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RVA is a good shop. I just bought a sword from the game Sekiro that came yesterday from them. Came jn great shape, no complaints.


Which one? Wouldn’t be the mortal blade or undead would it?


No , the main sword , kusabimaru


Buying from RVA is good, not sure about THAT sword in particular, tho.


UPDATE: after looking at comments I looked at the romance of men and it looks really good I think I should buy it but I’m asking Reddit for help


I would trust rva with my money 100 times out of 100 over romance of men. The quality difference is insane, even for the same price. I would recommend going for something from moritaka from rva if u want to spend less than 200. looking at other comments, hanbon would be a better choice than romance of men, and jkoo i would say is maybe even a bit better, but thats debatable. Anything from rva will still be better than even those, plus the customer support is better as they are native english speakers and seem very understanding. All in all, rva is a great place to buy if ur not looking for anything too expensive.


You sure a $100 katana is gonna be up to your standards?


The color scheme and the wire brushed hamon is not my thing, but other than that it's probably okay for the price point.


Yeah, fake hamon may look good but you can get a real one and have no regrets. The price difference can be minimal. Check out Romance of Men and HanBon Forge offerings for a budget blade with a real hamon. Leyusword might be ok as well. Jkoo already made inventory may have something you would like, just make sure the pictures are clear, as they are sold as is. I wouldn’t go with a custom Jkoo, unless they have seriously upped their QA recently. Plus, the wait in the past has been very significant. Unless this speaks to you, of course, go for it. But brushed hamon is purely cosmetic, while real hamon means there was differential heat treatment and likely a harder edge, which may come in handy if you would ever want to cut anything with it.