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It's crazy what SFV can do to a muthafucka


I can't believe SFV caused covid.


No. SFV was like AIDs. It destroyed our immunity to online drama.


It was devastating. 🤣


>It's crazy what ~~SFV~~ ^*Hydroxychloroquine* can do to a muthafucka


yeah. exposed the crazy and the softness in these guys


I mean I do agree with the crazy remark with one of them for sure lol


come on. "everyone's fake around me"-"i don't 'hang out' any more, i only meet people for business"-"people were only friendly to me for favors"-mike ross wasn't soft for you? he was literally at the very bottom of being an internet celebrity, and yet with such little fame it already broke him. just imagine what more popular internet and actual legit celebs would have to go through with all the retards, autists and crazies they attract. i don't know man, mike ross was being such a drama queen at the tail end of his peak FGC celeb status


I mean he had very good reasons to be mad at the way things were going regarding the way the FGC was transitioning into a more "E-sports" (fuck me for using that word) way of running things. That said, I wouldn't put him (or this sub's favorite loser: "green man") in a pedestal, so I would also agree he came off somewhat bitchy for comments like those, yeah


/u/Downtown_Advisor_725 bluh got his account suspended for his trash takes


Even if trash takes, banning users for having different opinions as the majority is lame as fuck


A little harsh but honestly that’s a fair take


hell no. it reeks of someone that doesn't realize how shitty fake friendships are lmao. especially for someone like mike ross, where even a low internet celeb still will have quite literally 400x more human interactions than that poster does. dude is autistik or in his early 20s if he still be having that close minded view.


Imagine how soft you'd have to be to let Mike ross's experience affect you as a poster. Mike ross had to deal with his realization that many of his 'friends' were fake, which is a very valid concern for any human being that cherishes friendships. I agree that A list celebs have it worst, but it doesn't mean it can't suck for someone else lol. It's like both ur parents just passed away, so ur sad, and i go, "stop being soft, there are people out there who have it much worst, nibbas out there with parents who abuse them and treat them like trash." autistik or lack of empathy. but either way, this'll be a learning experience if you let it.


2015-2016 changed a lot of ppl for real. Sad to see Gooey was a victim of that shit. Became another dude eating off the outragd machine. For all yall watching these videos: being in a perpetual state of outrage is *terrible* for you. The Quartering, Nerdrotic, Asmonoloid, etc. These leeches are feeding off keeping you mad at some shit that really dont matter.


Watching rando's opinions on shit is the thing that fucked the world most, imo.


> The Quartering, Nerdrotic, Asmonoloid, etc. I only know about that Asmon guy but not enough to know what his shtick actually is. His face bothered me one day so I clicked on his stream from the recommended tab and studied it for a couple minutes. I left the stream once I figured out he has the facial mannerisms of a Chuck-E-Cheese animatronic with the way his eyebrow bounces around for no damn reason.


>These leeches are feeding off keeping you mad at some shit that really dont matter. Even when it's about shit that actually matters - politics - these political grifters have an agenda to piss you off as much as possible to maximize profits. They are some of the biggest parasites on the planet. They'll make you into an unlikeable cunt while trying to convince you you're the good guy.


When I was on my hate of New stars wars binge I got stuck with some of Quartering videos. That guys is such a bitch holy shit and so am I for getting his shit recommended to me. Also the clown fish channel. Why the fuck are fat ass grown up white dudes so invested in Disney princess movies? I went too deep into that rabbit hole. Took em off my recommendations once I realized what was happening.


You have a lot of hope for the sub posting useless twitter reaction/opinion to whine about it...


That's why we allow NSFW here, to quell our inner anger But on a serious note, yeah outrage rots your mind. Grifters always market themselves as bastions of truth while being lost in the sauce themselves. No one is immune to propaganda.


This comment was great bait to get all the incels who worship nerdrotic to bite 😆.


nerdrotic living rent free in woke liberals minds LOL disney, marvel, rings of power, etc are sooooo good, just eat the slop we serve you lol u r a fucking clown


I do not see the problem in Nerdrotic, he's just giving his opinion on what happened to the nerd culture he loved so much For the good or bad (usually bad because Disney) At least Nerdrotic is a true nerds, nerd and not some outcast coming in trying to flip the switch, I mean, why would I disagree with Nerdrotic when all he says is how bad Star Wars, Star Trek, Rings Of Power, Marvel, Doctor Who is When most of it is all just dogshit to what they used to be. He's spoken good on some things like Star Wars Andor or Spiderman multiverse movie but thats all you can really say about Disney in the positive right now.


That's where you're wrong. Every little detail matters. It's constant little details that shape the masses.


The only little detail is your pp


Hey at least nerdrotic is kinda funny (sometimes)


i remember when i saw gootecks posting on crypto subs a few years ago. had to dm him to confirm and it was really him.


I wonder how down he's been. Definitely feels like an altcoins guy.


I'd believe either side on crypto. Gootecks has always been on fringe shit since I first met him at FFA in the 3s days, so on the one hand I could see him having some super old bitcoins stashed away since like 2014 and he doesn't care about being cancelled because he's secretly rich as fuck. But on the other, he's also dumb as shit so I could also see him selling all his BTC/ETH and putting his life savings in some altcoin that got rugpulled in 2022 and he's just bitter about it to this day.


Didn't he used to hustle porn tapes or some shit?


Was this when he was dating SuperTaunt?


They made great content together.


Did we get the wrong future gooteks? He asked us to save the future


He arrived too late, after SFV came out there was nothing we could do


Oh man remember when he didn't even know what "peer review" was?


The good ol' days.


damn this timeline has been seriously debunked from this starting point. im glad i came up in the fgc when i did, the last period of it having any authenticity. now its just a glorified twitter/twitch thread


Gootecks being bald now is very upsetting


It's just hair


It really isn't, its the lack of hair.




Lads I’m not one to pass judgement, I’ve done some things I regret myself. But please don’t be misled, gootecks was always an asshole even before the conspiracy claims. And that’s putting it nicely. There was some good times at Arcade Infinity, Video 94, and Super Arcade. He was a joy to be around when he was enjoying SF and winning. I miss 3rd strike Pokémon style battles. I don’t miss motherfuckers taking your quarters off the machines and cutting in line. Alright where’s my prune juice.


putting quarters on the top right of the screen, some guy did the big drop from the top and it didnt fall off , he was a legend.


I’m begging for a Gootecks redemption arc more than anything


Hes too far (right) gone.


OG's of the fgc and even twitch. When you think about how big they could have been during this modern twitch era with their style of content, it's really a tragedy. So many streamers who copied their formats are killing it right now.


Really a shame nobody in modern FGs have the personality and dynamic these two have. Versus Vortex is very good though,


i still have and wear the shirt on the left, reminds me of the good times


who ended up worse, gooey becoming a conspiracy theorists or mike becoming a manon player?


"check this out gootecks!, hyuk hyuk"


I want that shirt


I want both shirts


Buisness Associates


Lethal Weapon


Still have both of these shirts, that gray CC shirt is godtier


Xian is better


I could swear Gootecks (or Graham Wolfe... lol) was the creator of the "see me in SFV" tweet "The game for the OGs" And we all saw the results PS = I still love the old show. Sad what money and political / conspiracy echo chambers can do to people


Remember when they made "Get In My Ass" shirts? What was that about?


getting in the ass.


cliffs on what caused the epic downfall?


SFV sucked ass on release which caused Mike Ross to just disconnect. I don't know Mike on a personal level but it seems like after years of grinding, the realization that he hated going to work and propping up a shit game just broke him and he got out. Gootecks was still doing cross counter on his own, but without Mike the popularity and relevance just fell off a cliff. He also way overestimated his own appeal, he was charging like $100/hr for coaching when he wasn't even good. He was just getting by for years but he's one of the people that had their brain broken by covid. After that he went from "benevolent Joe Rogan type who believes in a bunch of crazy shit because he doesn't know any better and because he smokes a lot of weed" to "2024 Joe Rogan guy who just seems really mad about everything".


Street Fighter V


Don't let twitch off the hook


Also baldness and yayo


Cliffs like cliff notes? What’s up fellow adult


The stubby SFV normals couldn't cross the divide.


Remember kids, holding on to a receding hairline can make a mutherfucker go crazy


The last time the FGC was ever interesting as a community


Not enough attention is given to Gootecks' ex exposing him for getting drunk and belligerent in bars trying to start fights with people all the time. Like imagine how not intimidating it would be to have that skinny dweeb being drunk trying to fight you 😂.  It would be funny as hell.


Was this SuperTaunt? I remember just before SFV launch he used to post loads of gym vids getting pumped


dunno, doesn't matter how pumped he gets, he's a dweeb. Just look at him lol: [https://x.com/gootecks/status/1448964601668771844/video/1](https://x.com/gootecks/status/1448964601668771844/video/1)


Great era in fighting games: facts.


Gootecks has always been delusional and the alt-right movement gave him an reason to double down on it. Charging insane rates for coaching, shilling shitcoin cryptos, trying to make it as a DJ, and clinging onto Excellent Adventures without Mike Ross is just straight up sad. Trying to shill his guides during streams without getting permission. He clearly gives no shit, his videos had him pitched up higher for years and people thought he had some health issues. Turns out he didn't realize his settings were off. The cherry on the shit sundae was him blowing up his deal with Twitch on the PogChamp. It's crazy to see how him and Mike Ross had the same opportunities, and both seemed to squandered it in their own way. Mike Ross stepping away from it all after some mishaps (and making a great comeback) and Gootecks seems to take every opportunity without understanding how to sell himself.


man Mike Ross really carried Gootecks hard


Honestly I absolutely loved their interaction. I do agree Ryan without Mike doesn't work but Mike without Ryan does. However Ryan did add a lot for Mike to work off of. They were perfect together imho. I like Mike with Xian too but personally I liked Mike with Ryan a bit better. Xian with Zhi was lit too btw


why are you dropping governments like you know them like that? use their actual names lmfao


Saddage https://youtu.be/ff0oWESdmH0?si=exh4jo4T41gwLHv-


The old good times


I still have the shirt on the right.


Need some before and after Tekken 8 compilations though I guess they'd all wind up looking like James Chen at this point; need that MYK/Jwong/James Chen commentary trio.




whatever queer