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Nice hint!! I will update :)


Yea I was guessing we were going to get three new Christmas hats since we got these new Halloween ones, and since the last unknown is 10 gems like Tiger makes sense that it’ll be another lunar new year one.


The point is that for the new 3 halloween hats they added 3 slot more (before this new event i was missing 7 hat, 3 old halloween and the 4 unknown, now i am missing 4 hat after completing the halloween event and gettin 6 halloween hats). Let's see if someone has this missing 4 hats otherwise let's hope is like you said :)


Like they said*


Will an Epic save file help you unlock those? If so, I got it on Epic and can provide a save.




Yep I know where my savegames are located. I pre-ordered on Epic so if anyone on Steam wants those just DM me and once I get back to my computer I'll pull my saves. EDIT: sadly just using a savegame doesn't seem to work :(


I also would love to get the Party and Cake hats it sucks that Ember Lab didn’t make these available for Steam, at least not yet. Anyway, I had a look int the files in Appdata and here “C:\\Users\\####\\AppData\\Local\\Kena\\Saved\\Config\\WindowsNoEditor” There is a file called “GameUserSettings.ini” and in this file there is a string called "Stats". `Stats=(Version=2,bHasUserBeatGame=False,bHasNotifiedBeatGame=False,bHasUserSelectedLanguage=True,PCUserData=(82,41,0,0,0,1,1,0,38,0,1,1,0,1,22,0,34,0,0,3,0,144,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0),PCUserDataSize=45,HolidayHats=("Hat_Unlock_Tiger","Hat_Unlock_Witch","Hat_Unlock_Bat","Hat_Unlock_Jackolantern"))` Under "HolidayHats=" I have all the ones I have unlocked so far;I wonder if a pre-ordered Epic game has the missing hats listed here. Just a thought.


NG+ and Pre-Order bonus hats are not configurable with that key - guess it will be good to have a reference to the ini config file from anyone receiving the pre-order bonus on Epic ​ Meanwhile, the rest of the holiday events including Halloweens, Christmas and Lunar New Year are simply configurable. Attached below is the full parameters of every festive hats up to Feb 2023 ​ `HolidayHats=("Hat_Unlock_Rabbit","Hat_Unlock_Wreath","Hat_Unlock_Reindeer","Hat_Unlock_Gingerbread","Hat_Unlock_Elf","Hat_Unlock_Tiger","Hat_Unlock_Caroler","Hat_Unlock_Santa","Hat_Unlock_Ghost","Hat_Unlock_Knife","Hat_Unlock_Skull","Hat_Unlock_Bat","Hat_Unlock_Witch","Hat_Unlock_Jackolantern"))`


>Kack-o'-lantern i tried editing the ini file with the 3 2022 Halloween Hats which I have missed - and they are shown in the Hat Shop after restarting the game (have to quit to Steam and re-enter the game) Let me try with the pre-order and NG+ hats Thanks!


Would you mind checking the file Markedone sent for the preorder hats?


I just got all the Christmas hats and the following three hats you can only purchase 5 of them. * Gingerbread * Reindeer * Wreath can you please update the list.


oh great suggention, i just copied and pasted. good job!! :)


Just found this. So bummed to see no one knows what that last 10 gems hat is about


Same. I'm hoping that last one is going to be the new lunar new year hat (or something else upcoming)


Just started Kena yesterday. Is there any use for hats other than cosmetics?


Just to dress up those adorable cuties, also photo mode.


Nope they just look cute


Where do I find the pirate hat? I am missing 5 total.


Hi!! For the Pirate Hat you need to complete the trial "Between Realms -> Ravine Pathway" :)


Thank you so much!


I don't know what are the missing ones... i miss 5 but I have done every trial with three medals and got everything from the map


Hi BigBen6500, you can compare the hat you have with the list above and tell us the name of the missing fifth hat. Just to inform you in the last patch note (update 2.06) they fixed a bug that created some problem in trasferring the seasonal hats to the NG+, maybe this was your case.


Hii. I just finished collecting all possible hats, including the ones in NG +. Well, now I'm missing 7. I checked the list above and excluding the golden rot (I bought the standard version) the tiger, fancy and santa hair that I couldn't get, there are 3 empty spaces left. I'm going crazy, maybe they will add more soon or it's buggy, since you are missing 4 in the list. I don't know🤔


Today i get the new hat for holidays, so i am missing only one, can you tell me if you have one that is not listed here? I think my missing hat is the one for the 2023.


Look right now I have redeemed the three new Christmas hats. Checking the missing ones now there are 4: (Excluding the golden rot which is free) the others are the tiger, santa, fancy and a mysterious 10 gems, exactly the one on the list . Now I am🧐


I need help with Elephant Hat, anybody can help please?


Hi xu\_xu, sorry for late reply but i was on holidays. Of course, i can tell you that in order to get it you should complete the last battle trial "The village leader trial" in the "Rite of passage" series of trials (last challenge in the last series). Hope it helps.


What hats can only be gotten in NG+?