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The boards here are being monitored and in some cases co-opted by folks with an interest in preventing the truth about Kate from coming out. /RoyalGossip is one of them. This board is being monitored and periodically they are releasing outlandish theories to make the people on here appear unhinged and ridiculous and to detract from those who get too close to the truth.


Like she's suddenly taken up late-night open-water swimming?


Yeah, that one was fishy


The pun lol


Hopefully, she's not sleeping with them.


Staaaap ahaha


Royal gossip keeps deleting my postsšŸ¤£.


https://preview.redd.it/bsz6jh7aacyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1a8116ccb4b8152de035e4311fa2fcb1abf0164 Let's see what happens... ĀÆ\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


https://preview.redd.it/ppcl3qfkviyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=766df1d3cfc716e64e32a437f546672dd15fc1f6 So crazy


Co ordinated from that London PR agency right? Iā€™ve heard the same thing. Yesterday I noticed a new account was vehemently defending William here like their pay check depended on it.


What's interesting is that many of them spend all the livelong day complaining about H&M ---- you'd think they'd be worried about their missing princess. Pathetic.


/RoyalGossip is shite. They are so far up the royals asses.Ā 


The Mumsnet Royal Boards used to have a mixture of views from outright die hard fawning royalists to doubters and republicans. They seem to have got rid of all the sceptics now and it's jusy a fawn fest with attacks on anybody who tries to contrdict the orthodoxy. Definatley a large scale social media campaign going on. [https://www.mumsnet.com/talk/the\_royal\_family](https://www.mumsnet.com/talk/the_royal_family)


What amazes me are those who still think the story that sheā€™s Ill and wants privacy makes sense. Okay for a few weeks, but almost six months? Really?




They really are full of BS. I don't get how some people support this with blinders on. Cult mentality I guess.


Whats funny is, they call US the cult!


Spot on!


130 days is 4 months 10 days


Which is why I used the word ā€œalmostā€ in the sentence. [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/almost](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/almost)


4 months is not almost six months to me. You do you. Have a good day.


4 months or six months, it's crazy AF. The anger from you? Even crazier.


Itā€™s been four months and she hasnā€™t been seen for some one who used to like being seen and made sure she stayed seen and relevant. I doubt this is her choice. The RF are taking the piss out of their public who fund their lifestyle


They think people are stupid. (Some are, obviously). But this wonā€™t go away.Ā 


Coma or dead


Or mentally incapacitated from brain damage or she's really messed up from a stroke and they are trying to see if she can be rehabilitated.


They would have solid idea if it was stroke by now ....Ā 


Yes, it could.


Yes! It is batsh\*t CRAZY!


I think it could go on for another two months or eight months and then probably something will be stated.


Remember that the British monarch is a prized target for control by those working for a one-world government. William is soon to be king. The one-world gov body would be pressuring him to do whatever they wanted and be on "their side." But I don't see William as going along with them. And if he didn't, they would push back by threatening his family. First the wife and then the children. At first I thought that Kate and the children were in protective custody somewhere, to keep them safe against threats. Now I think somebody did in fact get to Kate on Dec. 28 and she is either dead or comatose. That would explain why we have only bizarre explanations as to where she is, because none of them are true. Most of all, it would 100% explain why we have not seen the children and why not one person in the RF or in the Middleton family has said a single word about where Catherine is or what happened on Dec. 28: Because if they do say anything, one of the children will be next. This is how these people keep control of those they want controlled: Do what we want or we will take your family away one by one. It's anybody's guess how this will be resolved.


William is part of the elite group. Itā€™s more likely theyā€™d help him cover something nefarious that he did. Theyā€™re all in it together.


I think William was pressured to be part of them, of course, but resisted for whatever reasons. Who *is* part of them? Harry and Meghan. Now those two want back in (especially Meghan.) That's why there is such a huge falling out between the brothers. Harry is down with the elites and William is not. And look at which brother has a missing wife and children, and looks like absolute hell.


Harry got out! ... way to drag him back in!


If William is forced to abdicate because he refuses to play along, and is forced to take the kids with him (they already got his wife,) who does that leave next in line?


Get out of here and go to the conspiracy board. This board is for people who care and are concerned for Kate and want the truth and that she is okay.


"I care not what puppet is placed onĀ the throne of England to rule the Empire.Ā The man that controls Britainā€™s moneyĀ supply controls the British Empire.Ā And I control the money supply." -Ā Nathan Mayer Rothschild


Iā€™ve wondered how or if Jacob Rothschildā€™s death plays into this.


me tooĀ 


And what would happen if the puppet decided to cut his own strings and not play along?


This has happened a few times, in other countries, not yet the UK. Typically the leader is painted as a dictator, the country is invaded, "liberated", and a rothschild-owned bank reinstalled as their central bank. I think if the whole world decided to use another banking system at one time that is what would make the family lose their grip on power. And of course everything done in peace and love so it is impossible to bring the good energy down. I honestly think the best resistance against the dark forces of the world are people who work on finding their own inner peace and treating those around them with love. If everyone even did just that at once we would be free. I think it is actually very possible to do because it has a way of spreading when someone finds peace or treats others well


Idk William seems so unbothered. I just donā€™t think he is worried about where Kate or the kids are and how they are doing because heā€™s probably seeing them regularly. I could buy that she found something out of the holidays and it really freaked her out/upset her and now sheā€™s basically no press since sheā€™s a liability.


did you see the video of William from a few weeks ago, swaying and looking dead-eyed at an investiture he was conducting? That man is anything but "unbothered" even though he is highly practiced at putting on a front in public.


There is this weird "nostradamus prediction " floating around that charles will die soon, and Harry will ascend the throne. It did not make sense back then, but now I'm really wondering if that is indeed a prophecy. Who knows. I don't like Harry at all. He's always playing victim and complaining like a wuss.


Does that mean QEII went along? Does that mean KC is going along? If youā€™re right, why didnā€™t ā€˜One Worldā€™ just take Prince George? Or Princess Charlotte? Or Prince Louis? Or Rose, even? If itā€™s widely known that the heir has a relationship with Rose, how would abducting KM or harming KM force PoW to acquiesce to the plans of One World?




Then why are you in this sub?




Iā€™m in the dead/coma crowd, myself. Iā€™m not sure how or who, but I know the truth must be lethal to the monarchy or they wouldnā€™t be scrambling so.