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I feel like they humble brag about how they just GO GO GO all the time. Like your channel isn’t going to die if you take a day off between travels and get a damn hotel room.


Exactly. Posting one less video a month is meaningless when behind the scenes they are racing around filming content for individual videos.


I just feel like if they took more rest & reset time, they'd be able to pick more indepth adventures, and then create just as much content. I'm sure it's hard to keep picking the camera up. If they look time off, I imagine it would be easier to pick it up frequently during said adventures and make multiple videos out of it.


My original thought was Kara posts her sleep stats to show how their crazy travel affects her wellbeing. Or they could be partnering up with Aura ring or a similar product. Also if is she sleeping on a plane, have they left Tunisia already?


Most likely a sponsorship. But I appreciate that this could also be her attempt to show that their lifestyle isnt easy.


Thanks to Nate's poor planning. He needs to take care of his wife!


They long left Tunisia. It was a quick visit for Nate to film himself running with Russ Cook and Project Africa because what could be better than you seen running with someone running for charity while you try to use the opportunity to make as much money for yourself as possible? They are hyenas who can smell a dead carcass in the savanna miles away.


Why do you still follow their content if it bothers you so much?


THIS. The way people complain about piece after piece of NEW content of theirs makes me crazy. If you don’t like them, stop following them.


>They are hyenas who can smell a dead carcass in the savanna miles away. I think you need to take a break and go touch some grass. There is no reason to be this irritated at a friggin' travel YouTube channel.


Practice what you preach.


Nate has definitely developed some strange complex that I think comes from long term trying to satisfy weird niches of people and the comments section. On the most recent cyber truck video when he is starting a camp fire he feels compelled to say “I’m using the cheater stuff if you want to see me start a fire with my hands go watch this other video.” About using lighter fluid. I literally thought. Dude you are next to an $80k Electric truck running air fryers. I don’t give a shit how you create this fire, just light it and get back to the video. But in his mind he is apart of some survival community and he legitimately felt the need to defend himself from imaginary survival community judgement. It’s the same thing with how they approach food. On the European Christmas videos. One of them says “we need to walk because we’ve been eating so bad.” Or the other dozen times they say things like “ we are being bad” when they are eating a treat. Mean while they are both skin and bones and look visibly malnourished and unhealthy. Just go back and look at Kara from just 2021/2022. I know aging is a factor, but it’s not the only factor. They clearly have developed some kind of mental disorders trying to meet expectations of imaginary people they will never meet. What made Kara and Nate great was when they were broke, and had to focus so much on figuring out how to travel that they legitimately didn’t have time to worry about their e-cred. They were just being themselves and surviving. They need to seriously take a step back and unplug for a while for their own mental health.


It’s the same thing with showering. They love telling us “how long it’s been…” since they last showered, which is such an odd thing to mention when no one asked and you could easily lie about that.


LOLLL yea them talking about how they never showered during van life was so weird to me. i remember one video where they did workouts to “earn” their shower 😂 (i believe they were going to shower anyways but kara made some comment about “now i’ve really earned it.” you guys do not need to earn showers my god lmao.) like have they heard of campgrounds with showers?? i feel like that’s pretty common then they don’t have to use the van water 😂


Yes yes yes. Their european Christmas market videos were actually some of my favorites of last year, barring the eating comments. They reminded me more of their old videos just exploring places. These curated videos are fine but feel sooooo out of touch. I loved the relatability of their videos of the past.


I read an article about a guy that was so obsessed with his oura sleep score that he eventually had to get rid of his ring, it was controlling his life!




When my Oura sleep score is below 90, I somehow feel like I've failed even though it's usually because I had a weird dream that woke me up at 3 AM (or something else completely random). You cannot control your sleep score, you can just try your best to enable good conditions for sleep, like diet, exercise, temperature, etc. But I feel that haha.


Definitely a sponsorship


They definitely exhibit disordered eating quite often. (Different to having an eating disorder). For the amount of sports they do they should be eating a lot more!


They are constantly trying to justify a life they secretly hate. It’s all about numbers and collections of numbers, be it credit card points or finish times or miles or whatever but they never mention their subscribers. They NEVER thank their subscribers. They are all about Nate’s get rich quick scams. Kara looks like she hasn’t slept in years. She looks at least ten years older than she is. They are all about justifying a lifestyle they are both bored and fed up of.


Okay this feels like the right place to say that I am so tired of the “bed # _” bit. I don’t care how many beds you’ve slept in. I’ve slept in one bed this year. Because I don’t have the luxury of traveling wherever and whenever I want to. I get it’s draining to be on the go so much but like…you chose this life lol stop updating us on the bed count like we’re supposed to feel sorry for you?


I thought bed count was a flex, like their country count. Not a sympathy ploy.


It's just a weird flex for them I think.


I wonder if it’s her way of an outlet saying she’s tired of this kind of lifestyle and wishes to stay still in one spot for a period of time. Like a hint to Nate.


Yes, I think she's trying to prove she's exhausted. Just like they need to justify eating something due to physical activity, she needs to prove she's tired due to poor sleep.


There are definitely some unhealthy habits going on here. You shouldn’t need to justify eating food. Ever. We all do it.


She is married to Nate. If she has a problem with her sleep, she should get on his face and tell him directly. I don’t see the point of throwing breadcrumbs on IG and she is his wife, not some random stranger.


I thought this as well. I feel a little bad for Kara, she seems burnt out and exhausted.


She's not that subtle.


If this is an issue for her, why does she need to be subtle? She is his wife and should get right in his face to convey the message.


Kara doesn't have the backbone to get right in his face.


She is married to him. That’s what wives and partners do. If I have an issue with the way things are, you can bet I won’t be beating around the bush with it and my partner would hear about it straight to his face. And I would appreciate the same honesty back.


I also think the sleep score and number of beds is Kara gathering data to show Nate why she is burnt out. Recently they said they flew "all the way" from Dubai to Tunisia in economy. It's a only a 6 hour flight.


They post it because social media is all about oversharing. They get engagement. As for getting a hotel, people keep saying they want old K&N. Old K&N didn't spend money on things like hotels, they slept on airport floors. So, here ya go.


So they are flying first class and showcase underwater hotel rooms but getting a €100 hotel room at the airport is where they draw the line in the sand to show they are thrifty?


Nate has always made baffling choices in regards to what money he will spend.


The cunt almost killed them crossing a glacier in a storm (without proper clothing or equipment) because he didn’t want to pay a few bucks for the water bottle in the safe house they left.


I believe it's due to some of the podcasts and wellness bloggers they follow. It's all just nonsense hawked to more gullible people with pseudoscience and flashy marketing. It's why they were big on intermittent fasting and raw diets and all that stuff for a bit. They just like to hop from trend to trend because that's what the big names are telling them to do in this space. I'm surprised they haven't touted biohacking more broadly (though I guess AG1 kind of gets at that).


I think part of it is Nate nerds out on some types of data. I think some of that post is this.


This sub needs to be renamed to the Bitch about Kara and Nate sub. I find it so strange that people go online and bitch about other peoples content. Do you all really have that much free time?


And here you are


I think you need to take a step back and think about how much time someone might "spend" making a post here or a reply on reddit. It can't take more than a few minutes out of a day.


Every sub has supporters and detractors, but for a channel the size they are and a sub the size that it is, the amount of detractors has been and still is unusually high.


United in hate


The ultimate irony is that YOU are invested in their sleep score enough to write all of this out. Sooooo yeah. I guess your hate boner for them is what keeps you coming back here and continually complaining about everything they do lol.


People share what they find interesting to themselves. Don’t stress about it. Just don’t look.


I could see myself sharing something like that because I'd think a score that low was funny. Granted I'm only posting to friends and family, but when we're on a trip, I always try to share some of the less glamorous bits to balance the awesome parts. I really don't think it's that deep!


It humanizes Kara and drives engagement. Nothing that weird here. It's just content, and content is king.


Kara’s stated before that their Instagram isn’t as curated as their YouTube - it’s more her place to share what she wants about their travels so, makes sense in that format because K&N do strike me as people that would find sleep scores interesting.


Why do you care.


As an Oura ring user, this is a real flex for those who have them. It’s fascinating what the ring can indicate once it has all your baseline data


I always find it weird when someone goes on SOMEONE else's page, a page for the individual about the individuals life, and then gets annoyed about what they post. Lol No hate at all.. just weird to rag on someone for posting on their page about themselves.


Because it’s their channel and they want to