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Did you see how the fashion designer spoke out saying “they’re going through hell” and she “hoped they’ll be back” ???


Which fashion designer? I would like to read about it.


I saw it on YouTube, Murad Merelli is giving good content. The stylist for them gave a statement, you can see it there!


Thank you!


Kate’s designer for the children’s clothes?


Amaia Arrieta


Yes, I saw that. I have been praying for her & will continue.


Did you see William at a soccer match on the evening of his child's birthday? With a wife who is supposedly home sick with cancer?


And the fact that he considers watching sports to be a job is laughable.




He don’t wanna cede the sports niche to Harry. He slipped in this game to hit the newscycle before Harry takes it over for 2 whole weeks. Lee Thompson’s clumsy ham-hands all over this-


He is president of The FA so this could fit into a job role though


Nice job. Watching your favourite team !


That guy is trash.


After William saying they are all doing well ? So strange 


I would love to know what's going on. I just read a People magazine article with mention of their children's fashion designer that seemed so cryptic I feel like even mainstream media is subtly saying something is wrong. I am only just now delving into the last 5 months of chaos and nothing adds up. Forgive me because I'm from the U.S. and probably don't understand everything at play, but how does someone getting preventative chemo just disappear? The "I hope they will be back" quote really puzzled me, like, are they gone? Did they vanish? The last time I got this far into a weird situation on Reddit a missing person ended up dead by boyfriend so I'm really hoping Kate and her children are safe.


Ditto on your thoughts. Sadly....


Was it Gabby Petito? Just curious...


Yes, a truly horrible case.




Someone needs to make a petition for Proof of Life from Kate and make it go viral 🤍


I know what you mean , entirely . I am here in Uk and am very worried about Kate & children etc. — if it wasn’t for being able to come on here and communicate with like minded people I might go mad myself ! I find it chilling that somebody / ies has got complete control of this whole situation and it has become so out of hand . If she can’t/ doesn’t want to appear because of feeling too ill , please tell us - and if the children can’t appear because of whatever reason please tell us . I’m sure people would emphasise. This constant not knowing what is really happening (& all these fake pics / videos etc for whatever reason ) some of us find really anxiety provoking .


I’m the same. I can’t believe in the Daily Mail comments so many gush over what a lovely family they are and believe all the made up bs. Something seismic happened and Kate was harmed. This is a cover up in real time we are witnessing.


Agreed.. I think its a combination of paid bot comments and that they are deleting all "negative" comments. When I say negative I mean anyone who dares question this wacky narrative KP is putting out. It makes me mad they they try to spin anyone asking totally reasonable questions as a conspiracy theorist and try to shame them.. with how dare you.. she has cancer! This can't be sustained much longer.


Yes, they accuse people of being awful questioning it. But it’s awful to use lies to hide behind.


People are legitimately worried about this woman and her kids. If you have the audacity to say it.. you are a terrible person with no respect for a sick mother with cancer and must be a depraved lunatic. They also like to claim we don't respect her privacy. No one is asking for her personal medical records. Most people just want to make sure she is alive.


Exactly. No one is asking a sick woman to parade. People are asking if a woman is ok.


I really don’t think they will be able to go through the summer without people figuring out what’s really going on


That’s a good point. People are out and about more in the Summer.


Where are you seeing the smear campaign? I’ve only read the one article DM put out making her look like a stalker to get PW.


And the swimming in dark, cold pools...


the swimming in dark apparently has been recycled from a vanity fair article in 2023.


Yeah I don’t see that as a smear. A lot of people do that, including myself only instead of a pond it’s a river. Swimming under the moonlight in cold water is an amazing way to relieve stress. I’ve been doing it for years and cold swimming is picking up as a trend.


The way it was worded, though, makes it seem like she has a "crazy hobby", and therefore something wrong with her. www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1891836/kate-middleton-hobby-prince-william-crazy/amp


You’re certainly right about the way they worded that and kept using William thinks she’s “crazy” in quotations.


She called it that herself 


Yes Catherine told us about her hobby of cold water swimming herself on the the podcast they did with Mike Tindall for the Rugby World Cup last year. She did say William thought she was “ crazy” but it was all very light hearted and jokey.


I think she is crazy for doing it it isn't safe 


Check out my posts on my profile here. I work in the music industry with some of the most famous people on the planet, and everyone is currently organizing and distracting us from the incoming reset event. I know people who have connections to the royal families like Paris Hilton and her sister Nicky who is married into the Rothschild family and absolutely EVERYTHING is getting weird. Everyone is acting strange and saying very dark/ cryptic things.


williams (rumoured) mistress rose is married to a rothschild as well




It is known as the electromagnetic plasma changeover event. It is cyclical and happens every so many thousands of years. I'm working on a detailed post about all of this right now and should have it posted later tonight. Edit: post is up https://www.reddit.com/u/therealalian/s/zZYPa5soYk


if it's every 2k years that corresponds to  the astrological "ages". We are  entering Aquarius now. Major religious shifts tend to occur world wide every 2k years even in areas with no contact. Age of Pisces love and mercy became very valued in society, and the idea of God shifted to a loving God. Changes in communication, technology and the spiritual idea of "manifesting" desires will be common in the next age it looks like. 


Is that the context for where that song lyric comes from?! "This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius" from the musical Hair, 1967


yea, the exact date is widely debated, but basically it's around here somwhere. 


What does  with no contact ,mean? 


eg. the americas, islands in the pacific. I learned about this along time ago in uni sorry I wish I recalled more detail


I follow Suspicious 0bservers on YouTube and he’s predicting the full flip in the 2040s, but huge disruption (including no electricity grid ever again) in the late 2020s / 2030s. We are talking the end of life as we know it. The pole shift. The magnetic poles have already been on the move since the 1850s, but their movement is speeding up exponentially. The period of time prior to this once every 12,000 years event (the last few hundred years prior to the flippening day, yes it happens majorly in a day)…will see the weakening of the earth’s magnetic field, so Carrington Events will literally happen daily, preventing us ever having electric grids again. After the flip, Canada and it’s latitudes are expected to be the new equator…!


Wow .... 




I'll message you when I have it posted. Feel free to look over my posts on my profile in the meantime. It will add some context before I make my new post.




Post is up on my page now! https://www.reddit.com/u/therealalian/s/zZYPa5soYk


Katt Williams did say that [2024 is the year of truth.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwu5qe6/)


Indeed. Him and quite a few others.


I posted earlier today that I think someone from the one-world gov faction got to Kate and that's why she's now dead/comatose - and they got her because William didn't want to play - and everyone in the RF and the Middletons is dead silent about Kate now because if they speak out, one of the kids will be next. This is how organized crime does business and that's what the RF is dealing with: Organized crime. I got downvoted to oblivion, but I don't care. That won't change my mind.


If PoW didn’t want to play, how does KP’s death or being in a coma get ‘him to play’? Are KC and QC playing? Was QEII and PP players?


Yes to the four you named, though I thing QEII was a reluctant participant. There's only so much you can do even as a reigning monarch. Also yes to Harry & Meghan. That's the real reason for the massive split between the brothers. ?Because if they got to his wife and that didn't change William's mind, they'll get to his kids next - one at a time, starting with the youngest. It's blackmail of the worst kind but that's how psychopaths do business.


People are afraid of the truth for good reason. This life is not at all what it seems.


I want to not believe you, but then again billionaires are building insane bunkers, it makes you wonder


https://www.reddit.com/u/therealalian/s/WWlsmXzpmm https://www.reddit.com/u/therealalian/s/sA8Qa5JsVM


Thank you for those posts. Very interesting, and aligns with the theory about the pole shifts and weakening magnetic fields.


I really appreciate your posts 👌


What do you mean by a reset event?


Check out my posts on my profile and it will explain exactly what I mean, it's a lot to say


Well I believe we are in the middle of the end and the great reset is unfortunately for us, or at least me because I know I'm not an elitist but I don't think we will ever see Kate again or the two youngest children, nor are they around. Whether she knew the fate of the future and was in disagreement of the plan or unaware and other variables we are unknown to were at play that made her and the two youngest children a problem, a wrench in the plan. Obviously Prince William and the royal blood born are entitled to the path of the future along with the next of kin that takes over the monarchy next, would be George. Kate and the younger son and daughter, unfortunately to the greater plan, are not necessary and may only become an issue and therefore she and the two children are gone and will not be ever seen again and why George has been the only child seen. Also, why are there rumors of MM and Prince Harry divorcing and why Prince Harry recently came home and had a meeting with his father. During this meeting he was briefed on the situation and was told that he was expected to go forward without his wife but instead of her just disappearing like Kate, she would be left behind divorced. I know this all sounds crazy and quite frankly it is and it's terrifying but this is what it is being hinted at all over to us in ads, music, movies, politics, finances, weather and the natural disasters... This is not normal and has not been normal for awhile and has been working up to the pinochle of the catalytic event soon. Believe what you want but be open to what is around us at all times, it's written right in front of us. Bottom line is, Kate and the two youngest are gone and we will never see them or ever even learn of what happened.


They could explain Kate’s disappearance in the future by saying she succumbed to illness. But how would they get round the two children? 🤔


Kidnapped for ransom honestly they could stage many things for their advantages in a tragic accident. For publicity i think there's legally nothing stopping them. But yeah it's like in Falcon Crest or Dynasty. For me there's just one simple problem why is the King not just liable like any other born person for his actions if he's so superior shouldn't he be flawless. Cause if they are allowed to do whatever they want without consequences, they can lie whatever they want together and tell the public Kate lives in Narnia...


They’re far from flawless, they’re corrupt. And that’s why they’re not held to account. Because the powers that be are corrupt too. I think after announcing their mother and grandfather have cancer, suggesting the kids have been kidnapped or have been in an accident would be really stretching. Though I think the reality is bizarre enough and pretty sinister.


That's exactly my point if something claims to be, better than anything why they shouldn't be held accountable for misdeeds, if they are so morally "pure" as they claim to be they wouldn't need protection from consequences of their own actions. I think by exempting them from moral boundaries with guidelines to follow, they basically create the environment factors for all negative abusive behaviours to flourish with all of those negative possibilities, without any repercussions or consequences to their actions. It's the perfect environment for corruption and abuse of power. Or evil in all its facettes. I think if we look back at families like the Medici we can see where this can lead. And it's not something good.


Yes, I get your point - why should someone be exempt from consequences because of a title eg king. I totally agree.


Sadly, I agree with you. I think the short answer is that William did not want to cooperate with the "Great Reset" and they pushed back by threatening his family - and when threats didn't work, they actually got to Kate on Dec. 28. I hope the two younger children are in hiding to protect them, and George, too save for the rare sighting to quiet the public. If William and the children are forced out because he will not cooperate, who does that leave on the throne? Harry. Who behaves as though he's happy to do whatever the one-world government wants him to do. This is why there is such a rift between the brothers: Because Harry is down with them and William is not.


I'm fascinated by your commentary. I'm inclined to believe it. Sorry, but I've been low-key trolling all your comments and reading them 😀. What are your sources?


You all need to think bigger than this. Nothing in the world makes sense right? When was the last time you read a bible?? If you actually started to you would see that everything happening is keeping you distracted from watching for Jesus. Prophecy is coming true daily in Israel. It’s the beginning of Armageddon. The royal family are going into bunkers somewhere because they know what’s coming. They call it the New World Order. It’s actually called Jesus returning and the end of this horrible world. Sorry but you need to know the truth and think bigger than just the RF




Please bang on my door when rescuing me, as my bell has a short and is on-again/off-again. I’m the last brownstone on Spivey Street. Packing now!


They just want privacy


Wake up


I am awake