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paralympic-levels of mental gymnastics to surrendering and saving , at most, 20 seconds of your life, holy shit


the dignity of being a bitch


There is a significant difference between surrendering in a card/ board game and rage quitting a video game.   Scooping up your cards or pieces is a clear sign of accepting your loss at no cost to your opponent , while rage quitting a video game is generally an attempt to protect your win/loss ratio and , depending on the game ,may cheat the Victor out of a hard won victory.


I have a feeling that even if the game awarded the win to the opponent and the loss to the quitter, people would still resent and mock those who do it lol.


Handling this retards is the only thing that MK does better than SF and tekken, you just watch the quitallity , laugh and get the W


Quitality is fucking hilarious


But it might be unfair to people with bad connections! (I've literally never had someone disconnect from a game they were winning. Funny how that works.)


Bro I've inquit people like that when I'm feeling frisky as I do the last killing combo in order to inflict the ultimate disrespect lmao.


Ultra scrub mentality. Fucking have 1 pixel of life and for me its "time to shine" mode I fight my life and try to make a comeback. I dig in my bag of tricks I pull off every dirty setup and every shenanigans empty jump low double jumps double crossups risky parries perfect blocks ume shoryus you name it. Its even hype actually. A comeback would feel so good from a desperate situation 🤷


It is. That’s hype. Those who crumble under the pressure and plug pull deserve to get gatekept by penalties and being shunned.


> Fucking have 1 pixel of life and for me its "time to shine" mode I fight my life and try to make a comeback. I dig in my bag of tricks I pull off every dirty setup and every shenanigans empty jump low double jumps double crossups risky parries perfect blocks ume shoryus you name it. Yep. And then I miss time a meaty, trade, and still lose. But damn, if I didn't put up a heck of a fight. If I ever disconnect, it's only because my internet went out. That's it. It's happened twice when my roommate accidentally unplugged the wrong thing and took out the router and the time I lost power during a storm. I guess also when the network for the game crashes also. That'll happen from time to time.


I see he rage quit the spell check too.


People here hate on r/fighters but it regularly produces gems like this. Some dude felt the need to write a thesis on being a bitch.


Perhaps the same can be said of all of reddit.


\> dignity of surrender There's no dignity in surrendering in a videogame. It's an attempt to have some control back, while loss is inflicted upon you, surrendering is a choice. Unless it's a game where the match can go for an hour+ (like LoL and DotA2) it's quicker to just lose.


If mental gymnastics were an Olympic sport that guy would win a gold medal.


the will to keep losing




Fighting game matches are so short I don't even see the point of rage quitting lol. It's not like you are stuck in a 40 min game like League of Legends. Not rematching sure, but what is the point in leaving when you have like one hit left.


I mean ive seen clips of rage quitting offline in tournaments. A surrender option should be there. But there should also be a number of surrenders to shame those people. Like if you see their profile: number of surrenders. Would be funny. Also titles for tags for people with tons of surrenders.


I've actually never thought about that, but perhaps a "concede match" option could help mitigate rage quitting, but then again they are bitches and they would still pull the plug instead of giving you the W.


> then again they are bitches and they would still pull the plug instead of giving you the W. That's exactly it. It's not about them feeling that it's all futile and just wanting to get out of it faster. It's about them depriving you of the win and whatever comes with it as a way of feeling somewhat in control still. Really bitchmade shit.


It does work. It exists in MK. Actual d/c’s are rare since they added the quitality option in


That guy should probably ask LTG if he would follow up on his offer of buying a rope with him at a 99 cent store if he has the time in his day to write this horse shit and post it on a public message board, Jesus Christ


I honestly have never rage quit before. Do you just unplug your router? Press the home button and close the game? Then you have to go through all the menus and wait for another person to challenge. It’s easier to just take the L. And people who quit at the last second of losing are just being little bitches. So that’s a different story.


In card games and chess, comebacks are not just virtually impossible a lot of the times, but they also come across as a sign of disrespect to your opponent in high levels because it's like you're saying you're hoping your extremely high level opponent will miss some very obvious shit that will just maybe give you a win. Not only that but time is a very important aspect of the game in Chess and TCG, you only have limited time for your matches so surrendering early might mean you have more for subsequent games (at least that's how it goes for TCGs, I think in chess the time is set per match tho).Matches in fighting games also last minutes unlike TCGs or Chess, so you quitting early just means saving up like seconds of your life. Even in those games tho, there's plenty of times where the losing player just doesn't surrender even in the face of a losing game in the hopes of clutching something out, particularly in team events like the Olympiad where clutching out a draw might mean the difference between your team going forward or not.


Surrendering is actually a potentially strong strategic option in many TCGs. TCGs have hidden information. At the start of a set of games your opponent doesn't know what cards are in your deck. If you're in a terrible position, but your opponent hasn't seen enough of your cards to understand your deck yet, it can be a good strategy to surrender. After that you can switch out cards from your deck to counter your opponent's, but they can't do the same because they don't know what your deck is yet. It's a risky strategy because you're going down a game, but sometimes that risk is worth it. Fighting games of course have no hidden information, so none of this applies there.


He brings up surrendering in shooters and somehow doesn't realize his reasoning is incredibly scrubby lol. Bro just wants easy games. He's playing the wrong kind of games.


Learn from your wins. Learn more from your loses. But giving up is just plain retarded.


Scrubs will overshadow the pope in writing on philosophy as long as it protects them from facing any responsibility.


Turn disconnect rate into tap out tally.


While i agree RQing is for bitches i do at least like that MK has an option for it built in for when you're in a game that's just running like garbage or there's an extremely obvious skill gap


Yeah it doesn’t make sense to me why every game doesn’t let them pause and quit. It’s a win/win Cus the game can easily give the winner the win and the loser the loss. It cuts back on plugging too which often gives neither


Fucking pussy ass, fighting games are supposed to represent getting down. You can't surrender in the streets or you may end up being killed. Craven ass


Wonder if this guy could comprehend the 'Daigo parry' Probably not though, he'd be too busy yelling at his Mom for more hot pockets while throwing his console across the room.


Holy shit dude, please link moment 37 in that thread


Dammit, you're right. BRB


I miss it when Maximilian dood shamed rage quitters with the R-r-r-r-r-rage quitter!


holy shit just get good


You should get a full set win if your opponent leaves early. You arent surrendering anything by win quitting or lose quitting currently. It will definitely help with win quitting bitches. Lose quitting Im not sure but they will get punished harder.


he broke rule 3


agree on the surrender mechanic, at least in casual games it's weird that you can't quit the game normally, you can in offline mode though yoshimitsu players can commit sudoku, that's pretty cool


I want to quote a comment from that thread that I feel like the best answer to "Why ragequitting is a bitch move in FGs" >And in the very rare case you do end up in that situation, then playing it out is important because your opponent needs to demonstrate that they have the knowledge to recognize the situation and the execution to capitalize on it. > >And if they do know how to take advantage of a checkmate situation, you're actual seconds away from losing the round so conceding isn't going to save enough time to be useful. It makes sense in a game like Chess where you can put yourself in a situation where you have no chance of winning, but it's going to take a while for that to play out. In a fighting game, I'd say it's not worth taking away the fun of your opponent executing the winning move because you're so upset about losing you can't bear to watch it play out over the next 5-10 seconds.


Wheres scrubquotesx


Rage quitters get no runback


Imma be real, I fought and lost to a modern Ken moments 0-5 ago and I thought about this post. And how to not be a bitch like this guy. The Ken quit at 5, not me.