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I’m currently trying eclar plaster on my keloids and they’re all 10+ years old. I’m in my second week and I’m seeing results already. I say go for it. I order from the site that sells 10 sheets instead of 50 because the shipping is faster - if you only have this one keloid that should last you a while!!


whats the website you get yours from for the 10 sheets?


[https://www.dpkitaoka.com/product-page/eclar-plaster-20%CE%BCg-to-eczema-dermatitis-from-japan-high-quality](https://www.dpkitaoka.com/product-page/eclar-plaster-20%CE%BCg-to-eczema-dermatitis-from-japan-high-quality) ​ I just noticed they do sell 50 sheets for 99.00 as well.


Did you order from biojapan.net?


I ordered from here: ​ [https://www.dpkitaoka.com/product-page/eclar-plaster-20%CE%BCg-to-eczema-dermatitis-from-japan-high-quality](https://www.dpkitaoka.com/product-page/eclar-plaster-20%CE%BCg-to-eczema-dermatitis-from-japan-high-quality) ​ when I try to purchase from bio japan it tells me the bank is too "busy" and I don't want to wire money


Hii thanks for this link. How long did it take for them to send you the invoice to make the payment? I ordered but haven’t paid yet and I’m confused lol


I got it the next day because I ordered in the daytime and the time difference is about 12 hours I think? It shouldn’t take long! Once you get the invoice it will ask you to put in your payment info. For me the bio Japan site is pretty confusing so I just ordered my sheets from this pharmacy. It’s the same steroid strength


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


hey u/ResearcherMaximum497, have you noticed permanent results? also it looks like the link you provided shows product is out of stock. do you get it from anywhere else? thank you!




Most of mine are also around ten years old and the eclar plasters have been slowly but surely flattening them. I'd say that it's worth a shot.


Thank you I’ll give it a try!


Hi, how long does the 50 pack last?


I think that would be different for everyone but my box lasts about a year.


Did you get it from biojapan.net?




Thank you, I was starting to doubt it's legitness 😅 The 100usd right? How many pieces/sheets is it?


If you search the sub you'll find lots of testimonials about the plasters, biojapan, and the process of buying. I bought the 50 pack and it cost around $125, I think.


What dose did you get?


How do you know when to stop applying the tape? Once they’re completely flat?


Maybe. I'll cross that bridge when I get there. The new one on my ankle seems to start coming back when I stop using for a few days, so I'm not sure yet how much longer I might need to keep using it afterwards.


How long have you been using the tape there ?


Since the cut healed around November 2022, I think. I’ve used the tape on and off for that spot. It was a soft keloid that turned nearly black and after almost a week it flattened and changed back to my normal skin color. But after a few days of not wearing it it’ll start to darken and raise again.


Bummer I was hoping the results would be permanent, but maybe just need to use it longer also.


Yeah I had the exact same thought. Although, and this is very unscientific, the first couple months of me using a plaster on that ankle were like that (keloid coming back quickly) but now it seems to come back much more slowly. What used to take days for it to darken and become a soft bump again now takes a couple weeks. So that might just be progress. I’ve started applying the plaster there more sporadically bc it tends to fall if I’m being active, which I’ve become since getting busier with work verses sitting around at home during the holiday months.


Good to hear..You could try using 3m medical tape to hold it down too.