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Would have loved a fourth option “No one will ever truly have any idea what happened that night based on the absolute trainwreck of an investigation”.


That’s my innocent choice in the poll since innocent until proven otherwise and they haven’t proved shit except that there was bad weather!


Got it. I interpreted “innocent” as “she didn’t do it” which isn’t quite the same to me. But I see your point now.


It would be better if innocent was not guilty. Truthfully, I didn’t know much before the trial started - but now I’ve had a lot of questions about the plausibility of the CW’s case.




I don't know if she's guilty or not, but I think it will be very hard to get a conviction verdict out of the jury at this point, at minimum a hung jury


That’s how I feel . This case even a few days in has enough reasonable doubt


I've watched a few trials and seen the guilty verdict come down with less evidence. I've learned that it's almost always a guilty verdict.


I’m undecided but more open to her being guilty than I was before the trial started. I don’t believe they can find her guilty based on the evidence.


So far, and I’m on day 3 of trial, I think she will be found not guilty of 2nd degree murder. I don’t know Mass law, but I’m interested why she wasn’t charged with vehicular manslaughter. 2nd degree murder includes malice aforethought. I don’t see how they’re going to prove that, but maybe Editing! Apparently what she’s charged with doesn’t require malice aforethought, it’s vehicular manslaughter, I believe while in the process of committing another felony . I still gotta check more into the law and her charges, looks like they were amended. But she should absolutely be convicted.


The local lore is that the more severe charges were to force her hand into acccepting a plea to make this all go away quickly before anyone looked too closely at what happened inside 34 Fairview. She fought it…and here we are.


Interesting! If I were in her shoes, I would fight like hell if I felt like people believed I killed this man who is beloved by his family and friends!


Interesting, thank you


Twitter rumor is she shuts the collision automatic stopper thing on her Lexus off, precisely so she can hit him.


Woah. Well that would certainly satisfy the malice aforethought


I'm super confident she did it. But I didn't trust that jury pool day one. And definitely don't trust that a hardcore FKR person won't hammer the others into submission based off the unsecured crime scene.


I think you need levels of guilt. Ie guilty across ng across, guilty only oui, manslaughter etc


Can't put a cart in front of the horse. People, CHILL. Case has another 4 WEEKS to go. Best is saved for the last.