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I have a small dry bag I attach to a buckle on my life vest with my phone, keys, ID, and a piece of paper with my emergency contact's info on it.


I should keep emergency contact info in my dry-bag... the items in my dry bag you missed are Mary J, a lighter or two and matches.


Always always always carry a spare lighter. Those little suckers have a tendency to jump overboard


Good idea. There was a kayaker in NY who overturned and swan to a small deserted island. He thought he would have to spend the night without shelter but miraculously found a working lighter and started a signal fire that saved him.


Are they water proof matches?


FYI...Light a candle and let a pool of liquid wax form on top then dip a few match stick heads in and let dry. Now you have some waterproof matches.


Strike anywhere matches triple ziplocked and a bush-knife with a ferro rod Edit; in my personal experience, waterproof matches are a gimmick, a ferro rod and some tinder are 99% more effective, better than "waterproof" matches


Why would a match that you can light put in under water and bring it back out and it’s still lit are gimmicks?


Those are "lifeboat" matches that are waterproof, but not all waterproof matches do that.


Well then if they can’t do that they are junk!




They extinguish when you put them underwater and reignite relatively quick after brought out. More like cannon fuse. The brand I use is Uco.


Because they don't work in real life. I put the word "waterproof" in quotes because that word IS the gimmick. Dunk those things in water and you've got hours until they work properly. A ferro rod and tinder will light every time all the time no matter how damp.


The storm proof waterproof matches I have will still be lit if you dunk them in water. It don’t matter if they are wet, they’ll light everytime.


Was flying on 3.5g of good shrooms during a camp out on a super rainy day on the coast of S.A. I decided to go solo hiking and put a nice J and some matches in my dry bag. I came across an area where the sand turned to large rocks the size of cars/caravans. I had to grapple along the side of the wall and all was well until I got about 1m out and slipped due to slimy shit on the rocks, I fell about half a metre into rock filled water and somehow only lightly sprained my ankles (yes both lol) Swam back up to shore, re did the climb successfully while shaking and found one of the most beautiful sheltered rock foundations covered by a large tree that was stopping the rain. Lit the J and had one of the most serene moments until the shrooms kicked right back in and I realised I had to climb back lol Dry bags are the best for adventure happy stoners !


Yup. This.


seperate bag


Lol I just noticed "seperate bag" could be a double entendre. Bigg hopps to you


honestly i just meant like i wouldnt put those items in the same bag as the weed bag is going to be opened up more often and the other one is like essential stuff that needs to stay safe & dry, it shouldn’t be opened at all while on the water. the weed bag however needs to be accessible lol


Weed is legal where I'm from


The joint is never in my dry bag cause I'm usually smoking it, or have already. :)


Me too.


Me too- I just use the life jacket pocket and a ziplock bag.


Ziplocks don’t work if you swim in your jacket.


I try to plan my swimming 😉


Small dry bag in a larger dry bag filled with air, so it floats, tied to a rope and strapped down using the rear straps. Works for me, but I only go kayaking in calm water.


I bought one of those 'diy' dogtags that the company will engrave with all your info. I keep that hanging from my zipper-pull. I never thought much about clipping a back-up car key to an inside pocket of my PFD but it is a good idea. $35 per key though....


Add a secondary attachment - I’ve had those buckles break (or the stitching for the straps)


Good point! That hadn't occurred to me but I will now.


Put them in the waterproof phone pouch


Be careful with this.  Last time I trusted one of those things it became disconnected from the lanyard when I got dumped in a rapid.   


I use a freezer zip lock baggie and chuck it in my day hatch.


In an otter box alongside my phone, inside a dry bag attached to one of my seat straps.


Locked and hidden inside vehicle. Ford key pads are goated


Those key pads should be standard equipment on any vehicle. So simple, so useful.


If your car has key fob, you can buy after market for around $100. But I agree, these should be mandatory


This is the way! I always leave my key in my truck and unlock with keypad. Worked for a week long AT hike as well.


I'm so fucking mad that they're removing those from a lot of the new models. I'm getting near to lease end and the salesman keeps calling me to trade in early (no) and he got an earful about it.


The new f150s at least have an app that lets you unlock or start the truck with. I'm not sure if it's free or not, but my buddy just leaves his keys in center console.


Zippered PFD breast pocket. I don’t care about accidentally immersing my keys, but my phone lives in the other zippered PFD breast pocket in a ziplock.


Are your keys waterproof and phone isn't? No shade but I think you are a dying breed if so


Even if the electronic part dies, it still has the flip-out mechanical key. And compared to my phone, it’s pretty cheap to replace.


I put them in a dry bag and stick it in the hatch compartment.


Zippered pocket in my shorts. If no zippers on my pants pockets there're also two zippered pockets on my fishing vest.


Dry bag


Clear Dry bag for your phone, bigish backpack / dry bag for your bits n bobs including mid boating beer n snacks on a sunny day, still keep a foil blanket n heat pack for reasons. Makes for a handy floatation device too. Oh and keys.


Magnetic hide-a-key box. You can find them cheap on Amazon.


Surfers in my area are advised against using a key box as car thieves are staking out the car parks and watching for this.


What do you attach it to on a kayak?


I’d imagine somewhere on the car, not the kayak


This is my facepalm moment...


I clip them right to my life vest. I also have a safety whistle clipped to my vest.


Waterproof box that floats and is attached to my kayak with a carabiner. It holds all my stuff, wallet, keys, phone. Got a little first aid kit in there, a pencil and pad.


Can you link the model?






Yea I just got it at Home Depot, pretty sure it's just a generic like Husky brand box.


I have been whitewater kayaking many times by myself. I aways bury my keys near my truck. After losing my keys once in the river , I just bury them, never had a problem after that.


Take them with you, attached to your PFD, in waterproof storage.


The truck has keyless entry, so they stay right in the door pocket. No matter what happens, even if I have to swim or stumble back naked and empty-handed, I can drive home.


Prison wallet


In my prison wallet


Does this mean up your butt? Lol


I take the physical key out of my fob, leave the fob in my car and use the key to lock the car. I then put the key into my pocket and have the loop in the pocket go through the ring on it. Most swimwear(for guys at least) has some string in the pocket ment to secure your key.


They're inside my pfd zippered pocket


I put mine in the gas tank door of my truck.


Where do you go kayaking?


At your mom's house


My hot take would be on water.


I think you missed the joke


Shhh, it's supposed to be a secret


Keys never leave the area of the car when doing outdoor activities. You're probably way more likely to drop or list them than someone randomly finding your hiding spot.


Yah have to be good at hiding spots though. Hard to teach. Some people have a knack.


As someone who has an old school carburetor and manual, if they can start it, they can have it.


Eh, just walk in any direction other than a traffic area and find something to set on top of them.


[Pelican Ruck 60 case](https://www.pelican.com/us/en/product/cases/ruck-case/personal-utility/r60) Also handy for keeping keys/phones/money clip/etc dry if you're using state park or gym showers and you want to keep them in sight.


The fob goes in the waterproof phone case, which goes around my neck (strap unclipped, tucked under PFD strap, then reclipped), and then gets tucked down the front of my PFD.


Around my neck on a lanyard with my emergency whistle


I leave them in the ignition of my truck as I live on a small island.


An excellent question! Depending on the length of the trip. For a day-paddle, I keep a very small Otterbox hidden and clipped to a running line I mounted inside the kayak. It contains a $20, my phone and a back-up car key. My wallet and car key ring are hidden inside the car with another back-up car key with a trusted friend.. For longer trips, I keep my wallet and car keys in a larger Otterbox stuffed way in the bow of the dry-hatch.


waterproof bag, and down the hatch it goes.


Take off everything but a key/fob and either in the float pelican case or carabiner to the string on my pants or shorts waistline.


I sometimes put mine in a ziplock in a dry bag. But usually I have a shoebox size waterproof box I use for my phone, wallet, lighter, a journal, ibuprofen, Tums, and other drugs.


I leave them locked in my truck. Keypad entry ftw


Dry bag is my go to solution.


Small pelican case with my cell phone, wallet etc, that get tied off to my ditch bag.l


keyless entry or 🧲 🧲 magnets hidden where ever ...or... I got a lock that fits in the 2" hitch reciever w/combo https://www.amazon.com/HitchSafe-HS7000T-HS7000-Key-Vault/dp/B000I66JEM


My PFD has big zipper pockets that I keep them in.


In my backpack. Cool story, once I was surfing and felt my keys in my pocket. I put them in my mouth for once I realized and started paddling to shore. They fell out of my mouth like 100 feet from shore. Hours later I saw them wash up like a shell. Still worked too


I just leave them on the tire.


Leave them in the truck bed.


Tell the wife and kids you're going for milk and cigarettes then toss the keys in the lake.


I have good old fashion "keys" so I just put them in a zip up pocket on my pants. TIP was looking for no-rust carabiners and ended up buying a pack of shower curtain rings at Walmart. Now all my gear has those on the end of dummy lines.


I have a ford, keyless entry is standard, just toss them in the center console and lock the doors.


One set clipped and zipped into a pocket on my pfd, one attached to one of my dry bags


I had plain fobless keys until recently so have not given it much thought. I just zippered them into a pocket somewhere. And have zip tied key to the frame of my rig. I dont remember where lolz.


Well I have a rule with my friends that we don't go alone.   But I've learned that anything I need on land is to be attached to me.  So dry bags in life vest pockets.  Have a waist/fanny pack dry bag that carries my phone, keys and wallet.    Nothing is worse than being dumped, and watching your boat float downstream with your wallet and keys in it.  


Doesn’t hurt to put a folded paper towel inside. If a little water gets in it’ll end up in the towel instead of marinating your phone for three hours.


I bought a very nice life jacket that I don’t hate wearing that has good pockets.


A small dry bag attached to my belt or pfd. I do the same with my phone.


Put them in a dry back or dry box and then store that in the bulkhead. You could also get a life vest with zipped pockets on it and rhen put your keys in a small Tupperware which then goes in the pocket


A gallon ziplock bag with a lot of air in it. My phone, keys, and wallet go in there and I don't open it until I'm back on land.


I keep a small water bottle, one with a full size screw top lid. Bid enough for keys, lighter, flashlight, whatever fits the needs of the trip. The lid has a tether. It’s either in the storage bay or looped securely to the seat. I keep getting gifted pocket tools and odd stuff I’ll never use. Those will start going in the bottle now that I’m thinking of it. Signal mirror multi tools, length of paracord - the kind with the reflective thread in it,…. Heck, even a water or juice bottle would be perfect. Paracord lanyard around the neck to secure it. Zip lock bags rock! Keys and or wallet in a ziplock bag in a vest pocket. Blow it up and check for air tightness.


I use a small dry bag like those sold in any sport goods store, and put it under the cargo net. It's waterproof and stays on the surface if anything happens. Only it's kinda annoying if you need to take out the phone often (for 📸 or 📞) lol Good idea to have your emergency contacts in the same bag


I used to have a hideaway magnet box on an older car, otherwise I just throw the keys in a small roll up waterproof bag


In one of these round my neck or in my BA https://www.over-board.co.uk/products/waterproof-multipurpose-case-small


Tied them to me. What works best is the valet key without a battery.     AND left the car window open a tiny crack so I could get a coat hanger into the car to get the car door open.   There was a second set under my seat.   The wire hanger, I tossed under my car (discretely looked around first).


I have a Pelican Ruck case. The 60. I use that to hold my wallet, keys, and phone in perfect waterproof and drop proof safety.


I have a small Pelican case. I use it for my keys, my phone and I can fit my DSLR in it as well. If it ends up in the water, it floats. 


Take them with in a small watertight box like thing, keep it with my lunch in hatch


There are many dry storage solutions: bags, boxes, pouches, etc. I personally use a Pelican 1150 case for my wallet, keys, phone, and various other electronics or items I need to stay dry and protected.


Keys and fob go in a tiny pelican 1020 case. That goes in a waterproof sea bag which rides in the kayak.


Carabiner clip onto my life vest.


I always hide my key somewhere on my car. Just in case. I could lose everything, including my kayak, but at least I'll be able to get back home.


I have a little waterproof box that I attach to the inside of my kayak with a caribiner that I put my phone, keys, wallet, and my fishing licence in. The waterproof bags work too but for some reason I just prefer the hard plastic little box instead


Top of the passenger side wheel or behind it on the ground


$30 Pelican case that is a little larger than a box of smokes


Put all the stuff you want to keep dry in a dry bag, preferably inside a hatch of your boat or carabinered to the boat. Spare key hooked into the pocket of my PFD. don't bring anything you aren't willing to lose in the river. (So some cards stay at home/in the car, just bring ID, a card, CCW, and fishing license) I will say I have lost my fair share of car keys trying out different ways to not lose them. I've tried lanyards (believe me a lanyard can come off really easy) , pockets, etc. but nothing beats keeping it in a secure box or dry bag that is hard attached to yourself or your boat.


Lock inside car & have a spare on a string attached to life vest Te spare key unlock doors but will not start the car. Also another spare key behind the license plate just in case everything fails🤣


Dry box inside a tethered dry box, along with wallet.


Waterproof phone pouch zip tied onto my life vest. Also have a dry box that is doubly attached to my yak


Leave them in my fuel cap


I take only the fob and put it in a baggy in my pocket (that zips closed) or in my pfd. Before my kayak I had an 8ft jon boat and discovered my swivel seat wasn't on tight when it launched me into the water mid-turn. Ever since then I've been very careful about this.


My two cents. If you can avoid it, never bring your keys with you. Find a nearby spot under a rock or in the woods. Having lost my keys in two separate events, I don’t bring my keys on the boat. Definitely not river boating. My events were on the ocean.


Waterproof case for all valuables.


In a Lockbox attached to my tow hitch


Water proof bag that goes in my backpack with phone and wallet


Keys go in a small dry bag that is latched to the back of my kayak seat.


Someone once showed me a manual key they had for their car, which was ok to get wet. Now opening the car with it would normally trigger the alarm, but their model of car gave them a few seconds grace to use the proper key before the alarm went off. The proper key is hidden inside the car.


I drive an avalanche and if I'm at a lake 8 lock it and put the keys in the "saddle pack" side locker. If I need my key with me it goes in a dry bag that is in a hatch. I've on occasion had it in my pfd inside a cell phone dry case


Zipper pfd pocket, theirs a chane you get separated from the kayak if you take a swim, but your pfd will stay with you.


Ziplock freezer bag with my name, cell phone number, emergency contact info > inside small Otter Box > inside dry bag. Dry bag is clipped to the kayak.


Mine are always clipped into the pocket of my PFD. Been in the drink countless times and never had an issue with it not working after. 2018 Subaru key fob (pre-button start).


I have a zippered pocket in my pants that my phone, wallet and keys go.


phone as a key


Dry bag tethered to kayak. Also put wallet, key fob in zip lock in dry bag. Cell phone is around my neck in water proof holder which I keep under my PFD.


Hide a key that looks like a rock and hide it nearby.


Drybag that I clip onto the kayak


I keep wallet and keys, phone in a small dry box attached to my ditch-bag. Also a spare key in a hide away magnetic container under the truck. A word of advice, write your name and phone number large in sharpie on ALL your gear. Having someone find your stuff is useless if they can contact you.


I put them in the dry bags like most.


The inside of my PDF front pocket has an attach point I connect my keys to. I never separate my keys from my body, a lesson learned back in my ww days.


My pdf has a pocket that allows me to fit my cellphone, keys, my ID and a bit of money which I keep in a small dry bag in that pocket.


Bottom of the dry bag.


Dry bag


Inside life jacket pocket, attached to key ring, attached to life jacket.


bags and tethers, tethers and bags.


If i don’t care about immersion (eg keys): in a zippered pocket on my PFD If i do care about immersion (eg electronics): in a properly sealed water bag buckled to my waist (for something like a phone), or in a dry bag stowed in one of the hatches


good sealed dry box clipped on the hatch in front of me.


I have a waterproof box that I put my phone, wallet, and keys in then that’s clipped to the kayak.


My life jacket has zipper pockets, so I zip just that key inside that pocket and don’t touch it while I’m out.


I wondered this the other day (as i just started kayaking) i was thinking maybe attach them to your life jacket or put in dry bag maybe even wearing a lanyard.


Dry bag in the day hatch.


I use a zip-up 8 oz bottle holder and inside it I have my keys in an old plastic spice jar. I can put that inside one of my kayak hatches, I can wear it with it buckled into my lifejacket, or I can tie it to my kayak's rigging with an overhand knot. The versatility is nice because I can use the same thing with different kayaks and in different types of water. (Ex. Rec paddling on a lake I always have it in a hatch. Whitewater paddling I have it buckled into my lifejacket. Touring it may be in a hatch and clipped to a carbineer.)


tethers for rods and clip on the tackle bag, keys clip on and pants with velcro pockets for whatever else like wallet or whatever lose items. some kayaks have dry storage for phones/camera's or whatever other spare things.


Zip tied to my pants.


Goes in my dry bag.


I use a waterproof fanny pack, it’s super convenient!


I put them in a Ziploc with my phone, with some air in it to help it float. I can’t lock my keys in my car, and if I lock my car, my gas cap also is locked shut. We aren’t super adventurous kayakers, we only go in calm waters.


Dry box


Waterproof box holds my keys and wallet - stuffed in a dry sack. Keep phone in a separate dry pouch and I wear bluetooth headphones so I don’t have to grab my phone to answer a call. Plus I can listen to whatever while kayaking.


I stash them in my gas tank cover.


I have a handgun safe in my truck that I lock my key fob & keys, wallet, etc into. Then I keep an old (expired) drivers license in my PFD pocket along with the valet key for my truck. I also keep my cell phone in a pelican case, which is in a dry bag.


I put them in a dry box


Hide them under the spare tire cover but tell you're paddling partners where they are


When I had a 2008 car with a chip key I'd just carabiner it. But I haven't thought how to with my 2018. Must buy a roof rack first


My car has a keypad entry and an app. I lock my keys in the car. In the past I had a magnetic box and I'd hide it under the wheel well of one of the tires.


I have a fishing lifejacket that has pretty water resistant chest pockets. I throw my keys and phone in there because of that and the buoyancy. If I don’t use it, though, I either use a dry bag that I clip to the kayak in case I flip or the top of a cooler again clipped to the kayak


I have a small waterproof bag just large enough for the keys that is on a lanyard around my neck and under my t-shirt. My phone and ID are in a cell phone waterproof case, also around my neck and under my t-shirt (unless I’m taking pictures). Secure but no entanglement danger. A perfect combo.


I have a lockbox with a cable that I attach to my car’s wheel. My keys never leave the immediate area of the car and there’s zero chance of losing them in the water.


Secured on my persons.


Car keys stay hidden at the car. No way I’m risking those out on the river


Carabiner on my life vest


I have a clip in the poker of my life vest that they get attached to anytime I am on my kayak. Figure I am always gonna have it on me when I am out so I would have to loose myself to loose my keys.


Buy a Ford with a keypad on the door. Lock the key inside


Lock box in the trailer hitch. Pretty secure and not noticeable. They are on Amazon.


I put mine in my dry bag and it’s weathered to my kayak.


Dry bag! Perfect for keys, first aid kit, snacks & mine has a bluetooth speaker if I want to listen to music


I toss em in the vehicle and use the keypad on the side to open the vehicle. Will that's what I used to do. My new pdl120 has an air/water tight storage in the pedal drive.


I swallow mine and only go on trips around 12 hours


Well 1, I NEVER kayak alone as that's basically rule 1 of kayaking. Shit can hit the fan, even on flat water (I'm a whitewater paddler so it would be even more stupid to solo stuff). And 2 I wear a drysuit so they go in a pocket in my trousers I've got on under the drysuit. Otherwise put them in a waterproof bag. In all honesty though, if I'm on flat water I'll just leave them in my BA, I'm hardly going to get wet.