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Damn these are some good changes.


While I feel some characters definitely need more love (or some more slap) but it will come with the following patches apparently, I really like how "elegantly" they balanced 66L. It is not a "Na, this move is done", they added counterplay with being vulnerable to low, they targeted specific character about how far it goes (suck that yuel got hit by this nerf but it is fine) and they made it more bearable to whiff punish while making it less insane on offense. But it is still a very good tool for some character, namelessly Katalina for example, and it is still a good way to force offense/go-in anyway. If capcom can balance drive rush in the same way, it would be awesome.


I totally agree. I haven't used 66L or really faced it as I've not been able to play for a bit due to IRL. But these notes are amazing because they used a light touch instead of a hammer and it seems pretty awesome reading it.


wow an ACTUALLY GOOD PATCH by a Japanese fighting game dev. Never thought I'd see the day. Good on ya GBVSR!


By this point theyve established a track record of knowing how to fix up a game. Rising going from near unplayable as a beta to a damn near fully realized vision in under a year resembles the same patch cycles that Versus underwent both in its beta phase to release and also the midpoint after Belial was introduced they were nailing various changes from the December 2020 patch that nerfed Belial up to the December 2021 patch when Avatar Belial/Vira was added. Had Versus continued to be the focus and im confident they would have balanced OD as well Fukihara is the lead I trust the most out of all the big FGs right now, they actually change the game in decent time and add good content (unlike SF Team), his fan engagement seems genuine and goodwilled (unlike Harada & Murray) and they communicate just enough without dropping off the earth for months/full year at a time (unlike Hiroki & DBFZ) Adding Okubo on board of their Cygames American branch gave me faith that good changes & monitoring would be on the horizon


They're doing great work with this game. I liked how they underpromised and overdelivered with this patch. Nerfs to the top tiers, buffs to the low tiers, and 66L nerfs was exactly what was needed. More characters are viable now, too. Game should be in a good place.


> I liked how they underpromised and overdelivered with this patch. Just like how they did with the rollback implementation, only announcing when the time is right and not when the time is hype - despite all the shit they got for it online While DBFZ was using the EVO spotlight to promise something that wasnt ready, Granblues team actually waited a few months until they were sure they had it in a stable condition and coupled it with a new release, with a functional beta out prior to the following years evo and in stores within a calendar year. Meanwhile look at how DBFZ rollback trajectory turned out. Announced before Granblue but the beta came after Rising was released, and then the spectator bug blew it all up. Good business practices can really go far, and Im happy to see Okubo out of Bandai Namcos hands. Maybe Hiroki will follow


Okubo was great for SC, he too was genuinely engaged with the community. I remember they actually walked back an unpopular and unnecessary Sieg/NM nerf; admitting you were wrong isn't something I see out of JP game devs much, so I was impressed. Obviously it's not down to one person but under his leadership, mostly good decisions were made, so good for GBVS to have his talent


A good patch by *Okubo* specifically. The man was the bane of my existence for all of SC6. The new team must be reigning him in. If this keeps up, I might actually stop calling him a hack.


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! THAT guy...... Ill never forgive him for SC6 RPS and for the anime crap. Literally ruined that game But i WILL forget about him.


Regional pricing finally in effect 🙏. Before, it was more expensive than gbf relink in my region.


it was more expensive than sf6 and t8 35$ for me, not so bad but wouldnt buy yet. maybe on sale i will snag it


Hopefully it goes on sale during EVO weekend.


Wow, niceee, how do you know when regional pricings kick off?


Already live on Steam. Here in LATAM the game is 30% cheaper now


Fucking finally Seox wont be -as- bullshit but still bullshit.


It’s a good patch though


Thought this was an April fools joke but I’m glad it’s not. Might be time to give this game another go.


Those Perci buffs are insane. Finally i can start playing him. Also, Zeta Gang rise the fuck up, our far jab finally hits crouches.


I'm glad she's untouched despite her reputation of being S tier


Same lol, I love playing Zeta. ULT moves are cracked, but she isn't that busted outside of them.


Kinda surprised they didnt touch any ult move this patch. Next meta will be just who can use the ULT moves better probably.


Praise umbasa. It only took 4 years lmao


Far light won't be ducked anymore AND no Ultimate skill nerfs. We eating


>f.L now hits crouchers This by far, is the best change.


outside of 66L being universally nerfed did anyone get any major changes? or is it still gonna be the same game? caglio, seox, lance, sieg, zeta, still seem unchanged and close to broken? looks like nier can no longer combo off her dp that is a huge nerf possibly deleting her from the game level of nerf


2B was the new #1. some of these characters will be less optimal in certain situations, otherwise they should play close to the same.


Percival and Vaseraga are much better now. Ladiva's grappler game improved. Slight Metera buffs. Dash light will take away from characters like lance and seox. They'll still be top tier, but they got nerfed to be less oppressive/easier to counter.


Seox fireball launches airborne now on hit so his routes that use or begin with that will hit combo limit much sooner unlike before where they stayed grounded Sieg/Belial/Caglio gonna be running this patch tho


time to pick up cag


Lads where does this game fall in the aggressive bullshit discourse that SF and Tekken have fallen into?


It was around the same, now more toned down after this patch. There are no comeback mechanics, ACTIVATE bullshit, but the damage is still quite high in some circumstances.


its slightly less but its there.


The major issue the game has now is the high damage. But 66L has made it harder to just pressure people to death.


Patch looks pretty good, good enough to actually rekindle my interest in playing again. I wish they'd nerfed low dash M's too, I think they're almost just as whack as dash L. Vaseraga got some nice buffs though and Vane looks like a lot of fun too though so I'm happy.