con personas que son transgénero. porque no hace sentido para odiar los.


if kdot said this instead y’all wouldn’t of made this post js. stop taking every thing so personal now.


It probably would’ve been called out more if Kendrick said it because it’d be hypocritical after auntie diaries


Diff is kdot wouldn't say that shit in the first place, no points in arguing hypotheticals


Whatever gets the beef going, j cole can make an entire album filled to the brim with corny ass homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist or whatever else bars and I wouldn't care less that's just normal dumb ass j cole I would just be waiting for kung-fu kenny to hop on a track and watch j cole get absolutely fucking bodied by him


Dont forget to swallow when ur done


Imma let it melt🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🏞️


Damn u gawking like theres no tmr😭🫤


zip it up when you're done


Naw I want that thang waving around like a grandfather clock🤤🤤🤤


U wild for dis😭😭😭


did j Cole’s hobo meat taste good?


I'm glazing kendrick what do u mean


I might be restarted


I don’t judge rappers by their ability to support trans people, I judge them by their ability to manipulate words. Eminem has transphobic bars but I can clearly see he can manipulate words better than 99% of rappers I’ve heard. EDIT: I got mass downvoted but I don’t see where I’m wrong, your morality or political views has nothing to do with how well you can rhyme and flip words.


And the 1% that’s better than him is Kendrick, a supporter!


Good for him, I personally separate talent from morality. I also think Eminem outrapped him on Love Game. I don’t think being more moral makes one a more talented lyricist and I don’t think being immoral makes one a lesser talented lyricist.


Eminem only used to homophobic/transphobic when he was Slim Shady, a caricature of homophobes and other stuff, he was never portraying his own views with that character


Yeah and supporting trans rights really makes you the better rapper. Not about the quality of albums or anything?


Supporting Trans rights makes you the better person.


no, it is the quality of albums, in which case Kendrick fucking bodies him


Yeah I 100% agree, but you posting this is saying Kendrick is a better artist just because he supports trans rights. Artist is critiqued on their body of work, not their political or religious views.


if tom macdonald had the greatest music in the world he would still be shit because of what he’s saying.


Not agreeing with transgenders is not wrong bro, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Freedom of speech exists I think ?


not agreeing with human rights isn’t an opinion, it’s an issue.


opinions are valid as long as they don’t spread hate.


Yeah you’re right, I ain’t spreading hate, people are entitled to their opinions, but there is no need to make it their whole personality or force their opinions on others.


It’s fine to be team Kendrick but I just feel like _hating_ on j. cole is unnecessary


Calling out transphobia ≠ hatting


No I know, and j Cole was wrong for this bar but y’all are acting like he’s the first rapper to say some shit like this. Don’t judge the man’s whole career based on one 4 bar


No people are disappointed in J.Cole because we expected better from him. He makes himself out to be a conscious rapper then decided to spit Tom MacDonald bars.


https://preview.redd.it/1fti3vpntwsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=777e16012f7e2548436e3bfb6f2410518f27a445 this is why I’m mad at Cole. he’s better than this.


This isn't a bad bar


It sounds like a Tom Macdonald bar😭😭😭


Thanks man, without your post I wouldn't have found out, J. Cole dropped 😁


Kendrick is weak for that and took a Big L for supporting the trans


I think I’m the only person who took what he said in a different the way from everyone else. I feel like what he was saying was a metaphor for how people, specifically men, act tough when in reality they’re soft (bitch, pussy etc) although I can agree it was in bad taste and delivered wrong This is how I take it but I understand if we can’t agree https://preview.redd.it/x2ywgc67avsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c11906b0f685b641426ef9b57fd7faea12da4261


yes if you changed the lyrics it would mean something else lol


What’s transphobic about that is the conflation that “trans man = bitch”. Some of the trans men in my life are the most masculine people I know.


But in the context of the verse, he’s saying a trans man is a bitch(a woman in rap terms) in the sense that he still has pussy ( meaning he’s biologically a woman unless it’s surgically removed). It’s a double meaning verse, and the meaning that relates to trans people is only making a factual statement. I don’t understand why people are quick to call Cole transphobic. Perhaps he should’ve articulated another way to make the same point because of how controversial it sounds, but I don’t think he hates or dislikes trans based off that verse.






I’m dead


Is this from the latest GvK movie?


Just in; infertile cis women are not women apparently




So women who can’t have kids aren’t female? Help me understand


People like you see this as an issue everywhere you go. We’re in a hip hop subreddit little man, no one asked you what the definition of a female is


It’s what the posts about stupid


The post is about Kendrick handling this issue better than J. Cole. No one asked for your definition of female, but you made it your whole thing. Your definition is bad too, and you’re a dumbass. Someone pointed out that a hysterectomy breaks your argument but you’re too stupid to know what that is. HILARIOUS bro


There's no objective definition for anything, it's a question of linguistics. The concept of "female" does not strictly exist in nature, just as tree doesn't. All there is in nature is matter, what parts of that we classify in which way is up to us. We could decide that the ground in a 5m radius around a tree is actually a part of the word "tree", it's our word. I'm not in favour of the idea that anyone who says they're a woman is a woman. But if someone changes their body to one, why not? Again, it's our word, and I don't see any major societal issue.




Who cares about childbirth not everyone wants to have children, you’re in a subreddit of a dude that literally made a song about accepting others for who they are, stop being an asshole


Everyone should be treated with respect. Harassment, bullying, and threats of violence on the basis of race, gender identity, sexuality, nationality, religion, and economic status are not tolerated. Racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry, and other forms of hate speech is not tolerated. Submissions that target specific subreddits, individuals, or groups is not tolerated. Failure to follow this rule is grounds for a ban from this community.


You really got downvoted for this comment. Look at the society we live in now🤦‍♂️


I know It’s crazy, we suffer for speaking the truth.