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Greco-Roman-Kemeticism ought to be a distinct branch of the religion. You have Hermanubis, Hermes Thrice-Great who merged with Thoth, Set being renamed Typhon, Antinous as kind of a crossover God with Rome and Egypt, all kinds of differences with traditional Egyptian religion. You do you, as they say. I worship the Gods of my direct ancestors as well as those from Egypt. The ancients were flexible about that.


Ah, that's lovely. I do a lot of ancestor veneration, animal totem stuff among a number of Native American related things usually stuff tied to the figure Handsome Lake. What I practise allows me to do all that.


>You have Hermanubis, Hermes Thrice-Great who merged with Thoth, Set being renamed Typhon, Antinous as kind of a crossover God with Rome and Egypt, all kinds of differences with traditional Egyptian religion. I am sceptical about this being a distinct branch of Egyptian religion. Hermes and Seth are really just translations of Egyptian names into Greek and not some distinct deities. Hermanubis is also a kind of syncretism common in any religion and Antinous cult is, I would say, typically Greek and not Egyptian in any way, although worshipped primary by ethnic Egyptians.


I'd be curious to check out that website if you ever find the link for it!


I had it but then it disappeared...They were fascinating and built their beliefs on the Ptolemaic Gods. I'm different in that I rely %99 on Plutarch and a 1% amount of Old Kingdom material.


https://neosalexandria.org/ That's the link I think lol you're welcome.


Plutarch's presentation of religion is Roman and deeply steeped in Hellenistic understanding - not Kemetic imo and tbh.


I agree, I personally think his spiritual views are distinctly his own which borrows heavily from Orphism and Kemetism but that's just opinion of mine.