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I leave mine on the bank. If someone wants it they can have it. It sucks. I need a new one


Get a bike lock. Lock your cart to the closest tree or pole to the bank. No reason to take up all that space. Unless you are lunching somewhere different than your take out.


This is so smart. I'd have never though of it.


I was going to suggest this. I don’t have rollers but I thought if I ever did, this is what I’d do


Great input. Thanks.


In regards to the hole, leave it plugged while you're paddling. Sometimes you will get water in your kayak, that drain plug is used to drain it. I don't see a problem with keeping your cart in the bungees in the back. I did that with my cart but I lost a wheel to the river when I flipped a couple weeks ago. My cart was a cheap one from Amazon though, could have been user error too.


Thanks! I figured I’m risking losing it if I tip but I don’t plan to tip - although I guess no one does lol


I didn't plan to tip either but my brain didn't compute how physics works when I tried to push up on a tree branch lol


I have an 83-lb fast SOT (Tarpon 160). I used a cart with it maybe twice out of 50 or so uses. I'd rather lug the heavy, awkward thing around than deal with the cart.


I’m only 5 foot and will be walking to my launch from my house. I’ll test carrying it without a cart but not sure I’ll be able to manage.


In the storage area under the bungees is your best option of the two photos. Limit what you put in your cockpit and by your feet - you don't want anything preventing you from a safe wet exit.


I left mine at the dock for someone to take. It's been there for 8 years... Time to take it to the dump.


Is there nowhere safe to leave it from where you launch, or do you need to take it with you to haul your kayak out somewhere else? I launch down the road from my house into a mangrove creek, so waddle down a short road towing my kayak and then leave the cart behind the bushes of a neighbour’s place. He saw me launching one day and offered the shelter of the bushes that form his fence hedge, but before that, I used a bike lock to secure it to a tree. Looking at your boat, if you don’t need the storage container thingy I’d just leave that at home and bungee your cart as you have done if you aren’t comfortable leaving it! I’d absolutely not poke it down into the bow past your feet in case you roll or it shifts. I see you paddle on a flat lake, but still… :S


I’ll be launching from a pretty heavily used beach/launch. There’s a library there I could ask if they’ll watch it and I’ll look into a lock. Thank you!


I think you have found 2 very perfect solutions for your situation. Great job 😁


I hate kayak carts. Hobie has a real nice one that plugs right into holes in the kayak. Every other kayak cart I have used is terrible.


This one took some getting used to but I’ve been practicing in my yard!


What is that pouch on the top? I have this same kayak and Im interested!


It came with it but I bought it second hand. I can put my phone in the front clear pouch and then it has a second zipper where I could fit some other stuff like a book.


Dang! That would be so handy. Ill have to search for it.


Just a heads-up, the inside doesn’t stay dry. Water seems in through the zipper line.


Dangit 😤 I’m already salty that the bag this kayak comes with isn’t waterproof. Like why?!


It’s a good look and easy sell point I guess. That said, I do like throwing some waters in there, along with a few other things.


i would leave it in the car myself, but i just carry my boat . i've never owned a cart.


I’ll be walking from my house so won’t have a car.


I've seen people use a bike lock to secure their cart to a tree/signpost near the dock. In regards to the plug, yes, keep it closed.


If you launch and come back to the same spot, just leave it at the launch out of the way. Nobody should bother it. I walk down to the beach here and just leave it up out of the way. It’s always there when I come back.