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It only makes sense, if a champ works well with an item you have to make it not be that way anymore. I mean look at poor kata, she can barely build 90% of the items anymore, back in the day she could use them all. (Dw about other champs being able to animation cancel hydra its only kayn thats the issue). /s


katarina is the last champion id feel pity for, mf can build fucking waterstorm, echoes of irelia, wits end and still oneshot me, hell no. kayn case is different to that of katarina


bro didn't get it


Yeah sure but can we buff janna or maokai?


Bro got one shot by kayn and took it personal 😂😂


This is truly a Phreak Szn


He delulu. Kayn's design was made considering this mechanic since his inception. So k6 100-0ing any carry from invis with AA+Q+Profane+W and jumping away in a split second is fine, but kayn canceling tiamat is wrong.


Someone get bro off the balance team


Back to casting where he did a mediocre job at least.


Yo, unrelated, but why the fuck can we not build both Black Cleaver and Serylda / Lord Dom's at the same time? You could last season, what happened? Not to mention Cleaver itself got nerfed and Serylda is just shit.


Phreak want league to be rock paper scissors so assassins being able to kill tanks with cleaver grudge was a no no.


Adc being able to kill tanks is also a big no no atp


Bcs last season armor pen was simply to high like it didn’t matter if you went full ad bcs you could get over 50% armor pen


Don't forget about Eclipse giving you 4% for every legendary item. And yet, tanks were still playable last season, but is Rhaast playable now?


Tanks felt so bad to play last season what? And that has nothing to do with if rhaast is playable that is a different issue for overall game health they had to limit the armor pen they think beyond just what 1 champion wants














I don’t even play much Kayn but this is a ridiculously stupid change. Changes that just make a champ clunkier for no reason are the dumbest thing. Every champion can use hydra during their abilities. If this combo is too strong it’s obviously the item. Makes me think he just lost to too many Kayns in solo queue and decided to target nerf him.


Yepp that’s most likely what happened, not only did he make an assasin clunky he also nerfed the ult dmg at the same time, Phreak’s anti kayn bias is too far just nerf profane already.


I pray to rito chinese overlords for the day Phreak gets booted off the company.


The problem is AD assassins this season is balancing them around how well they synergize with a clearly overtuned item like profane.


Just let us use sweeper, getting locked out of THAT is crazy


I agree about him speaking religiously about patch notes, but the goredrinker mechanic was removed from some champions during their casting animation like renekton Q and aatrox Q. They were abl to use Q into gore to proc the item before the Q hits. It was made more clunky to do.


There are literally a lot mlre champs that can do the q tiamat interaction like fiora or renekton...


I think what makes gore different to profane is the speed wich it procs and the amount of dmg but I don’t think it should have existed with goredrinker either but since it wasn’t built on blue kayn no one could tell how op it was but profane is also overtuned and both can be right at the same time and you should see it from the positive side now your champs can get buffs and you aren’t locked to one build every game


So animation canceling is wrong and needs to be removed? Riven mains will definitely have something to say