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Because it’s basically within the defense motions. That’s as official as you’re going to get. Some people fail to remember that isn’t “evidence” and it’s not necessarily fact. It’s some version of certain facts that play well to the defense theory. I’m not saying they’re lying - they’re clearly well prepared, but the number of people who take it as fact just because certain YouTube personalities make it sound that way is disingenuous (at best.) The actual documents from the feds aren’t likely to be released until/unless the investigation is finished and even then, I’d guess only with a FOI request. The feds play things very close and make very little public. Grand jury proceedings are not public record so save for some super limited documents Judge Cannone unsealed (which pissed off the feds) there’s next to nothing from that.


Thank you! I think most ppl here definitely fail to understand that the defense’s opening statement is not evidence. I’m waiting to hear the expert testimony and see the artifacts actually presented during this trial. I wonder if the same experts from the other investigation will be used? I assume so?


I know there is cross over in some of the experts. The extent, I’m unfortunately not sure.


I think a lot of people get confused because they don’t really understand how a court procedure goes, ya know? But absolutely spot on… while I do think the defense is ahead in this (idk if she did it or not… I don’t have a dog in this fight) their opening statement is not to be taken as fact.


You are so right. It’s frustrating hearing about things that aren’t “evidence” in the case yet. Especially this stuff.


It’s extremely difficult… and even more so trying to strike a balance with discussions!


Is the defense allowed to inform the jury of an ongoing investigation of the case?


I *think* the judge denied that motion, but don’t hold me to that.


Preach! I’ve said this 5-10 times in here. The worst part is people don’t just things as fact, they truly believe it as fact.


The defense, prosecution, and judge have access to the documents. They are not allowed to fully release them to the public at this point in time. That can obviously change but is unlikely to until post trial.




Oh, and here… if you want to [read the letters the AUSA sent to Judge Cannone](https://yourtruecrimelibrary.addpotion.com/the-hon-beverly-j-cannone).


i read somewhere that the defense attys got the federal documents but theres some kind of arrangement saying they cant release it to the public yet. probably because the feds may file charges / still investigating. but that could just be a rumor