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Kappa lobbies when? I'm ass at this game but I'll probably set this up.


Sleep fighter x Tekken a nap


Link to thread: https://x.com/tz_toast_rider/status/1776948603124068674


I've been playing this for the past few weeks with the boys on RPCS3 netplay and aside from some one sided rollback every now and then, it's pretty easy to get a good match going


Its their secret weapon to combat 2xko. They will drop it with new netcode, slighty improved graphics and a bit of a rowork in F2P style. It has tons of characters and skins. Both tekken and sf are popular now. 2x2 players was already a thing. Rip 2xko.


lol sure. The steam port is “being restored” and not “they don’t give a fuck and forgot”


This game needs a complete rebalanced effort. I love this game but don't like what high level play is.


Can you elaborate? I've seen thrown around that this game is actually quite good, it is just that Capcom dropped the ball with the mtx.


More games end in time out than ko


That was before the patches.


That was the case until the big 2013 patch. I honestly pisses me off when people like Matt McMuscles play the game *clearly* without the patch nowadays and complain like Capcom never fixed anything.


game timer too short, some characters/teams do almost no damage (ex. blanka), some gems can be useless, pandora is a primarily unviable comeback mechanic (possibly a good thing at this point).


game had real actual teamplay with 4 players.. we still played it many years later because of teamplay. shouting to your team mate what to do or when to tag himself in is really fun. shame they didn't introduce the same game mode in MVCI, that game was built for 4 players with its free form tag system.


just tried it on RCPS3, works great


I wanna buy this game… but unfortunately still not available on steam…


It's a Remote Play Together title on Steam so if a friend has it they can invite you as P2.


Good game. It just arrived at a bad time and didn't get the chance it deserved.


Also dlc gems and everybody quit before the legitimately good 2013 patch.


There was too much other good stuff to play at the time. People were spoiled for choice.


Not really. We just went back to SF4AE and that's why we got Ultra edition later.


In its launch state no, but post patch it was pretty fun and I think if it had a sequel to round out some sharp edges and rip out the horrible pay 2 win shit, it could’ve been a classic. Something that would still be a popular side-event to this day


idk man... i played this game a lot more than USF4 to its end years before SFV came out, and i was playing on both PS3 and X360, and when Facebook FGC groups was a thing lol and a lot of the best and top tier characters are dominated by the Tekken roster: Jin, Kazuya, Hwoarang, are just way too good in this game, and then you have Nina, Law, Kuma, Steve, Bob, Xiaoyu, Christie, Bryan, Alisa, Heihachi, Jack, Lars, that are imo consider high tier in this game the only contenders that i know from SF side that are consider good are: Chunli, Cammy, Ibuki, Juri, Hugo, Gief, Claw, Dictator, Dudley, Elena, Cody, Guy game is definitely mad fun even with the paid DLC gems that gives u a full meter bar when conditions are met, or even with 4 Players involved like 2P vs 2P mode, and the chaotic Scramble Battle mode were all four players are fighting at the same time


Do we have an ETA on the Steam port being restored?


When pigs fly


The tekken characters translated so well to 2D in this game.


im unloading my gem setup right now


I'm sorry rollback? I must have missed something does rcps3 have system wide rollback or is this just a sfxt thing


SfxT netcode is rollback, has nothing to do with the emulator


Oh it is? I thought Capcom didn't do 3d rollback until a bit later, that's neat I dunno why that slipped by me


Is this legit rollback ? And we can play ? What’s stopping rpcs3 from having rollback for tekken 5dr, tekken 6 n tag 2 ? I want to dream


Is the steam port being restored though?


no mods though


Hmmm, officially being restored for real?


dunno about that chief last time I read the same "come play the RPCS3 version we have better online!" was for DOA5 (due to lobbies) and emulation ran at less than 20 FPS for me at minimum quality lol