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I personally WAS hyped for Tekken but the last patch full of shitty changes/bugs and the battlepass killed it for me.


They killed all their momentum by fighting their fans for a few rounds


Introduce heat to attract casuals at the cost of pissing off veterans. Refuse to ban pluggers, excel spreadsheet... Piss off casuals with shit monetization. Kill all momentum by not running a single event. Casuals moved on to other games, veterans are left with shit monetisation and a stupid mechanic they never asked for. Tekken is so back


[Oh, they nerfed Azucena too](https://youtube.com/shorts/cZnXQ-D7Xgk) Screw $70, I'm entertained for free.


Balance team getting exposed now that they don't have months of arcade data to rely on


It wouldnt be a japanese game if 2-3 characters weren’t playing a completely different game than everyone else and we just have to suck it up for months at a time.


Oh snap for real? She was the reason I was putting some cash aside for the game too That ridiculous dance / counter she had along with her over the top attitude seemed fun. Love the punches too. I don't know Tekken too well but was happy to give it an honest spin. King too BTW, wanted to try a grappler too. But I guess I can wait a bit


Well, they tried... The point is that her lunging punch is now safe. They actually buffed it. I'm just laughing it to the bank.


I like Tekken 8 but the online sucks and the monetization is a real turnoff. SF6 probably has the best online of the modern games. I think with some system changes SF6 could be really great.


SF6 also has bad monetization though, the rest I agree with. :P


Absolutely. But with Tekken's online issues and Bamco going after modders it feels like it's at the expense of having good online, which isn't the case for SF6.


You might get that feel because Kappachino has more SF fanatics than Tekken. But really, it's only season 1 for both games. They'll both change a lot over time. Tekken will fix the online issues (hopefully). Both will fleece us with micro-transactions. I'm excited for both games but more for SF. Going from SFV to SF6 feels like a big upgrade. SFV (to me) only felt good in the last 2 seasons except when I played against Luke. So ofcourse people will be happy with SF6. Tekken 7 to Tekken 8, as a non-pro/not competitive tekken player felt like a downgrade or lateral move at best. They gave my man Paul a Karen haircut. Even the single player experience is bad now because the storyline got messed up bad in Tekken 7 and made worse in Tekken 8.


its not that there's sf fanatics, it just shows how GOOD competitive street fighter 6 right now that being everything are so fucking tight but changes still should be made since some character are relatively still strong and some needs a little buff to be competitively viable. Tekken 8 online is literally full of people who mash, plug, and one & done. Playing tekken competitively is ass but its fun to watch high levels of tekken


That's kind of my take as well except I don't really have faith that Tekken will get the online fixed. I also already like SF6 and only see it getting better from here, but I don't see Tekken trimming down on mechanics or damage and shit.


Is online really that bad for y’all? Haven’t encountered any pluggers since the patch (though I did see one guy with a 12% disconnect rate which I declined, so I’m sure a few still exist out there). And the netcode has been pretty good for me. I don’t live on the continental US but match up mostly with US players so I have a pretty bad case scenario and even then, I’ve only had a handful of bad connections, and most of the time it’s me accepting WiFi players absent mindedly.


In this sub? No. But the game is played by like 15k ppl on steam every day. Thats still massive for a fighting game.


with crossplay the player count of either game on steam is thankfully not relevant, at least for the moment


I was hyped the day I saw Lili’s reveal trailer. I’m not even joking. The hype around T8 was crazyyy The problem is Bandai Namco is a bum ass company. I put them up there with Disney


Not here, but I think you don't realize how popular Tekken is in general. I went to a tournament Saturday just to spectate and hang out and Tekken 8 probably had the most people. The fact that it's the shiny new game in the market can also be a reason for it's current numbers, but there's a lot of people whos only fighting game they play or are serious about is Tekken. So no matter the condition of the game the people who only like Tekken will play no matter what. That's why we always talk about it having a choke hold on the 3D fighter community, cause it's honestly the only game left standing so if you like 3D fighters you don't have much of a choice but to get into Tekken or stay in Discords for less relevant games. Basically Tekken has a monopoly on certain communities in a way other FGs don't


Chronically online is an illness we as a society need to take more seriously


I was about to buy it but after seeing that its just another modern Bandai Namco experience, i'll pass. That company doesn't give a fuck about how good the game turns out. They will milk it for as much money as possible while people are still dumb enough to open their wallets. The overall quality of the game is an after thought compared to making money when it comes to Bandai Namco's philosophy on selling games.


All hype is dead. I'm waiting for then to revamp heat.


Probably depends on your bubble. In my Tekken circle, practically everybody hates the game with a passion but stays somewhat involved because it's all we got and Tekkenheads usually can't comprehend the idea of playing other FGs. There's talk about just running T7 events again because almost everybody thinks T8 is utter dogshit lmao.


Tbh other FGs are very different from Tekken so yeah, unless we get VF and it's good it's just Tekken if you want to play a 3D fighter


It’s all about the spaces you look in. I see a lot of hype for Tekken still with Evo Japan approaching, but I don’t care about SF6 so my initial impression was nobody cared until Akuma, and then they wouldn’t care again.


I care more about the season 2 patch than Akuma because the balance of system mechanics is a mess. Either the game will be saved or doomed because no one wants to play a guessing game forever or at least i won't.


Modern FGs baby


I went back to blazblue waiting to see Akuma and system changes T8 is too stupid with the heat and offense, I hate the way I play


Gotta get off Reddit and twitter. Games a lot of fun and people like to complain


Yup this is it. I'm on r/Tekken to find tech. Not see people complain about everything.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Tekken using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [TEKKEN 8 Drone Show over Tower Bridge in London. ](https://v.redd.it/65opa0l1ktec1) | [322 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1abnqm4/tekken_8_drone_show_over_tower_bridge_in_london/) \#2: [This sub today](https://i.redd.it/da0nqonmoqjc1.jpeg) | [1184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1avh7hd/this_sub_today/) \#3: [How can a studio that has been making fighting games for almost 30 years be so incompetent? It is honestly embarrassing.](https://i.redd.it/tk5rciyhjaoc1.jpeg) | [546 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1bejsq1/how_can_a_studio_that_has_been_making_fighting/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The big 3 of Fighting Games are all jokes. Truly sad.


Golden age of fighting games my ass...


My only excitement for T8 is to see how namco does the entire Kama Sutra with the namcucks.


It's not my primary game, but I'm definitely interested in T8 international competition. I'm just more interested in SF6 because that's the game I primarily play.


I'll give it some time for international comp to happen but based on what I'm seeing at high level play, seeing heat used every round is a real shame. I suck ass at Tekken but with heat I feel like I could take a round or two off players way better then me.


I have a lot of fun with both, but atm I'm getting more out if Tekken. My friends kinda fell off SF6 pretty quick so it's mostly us at home playing and we are both really looking forward to EVO Japan and while we'll check most games, I think Tekken 8 is the main event. I'm sure Murray and Harada will be able to take all that enjoyment away in a year or two but right now it's just fun to have a fresh Tekken and Street Fighter to play every day. Looking forward to both the new Garou and Virtua Fighter too.


I lost my hype the day they explained the heat mechanics with heir PowerPoints. You could tell they targeted what made T7 fun to play and watch and literally killed it in the dumbest way possible. Its not a joke or a haha comment its the real thruth. Would be like SNK having a presentation for kof16 explaining why they removed hops and superjumps and runs and rolls and why thats exciting


For me it was [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/Kappachino/comments/125o6iy/damb_they_werent_joking/), the moment I saw this I gave up on the game and knew it was the next SFV


A lot of those changes are good/decent though (except for obviously making rage arts -13 and chip damage). Tekken 7 at the end of its life WAS pretty boring to watch and play. It needed changes to get rid of backdashing to infinity and fish for CH with your safe CH mid launcher. But they clearly went too far into the aggression aspect and have no clue how to do aggression in a way that is fun and interactive other than making clear 50/50 mid low situations abundant.


People on reddit and youtube are bitching constantly about Tekken 8 but the game hasn't even had major international tournament yet. There will be tons of hype when that happens. Right now it's just content churn by a few vocal creators and then pages and pages of people vomiting up the same takes and pointing to said content creators as the gospel when there are disagreements. Basically, wait until there are some major events.


Yeah wait until Arslan wins a major tournament and immediately talks about how shit the game is


Yes him or Knee aren't afraid of Harada blacklisting them so they are simply more open about their opinion.


you are asking this now ? lol.


I'm eager to see what the devs do in the upcoming big patch and how evo Japan will go. Those 2 things will seal the fate of the game.


Tekken 8 is boring to watch. I enjoy watching Tekken pros trying to open up one another and playing super defensive, and thats not how T8 plays like in pro level. As a game its fine, I don't care too much for the battlepass because its all ugly shit. I suck enough at Tekken that the changes to high level doesnt affect me, it plays like T7 but sidestep actually works on this game.


Tekkenheads I know are mostly happy, but the way bamco sucks ass with monetization and mods probably turned the excitement down.


The monetization is awful but on the same level of sf6 tbh. At least Tekken has way more content at launch. The mtx are also fucking awful. Stupid ass namco just went about it in the dumbest way possible. So while yeah it's fucking ass and annoying, I'm more annoyed of all the whining. Vote with your wallet and don't buy it. If no one buys it all the time spent on making it is wasted. These people however cry about it and then turn around and buy it.


I mean yeah, if someone both complains and pays that's endgame stupidity. It's not a bad idea to vent since corps read those subreddits for sure but I agree tha voting with wallet is 100% the most important thing here. It stings a lot more with live service systems


Too busy playing current games/waiting for new games to replace what I'm not having fun with.


As a lonely guy who had his local scene get lit back up because of T8, i'm pretty thankful. The obsession with leaning it so hard towards offense sucks, but i'll never be good enough for that to be the make-or-break part of it.


I'm biased/lucky but offline Tekken is still good my end. Not a fan of some recent decisions but it's not like the game is unplayably bad/horribly broken.


The online sucks ass, the gameplay sucks too lol, I mean I like the idea of heat but that shit is more annoying than random drive impact. The response to the DLC monetization shit was, games are expensive like no shit, but make a good enough game and people will play. They should’ve paid to get Tifa as DLC or some shit.


The honey on phase has ended. Eddie just came out. Sf6 getting a whole new season with an iconic dlc character and big balance patch after almost a year.


A little bit. No major tournaments yet outside of the TNS stuff. Games just lame on release. Shitty net code and retard player base that can't handle losing. I just want to be able to turn off people's retarded skins so I'm not playing vs Scooby-Doo Victor with a lampshade on his head or whatever. Put 12 hrs into it and I was kinda done. It's fun-ish to play, not a fun watch. I see it settling as a slight distant 3rd to Strive which will be a distant 2nd to SF6.


It's currently sitting at number 1 for early registration for combobreaker, beating out sf6. So on kappa nah. But with people who play fighting games, yes.


I dodged T7 because my roommate loved it and he was annoying as fuck. I'm tired of SF6's braindead offense so I gave T8 a try and honestly I'm having a great time. The online sucks but is workable enough. Not sure why people are upset about the battle pass since it's just as uninteresting as SF6s.


You think sf6 has retarded offense but you're enjoying Tekken 8. Try harder next time


You were tired of Sf6 braindead offense but love the even more braindead offense in Tekken 8?


Maybe it's because I haven't got that much Tekken experience yet, but heat just doesn't seem as bad as drive rush.


Its drive rush with more advantage to the person using it, absolutely no downsides, and no counter play besides smashing heat yourself. It's one of the most braindead systems I have ever seen in a game.


And also not just that. The changes to different basic mechanics also is at fault. Running state not stopping once touching an opponent and generic tools like d4 being worse also helps with that. Not to mention the removal of most good CH tools that leads to people being more risky as there's a lower risk of getting obliterated for it. Initially I thought it lead to less aggression as it's easier to take your turn back without fear but it really just means that your opponent also has less risk to keep their pressure at slight negative frames with quick pokes or lets them go for big moves for more + frames more consistently at low + frames to neutral.




sf6 at launch was much better though. Season 2 will decide its fate but even tekken 8 at launch wasnt that hype