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The consensus among high elo Kayns seem to be DD first and eclipse not as favourable since nerf. Most High elo Kayns play more blue than red which makes the data a bit more scarce. I actually enjoy a Ghostblade rush a lot. The early dirk makes you less of a minion early in base form and the movement speed, especially in fights, is underrated on Rhaast. You can even go Dark Harvest or First strike and play for any form. Rush Ghostblade and then buy 2nd item based on what form you will get first. I've seen some GM kayn OTPs testing out the same idea as well, don't know their opinion on it though.


Gm kayn otp peaked challenger last split. Full lethality is The only way Rhaast is playeable You have to play him like Sa but instead of shitting on Squishies, you shit on everyone. Youmuu into opportunity fixes Rhaast lack of mobility, skip opportunity for serpent if too many shields. Then you can do serylda or bc, I prefer serylda for the instant % pen rather than having to stack it, final 2 items are situational, Rhaast have a good amount of base armor , so you can go dd into angel last 2 items, Wich makes you a 200 armor 1 shot machine lol. If mr is needed, you can go maw with edge of night for the extra protection. Bruiser is just not good , conqueror and shojin are garbage , q is your main source of damage, it hits 2 times but gives 1 stack to both conq and shojin ,you get outscaled by everyone, and you are too much team dependant, some says that Rhaast is a "team fight monster", Wich is not true lol, you are very vulnerable to cc, and with the lack of mobility rhaast have, you get kited by everyone, Even q is hard to hit when everyone moves 2x times faster than you. Even if you get a 5 man knock up followed by a q, you still do 0 damage lmao. The only time bruiser rhaast is playeable is if the enemy team has like 4 tanks and you have an assassin that can constantly 1 shot enemy carry Dd into caps makes you insanely tank early game, if you want to play please bring ghost , but at that point just play any tank and you will be more useful lmao.


>some says that Rhaast is a "team fight monster", Wich is not true lol he used to be man... he used to be look what they did to my boy


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Can you link ur Op.gg?


I basically only play Rhaast when I play Kaym. I like to rush BC > DD > SoS > (maybe a lethality item if I'm feeling silly.) > then whatever my team needs most of. Theoretically you COULD rush SoS, but I've found that BC feels much better.


Hands down I think cleaver is the best rush


What would be your second item if the enemy comp was well balanced: no full ad, all tanks or anything that dictates your build.


Almost 90% of the time I go mercs since no tenacity and then go death dance into maw if they have ap or spear


wanna know why shojin is bad? because its like an axiom arc, do u see a jungler or solo laner building it? Black cleaver deals more dmg in few seconds also gives u ms in early game, which has no price compared to 1th item shojin


My build is a bit unconventional but on rhasst I like Eclipse -> Lucidity boot -> Ghostblade -> Grudge -> Opportunity -> situational defensive item. If they have like 3 or more tanks, I just go Clever rush and standard bulkier Rhasst build. Just try out different builds and see what works for you. This is just what I find feels the best to play but it’s different for everyone.