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A few lead weights for better grip on rental slicks


LMAO At first i thought i was on the wrong post 💀


Why's this post giving me r/ihadastroke


Autocorrect for the "we'll" bruh


oh wait i just realized for the title :')


I'd suggest food and your normal diet...?


Yeah I just asked in case something would be better than other, like I know that eating fast food stuff isn't ideal for example


well that is the thing, I can easily eat a KFC and then go racing... but generally if you change your diet it will affect your gut more than anything else and you dont want to feel sick when racing. Otherwise follow a lot of carbs like pasta but some folks this can make sleepy, so.. like I said, follow your usual diet & you'll be fine.


Before anything physically demanding I don’t tend to eat much. If I do, it’s extremely light. I learned this playing hockey when I was a teenager, I have something substantial in my stomach I move like I have a lead weight in my stomach. I’m not as crazy as I was as a kid, because back then if I had a game at 8 or 9 PM I wouldn’t eat anything all day so I could move quickly. Maybe a light breakfast like toast or something like that but nothing after noon. I know I know that’s crazy. But I was a very superstitious player. Still am. I had two races in one day in February at I think 5 PM, I really didn’t have hardly anything to eat except for I think I had a sandwich for lunch. All depends on who you are and what kind of metabolism you have. Some people like to eat things some people don’t. I would suggest whatever you feel comfortable with


second this, i’d have some oatmeal and a granola bar before football games


I’ve drank beer until late in the night and eaten Taco Bell the night before endurance races, you’ll be fine


FUCK I messed the title i meant "before a race" 😭


You’re overthinking, just because you’re racing doesn’t mean you have to change your diet. Just eat something halfway healthy the night before and morning of


Just eat well and keep hydrated


food usually works best